The Magelands Box Set
Page 167
Laodoc turned to the young man. ‘We might all have died, were it not for you and Lola.’
Dean nodded, but kept his eyes downcast.
They both turned as a strange voice called to them. Laodoc scanned the side of the palace wall and saw the Rakanese woman, chained to a twisted railing by a gate.
‘Hello,’ he said to her.
The young woman gazed at him. She looked to be in her teens, but the bruises and rash on her face made it difficult to tell. Laodoc approached. He opened his hands.
‘You’re free now,’ he said. ‘You’re safe.’
She said something in a language he didn’t understand.
‘Help me, Dean,’ he said. ‘Go back inside and search their leader’s body for keys.’
The young man ran off. Laodoc smiled at the woman, then pointed at himself.
‘Laodoc,’ he said.
The woman frowned, then did the same. ‘Tara.’
Dean re-emerged from the palace with a set of keys, passed them to Laodoc, and the old man unlocked the heavy padlock connecting the woman to the chains. She threw them to the ground, and spat on them.
‘Does anyone speak Rakanese?’ Dean said.
Laodoc paused. ‘Only Bedig did, I think.’ He gazed at Tara. ‘Silverstream?’
The woman blinked. She stared at Laodoc and Dean, then nodded.
‘Let’s get her some water,’ he said to Dean, ‘she’s probably…’
His voice was cut off by the sound of a scream, ripped from Bridget’s lungs. Laodoc bowed his head.
He walked back into the palace, Dean and Tara following. They came into the chamber. Bridget was leaning over Bedig’s body, crying and keening, while around her the others wept. Agang was sitting in silence next to them, his face drained of energy and emotion.
Laodoc put his hand onto the Brig woman’s shoulder, then knelt and embraced her. Dyam joined them, and together they mourned over the body of Bedig.
Chapter 16
Holder Fast
Holdings City, Holdings Republic – 16th Day, Second Third Autumn 507
‘You’re not thinking straight,’ said Chane. She passed the lit weedstick to Daphne, as they sat crouched by the wall of the stables. ‘Not that I blame you. After what happened you’re entitled to freak out, but don’t throw your life away. Killop and Karalyn are safe in the Red Hills, remember the plan.’
Daphne said nothing. She gazed down at her uniform, the steel chestplate, the leathers, the armour covering her left arm, and the sword buckled to her belt. Her right hand was shaking, not from fear at the approaching army of Rahain, but with the desire to kill.
From all around came the noise of the emptying city. Most of the civilians and loyal republican forces had already left the Holdings capital, the militia of Hold Fast having elected to be the last to leave. She glanced over at the Upper City, searching for the signal flag that would let them know the evacuation was complete and they could withdraw, but saw nothing.
‘We’ll be out of here soon,’ Chane said, following her gaze. She smiled. ‘We’ve just got to keep it together for a few more days. You’re as tough as a nag’s hide, Daphne. I can only imagine what you’re feeling right now, but the soldiers are looking for you to lead them out of here, not to their deaths.’
‘I kill him, I end the war.’
‘Yeah,’ Chane said. ‘Just the small problem of sixty thousand Rahain soldiers protecting him. Look, I understand. It if were me, I’d want to go out there and kick the fucker’s arse. But you can’t. You have a daughter, not to mention being a proper lady now. You’ve got responsibilities.’
Daphne took a drag of the weedstick. Vast acres of her thoughts gave her nothing but pain, and smoking helped numb her a little. Part of her wished she could lie down in a darkened room and take some dullweed to block everything out, but she knew Chane was right. She had two thousand soldiers depending on her orders. If she did what she wanted to do, and charged out to fight the Creator, what would happen to them? What would Annifrid, their commander, do? And Chane? Would she run away, or would she die by Daphne’s side? She thought back to her vision meeting with Karalyn that morning. Her daughter was still withdrawn and quiet after the massacre on the estate, and had pleaded with her mother, begging her to come north to where she and Killop were sheltering in safety.
Her mind turned to Ariel, and the children. She closed her eyes.
‘Holder Fast?’
Daphne gazed up to see a tall officer standing close by.
‘Yes, Lieutenant?’
‘The commander would like to inform you that the imperial army has been spotted on the road south, marching towards the city.’
Daphne nodded.
‘Shall I pass on a message, my lady?’
‘No,’ Daphne said, getting to her feet and stubbing the weedstick beneath her heel. ‘I’ll speak to her myself. Is she still in the south tower?’
‘Yes, my lady.’
She waited until Chane was standing next to her, then turned for the main street, keeping her head high as she walked, a mask of calm impenetrability fixed to her face. Soldiers bowed as she passed, some muttering greetings. She nodded to them, her eyes hard and determined. Ahead was the great enclosing wall of the Holdings capital, the stone-built defensive line surrounding the narrow streets of the Lower City. The main road south went through a massive set of gates, and to their left was the south tower, a four-storey fortification that had stood for hundreds of years, guarding the way to the River Holdings.
Guards saluted her as she passed into the ground floor of the tower. She ascended the steps to the roof level, where a group of junior officers had assembled. Annifrid stood at their centre, her hands grasping the stone battlements as they gazed south.
‘Commander,’ Daphne said, walking into their midst, and taking her place by the wall. She looked down at the great road heading south by the river. On either side were fields and cottages, and in the distance the towns of the River Holdings could be seen. A great cloud of dust covered half the horizon. At its base marched the imperial army, sixty thousand Rahain infantry, their front lines carrying enormous door-sized shields.
‘Holder Fast,’ Annifrid bowed, ‘the company are ready to evacuate on your orders.’
Daphne glanced over at the Upper City. No flag. She gazed back at the advancing Rahain. Somewhere, amid the mass of armour and flesh was the Creator. She clenched her right fist. Chane elbowed her way to the front to stand next to her and looked out at the approaching army.
‘Our cavalry will trash those bastards once we get them onto the plains,’ she said, casting her voice loud enough for the rest of the officers to hear.
Daphne ignored her. She sent her vision out towards the army, flying over the road, then passing the line of door-shields. She saw him. The Creator made flesh. Flanked by thousands of Rahain soldiers, he was riding a grey horse. His body was covered in black armour, but he bore no weapon.
Lady Holdfast? his voice echoed, cutting through her thoughts. Spying on me? Come to see the man who killed your family?
Daphne pulled on every defence Kalayne had taught her, and snapped back to her body. She swayed, her face almost cracking. Chane put a hand on hers.
‘Take a breath,’ she whispered.
Daphne wanted to scream, but instead she turned to face her officers.
‘The evacuation of the city is almost complete,’ she said, gazing at them. ‘Our job now is to make sure the Hold Fast Company get out in one piece, while slowing down the enemy army’s advance if possible. To that end, I want every even-numbered squadron to pull back immediately to the defensive line at the junction of Nethertown and Market Lane.’ She nodded to her lieutenants. ‘Now, if you please.’
Half of the officers bowed, then rushed down the stairs to their units.
‘Holder Fast,’ Annifrid frowned, ‘may I point out that the evacuation signal flag has not yet been raised over the Upper City?’
‘It hadn’t escaped my noti
ce, Commander,’ Daphne said. ‘It will take thirty minutes to get half the company through to the defensive line. If we wait until the flag is raised, then we won’t have enough time to get everyone out before the enemy attacks.’
‘But my lady, there won’t be sufficient soldiers to defend the wall.’
Daphne shook her head. ‘This wall isn’t going to stop the Emperor. If Keira the fire mage could blow a hole through the defences of the imperial city, which are thicker and taller than these, then the Emperor isn’t going to have much of a problem getting through.’
Annifrid opened her mouth to speak.
‘Don’t worry, Commander,’ Daphne said, ‘I’ll be here until the flag is raised, you can count on that.’
‘Very well, my lady.’
Daphne glanced at the advancing army, about two miles away.
‘All right,’ she said, ‘get every soldier down from the wall. I want first, third and fifth squadrons operating the catapults, and all the others positioned at least two streets back. Have them assemble into their squads, and wait for the Emperor to break through. He’ll probably go for the gates, so concentrate in that area, but he may hit anywhere on the southern perimeter, so be ready to move wherever you’re needed. And remember to keep an eye on the Upper City. As soon as you see that flag, get your soldiers to the assembly point by the royal ramp. Understood?’
They bowed, and left the roof, departing by the stairs to the lower floors. Annifrid joined Chane and Daphne by the battlements, and they watched the slow advance of the Rahain. Chane passed round cigarettes, and they smoked in the morning sunshine.
Annifrid fidgeted. ‘May I say something, my lady?’
‘Please do.’
‘I’ve said this to you already, my lady, but I implore you to leave the front line and join those evacuating the city. This is not the place for a Holder of the Realm to be standing.’
‘If the Realm is threatened,’ Daphne said, ‘then it’s exactly the right place to be.’
‘Excuse me, my lady, but I must disagree. If you were to die, then the line of Hold Fasts would be extinguished. By being here you are risking the future of the Hold.’
Daphne shook her head. ‘If I die, then Celine Holdfast can look after Karalyn Holdfast until she is old enough to be named Lady Holder.’
‘Forgive me, my lady, but the people do not see Celine as a true scion of the Hold, as she was adopted. And your daughter…’
‘What about her?’ Daphne frowned.
Annifrid looked away. ‘She was born out of wedlock, my lady, and has a foreign father. I don’t know if she’d be acceptable to the people as a Holder.’
Daphne glared at her commander.
‘It’s a Republic now,’ said Chane, leaning over the battlements. ‘You both said Realm.’
‘Quite right,’ Daphne said, smiling. ‘My apologies, Captain.’
Chane winked at her.
Annifrid sighed, and left the rooftop.
‘She’s still hurting,’ Chane said, ‘but you should sack her anyway, once we’re clear of the city. She can’t say things like that about Karalyn.’
‘She’s probably just echoing what others are thinking,’ Daphne said, watching the front ranks of the Rahain army spread out to the left and right of the south road. They formed their door-sized shields into a long line, covering the entire southern side of the city. In their midst, a great bonfire was being piled up, with carts and beams thrown on. Beside it sat the figure of the Emperor on his horse, his face looking up at the walls. She felt a presence searching for her, and tried to block her mind.
I know you’re up there somewhere, Daphne Holdfast, the Creator said, using your little tricks to hide from me.
He scanned the battlements, stopping when he reached the south tower.
Ah, there you are.
He raised his hand, and Daphne dived to the wooden floor, dragging Chane with her, as a pulse of power swept over their heads.
‘Come on,’ Daphne yelled, crawling for the stairs. ‘He’s seen us.’
They leapt down the steps. A scout saluted them at the bottom.
Daphne dusted down her uniform.
‘Tell the catapult squadrons that they may commence their bombardment,’ she said to the wide-eyed scout.
‘Yes, my lady,’ he said, and ran off.
‘Did the Emperor know it was you?’ Chane said.
‘Yeah,’ Daphne said. ‘I tried to block him out, but he still saw me.’
She lit a cigarette. The Prophet had been right. If everyone knew that it was the Creator who was before the walls, rather than merely the Emperor, they would run away in panic. She controlled her breathing.
They left the south tower, coming out onto the main street leading from the great gates. Barricades had been heaped up behind the enormous iron-rimmed doors, and many of the side streets had been blocked. Fifty yards up the road was a blockade, behind which crouched a full squadron of soldiers, each armed with a crossbow. Daphne and Chane strode up the street. They came to an alleyway that had been left open, where another squadron had lined up. Daphne joined them, and turned to watch the gate.
‘My lady,’ said the lieutenant in command.
Daphne nodded in reply.
The air over their heads whooshed, and Daphne glanced up to see half a dozen giant boulders fly above the streets. They passed the walls, and Daphne heard the crashes as they impacted. She stole a glance at the Upper City. No flag.
They waited.
Chane smoked another cigarette, as more boulders were flung over the wall at the imperial army.
Daphne resisted the temptation to use her line-vision to see what the enemy was doing. The Creator, she sensed, would be able to see her if she revealed her powers. She readied her battle-vision, her eyes scanning the empty battlements.
There was a deafening roar and a blinding flash, and Daphne was flung off her feet along with the others in the alleyway as a powerful shockwave surged past. With her ears ringing, she opened her eyes. A cloud of dust filled the air. She coughed, covered in small fragments of rubble. Next to her Chane groaned, and struggled to her feet. She stared towards the gates, her mouth hanging open.
Daphne stood, putting her right hand onto the wall of the alley for support. She stared.
The gates were gone.
In their place was a great gap, a breach in the city’s walls as wide as a dozen carts. Broken masonry lay scattered down the street, and the houses closest to the gates were smoking ruins, their roofs caved in. The air felt hot, and the back of Daphne’s throat was as dry as sand.
She turned to the squadron in the alleyway.
‘Get up. Check your kit. Any second the Rahain are going to burst through. Lieutenant, send a squad into the shop in front of us, I want crossbows on the upper floor. Now.’
The lieutenant staggered to his feet, his uniform and dark skin covered in a film of grey dust.
‘Yes, my lady,’ he gasped. He pointed at a sergeant. ‘You heard the Holder. Get your squad inside and upstairs.’
The sergeant kicked in the side door of the shop and a dozen soldiers followed her in. Daphne drew her sword. She checked the Upper City. No flag.
There was a roar of voices, and the first Rahain appeared in the breach, their large shields held up. They bunched together as they avoided the piles of debris, leaving their sides exposed.
‘Crossbow squads, form up,’ Daphne yelled. ‘Shoot at will.’
As the Holdings troopers ran forwards with their weapons, a hail of bolts came from the blockade up the main street twenty yards to their right. Most struck shields, but a few hit Rahain flesh, and the first cries of dying echoed through the air. More bolts were shot down from the shop, and from the squads kneeling by the alleyway. Hundreds of Rahain were pouring through the gap, and the number falling grew, until the ground was carpeted in the dead and injured.
There were screams from within the shop. Daphne found the nearest sergeant.
‘Get in there and
help them,’ she yelled.
The sergeant grunted, and pulled his soldiers through the side door. Ahead, the Rahain were advancing along the main street, their numbers increasing as more crammed through the gap in the wall.
‘Where is that fucking flag?’ cried Chane, huddling behind the corner of the alleyway, her hand on the hilt of her sword.
The front ranks of the advancing Rahain were now level with the alleyway. Daphne glanced at the remaining soldiers behind her. Two squads of swords.
‘Get ready,’ she muttered to Chane, then she turned to the others, her sword in the air. ‘Follow me!’
She surged her battle-vision and sprang from the alleyway. She kept to the left of where the row of kneeling crossbow squads were shooting, and charged into the enemy’s flank. Her sword flashed, slicing through light leather armour and Rahain flesh, severing limbs and cleaving torsos. On either side, the sword squads formed a wedge, with her at its head and Chane a yard behind her.
Daphne forgot everything else as she satisfied an urge to kill. She moved faster than anyone around her could keep up with, her blade a crimson blur. Not one death made the slightest difference to her pain, but she felt freer than she had since learning the fate of her family. Every Rahain she struck down she imagined was the Creator, and no matter how many versions of him she killed, she never tired of it, her battle-vision thrumming its rhythm through her.
She felt hands grip her shoulders and pull her back. She spun, ready to kill again.
‘Steady!’ Chane yelled. She pointed up. ‘The flag!’
Daphne glanced at the Upper City. Flying from the ruins of the Old Tower was a great green standard.
Chane grabbed her arm and started running, dodging the dozens of dead Rahain that lay bloody on the ground. Daphne followed, sheathing her sword and keeping her head down, while around her the other Holdings soldiers were also fleeing, scattering down the maze of side streets and alleyways away from the southern gate. The Rahain pursued, but the narrowness of the roads, and the prepared roadblocks slowed them down.
Daphne turned a corner and stopped. They had reached a large, marble fountain marking the edge of Nethertown, where a great barricade had been erected. It lay in silence. She turned, and gazed back they way they had come, as dozens of Holdings soldiers ran into the square.