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Driving Me to Christmas (London Loves Book 5)

Page 6

by Farrell, Julie

  Verlaine swept his glance across Sam’s fit body, which was still half-covered by the now-open negligee. He watched his fingers, as they probed inside the hem of her panties, causing that beautiful body to judder with lust. Then he turned his head and gazed into her gorgeous brown eyes, which were half-closed and full of passion. Her face was consumed; he knew she was at his mercy.

  “I need to taste you,” he said.

  She crumpled at this suggestion as if she was in pain, but he knew she wasn’t. The grin she threw confirmed how lost she was in her pleasure. Exactly where he wanted her to be.

  He kissed her on the lips, then enjoyed the journey downwards, lingering to suck a nipple, stopping to lick her toned stomach, and then rummaging his tongue in her panties. Wearing sexy underwear seemed to turn Sam on, so he didn’t attempt to remove it, but instead, he got himself comfortable at the end of the bed, ready to lick her into heaven.

  He lowered his face between her thighs and probed his tongue into her panties, easily finding her clit, which he flicked gently, causing Sam’s fists to desperately grip the duvet. He ran his fingers over her thigh, then eased his first two fingers inside her, relishing the feel of her warm tightness. She tilted her hips eagerly and rubbed herself against him.

  Still licking, Verlaine glanced up at her face. Her eyes were closed and she seemed totally lost in her dream-world. He had no idea what went through her mind when he did this for her, but he was certain she wasn’t thinking about him. It was different when she gave him oral – when all he wanted was to watch was her performing; to see her lips wrapping around his cock; looking sultry and sexy. But she never looked at him when he was down here. She was probably with an assortment of hot guys in her mind – and maybe even some girls. And that was okay. This was his gift to her; to allow her to sink into erotic pleasure without needing to do anything. This was the ultimate treat he could give his girl.

  He increased the speed of his tongue on her clit, and firmly pressed his fingers against her G-spot, rubbing as fast as he could in the place he knew would result in her coming hard.

  The feel of her panties against his moving hand turned him on, and he was desperate to abandon this and finish her off with his cock. But there was plenty of time for that; for now he pushed his face forward, enjoying the sweet taste of her pussy in his mouth and the feel of her tightness around his fingers. Sam ground herself strongly into him, and she suddenly tensed and froze. She seemed to hold her breath for an eternity, skimming along on the crest of a wave of ecstasy, which was due to crash down any second. He continued to tongue her clit and rub her G-spot, knowing she’d kill him if he stopped now. He sensed this was going to be a big release. And then it came – the guttural groan of her orgasm; then the next wave, then the next, increasing with intensity, rising and crashing. He felt so proud to hear Sam enjoying herself, knowing she didn’t need to hold back. He was glad there were no neighbours to worry about around here, so she could really let go. Her pussy contracted with each pulse of pleasure that struck, pulling Verlaine’s fingers further inside, not letting him go. Sam’s leg suddenly gripped his shoulders, and she drew him deeper, rubbing her pelvis against his tongue-tip, and extracting as much pleasure from him as possible.

  Verlaine raised his eyes upwards to look at her face. The delight she was currently immersed in made it all worth it – she looked utterly fulfilled, like a child; so carefree.

  Sam’s fists unclenched and Verlaine eased off the licking as she floated back to reality. He knew her clit sometimes became sensitive after an orgasm, so he tried to maintain the perfect pressure, but his caring mood sagged slightly as she kicked him in the face to move him away.

  He glared at her, but then he couldn’t help but grin. She still seemed lost; like she was under a spell. Sam wasn’t the sort of person who kicked you in the face on purpose. He immediately forgave her, and watched as she continued her journey back to earth.

  He eased himself from the grip of her legs and carefully reclaimed his fingers. Sam glanced down and they made eye contact. The beautiful vibes soared in the air between them, filling Verlaine’s heart with dazzling harmony. Sam giggled.

  He crawled back up the bed to hold her in his arms, which he knew she enjoyed after climaxing. She snuggled into his chest, and he pulled the covers over her naked body, not wanting her to get chilly now she was nice and warm.

  She grinned at him; cheeks still rosy. “Thank you, my love. You’re so good to me.”

  He held her close. “It was awesome for me, too, baby. ‘Cept for when you kicked me in the face.”

  Her expression sunk to worry. “Did I?”

  “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean to.”

  She kissed his bare chest. “I’d never hurt you. Especially not after you did that for me!”

  “I know. I’m glad you enjoyed it so much.”

  There was a beat of silence. Then she giggled again.

  “You’re so beautiful, Sam. So beautiful.”

  “That was amazing. I love you.”

  Verlaine gazed at her and allowed his soul to swell with adoration. It was a pleasure to do that for his girl. She seemed so content now – as if all her problems had been removed and replaced with pure joy.

  He gazed into her eyes. “When I look into your soul I see utter perfection. Absolute love. Not that usual ‘I want you to make me happy’ stuff. But real love. I can see the universe in there, shining back at me. Unconditional.”

  “Aw, Verlaine, thank you. You see, you are very articulate. And you’re very good at the other kind of oral too!”

  He chuckled. “Thanks.”

  She yawned, then kissed him sleepily.

  “Let me return the favour,” she said. “I can’t have all the pleasure around here.”

  “You know I don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do. “

  He brushed his fingers through her soft hair, which was now falling around her shoulders. “How’s about I go make you some tea, and you can get your energy back. Then we’ll see what happens.”

  “Good idea.”

  He kissed her tenderly. “Be right back. Don’t fall asleep.”

  She rested her head on the pillow.

  “I’ll be here waiting for you,” she said. “Don’t be long.”

  “I won’t.” He turned towards the door.

  “Hey, sexy-buns,” Sam said. “Aren’t you gonna put some clothes on? It’s freezing in this house.”

  He stared at his pile of clothes on the floor. “It’s okay – I’ll be quick. I can always wrap a tea-towel around my waist if I get cold.”

  Sam wrinkled her nose. “If you do, make sure you don’t let anyone wipe the dishes with it later!”

  He laughed, then strode out to the landing, missing her already.

  Chapter Seven

  Verlaine grinned as he padded down the stairs in his bare feet. The carpet was threadbare and worn after years of being walked on, but Verlaine felt as if he was floating on a fluffy cloud. Even the disgusting red-and-black wallpaper couldn’t stifle his glorious mood.

  She was just awesome, wasn’t she? He grinned at the thought of her perfect body and wonderful mind. How had he managed to end up with such an amazing woman? He hoped with all his heart that she’d say yes to his proposal; with Sam as his wife, he’d never have any problems again, not really.

  As he continued his journey towards the kitchen, he absent-mindedly hummed Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas. He laughed – how had that got lodged in his head? He must be giddy with love!

  The cold air gripped his naked body and he shivered, regretting not at least putting on a T-shirt. Ah well, he’d quickly make some tea then dive back under the covers with his beloved. The thought of Sam warmed him and he smiled. She filled his heart to the brim with love and happiness. She was the reason for living. Pleasing her and loving her, and creating their life together – that was all he cared about really.

  He chuckled as he thought about the gunpowder mill, pi
tying Rebecca for politely being dragged along. But thankfully they should all be gone for hours, so after Sam had given him some pleasure, they could snooze in each other’s arms, and then maybe wake up and make love again.

  He pushed open the creaky kitchen door and stepped lightly onto the cold flagstones. He lifted his foot to make his way over to the kettle, but a force-field of terror shoved him backwards and he stopped dead. Surprise slashed at his brain as he saw the startled face of Scott – who was sitting at the rustic kitchen table. Scott locked his eyes with Verlaine’s, then he winced and glanced downwards to check out Verlaine’s junk.

  Scott gasped, then smirked suggestively. “Hello, Verlaine.”

  Paul – whom Verlaine now realised was sitting opposite Scott – leapt up and grabbed his coat from the back of his chair. “Jesus, Verlaine, what are you doing!”

  Paul covered Verlaine’s naked body with his coat and started to manhandle him out the door.

  “What am I doing?” Verlaine shouted. “What the hell are you doing!”

  As Paul continued to push Verlaine out to the hallway, he realised that Scott wasn’t alone at the table. His parents and Ellie were watching his struggles against Paul with devastated horror on their faces. Rebecca was sporting an expression of devilish amusement.

  Paul gave Verlaine one last shove backwards, then he slammed the door – shutting out the shocked stares from the kitchen.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Verlaine asked. “What’s going on? Why are they here? I heard them leave! Oh my god, oh my god! Please don’t tell me they heard everything!”

  Paul’s tender face cringed. He lifted the coat away from Verlaine and held it up.

  “Put this on properly, come on.”

  Verlaine grabbed the expensive coat and inspected it. Failing any proper clothes, it would have to do. He tried to put it on, but his arm became entangled as his frustration grew.

  “Give it to me,” Paul said. “Put your arm in here. That’s it.”

  Verlaine drew the coat around his shaking body. “Well?”

  “Look, I’m really sorry – I think this is our fault. Your family were all just leaving when me and Scott turned up. They found us out there on the doorstep about to knock.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you call me first?”

  “You said we could come up for the afternoon if we were at a loose end, so we did. We thought it would be nice to have a chat about the party tonight – I know you’re a bit apprehensive.”

  Verlaine scoffed and shook his head. “Fucking hell.”

  Paul’s voice remained calm. “They said you and Sam were having a lie down, so your mum made us a cup of tea. They were just about to leave again, when… Sam indicated that maybe she wasn’t exactly asleep after all.”

  “Oh my god. Oh my god. Sam’s gonna go fucking insane when she realises my parents heard her… oh my god! And Ellie and Bex. Shit.”

  “I’m sorry. It was just really bad timing.”

  “I’ll fucking say it was.”

  “I don’t think they’re upset. We all just kinda sat there… listening. Your parents were pretty shocked. That Ellie woman’s a bit stuck-up, isn’t she? She looks like the sort of person who uses words like ‘intercourse’ and thinks gay people are sexual deviants. Scott’s got the giggles, poor thing – I think he’s about to explode.”

  “Oh, poor Scott.”

  Verlaine ran his shaking fingers through his hair, feeling his mind spiral out of control. Paul reached up and rested his hand on Verlaine’s shoulder. Verlaine forced himself to calm down and tried to smile at his friend. It wasn’t Paul and Scott’s fault. Just… fucking bad timing.

  Paul gently lifted the huge collar of his coat so it covered Verlaine’s jawline.

  “It suits you,” Paul said. “You look mean and moody.”

  Verlaine chuckled wearily. “I guess I’d better face the music, huh.”

  “Yeah. Come on.”

  Paul opened the door and Verlaine stepped back into the kitchen. This time he had longer to take everyone in. His parents were sitting at one end of the huge wooden table, and Rebecca and Ellie were at the other. Scott was sitting opposite the door. He winced as he caught Verlaine’s eye, then he burst into giggles. Ellie sent a look of disdain his way, probably not just because of his uncontrollable giggling, but also because of the way Scott dressed. Ellie wasn’t liberal-minded enough to accept a man who was wearing a red frockcoat, blue velvet flares, and more make-up than she was.

  Scott pressed his hand against his mouth, trying to hold it together. His shoulders shook.

  Verlaine sighed. He’d love to join in with Scott’s laughter, but he knew this required tact and seriousness. He shivered again. It wasn’t just the icy glares from his family that made it so chilly in this huge desolate kitchen. The only furniture was the long wooden table and the cold granite worktops. Usually his dad would’ve got the wood-burner going by now, and his mom would’ve been baking at the iron aga, but not yet, not today.

  Verlaine drew Paul’s coat around himself. It was tight at the shoulders and far too feminine. But it was his safety blanket, so he rubbed his fingers over the soft brushed wool for comfort.

  Verlaine couldn’t think of anything to say other than, “I thought you’d gone out.”

  “Yes,” Jim said, “we gathered that’s what you thought.”

  “We heard the door slam,” Verlaine said.

  “That was Scott and Paul arriving,” Patty said. “We knew Sam had a headache so we offered them some tea. We assumed you wouldn’t want to be disturbed.”

  “And then we heard why,” Ellie said.

  “I’m sorry, okay?”

  Verlaine propelled himself out of the spotlight and over to the counter, where he flicked on the kettle.

  “How’s Sam’s headache now?” Ellie asked.

  “Um, I think she’s feeling better.”

  “Yes. It sure sounded like it.”

  “Best painkillers known to humanity,” Scott muttered.

  “Maybe we should all go out for a nice winter walk,” Paul suggested.

  Verlaine grabbed a teabag and chucked it in a mug. “You can.”

  Ellie sat up tall. “I think Sam should come down here and apologise.”

  Scott glared at her. “Are you serious? She hasn’t done anything wrong. Sex is just a natural thing for people enjoy – including women, believe it or not!”

  Ellie decapitated Scott with a stern glare. “I’m actually referring to the fact that she lied to us about having a headache. Just so she could stay here and have… intercourse.”

  Scott burst into giggles. Verlaine caught Paul’s eye and they both smirked.

  Ellie huffed. “You really need to grow up, young man!”

  Scott leaned towards her. “Well maybe you need to stop being–”

  “That’s enough, Scott,” Paul said. “Everyone just needs to calm down and keep this in perspective.”

  “Yeah,” Patty said. “It’s no biggie. I’m sure we’ll all be laughing about this later.”

  Rebecca stood up. “I agree.”

  Everyone watched as she floated over to join Verlaine at the granite counter.

  “I think we should try to understand things from Sam’s point of view,” Rebecca said. “We mustn’t forget that Verlaine is a very desirable man with an insatiable sexual appetite.”

  Verlaine picked up the mug of tea. “Am I?”

  “Yes. Is that Sam’s tea?”

  “Sure is.”

  “I’ll take it up for her.”

  “What? Why?”

  “When she finds out what we’ve all heard she’ll be devastated. I’d like to let her know everything’s fine – I think she’s in need of some sisterly solidarity at the moment.”

  Verlaine shook his head. “It’s really okay, Bex, I’m sure she’d want to see me at a time like this.”

  Rebecca eased the mug from his fingers. “Look, I just want to assure her that she needn’t be embarr
assed. It’ll mean more to her coming from me – woman to woman. If you go up and tell her what we heard, I’m sure she won’t believe you if you say we don’t mind. But if it comes from me, well, she’ll appreciate me taking her side. You see?”

  “I’m not sure. Why don’t you just wait until she –?”

  “Yes,” Ellie said. “Get her to come down here and apologise.”

  Patty intervened. “Sam hasn’t really done anything wrong, Ellie. We mustn’t overreact. Maybe a nice walk would be a good idea as Paul suggested.”

  “She lied barefaced to your face,” Ellie said.

  “Too many faces in that sentence,” Scott said. “And Sam was probably compelled to lie to get away from you!”

  “Well, really!”

  “Scott,” Paul said. “Don’t waste your breath. She’s already made up her mind she doesn’t like Sam.”

  Verlaine leapt in before Paul, Scott, and Ellie could start their own side-argument.

  “Ellie,” Verlaine said. “Sam’s a good person. She just didn’t wanna get dragged around the gunpowder mill. And neither did I. Sorry, dad, but it’s not exactly thrilling stuff, is it?”

  Ellie and Jim both started speaking at the same time, and Verlaine tried to bat them down. He felt his heart twist with sadness at how his baby was going to react when she found out what they’d all just heard, and he knew a cup of tea wouldn’t be enough to fix everything this time. Speaking of tea…

  He turned to tell Rebecca to leave Sam alone for now. But she’d gone.

  Chapter Eight

  Sam leaned against the plump feather pillows, swimming in the glorious feelings of her post-orgasmic glow. She grinned. Verlaine was the loveliest man she’d ever met. A surge of happiness flooded into her chest. Thing were never as bad as they seemed, were they? This house was okay really. And Verlaine’s parents were nice enough. She’d just been feeling tired, cold, and grumpy earlier. But an orgasm from Verlaine had enabled her to put her rose-tinted glasses back on. He made her world shine with freedom and purity.


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