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Dark Corners

Page 16

by A. m Madden

  He walked forward and without responding immediately kissed me. Once that was out of the way, he asked, “Are you busy?”

  “No. Come in, it’s quiet today.” Over David’s shoulder I could see Karen holding her chin in her hand staring dreamily at his ass. Her eyes held mine when she mouthed, “So hot!”

  David caught my combination eye-roll and head shake and glanced over his shoulder toward Karen. She comically fumbled to resume her phone-answering stance but failed miserably when all we heard was the sound of writing instruments crashing to the ground, followed by the unmistakable shatter of breaking glass.


  “Need help?” David asked, unleashing the sexy smirk that really wasn’t fair to do to Karen.

  “Um…no, thank you. I got it.” Her cheeks flamed red, while her eyes widened from being busted ogling him.

  Taking his hand, I tugged much harder than I should have when I led him toward the glass doors. His deep chuckle echoed in the reception area.

  “What’s so funny?”


  “Me? Why me?”

  “You nearly pulled my arm out of its socket.”

  The handful of my co-workers who were working stopped to stare as I continued to drag him through the open-space studio toward my office. “I did not,” I quipped while loosening my hold on his hand, earning me another chuckle.

  “Okay, I guess I imagined you getting all cavewoman on me. My bad.” After taking two steps into my office, I found myself wrapped in his arms. “I do happen to think it’s hot, though.” Our eyes locked and before I knew what was happening his gorgeous lips were all over mine. There really was nowhere to hide from the eyes that could see us clear as day, yet I had no intention of stopping.

  When David ended our kiss, his sexy smirk was once again fixed on his face. “I’m sure glad I stopped by. That was the highlight of my day.”

  “Mine too.” Now that we had broken apart, embarrassment over my unprofessional behavior reared its ugly head. “So, why did you stop by?” I asked, hastily taking a seat behind my desk.

  He sat in the chair across from me and crossed his ankle over his opposite knee. “Angela won’t leave me alone.”


  “I keep forgetting to ask you. My cousin Eve is having her annual New Year’s Eve party. It’s an anniversary they all share, ‘they’ meaning Angela and Nick along with Eve and Jase. I was told to invite you.”

  “You were told to?” Raising a brow, I pretended to be put off by his choice of words.

  “Yes, repeatedly.” Slowly uncrossing his leg, he leaned forward, resting his hands on my desk. “My choice on how to spend New Year’s is completely different.”

  “Different how?”

  He picked up a picture of a woman in a leopard bikini off my desk, before tossing it aside. “For starters, I’m more of an intimate party kind of guy. I hate crowds, mingling, and pretending that I’d actually be interested in the boring conversations that drone on around me. I’d much rather be buried in a hot little blonde.”

  He sure had a way with words. “Do I know this blonde?”

  The smirk disappeared, replaced by a face I recognized as the one he’d make just before he came. Anyone else seeing it would think David was angry, livid even. I knew better. This face meant David was beyond turned on. I knew him well enough to know this face meant David wanted nothing more than to devour his prey.

  I cleared my throat before saying, “You sure are presumptuous.”

  “Am I? In what way?” In a flash, the intensity disappeared and instead a stunning half smile appeared that took my breath away.

  “What if said blonde would rather be at a party?”

  “Care to wager? I happen to know her intimately.”

  “No. The last time I accepted a bet you cheated.”

  “Cheated? How did I cheat? I even asked if I could kiss you, even though you clearly wanted me to just take you.”

  “Oh please. Like I could’ve stopped you.”

  “Now you’re learning.” He stood and stalked around the desk, coming to lean against it right beside my chair. “So, your call. Stupid boring party or naked me?”

  I tapped a nail against my bottom lip. “Hmm. I choose party.”


  Slowly dragging a hand from his knee up his thigh, I lowered my voice and added, “…and then naked you.”

  He stood quickly, adjusted himself, and said, “I need to go, or you’ll get fired.”


  I missed her.

  I missed her.

  Yep, I said it out loud—granted, to no one but myself, but I admitted it.

  I missed her.

  The pressure that built inside me when we were apart was unbearable. Not only had she tapped open my carnal needs, but for some inexplicable reason, at random times during the day I needed to hear her voice or see her smiling face to get me through.

  What was that? The whole thing was fucking crazy. From how we met to how I thought of nothing or no one else but her, none of it made sense. I was a very black-and-white kind of person. Something either was logical, or it wasn’t. I had no idea how to handle the illogical. The few events in my life that didn’t make sense ended fatally, and instead of trying to understand them I locked them away, preferring not to deal with them at all.

  Bringing Maygen to Eve’s party was a big deal for me on so many levels. Besides opening a can of worms with my family that I’d never be able to shut again, I never willingly invited a person into my personal life. The reality should’ve terrified me, yet it didn’t. What really scared me was what would be left of my dark soul if things didn’t work out. Those insecurities were so foreign I had no idea how to process them.

  In spite of my sister’s need to shell out advice on my love life, it was my brother-in-law whom I chose to talk to. Although our situations were entirely different, the one thing we did have in common was confusion. Nick once told me after he reunited with Angela that he felt so confused he literally had no idea how to process it. Thoughts of doubt bounced around his head like a bullet shot into a barrel. His analogy stuck with me, and after meeting Maygen, really after getting to know her, I completely related to what Nick went through. I was extremely confused, and it was messing with my head.

  Yet it didn’t stop me from wanting to be with her. I tried ignoring whatever this was but the only thing I accomplished by doing that was to add more confusion to the mix while being miserable at the same time.

  I preferred being sated over being miserable.

  I sauntered into her lobby toward the security desk. Felix smiled when he saw me, lifting a finger to wait a minute as he spoke on the phone.

  “Hey, if it isn’t my favorite army vet. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Want to announce me or shall we surprise her?”

  He grinned and nodded. “Go on up. I love teasing that girl.”

  “What a coincidence,” I said before walking to the elevators. “Happy New Year, Felix.”

  “Same to you, buddy.”

  A few minutes later, I was knocking on her door.

  “Who is it?”

  “The man of your dreams.”

  I could practically see her smiling on the other side of the wood. “I really have to have a chat with Felix,” she said as she opened it to let me in.

  She stood in nothing but her bra and panties. The smooth, satiny fabric of each molded over her pebbled nipples, her smooth mound like a second skin.

  “Oh, why’s that?” I reached for her, walking her backward into the apartment and slamming the door shut with my foot.

  “I’m not ready, and if I knew you were on your way up at least I’d have a chance to throw on some clothes.”

  “Fuck that. In fact, I’m going to have to tip that man for supplying me with the element of surprise.” My large hands covered the exposed skin of her back when I pulled her into my body. “Bedroom or here?”

  “Your call.”r />
  I crushed my lips to hers while shamelessly rubbing my cock against her. The fabric of my jeans did little to contain it. When I suddenly pulled away, it took a few seconds for it to register on her face. She slowly slid her eyes open to look up at me in curiosity.

  “Stand facing the wall,” I said. She fought to control her breathing, glancing over her shoulder to look at the wall I’d referenced. Wordlessly, she walked toward it and placed her hands against it. I stood where I was, appreciating the beauty of her body. Her narrow hips tilted backward just enough to cause her ass to lift invitingly.

  Walking closer until I was right behind her, I said directly into her ear, “Spread your legs.”

  She followed my command, moving her right leg out one large step. In anticipation of my next move, her fingertips pressed into the drywall, searching for something to grip. I allowed my hands to roam over her body from shoulders to thighs, slowly dragging them over her skin and causing it to prickle with goosebumps beneath my touch.

  My hands landed on her hips, pulling them farther away from the wall. Sinking to my knees, I moved the satin fabric to the side with a fingertip. She instantly gasped when my mouth landed on her glistening pussy. As I leisurely lapped at her, she followed the motion of my tongue moving against my mouth. The only sounds she made were heavy, panting breaths.

  I could feel her movements quicken, the nerves in her clit tighten against my tongue. That’s when I chose to pull away, and her growl indicated she wasn’t happy that I did.

  “As much as I’d love to finish this with my mouth, my cock argues it’s his turn.” She leaned her head back, trying to channel the abrupt halt in her pleasure. I didn’t have to see her face to know it was probably scrunched up from frustration. I slipped one hand into her panties, skimming the spot my tongue was flicking at a few moments ago. With my other hand, I unzipped my pants, pulled out my cock, and used the tip to once again move her panties to the side.

  “David,” she pleaded when I left my engorged cock sitting at her entrance without so much as moving a fraction of an inch. She probably thought I was teasing her, when in fact I was trying not to plunge in so hard and so fast it would break her in half.

  I swallowed audibly, and with every fiber of restraint that I could muster slowly slid into her warmth one inch at a time. Once completely buried within her, I whispered in her ear, “I need to fuck you hard. Are you ready for that?”

  “Yes. Hurry, please.”

  As promised, I fucked her so hard she screamed my name…and my heart pounded in my chest with my thoughts screaming hers.

  Chapter 21


  Maygen needed to make a pit stop before we headed to Eve’s place. Reed and Phoebe were also having a New Year’s party, and she’d promised her dad she’d stop by to say goodbye. He was leaving with his girlfriend the next day for a two-week Caribbean vacation and wanted to see his daughter before he left.

  All valid reasons for Maygen to need to make a very quick appearance, but quick didn’t make the idea of seeing Reed and her father any more appealing. So there I stood in Reed’s lush apartment, holding a beer that Phoebe insisted I drink while I waited patiently for Maygen to announce the two little words I anxiously wanted to hear….

  Let’s go.

  There weren’t many guests, just a dozen or so people milling around the living room chatting, cocktails in hand. A few minutes after we arrived, her dad sequestered Maygen in Reed’s office, needing her to sign paperwork pertaining to his company.

  “I promise, I’ll be right back,” she said hesitantly.

  “Go ahead. I’ll be fine.”

  Except for Phoebe checking on me, and a passing comment from Felicia about Garrett’s ability to kill a good party, no one paid me any attention. From across the room I watched Reed chatting with an older woman I recognized from the holiday party. A few times during their conversation his eyes glanced to where I hovered in the corner. With a smile Reed said something to the woman before sauntering toward me.

  “Having fun?”


  He laughed at my lie. “She should be out soon.” His eyes focused on the glass of whiskey he held as an uncomfortable pause hung between us. Clenching my jaw, I remained silent, waiting for him to spit out what he had on his mind, and had probably wanted to say to me since the night we met.

  “So, David, I’m going to just cut to the chase.”


  He pulled himself to his full height, unwaveringly meeting my glare. “That girl means the world to me. She couldn’t be more important if she was my own flesh and blood. Don’t hurt her.”

  Having a few inches over him, I looked down with an amused smile. “You assume I would based on what, a three-minute conversation we had?”

  “Based on how much I know she likes you.”

  That was not what I was expecting.

  Before I could say anything, not that I had anything ready to go as a response, he added, “I’ve never seen that look she gets in her eyes whenever she’s around you, not even when she was with her long-term boyfriend. Maygen is usually guarded and private with her emotions. Yet, she’s having a hard time hiding her feelings for you.” He held my stare before walking away, leaving me rooted to the same spot Maygen had left me in. She reappeared a few minutes later.

  “Hey, ready to go?” Her pale blue eyes searched my face, picking up on the tension that radiated from every part of me. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Let’s get going,” I responded noncommittally.


  The Cavellos sure knew how to party. I couldn’t help but compare the two situations: Reed’s place and its demure stuffy atmosphere versus Eve and Jase’s place, which screamed luxury while also making you want to never leave. Music played, drinks flowed, and there was enough food to feed a small army.

  But the best part was David.

  Among his family and friends he was so different, a touch more relaxed, a touch more charming, and a ton more sexy. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Every time he’d meet my gaze, the smoldering unspoken promise he’d relay was unmistakable. With his eyes he’d let me know what he was picturing in his mind; with a slow drag of his tongue over his lips he’d let me know what he planned to do to me once we were alone. Without words, the man was able to paint a very clear visual that caused me to squirm uncomfortably in my skinny jeans.

  While David was getting me another glass of wine, Angela took the seat beside me on the couch. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said with a warm smile. Unplanned, we both looked over at where David chatted with Nick and Jase. His eyes moved to where we were sitting, and a shy half smile spread over his lips.

  “I haven’t seen him this relaxed in a while.”

  “I was thinking the same. It’s obvious how much he loves you guys and what you all mean to him.”

  Angela turned slightly to face me, taking my hand between hers. “This isn’t us, Maygen, this is you.” My heart flipped at her admission. “He’s been around us plenty since he got back home, and I can assure you the David here tonight is one we haven’t witnessed in a very long time.”

  “I doubt that,” I responded with a firm shake of my head.

  Angela squeezed my hand. “Don’t doubt it. If there’s one thing David isn’t good at, it’s pretending. What you see is what you get.” She released me and patted my knee.

  “That is true,” I admitted.

  “He’s not a good actor. It would drive my mom crazy when we were younger. We had an aunt who gave us the worst birthday presents. My mom used to beg David to smile and say thank you. He just couldn’t do it. He’d stand with his hands on his hips, toothless and lisping, ‘But, Ma, it’s so ugly.’ ”

  Angela mimicked what he sounded like back then, causing us to both laugh.

  “Even with bribery, he refused to pretend he liked it. He’d drive me nuts, too. There was one time when a senior I had a crush on finally asked me out. He was the quarterback
on the high school team and had quite a reputation. We lived in a small town, so everyone knew everyone. I still believe the only reason John asked me out to begin with was that David was supposed to be away at school. Most of the boys in town were afraid of him. At the time I was a junior in high school, and David was a freshman in college.

  “That weekend, my brother came home to visit. Of course my parents were at their restaurant, and weren’t home to meet John the night he came to pick me up. David so kindly volunteered to take on my father’s role. Even back then, my brother was a formidable force. His physique and posture were extremely threatening.” Angela looked over her shoulder toward David, who kept glancing our way.

  “Crap, he’s probably wondering what I’m telling you. Anyway, long story short, when the doorbell rang, I peeked through the window. John looked so handsome in a button-down and khakis. He held a bouquet of pink carnations as he waited for me to answer the door.” Angela smiled with a faraway look on her face. “David never said a word, not one word. He just stood in the doorway, arms folded, staring down at John. My coward of a date started babbling incoherently about some football meeting he forgot he had to attend and took off.”

  “Oh no.” I could clearly picture an overprotective David trying to intimidate the poor kid.

  “Yep. That was the story of my life, David scaring away my dates. I was furious with him, and I told him so. He waited it out, allowing me to get it all out of my system. He stood taking it all, his hands shoved in his pockets, his gaze focused on the ground while looking contrite. I actually felt bad going off on him. After all, he really didn’t do anything except to open the door. Once I was finally done, he pulled me into a hug in an attempt to console me. But do you know the only thing he said to me before walking away?”


  “A real man would have sprung for roses.”

  I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing. When Angela smirked, I lost the battle. She giggled along with me when David and Nick walked over.

  “What are you telling her, sis?”


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