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Bryce: A M/M/M BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 4)

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by Shaw Montgomery

  He was slightly frustrated…that little piece of information hadn’t come up in conversation yet.

  Not that he hadn’t tried to bring it up—Bryce was just playing it very close to the vest.

  Bryce was turning out to be the king of mixed signals, and Oliver wanted some answers. He’d managed to make an appointment to get new insurance quotes with Bryce’s office last week when the regular assistant at the front desk was gone. Whoever had answered the phones only asked a few questions about the nature of the meeting. His name wasn’t one of them.

  Oliver thought he’d done pretty well managing that one.

  He’d managed to get the last appointment of the day on Friday, when he knew from phone conversations that most of the office was ready to start sneaking out the door by mid-afternoon. By the end of their meeting, even if they only talked about new insurance—which they really needed—everyone else would be gone.

  It was perfect.

  Once they could get past whatever was holding Bryce back, they would all be perfect for each other. He just needed Bryce to honestly admit it. He wouldn’t have been calling and talking to them so often if they didn’t mean anything to him. Not after the night at the club.

  He’d felt completely worn out from the sounds and so thoroughly sated that he couldn’t have gotten it up if his life depended on it. So as he’d watched Bryce and Troy, he’d gotten to see the beauty in their reactions and the need, not just the desire.

  They’d been beautiful together.

  Troy didn’t let that many people see his tender side firsthand. The way he’d stroked Bryce and let his façade crack enough for Bryce to catch glimpses of what was underneath let Oliver know he wasn’t pushing anything his Dom didn’t want. Troy just wasn’t going to butt in where he suspected he wasn’t wanted.

  Oliver didn’t have those reservations.

  Especially when he knew deep down they were wanted. Desperately. Then he didn’t mind pushing and making a nuisance of himself. Sometimes he thought that was why the universe made subs, to push the Doms into taking what they really wanted but wouldn’t always go get. Too many over-developed morals about not wanting to talk people into something they didn’t want.

  Some people needed a little shove. And he thought Bryce was one of them.

  So that’s what they were going to do. Give him a little nudge and hopefully get the dominant side of him revved up. Oliver had a suspicion it wouldn’t take much to get that part of Bryce ready to jump into whatever would have Oliver submitting to him.

  Then they could finally figure out what all the hesitation was about.

  By the time they’d gotten to the office, Oliver was even more confident about the meeting. No matter what Bryce said or tried to avoid saying, his actions spoke louder than his words. And his actions screamed out that he wanted them both.

  So that’s what Oliver would give him.

  Walking through the door, they were greeted by a smiling woman who clearly had no idea why they were there.

  Her brows pulled together, and she shrugged. “I don’t see anything on the schedule, but if you give me a minute, I’ll figure it out. I’m a temp; the regular receptionist is out of the office. I’ll go get Mr. Ryder for you.”

  They heard a whispered conversation coming from a back office. Something about calendars and updating schedules, but he couldn’t catch it all. Troy was giving him an are-you-sure-about-this expression that Oliver just ignored. He had a plan. And he wanted to experience what Bryce was like when he was in charge. Oliver had a feeling he would be a fiery Dom. Troy was always so in control with a cool passion that made Oliver crazy, but he thought the two Doms would complement each other perfectly.

  When Bryce came out of his office with the temp, there was a moment of awkward silence before Bryce seemed to push away his concerns. “I’m sorry about the confusion. Please come back to my office.”

  He started in on a fairly rehearsed speech about quotes and coverages as he ushered them into his office. When he closed the door and they could no longer be overheard, he gave them both a skeptical look.

  “This is a surprise.”

  Oliver was just pleased that he wasn’t angry, so Bryce’s cool welcome didn’t dampen his excitement. He smiled sweetly at his uncertain expression. “We’ve known we’ve needed new insurance for a while, but I kept putting it off. Finally, we decided just to get it done.”

  Bryce nodded, trying to hide a grin. He didn’t believe Oliver’s innocent act for a minute, but there was nothing he would be able to call them on because they really did need a new company. Troy sat down in one of the sumptuous leather chairs and Oliver sat down on his lap.

  Curling into Troy, Oliver watched Bryce closely as he talked about their current insurance. They’d had a small independent company that they’d used for years, but when they’d been purchased by a larger one, Oliver hadn’t been impressed with the service.

  He always felt like he was annoying the people at the call center when he had a question, and he’d run into more than a few of the customer service people who seemed homophobic. He was tired of dealing with it. When Bryce realized that they really did need new insurance, he relaxed.

  He asked good questions and understood what they were looking for without making it seem like a canned sales pitch. Even if Oliver hadn’t been desperate to taste the man again, he would have bought the coverage from him.

  They were quoted auto insurance and a new homeowner’s policy right away, and Bryce asked some questions about other policies he was going to quote for them. He never mentioned Oliver being cuddled up on Troy’s lap, but Oliver could see the little glances and questions that would run through his eyes as they talked.

  When Bryce tilted his computer screen so they could see how he’d changed the coverages on the house quote, Oliver took it as a sign. “I can’t quite see that. Can I come around there?”

  It was innocent and not that crazy of a question, so Bryce couldn’t think of anything to say before Oliver started to move around the room. A pat on his ass from Troy as he walked away was the only thing that could possibly be thought of as unusual, until Oliver walked over and made himself at home on Bryce’s lap.

  Bryce made a startled sound, one that Oliver would never identify as a squeak, but wrapped an arm around Oliver’s hips to keep him in place. Bryce gave him another skeptical look, but Oliver gave him a crooked little grin and wiggled his bottom over the Dom’s growing erection. “This is much better. Thank you.”

  Then he pointed to the screen and started asking coverage questions, which really threw Bryce off. Oliver might want to drive Bryce a little crazy, but he had questions, so it worked out well for both purposes. It took Bryce a few minutes to get his head back in the conversation, but soon they were ironing out the quote and Oliver was pleased with the price.

  He gave Bryce an excited little peck on the cheek, not even thinking about it. “Thank you. I love it. It’s much better than what we’ve got now.”

  Bryce cleared his throat, then smiled at Oliver. “I’m glad. I’ll have everything finalized when you come back to get the other quotes.”

  Troy laughed. “He’s been bugging me about this for six months. I’m just glad we’re getting it done. I’m tired of talking about it.” Troy gave Oliver an indulgent smile. “He’s always right about this stuff. I don’t even know why I ever put it off.”

  Oliver tried not to smile. “I’m going to remember this conversation the next time you question me.” Bryce grinned as Troy gave him a stern look.

  “Someone’s itching for a spanking.” Troy growled out the words, sending a shiver down Oliver’s spine.

  He sighed and relaxed against a now-stiff Bryce. Deciding to push his luck a little, Oliver turned and whispered in Bryce’s ear. “He looks all stern and growly, but he knows how much I love being pulled down over his lap. Do you like spanking cheeky subs, Sir?”

  Bryce groaned and tried to fight whatever was going through his head, but he finally g
ave in. Letting the hand that had been on the mouse come down to rest on Oliver’s legs, he caressed them with long, slow strokes. “I do. I think a sub looks wonderful with a pretty pink bottom.”

  “So does Troy. He loves making my bottom red. He says it helps me to remember to behave, but I think it’s just because he likes it so much. I’m a good boy. I don’t need the reminder. You know I’m a good boy, don’t you, Sir?” Oliver turned back to Bryce, letting his voice drop low, and almost whispered the words into the Dom’s ear.

  He could feel Bryce’s cock jerk, and the Dom laughed. “I think you’re a handful.”

  Then to Oliver’s delight, Bryce gave his ass a pat before he continued. “I bet you have to be constantly watched.”

  Oliver gave him an adorable expression and pouted, shaking his head. “I’m such a sweet sub.”

  Troy cleared his throat to cover up a laugh. “Kitten, you’re adorable and sexy, but you’re a handful.”

  Oliver gave Bryce a wide-eyed look and gave the Dom a confused expression that he knew looked sexy. “Sometimes Troy says he needs an extra set of hands just to keep me in line.”

  “And you have no idea what he means, do you?” Bryce grinned and shook his head.

  “No.” Oliver leaned close again and let his lips get close enough to touch Bryce’s ear. “I’m such a good boy. I’m obedient and I always try to do my best. When Troy tells me to bend over for my spanking, I do it right away. When he tells me to kneel down so he can use my mouth, I take his cock in and relax my throat so he can sink in deep where it gets tight. When he wants me to fuck myself on his cock, I climb right up and ride him until he lets me come. See, I’m a good boy.” Oliver clenched his legs together and shifted just enough to make Bryce moan. He could almost see the restraint slipping away from the tightly controlled Dom.

  Oliver knew the passion would explode out of him when he was ready to let it all go.

  “It sounds like you’re a very good boy.” Bryce growled out the words, staring at Oliver like he wanted to devour him. Bryce’s eyes flitted over to look at Troy for a second, and whatever he saw pleased him because he relaxed even more and his hand moved back to caress the top of Oliver’s ass. “Good boys get rewarded.”

  And he had him.

  Oliver let the need he was feeling flow right out through his voice, making it husky and breathy. “Do you know I want for my reward, Sir?”

  Bryce tightened his hold on Oliver and seemed to stop moving. “What?”

  “For you to come out to dinner with us.”


  Chapter 4


  And he was very neatly trapped.

  Sweet, sexy, and devious.

  He should have guessed it was coming. Seeing them at his office had thrown his brain for a loop, though. When the temp, Maddie, maybe, or Mandy, he couldn’t remember, came in to tell him about the surprise clients who said they had an appointment, they were the last people he’d expected to see. Lack of blood in critical thinking organs may have played a part in it as well.

  Bryce had known that they couldn’t be put off forever, but he never suspected they’d show up at the office. He should have. Bryce thought that Troy wasn’t the type to push, but one look at Oliver and he knew there was no way the sub would back down. Under all that innocence was pure fire. Bryce could see why Troy called him kitten.

  It was dinner. Just dinner.

  It wasn’t like they were asking for a collaring ceremony.

  Pushing that stray thought to the back of his head, Bryce nodded. “All right, trouble.”

  Oliver sat up, shock clear in his eyes. Bryce glanced over to Troy, not sure what to expect. The pleased expression on the Dom’s face was a surprise, but a good one. Then he jerked his head, gesturing to Oliver and giving Bryce a knowing look.

  The permission was unexpected.

  Looking at a slightly confused Oliver, Bryce wrapped his arms tighter around the sub. “I would love to go out to dinner with you. We don’t have to use that as your reward, though. I can think of other, more fun things for that.”

  He placed a tender, slow kiss on Oliver’s lips, loving the gasp and low, breathy moan that escaped. It was just as tender as it had been the first time. But in the light of day, it felt…odd, maybe, to have Troy watching. The man who’d dominated him so thoroughly was seeing him dominate his lover. It was a little…odd.

  So maybe it wasn’t the right word…but it made him feel vulnerable.

  Oliver must have felt something change in the kiss because it deepened and his hand came up to gently cup Bryce’s face. It not only got him even more aroused than he already was, it helped to turn his brain off so he could simply focus on the man on his lap.

  When Oliver finally pulled back to breathe, he had an amused, affectionate expression on his face. “Thank you for coming out to dinner with us.”

  Bryce glanced at Troy to make sure he knew he was still included in the conversation. “Where do you want to go?”

  Oliver, still on Bryce’s lap, turned to look at Troy. “What sounds good? Italian? Steak?”

  Bryce laughed. “That’s what I would have said.”

  Oliver gave him a grin. “Great minds think alike.”

  Troy shook his head as they flirted like awkward teenagers. “Italian. We can go for steaks next time.”

  Next time?

  Oliver nodded and bounced off Bryce’s lap, glancing down with heated laughter in his eyes at Bryce’s obvious erection. Bryce’s hand came out and popped Oliver on the bottom, completely without thinking. “Naughty boy.”

  “I told you. We’ll have to keep him in line.” Then Troy gave him a look like he was daring Bryce to say something.

  His stomach did circles at the fantasies that were running through his head. The scariest part was that most of them weren’t even dirty. If his brain put them in the play and leave category, it would have been easier to sort through.

  He was selective with who he played with, especially who he subbed for, but he’d still met a good few subs that he’d liked and had fun with. He’d even submitted for a few Doms who’d made him think, but never both at the same time, and never where it felt so real…so permanent.

  They’d made it clear that they weren’t looking for something casual.

  He wished it was as easy as they made it seem.

  “Sounds good.” He wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t want to see them. Holding off on the phone had been hard enough, but with both of them watching him, it was impossible to say it. “Let me get a few last-minute things done and we can go—or I can meet you there?”

  Oliver immediately shook his head, still smiling but stubborn. “No, we’ll wait for you.”

  “I’m not going to disappear on you.” Bryce would have been frustrated, but Oliver was just so cute.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Oliver smiled sweetly. “I’m just excited—and hungry.”

  Troy snorted, wrapping his arms around Oliver. “You’re always excited.”

  Oliver waggled his eyebrows, grinning as Troy pulled him so he was pressed close to the Dom’s chest. “Oh, yes, and with the two of you in the room, it’s only getting worse.”

  “I think I can keep you occupied while Bryce finishes up his work.” Troy’s deep voice had conflicting signals bouncing through Bryce. Submitting to Troy was still so recent in his mind, he could almost feel himself back on the couch in the dark club, but having just held Oliver, the Dom inside him wanted to tease and pleasure the naughty sub.

  It felt like he had multiple personalities and they all wanted different things.

  Oliver moaned, sinking against Troy. As Bryce tried to log off his computer and do the things he had to get done, he watched as Troy’s hands slid down Oliver’s chest. Bryce’s fingers wouldn’t work the keyboard as Troy slowly worked his hands under Oliver’s tight, preppy-looking polo shirt.

  Something about those big, strong hands inching up under Oliver’s clothes had Bryce
nearly drooling. It was so easy to picture himself standing in front of Oliver, helping to make him crazy. Kissing him while Troy took his clothes off or while Troy teased at his nipples.


  What was he supposed to be doing?

  Reports, logging out, quotes organized…he could do it. It didn’t help when Troy’s wandering hands finally reached Oliver’s nipples. It really didn’t help when the litany of dirty words started. Hearing Oliver’s little moans and gasps went right to his cock.


  Pure torture.

  By the time Oliver was crying out and grinding his ass against Troy as he straddled the Dom’s leg, Bryce was ready to explode. Was Troy trying to drive him crazy or Oliver? Bryce was starting to get the feeling it was both of them.

  When he stood, everything completed, Troy looked over at him and cocked an eyebrow. When Bryce nodded and mouthed ready, Troy released the nipples he’d been working so thoroughly. He was still more closed off than Bryce was used to seeing, but his eyes held wicked laughter as he smoothed Oliver’s shirt down.

  “I think you owe Bryce an apology, kitten. You were trying to make him crazy, and that wasn’t nice.” The words made Oliver shiver and his unfocused eyes fought to look at Bryce.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you, Sir.” Oliver was pure sex. The husky words went right through Bryce.

  “Are you going to be good tonight?” Bryce wasn’t sure if he was asking about Oliver’s behavior at the restaurant or whatever might happen later, but Oliver nodded, probably understanding what Bryce was trying to say better than he did.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Bryce still didn’t know if it was the best idea. Even if he put aside dating a Dom and a sub at the same time, there was still the issue of him dating two people at once. How was he supposed to explain that?

  He’d agreed with Garrett, Brent, and Grant that they wouldn’t do anything in their personal life that would bring attention to the business. Just dating two people in a more vanilla relationship wouldn’t be within the boundaries of their agreement.

  How would he explain that to prospective customers?


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