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Page 24

by Ben Shapiro

  47 . Robert Salonga, “College Board expands SAT I with writing section, more complex math,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 1 July 2002.

  48 . This is an actual question on a sample SAT test.

  49 . June Kronholz, “No Pimples, Pools, or Pop,” Wall Street Journal, 18 July 2002.

  50 . Crystal Betz, “Panelists address educational access issues,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 1 February 2002.

  51 . Daniel Golden, “To Get Into UCLA, It Helps to Face ‘Life Challenges’,” Wall Street Journal, 12 July 2002.

  52 . “Press Release: The Civil Rights Project Hails Decision in University of Michigan Affirmative Action Case,” The Civil Rights Project: Harvard University, 14 May 2002.

  53 . Timothy Kudo, “Connerly proposes to bar ethnic questions,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 15 February 2001.

  54 . Shauna Mecartea, “Petitions for privacy act underway,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 27 April 2001.

  55 . Charles Proctor, “UCLA admissions probed,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 22 October 2003.

  56 . Kim-Mai Culter and Janine Pliska, “Article Criticizes UC Berkeley Admissions,” UC Berkeley Daily Californian, 7 October 2003.

  57 . David Limbaugh, “Targeting campus speech codes,”, 16 August 2003.

  58 . Andrew Grossman, “College Lite: less filling, tastes great?”, 17 October 2003.

  59 . Andrew Grossman, “College Lite: less filling, tastes great?”

  60 . David Limbaugh, “Targeting campus speech codes,” 16 August 2003.

  61 . d=80.

  62 . ?id=223.

  63 . ?id=929.

  64 . ?id=738.

  65 . ?id=659.

  66 . ?id=979.


  1 . Robert Watson, “Scandal, dishonesty extend across party ideology,” UCLA Daily Bruin, January 25, 2002.

  2 . Barbara Ortutay, “Campus Talk,” TenPercent, Fall 2001, 12.

  3 . Rick Goldberg, “Shapiro incorrect about sexuality,” UCLA Daily Bruin, October 12, 2001.

  4 . Jeff Thomas, “Visibility of gays a social necessity,” UCLA Daily Bruin, October 12, 2001.

  5 . Kelly Finn, “Shapiro’s wrong on coming out,” UCLA Daily Bruin, October 15, 2001.

  6 . “And The Damned: Dartmouth’s Worst,” Dartmouth Review, 27 September 2002.

  7 . UCLA General Catalog, 1999-2001, 283.

  8 . “Members of the Center,” Center for Sex Research,

  9 . “University Course and Programs Committee: Undergraduate courses,” May 7, 2003, http://ww

  10 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003,

  11 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,”

  12 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,”

  13 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,”

  14 . “Truman State University Division of Language and Literature: Majors Offered,”http://11/

  15 . “Department of English: Fall 1997 courses,” English/fall1997/f97lane2.shtml.

  16 . “Appendix: Courses Certified for 2000-2001 As Fulfilling The Undergraduate General Education Requirements,” gistrar/bulletin/ bulletin00-01/pdf/Appendix.pdf.

  17 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  18 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  19 . “IWU Women’s Studies Program—Course Offerings,” courses.html.

  20 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  21 . “Bryn Mawr: Feminist and Gender Studies: Courses,”

  22 . “English 331: Queer Literature/Queer Theory,” courses/331.html.

  23 . “Comedy & Tragedy, 2003-2004,” Young America’s Foundation, 2003.

  24 . Sarah R. Buchholz, “Complaints prompt professor to remove sex material on Web,” University of Massachusetts Chronicle, 14 April 2000.

  25 . Claudette Riley, “Professor to spend year writing book,” Kansas State Collegian, 6 February 1998.

  26 . “Gloria G. Brame, PhD, MPH,”

  27 . Daniel J. Wakin, “Keep the Sex R-Rated, NYU Tells Film Students,” New York Times, 4 December 2003.

  28 . Editorial, “Give film profs voice in policy,” Washington Square News, 3 December 2003.

  29 . Daniel J. Wakin, “Keep the Sex R-Rated, NYU Tells Film Students,” New York Times, 4 December 2003.

  30 . Robin Clewley, “A Sprinkle of Porn, Art, Feminism,” Wired News, 21 January 2002.

  31 . Matt Smith, “Public Enema No. 2,” SF Weekly, 23 February 2000.

  32 . Kim Curtis, “Gross-Out Artist,” Associated Press, Copyright 2000.

  33 . Curtis, “Gross-Out Artist.”

  34 . UCLA Professor Lynn Vavreck, Political Science 40, Lecture, 7 March 2002.

  35 . Thomas Jefferson, Andrew A Lipscomb, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson: Volume I, (Washington, D. C.: Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904) 226-227.

  36 . “UN group in ‘showdown with religion’,”, 8 August 2003.

  37 . Samuel Kernell and Gary C. Jacobsen, The Logic of American Politics, (Congressional Quarterly, 2000), 122.

  38 . Paul Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect (New York: Penguin USA, 2002), 14.

  39 . “UNC task force recommends sexuality studies program,” Associated Press, 29 July 2002.

  40 . Barbara Ortutay, “Transgender 101,” TenPercent, Spring/Summer 2002.

  41 . “The ultra-fabulous and not-so glamorous homo class revue!” TenPercent, Winter 2002.

  42 . Randy Thomas, “Inching toward equality,” Ten Percent, Spring/Summer 2002.

  43 . Leslie Hague, “Same-sex benefits a possibility,” Daily Illini, 19 July 2002.

  44 . Bill Schackner, “Pitt Pressured Anew on Same-Sex Benefits,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 5 April 2000.

  45 . Bill Schackner, “CMU board OKs same-sex benefits,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 23 March 2000.

  46 . Susan Eckerman, “Class is Out,” TenPercent, Fall 2001.

  47 . Eckerman, “Class is Out.”

  48 . Eckerman, “Class is Out.”

  49 . Robert Stacey McCain, “Promoting Pedophilia,” Washington Times, 19 April 2002.

  50 . Lynn Franey, “Professor defends writing on pedophilia,” Kansas City Star, 31 March 2002.

  51 . Robert Stacey McCain, “Promoting Pedophilia,” Washington Times, 19 April 2002.

  52 . McCain, “Promoting Pedophilia.”

  53 . McCain, “Promoting Pedophilia.”

  54 . Lynn Franey, “Professor defends writing on pedophilia,” Kansas City Star, 31 March 2002.

  55 . Garry Willis, “Priests and Boys,” New York Times Review of Books, 13 June 2002.

  56 . Jessica Cantelon, “Coming-of-Age Film Sparks Conservative Criticism,”, 31 July 2002.

  57 . Peter Singer, “Heavy Petting,” Nerve Magazine, March/April 2001.

  58 . Marjorie Garber, Dog Love (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), 149.

  59 . Marjorie Garber, Dog Love (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1996), 144.

  60 . John Leo, “It’s grin-and-bare-it time at U.C. Berkeley,”, 4 March 2002.

  61 . Sarah Gold, “Gypsy Rose Coed,”, 12 May 1999.

  62 . Eric Rich, “Wesleyan Brings Porn Into The Classroom,” Hartford Courant, 8 May 1999.

  63 . Dave Ran
ney, “Senator plans to watch videos from KU sex class,” Lawrence Journal-World, 2 May 2003.

  64 . “Text of letter from KU liberal arts faculty supporting Dailey,” Lawrence Journal-World, 19 May 2003.

  65 . Associated Press, “Pornography classes proliferate on college campuses,” Portsmouth Herald, 20 August 2001.

  66 . Ken Sato, “College can be time of sexual learning as result of new freedoms,” Orion Dimensions, 8 November 2000.

  67 . Anna Stubblefield, “Dr. Ruth discusses keys to good sex,” Brown Daily Herald, 5 December 2003.

  68 . Paul C. Reisser, “The Painful Hook in ‘Hooking Up’,” Physician Magazine, November/December 2001.

  69 . Laura Kipnis, “Off Limits,”MSN Slate Magazine, 2 January 2004.

  70 . Dan Froomkin, “Professor fights for right to sex with coeds,” Orange County Register, 26 June 1994.

  71 . Stuart Silverstein and Rebecca Trounson, “Student-faculty trysts banned,” Detroit News, 15 December 2002.

  72 . Stuart Silverstein and Rebecca Trounson, “Student-faculty trysts banned.”

  73 . Justin Scott, “UC May Ban Faculty-Student Romances, Sex,” Daily Nexus Online, 15 May 2003.

  74 . Christopher Heredia, “S.F. State offers degree in sex,” San Francisco Chronicle, 26 January 2002.


  1 . “Judeo-Christian Tradition Best Basis for Environmentalism,” Religion and Liberty, Volume 9, Number 2, March and April, 1999.

  2 . Shelley Smithson, “Big Plan on Campus,” Grist Magazine, 31 July 2002.

  3 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 6 June 2002.

  4 . “Environmental Diplomacy,” Online Newshour Forum, 12 December 1997.

  5 . Stephen Dinan, “GOP disputes global-warming cause,” Washington Times, 30 July 2003.

  6 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 4 June 2002.

  7 . David Stauth, “Scientists warn about impacts of climate change,” Oregon State University News, 24 July 1997.

  8 . Shelley Smithson, “Big Plan on Campus,” Grist Magazine, 31 July 2002.

  9 . “Environmental Diplomacy,” Online Newshour Forum, 12 December 1997.

  10 . “Researchers Rally for Kyoto Accord,” Harvard Focus, 19 December 1997.

  11 . David Stauth, “Scientists warn about impacts of climate change,” Oregon State University News, 24 July 1997.

  12 . UCLA Professor Kenneth Schultz, Political Science 121, Lecture, 4 June 2002.

  13 . Matt Boyd, “President’s policy gets mixed reports,” Diamondback, 2 May 2001.

  14 . Newshour with Jim Lehrer, 30 April 2001.

  15 . Huck Gutman, “Changes of historic magnitude,”, 11 August 2001.

  16 . Sallie Baliunas, “The Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming,” Imprimis, March 2002.

  17 . UCLA Professor Kenneth Schultz, Political Science 121, Lecture, 4 June 2002.

  18 . William R. Moomaw, “Who can stop the gas pains?,” Boston Globe, 13 May 2001.

  19 . Kathleen Maclay, “Economists find no shortage of culprits behind high gas prices,” Berkeleyan, 11 July 2001.

  20 . Sean Holstage and Bill Brand, “Davis to sign emissions legislation,” Oakland Tribune, 20 July 2002.

  21 . Holstage and Brand, “Davis to sign emissions legislation.”

  22 . David F. Salisbury, “Science, politics, speculation all key in assessing climate change,” Stanford Review, 28 October 1998.

  23 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 30 May 2002.

  24 . Christopher Quinn, “GAS TAX: Roads outrun state’s money Georgia’s growth has left the ability to expand and maintain highways in the dust,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 17 November 2001.

  25 . Jackie Calmes and Christopher Georges, “Economists say gasoline tax is too low,” Wall Street Journal, 7 May 1996.

  26 . Calmes and Georges, “Economists say gasoline tax is too low.”

  27 . “Professor discusses global warming,” MIT Tech Talk, 2 May 2001.

  28 . Jennifer McNulty, “Environmentalists make a plea for ‘patriotic’ energy conservation,” UC Santa Cruz Currents, 12 November 2001.

  29 . Bill McAllister, “Remote Arctic Refuge draws eco-tourists,” Morris News Service, 26 July 2001.

  30 . Albert A. Bartlett, “Testimony: US House of Representatives: Committee on Science: Subcommittee on Energy,” 3 May 2001.

  31 . John Gartner, “Budget Plan Fuels Energy Debate,” Wired News, 5 February 2002.

  32 . Rory Hassler, “Gas prices on rise as summer nears,” Penn State Digital Collegian, 12 April 2002.

  33 . George Will, “Dishonorable Slogan,” This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 2 March 2003.

  34 . Marvin Olasky, “How to fight our addiction to Saudi oil,”, 23 July 2002.

  35 . Brian Hansen, “Arctic Drilling Proposal Sparks Heated Debate,” Environmental News Service, 1 November 2000.

  36 . Steven Dinero, “The real cost of drilling,” Christian Science Monitor, 8 October 1999.

  37 . “Religious and Political Leaders Join to Oppose ANWR Drilling,” Environmental News Service, 8 February 2002.

  38 . Terry McCarthy, “War Over Arctic Oil,” Time Magazine, 19 February 2001.

  39 . “Prudhoe Bay Area Caribou Numbers Highest Ever,” Petroleum News Alaska News Release, 22 December 2000.

  40 . Garrett Hardin, “Living on a Lifeboat,” BioScience. v. 24, 1974, 561-568.

  41 . Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb (New York: Sierra Club-Ballantine, 1968), 66-67.

  42 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 18 April 2002.

  43 . Brunk, 14 May 2002.

  44 . Brunk, 16 May 2002.

  45 . Brunk, 23 May 2002.

  46 . Eli C. Minkoff and Pamela J. Baker, Biology Today: An Issues Approach, (London: Garland Publishing, 2000), 232.

  47 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 30 May 2002.

  48 . Allan Combs, “Conversations for a better world,” conversations.html.

  49 . Julia Sommerfeld, “Will technology save us from overpopulation?,”, 12 October 1999.

  50 . Paul Ehrlich, Human Natures: Genes, Cultures, and the Human Prospect, 322.

  51 . Ronald Bailey, “Rebels Against the Future,” Reason Magazine Online, 28 February 2001.

  52 . Neil Postman, “The Virtue and Intelligence of Moderation: An Address by Neil Postman,” Regent University Journalism Conference, 28 February 1998.

  53 . Bonnie Dhall, “Media guru says computers isolate people,” Golden Gater Online, 11 May 1995.

  54 . Media Relations, “UC Berkeley’s 2001 Summer Reading List,” Berkeley Press Release, 5 June 2001.

  55 . Editorial Staff, “The Life and Deaths of DDT,” Wall Street Journal, 14 June 2002.

  56 . Editorial Staff, “The Life and Deaths of DDT.”

  57 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, Section, 25 January 2001.

  58 . Richard A. Posner, “In over their heads,” Boston Globe, 27 January 2002.

  59 . “The Preceptorials: 2000-2001,” /spring02/ eagles02.html.

  60 . UCLA TA Louis Lee, Life Science 15, Section, 24 April 2002.

  61 . Lee, Life Science 15, Section, 24 April 2002.

  62 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 30 May 2002.

  63 . UCLA Professor Joshua Muldavin, Geography 5, Lecture, 8 March 2001.

  64 . Ravi Batra, “Third World Agriculture: A Proutist Approach,” New Renaissance Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1990.

  65 . Colin Morris, “Earth Institute’s Jeffrey Sachs, Pedro Sanchez Address U.N. Goal of Eradicating Extreme Poverty By 2015 at Summit,” Columbia News, 25 June 2003.

  66 . UCLA Professor C. F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 4 June 2002.

  67 . “PBS: Harvest of Fear: Interviews: Jane Rissler,” 2001,

  68 . UCLA Profe
ssor C.F. Brunk, Life Science 15, Lecture, 4 June 2002.

  69 . Edward O. Wilson, “Building an Ethic,” Defenders Magazine, Spring 1993.

  70 . Julian Simon, “Facts, not species, are periled,” New York Times, 13 May 1993.

  71 . Philip S. Levine and Donald A. Levine, “The Real Biodiversity Crisis,” American Scientist Magazine, January-February 2002.

  72 . Mark Shwartz, “Study suggests global extinction crisis more serious than previously thought,” Stanford University News Service, 23 April 2002.

  73 . “State of the Planet: Episode 1: Is there a crisis?,” BBC World, August 10-11, 2002.

  74 . Julian Simon, “Facts, not species, are periled,” New York Times, 13 May 1993.

  75 . Edward O. Wilson, “Vanishing Point,” Grist Magazine, 12 December 2001.

  76 . Wilson, “Vanishing Point.”

  77 . Andrew Bernstein, “Environmentalism vs. Human Life,” Media Link: The Ayn Rand Institute, 20 April 2001.

  78 . Glenn Woiceshyn, “Environmentalism, Eco-terrorism, and Endangered Species,” Capitalism Magazine, 25 January1999.


  1 . “Globalization and its Discontents,” TIME Europe Web Exclusive, 30 January 2000.

  2 . David F. Salisbury, “Computer pioneer discusses atheism, artificial intelligence,” Stanford Report Online, 17 March 1999.

  3 . “Interview: Steven Weinberg,” PBS television program “Faith and Reason: Transcript.”

  4 . Julie Emery, “Pulitzer Prize poet in Seattle,” Seattle Times, 25 May 1972.

  5 . Arheun Kim, “Students, philosophers debate God’s existence,” Diamondback, 25 February 2000.

  6 . “Mind, Faith, and Spirit,” Princeton Daily Bulletin, 26 April 1999.

  7 . Virginia I. Postrel, “Interview with the Vamp,” Reason Magazine Online, Aug/Sep 1995 html.

  8 . William F. Buckley, God and Man at Yale (Chicago: Henry Regnery Company, 1951), 4.

  9 . Maggie Gallagher, “Ivy-covered bias,”, 23 January 2002.

  10 . Dalia Sussman, “Who Goes to Church?,”, 1 March 2002.

  11 . Maggie Gallagher, “Ivy-covered bias,”, 23 January 2002.

  12 . “Three Days of Hope,” Pennsylvania Gazette, January/February 1999.

  13 . Christina Jenkins, “Students explore distinctions of spirituality vs. religion in society,” UCLA Daily Bruin, 19 February 2002.


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