Dark Corners

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Dark Corners Page 21

by A. m Madden

  “Come on, guys,” I placated. “Let’s get it done, and then force him to follow through on Fiji.”

  Everyone dispersed except Betha, who sat in her chair in a silent protest. “You need something to do?” I asked.


  “Are you in the middle of a heart attack, an aneurysm? That would be your only valid excuse why you’d still be sitting there.”

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist. I’m going,” she pouted. When she still hadn’t moved, I grabbed her hand and yanked on it, forcing her to stand. This wasn’t like her. Although she wasn’t a gung-ho type of employee, her insatiable need to please Dax usually had her firing on all cylinders when needed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  I immediately knew something must have happened between her and her new boyfriend, Justin. They met shortly after David and I broke up, and hearing details of her new relationship, sometimes graphic details, was a nice distraction to my nonexistent love life. Uncharacteristically, Betha really liked Justin and voiced that she did. Most men left her feeling flat. She actually felt sorry for the male population, often claiming they had it very rough trying to meet all the happily-ever-after expectations of our warped society.

  Selfishly I hoped the cause of her depression wasn’t anything serious, because I needed her to be happy. If Betha was miserable, then she’d make me miserable…and I wasn’t in the mood to take on someone else’s misery. I had enough of my own.

  “Okay. You don’t have to talk about it. When you’re ready, I’ll listen.”

  “Thanks.” Releasing a heavy sigh, she rolled her eyes and said, “I have a Fashion Show Emergency Kit to put together. Dax wants me to add tampons this time. Do you know he said they’re the perfect tools to lift tits when braless? Who knew?” She looked as thrilled as if she were heading to a root canal.

  My heart went out to her, and I vowed that once this show was over I’d take her out to cheer her up like she’d done for me so many times these past four weeks. Self-pity instantly hovered at the threshold of my subconscious, causing me to resort to the distraction methods I depended on. Retreating to my office to start on my very long to-do list was the current method of choice.

  I swiped my home screen on my phone to retrieve my saved pictures. I had taken random shots of accessories Dax needed during the show. As I scrolled through to add them to my supply list, the picture of David in his fatigues filled my screen.

  I had forgotten about it, and couldn’t stop staring at him. A large lump of emotion bubbled within my chest.

  “No,” I said to no one in particular, quickly closing the app.

  “Maygen, you there?” Karen’s voice came over the speaker of my phone.


  “Package for you.”

  Did he send me something? I felt completely betrayed by the excitement that coursed through me as my heart pounded in my chest. But the reality was I hadn’t heard from him since the day he left my apartment four weeks earlier. On my command, he completely cut me out of his life. I’d been battling with the hurt that consumed me, though I knew I had no right to be upset by it.

  Taking a series of breaths to calm down, I quickly strode out to the reception area. When I walked up to Karen’s desk, she offered a sympathetic smile and pointed to a beautifully wrapped box on the granite ledge. Even though Karen hadn’t mentioned David or his absence, I knew she wondered where he had disappeared to.

  I carried the shoe-box-sized package to my office, untying the bow with shaky hands. After I lifted the lid and peeled back the floral tissue paper, I gasped out loud, dropping the lid in shock. Nestled inside was a princess Barbie doll complete with a tiara in a beautiful pink gown with its head detached.


  Dax’s voice booming through my earpiece was the only thing keeping me grounded. As he barked orders to us backstage, everything else happening in my life seemed surreal…the threats to my well-being, the mystery as to who wanted to harm me, even the big burly bodyguard who hovered in the corner.

  His eyes should have been glued to the naked women who shamelessly changed in and out of their assigned outfits, but instead he scanned the exits and hallways looking for anyone suspicious.

  After opening that package I had immediately called my uncle George. I couldn’t deal with my father and decided to let the professional handle him. George and another agent arrived at my office within the hour. By the time they left a few hours later, they had already identified the courier company that delivered the package as well as interrogating the actual deliveryman. The only good thing about the package was it now warranted FBI involvement. A normal civilian would have called the police to handle it, but having an uncle in the FBI came with some benefits.

  I had to come clean with Dax. He wasn’t happy with me for keeping any of the threats from him, and said that once the show was over he’d deal with me.

  Since yesterday’s drama my uncle informed us there was a partial print on the doll that they were investigating. The security tapes from the courier service showed an older man arranging delivery of the package in question. He wore a baseball hat along with those heavily tinted wraparound glasses that some use after cataract surgery. He had a full beard that was more gray than black and walked with a limp.

  Arnold, the gorilla who now followed me wherever I went, was standing outside my apartment door the next morning when I left for work. Of course I called my father, but expecting him to call off his henchman was a moot point. Arnold barely spoke, had little emotion except for the amused smirk on his face. He probably considered me a little rich princess not much different in intellect from the headless doll I received.

  Having Arnold not five feet away from me at all times made me desperately miss David. There, I admitted it. I refused to admit that to anyone, including myself. Even though he was constantly on my mind, even though I wondered where he was or what he was doing every minute of the day, I refused to admit how much I missed him.

  “It’s going fabulous, my love,” Dax said directly into my ear, and not the one holding the earpiece.

  I turned to see him standing beside me beaming at his work. He looked stunning in his black slacks, black shirt, and black tie. A thick strand of his hair flopped sexily over his forehead. The crinkled lines around his deep brown eyes were from elation and no longer stress.

  “Did you have any doubt?” I asked the obvious. “There haven’t been any fires to put out except for the random stuck zipper or popped button. Overall, the show is a success, Dax.” As I stated the obvious the audience oohed and aahed over each design they saw. He could do no wrong.

  “Well, you never know. One of these times they may hate me. Then I’ll be a washed-up designer living on the streets.”

  “First of all, if that were to happen you’d have a backup career in modeling. Second, you have more money than Oprah. Third, if you were to squander it all I’d take you in.”

  “I’d take you up on that, my love.”

  “If not me, I’m sure there’s at least twenty in this room alone that would take you in. They love you.” Despite his whoring ways, my boss was adored.

  Proving my point, many of the models in their various states of undress openly stared at the gorgeous man that he was. In response, his eyes roamed the room but not in a leering way, more in the way an art enthusiast would admire a beautiful painting.

  During the preparation stages of a show he always courted some of his models, wining and dining them, but not much else. Only once the show was over would he indulge in all the other ways that Dax was known for. The relationship often died within a few weeks, leaving a social media shit storm in its wake and everyone speculating who would be next. I wondered which of them would be the lucky one this time. I watched as his gaze landed on Lara, a stunning brunette from Brazil.


  “They love the success, not me.”

  “They love the whole packa
ge,” I teased.

  He turned his eyes to mine with an amused look on his face. “Smart-ass.” Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, he changed the subject. “Anyway, are you okay? I know with the show and the snow and the chaos, I haven’t been a very good friend to you these past few days. I was only pretending to be mad. Truth is, I am sorry this is happening to you.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  He pointed to Arnold and added, “That fucker is scary as shit. It can’t be easy having him following you around.”

  “I ignore him. The man has the personality of a chair.”

  He squeezed me closer and kissed my cheek. “After this is all over, you and I are having dinner. We do need to talk. I’m worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, but I won’t turn down a night with one of my favorite people.” I smiled warmly while trying to hide the anxiety I carried inside.

  The sound of clapping meant the models were parading up and down the runway for the last time, which meant Dax needed to make his appearance.

  “Okay, love. It’s my turn. Thank you for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “No, you couldn’t, or them.” I pointed to my co-workers. “They are expecting that Fiji trip, by the way, and don’t forget my assistant.”

  His eyes widened, and he shook his head. “Me and my big mouth.”

  At the announcement of his name, he winked and sauntered off toward the runway to join his models and accept the praise every important player in the fashion industry was about to shower him with.

  Meanwhile, backstage the rest of his minions released a collective sigh of relief. We did it. We had pulled off another successful show and could relax a bit until the next one. Of course with that relief came worry that my misery would take the opportunity to conquer my resolve. I wouldn’t have anything to distract me for a little while and that realization was scarier than having a stalker.

  I’d have to take it one day at a time.

  The applause became deafening, forcing me to peek around the heavy black velvet curtain. I smiled widely at the reception my boss was receiving. He deserved it. The man was a creative genius. I scanned the crowd, seeing so many familiar faces from the most prestigious fashion magazines and publications in the industry taking up the front row. Eve and Angela clapped enthusiastically from their seats. Normally I would’ve gone out and greeted them before the show started, but I couldn’t deal with Angela bringing up David, so, like a coward, I hid backstage.

  Behind them, celebrities, politicians, even musicians all enthusiastically stood clapping and cheering for Dax. He raised his hands to quiet the crowd, showering them all with his stunning smile. Once they settled again they sat to hear his closing comments.

  “Thank you all for coming to see my fall line. As always, none of this would have been possible without the help of my awesome team. My right-hand man, or woman as you will soon see, has been instrumental in pulling this together in spite of the blizzard. Please help me thank my stunning assistant, Maygen Whitney.”

  He turned to where I hid behind the curtain. My nerves kicked in, and I carefully stepped out onto the runway in my red patent leather stilettos that matched an original Dax Storm red leather minidress. His smile spread when I reached for his hand. He pulled me closer, placed his palms on either side of my face, and kissed me as he did after every show. Knowing every pair of eyes was watching us, I had no doubt that the blush I felt creeping into my cheeks was a deep one. Many would consider such a kiss from a boss as crossing the line. This was his thing; everything about Dax screamed sexuality. It ran deep in his veins, in the designs he created, even in the way he spoke to the press.

  Most didn’t know our history. Where many would think his public display of affection was a form of harassment, I accepted it as the thank-you I knew he struggled to say in words. We weren’t just boss and employee. Dax was one of my best friends.

  Once he broke our kiss, he laughed at my discomfort and began introducing the rest of the team. Standing awkwardly beside him, my eyes flitted around the room while I tried to maintain a smile on my nervous face. It immediately fell when my eyes landed on the only person who had remained standing in the far opposite corner of the room.

  There stood David, staring back at me.

  Chapter 28


  I stood outside the entrance waiting for the perfect opportunity to slip in. Once I heard the cheering beyond the door, I sweet-talked my way past the security guard standing watch. Desperate to get inside, I flashed the FBI Civilian Task Force paperwork George had given me when I had just started watching over Maygen. I was skeptical that it would grant me access without question, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

  I needed to see her.

  Partly it was because of her new threat, but mostly because I needed to see with my own eyes that she was okay. I needed to hear her voice. And I decided I needed her in my life in any capacity….Asking to be friends was my planned line of defense.

  The off-duty cop confirmed my original suspicions when he stared blankly at the notarized document before looking back up at me. “What is this?”

  “I’m involved in a case, and I need to talk to one of the employees inside.”

  “Do you have ID?”

  I pulled out my license as well as the VIP visitor badge from FBI headquarters. He repeated the motion of staring at my identification and then up at me a few times. He scribbled my name, address, license number, and a few more random notes in a notepad, and then snapped a picture of me with his phone before finally allowing me entry.

  Jesus Christ, I thought. It’s a fucking fashion show.

  I had no idea how me showing up there was going to go. Besides the obvious, that she didn’t want to see me, I knew it wouldn’t be easy getting past the oak tree hired to watch over her. I should be the one beside her making sure she was safe and not that fucking ogre.

  I knew my sister and cousin were here somewhere and hoped they didn’t see me. I was here for one person. I’d never felt so out of place in my life. It couldn’t have been more obvious that I didn’t belong there if I had on a clown costume. With my back pressed up against the wall farthest away from the masses, I tried to ignore the salacious smiles and seductive winks thrown my way from both men and women alike.

  From the far back corner I watched as the movie star that Maygen worked for thanked the crowd for coming. When Dax introduced my girl, my heart pounded in my chest. She appeared from behind the curtain looking hot as fuck in a red leather minidress and fuck-me pumps. I swear my cock instantly sprang to life. Except for making an appearance during the visions of Maygen that I conjured up in my head while beating off in my shower or in my bed, he’d been suspiciously sleeping these past few weeks.

  I should have been thinking of things to say to her when we came face-to-face, but instead I was wondering what she had on under that dress. In all fairness, there wasn’t a thing I could say that she wanted to hear. I’d replayed over and over things I should say. Specifically, how I needed her to calm me. How meeting her tilted my world on its axis and her ending it caused it to come to a grinding halt. Most important, how I royally fucked up.

  I came to ask her if she’d let me back into her life as a friend. If I couldn’t have her the way I had before, then I’d take her platonically rather than not at all. Being apart had been harder than anything I had to endure, including my PTSD. Not having Maygen’s body to lose myself in was comparable to dying of thirst, but not having her in my life at all felt like I was suffocating.

  Desire quickly turned to white-hot jealousy when Dax planted a long, hard kiss on her lips. Without conscious thought, I clenched my fists, wanting to connect them with the side of his head. She smiled shyly once they parted, her cheeks crimson from embarrassment. I knew nothing was going on between them, yet I still wanted to cause that motherfucker physical pain. He got to kiss her, taste her, and I didn’t.

  Suddenly, her eyes lock
ed on mine. They widened and her lips parted in shock; no doubt the applause and noise swallowed up her gasp. We maintained eye contact for a few seconds before she looked away and never looked back.

  Once Dax and his employees left the runway, the crowd began to exit. As I stayed hidden in the shadows, it wasn’t long before the room emptied. Workers began folding up chairs and cleaning up trash.

  Hesitant to get on with what I came to do, I remained rooted in my corner. I knew she saw me, and the only thing that had my feet moving forward was the possibility she’d slip out the back. I tentatively walked toward the backstage area. I’d faced terrorists and death, but facing her was by far the scariest thing I’d ever done.

  The noise level in the room was deafening. The scene was chaos. Half-naked women were chattering animatedly as champagne flowed freely. I recognized some of Maygen’s co-workers busy packing up clothes as the models peeled them off their bodies. My eyes homed in on where Maygen squatted in the corner, loading up a suitcase with shoes. Her bodyguard stood behind her as if daring anyone to approach.

  Well, fuck him…I was about to approach.

  “Can I help you?” he said, causing her to look up at who he was speaking to. Her blank expression meant she wasn’t surprised to see me.

  “I’m here to speak to Maygen,” I said to him while looking at her.

  “Who are you?”

  She stood slowly, holding a hand up before saying, “It’s fine, Arnold.”


  I had to stifle a laugh at the name, especially since his physique and demeanor made him look like a Schwarzenegger impressionist. When he raised his chin with his laser eyes drilling holes right through me, the chuckle I tried to hold escaped.

  “What?” Maygen asked, not amused.

  “Nothing. Can we talk?”

  Wordlessly, she led me down a short hallway and into a small break room. The smell of burnt coffee permeated the air. Catering boxes, soda cans, water bottles, and piles of half-eaten lunches littered the countertop. A small table piled high with more trash sat in the corner near a window.


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