Home > Romance > WHO KILLED EMMALINE? > Page 13

by Dani Matthews

  Some of the students in the parking lot are whispering or pointing at the mask, and I ignore them as I walk over to the side of my car.

  Cord appears out of nowhere, beating me to the mask as he yanks it off the antenna and studies it intently, his jaw set. His eyes lift to mine as his fist clenches around the mask. “This a dig at my history or is there more to it?”

  I’m not sure what to say, so I hesitate. If I confess that Riley pranked me Saturday night, Cord is going to be pissed. If Cord thinks the mask has to do with his past and Emmaline, he’s still going to be mad.

  Cord’s eyes sharpen on me, and he tosses the mask aside carelessly. “You work today?” he asks abruptly as he grips his backpack, his stance confident but also alert to everything going on around us.

  I shake my head.

  His eyes drift over my lightweight jacket, jeans, and boots. “Think you can hike in that?”

  Hike? I hadn’t expected him to ask me to go hiking of all things. Instead, I’d been expecting him to start demanding to know what I am hiding. “Sure, the boots are actually pretty comfortable,” I say quietly.

  He nods, his eyes shifting to look around the parking lot at the other students. He’s still mad, but he’s trying to tone it down. “Follow me to my place?” He looks back at me, waiting for my answer.

  I nod as I shift on my feet. I’m not sure how to deal with his mood now that he’s upset.

  Cord turns and calmly walks across the parking lot to his van, and soon I’m following behind in my car as he leads the way to his house. I would never have been able to find it on my own, not with having been out there only once.

  When we arrive and park our vehicles, Cord grabs two bottles of water from the house, and then he leads me to a trail that starts alongside the lake and seems to go up into the hills.

  I duck under a branch and follow Cord along the dirt path that is taking us away from the house and lake. A squirrel chitters angrily at us from overhead, and I look towards the trees above, putting my hand up to squint against the sunlight filtering in through a colorful canopy of leaves above us. I don’t see the squirrel, so I drop my hand and concentrate on where I’m walking.

  “Are we headed to a specific destination?” I ask curiously as I keep up with Cord’s long-legged stride.

  He slows his pace so that I am closer to him as we navigate the dirt path. “There’s a lookout point that I think you’ll like,” he explains.

  “Do you hike much?”

  “Sometimes when I’m bored or if I need to clear my head.” He looks back at me, eyes full of interest. “What do you do when you’re bored?”

  “I read.”

  His lip curves with bemusement as he stops on the path to face me. “That’s it? You read?”

  “What else am I going to do in Ambler Ridge?” He’s blocking the trail, so I stop before him, looking up at him expectantly.

  A devious smile forms across his lips. “I can think of plenty to do that would relieve your boredom.”

  “And I bet it all involves getting horizontal and naked,” I quip.

  “Naked yes, as for horizontal, it would depend on where we’re at,” he muses, and then his eyes darken. “Or what I want to do to you,” he adds as his voice deepens in a way that has my heart skipping a beat.

  My belly turns over, and I can feel the tension rising in the air. I don’t want Cord to be like Shane and only want sex from me. I want him to want to be with me even when pleasure isn’t involved. I playfully shove my hands against his hard stomach to get him moving. “Keep going. I never agreed to have sex with you again, so get your head out of the gutter.”

  Cord chuckles as he turns and starts walking again to lead the way. “I could say something back, but I’ll refrain from it and keep my mouth shut. I wouldn’t want you to push me over the edge when we get to where we’re headed.”

  “Very smart of you.”

  We follow the trail for what feels like an hour before we eventually reach the lookout point that Cord was referring to. It looks out over Elroy Lake, and everything is so much smaller from up here, and yet so beautiful. The sight of the hills and valleys has me gazing down at it with awe. I hadn’t really cared for the wilderness parts of the area since moving here, but this is just too picturesque to not appreciate. I actually wish I had a camera with me.

  “This is beautiful,” I murmur as I scan the fall foliage down below. This is the type of view that belongs in a nature magazine or something.

  “I come up here a lot.”

  “Thank you for sharing it with me.” I turn to look at him just as he takes off his black Henley, and he uses it to wipe the perspiration off his face. The last five minutes of the hike was a workout, and my coat is now tied around my waist. My eyes run over Cord’s bare chest and abs. He is just so damn fine. I love the way his biceps tense or the way his muscles move beneath his skin. I’ve never been with anyone as well-built as he is.

  Cord catches sight of the appreciation in my gaze as I admire his body, and he grins. “Remember, this is a gutter-free outing,” he teases.

  “Shut up.” I shake my head and focus on the cross tattoo along his side. “Does that mean anything?”

  The humor dancing in his eyes fades, and his expression turns more serious. He motions to the grass several feet away from the edge of the cliff. “Let’s sit.”

  I nod, and we both settle down on the grass as Cord sets his shirt aside. He opens the first water bottle and holds it out to me. “Thanks,” I murmur.

  Cord takes a long drink from his before putting the cap back on and setting it aside. His eyes turn back to me as he braces his weight on his arms behind him, his body relaxed beside mine. “The tattoo is in memory of my mom. Dane was eighteen, and I was eight when she died.”

  “Do you mind if I ask what happened?” I ask carefully. I’m not sure if his mother’s death is a touchy topic for him or not, so I want to be careful and respectful if he doesn’t want to share his past.

  His expression turns dark and grim. “Our dad found out that she was having an affair. He shot and killed her, because he couldn’t handle the jealousy. He went to prison, and Dane took over as my legal guardian. He’s still locked away, and I hope it stays that way.”

  “Oh God, I am so sorry, Cord.” I reach out and touch his arm.

  Cord shakes his head, his face disgusted. “He was such a dick, and he wasn’t ever really all that nice to me and Dane. He had his moments with our mom when he was sweet on her, it’s why she stayed instead of leaving him. But when he had his bad moods…” He sighs and sits forward, scrubbing a hand over his face. “I remember how good of a mother she was to me and Dane. She smiled through everything, even the bad times. Her optimism had no end, and she was always determined to make sure she gave us everything she could. I don’t blame her for secretly wanting to find someone better. I just wish it wouldn’t have cost her life.”

  Cord’s arm shifts beneath my fingers, and I reach down to take his hand, squeezing it.

  His gaze connects with mine, and his eyes are filled with emotion along with a hint of determination. “She had shit luck. When I marry, if I ever do, I’m going to make sure my wife has no reason to look at another guy. And if she does, then she wasn’t worth having in the first place, and I’ll let her go. I have a hot temper, but I won’t ever follow his footsteps and use it against someone I love. And certainly not against my own flesh and blood,” he says fiercely.

  I believe him. It’s in his eyes, and the intensity of emotion that he bares to me has me knowing that he speaks the truth. I can’t resist reaching up and gently easing aside a dark strand of hair that had fallen loose from his ponytail. I peer into his face, my eyes holding his. “I believe you.”

  He sighs and shakes his head. “Everyone thinks I murdered Emmaline.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “It’s in my blood, Krista. My dad murdered my mom.”

  “You are not your dad,” I say firmly. “You choose who yo
u are, it isn’t decided for you by genetics.”

  He looks at me intently. “What makes you think I’m so innocent? What do you see in me that no one else does?”

  I smile. “That’s simple. I see you.”

  He stares at me for a long moment, and then he leans forward and gently brushes his lips against mine in the sweetest of kisses. When he ends the kiss, he rests his forehead against mine. “You make me believe in things that I haven’t believed in a very long time,” he says quietly.

  “Like what?” I ask softly.

  He pulls back, meeting my gaze unflinchingly. “You make me believe I might just be worth something to someone after all.”

  My lips part, and I feel sadness rise deep within me. I can see how he’d feel the way he does. This entire town has turned their backs on him. It’s shocking to me that someone so beautiful and charismatic could feel so lonely and neglected in the inside.

  Cord must see what I’m thinking in my gaze, because he quickly draws back, clearing his throat as he reaches for his water bottle. “What about you? You ever see your dad?” he asks, changing the subject.

  I’m not surprised he’s pulling away and shutting down. The conversation had shifted from lighthearted to deep way too fast. With Cord, it’s going to take baby steps getting him to open up to me. He’s beginning to, and that’s a start.

  “No, and I’m okay with it,” I tell him, answering his question. I draw my knees up to my chest and slip my arms around them as I gaze out at valley down below. “We were never that close anyway,” I add.

  “What do you think of your stepdad? Is he anything like Riley?”

  “No, he’s actually really nice, and he makes my mom happy.” I turn my head and peer at him. “You and Dane seem close.”

  Cord smiles. “We are. When our dad was sent to prison, Dane became a father figure to me. I’m nineteen now, but I still find myself going to him for his opinion on stuff.”

  “What about Owen? He seems to know you and Dane really well. Is he considered a family friend?”

  “Yeah. He moved to the area five years ago. He and Dane have a close friendship, and Owen’s like a brother to me,” he explains.

  “Does Owen have any special talents?” I pick up my water bottle and carefully unscrew the lid so I can take a sip. My mouth is still dry from the long hike up here.

  “You mean does he do anything else besides manage the store?”

  I nod, setting the bottle down and shifting so that I am sitting cross-legged. “Yeah. Or are you and Dane the only ones with the artistic genes?”

  “Owen just manages. He’s never had any interest in learning more.” Cord’s expression shifts as his eyes narrow on mine. “I take it your weekend wasn’t as uneventful as you claimed?”

  I should have known he wouldn’t forget about the mask on my car. “Cord, I don’t want us to be about Riley’s harassment anymore. Is that okay?”

  Cord turns thoughtful. “Yeah, that’s fine. I still want to know when he’s bothering you, though. What happened?”

  I tell him about the masks and the broken window.

  Cord’s face darkens. “He’s escalating. That’s not good, Krista.”

  “He’s going to have to stop sooner or later.”

  “Your stepdad needs to man-up and do something more than just give Riley a talking to.”

  I sigh. “If it was your brother doing bad things, would you man-up immediately?”

  Silence is my answer.

  “Can we talk about something else?” I ask.

  Cord’s expression instantly turns roguish. “I think we should enjoy the view without talking.” He rises to his knees and leans over me, putting a hand flat to my chest as he lightly pushes me onto my back.

  A laugh escapes as I look up at him. “We can’t enjoy the view if we’re kissing.”

  “Then I don’t care about the view.” His lips claim mine as his body eases onto my own.

  All rational thought leaves me as I part my lips, allowing him to explore my mouth as I savor the feel of his body on top of mine. My hands slide up and down his bare back, enjoying the sensation of his skin against my fingertips. Cord deepens the kiss, and I wiggle beneath him so that my legs part and his hips can slide into place. It feels really good having him there, and I slip my hands down so that they rest on the upper swell of his jean clad butt.

  Cord makes an approving sound in the back of his throat as his tongue does wicked things inside my mouth. His hips begin to rock against mine, and I arch up into him. I want him so badly, and I grind my lower body against his, searching for more.

  Cord breaks the kiss, his breath caressing my lips as he peers down at me, his eyes nearly black with desire as he stops moving against me. “As much as I would love to take things further, I think we should slow down. At least for now.” His eyes search mine as he turns serious. “I don’t want what we’re building to be just about sex.”

  I break into a smile at his suggestion, because now we both are definitely on the right track. If we go into this slowly, there’s less chance of messing it up. “I agree.”

  He nods, his lips curving upward in a playful smile. “That doesn’t mean I don’t want to continue making out,” he murmurs as his lips lower back down to mine.

  * * *

  I really have to use the bathroom. I’ve had to pee for the last hour or so, but the store has been too busy for me to even consider going to the back to use the restroom. Owen’s around here somewhere, but I haven’t had a chance yet to let him know I need a quick break.

  After I ring up another line of customers, I sneak a peek at the clock behind the register. Only one more hour to go, then my shift is finished since Owen and Dane will be doing the nightly closing duties tonight. I’m not sure I can wait that long. The second the line dwindles down to the point where there isn’t anyone waiting in line, I grab the “Be right back” sign and post it on the counter. I tell myself I can go and be back within three minutes, and no one will notice I was ever gone.

  I hurry to the back of the store and slip through the employee door. With my bladder begging me to book it fast, I stride down the hall and glance into the prep room. The door is halfway open, and my eyes widen as my feet come to an abrupt halt.

  Dane has Owen pressed against the wall, and both men are kissing. Not lighthearted kissing, but full-on, tongue-involved kind of kissing. Owen’s hands are fisted in the back of Dane’s shirt, and I can tell both men are struggling to control themselves.

  Feeling a bit like a voyeur, I spin around and rush back towards the store before they can realize that I’d seen them. Even though my bladder wails at me to go back, I ignore it and enter the store. If I use the bathroom, they’ll know I’d witnessed them and their kiss. I’m not sure what is going on between those two, but I definitely do not want to be caught up in it.

  There’s three people waiting at the register, and I apologize as I quickly take my place behind the counter. As I ring up purchases, my mind stays on Dane and Owen. Dane is gay? I never would have guessed with the way he’d looked at me last week in the bathroom. Maybe he’s bisexual? I decide that I’ll call Cord tonight and ask. I know he’ll be upfront with me, and hopefully he won’t say anything to Dane. It’s not really my business who Dane kisses, but I’m definitely curious as to how tight Dane and Owen are.

  When I arrive home an hour and a half later, Mitch is waiting for me. “Any problems?” he asks lightly.

  “Nope. Everything is good,” I assure as I walk over to the refrigerator.

  Mitch has been asking me that daily since the prank last weekend, and I’ve been assuring him that all is fine. He doesn’t need to know about the mask on my car, because I think Mitch’s talk with Riley probably pissed Riley off even more. I’m going to have to find a way to get Riley to back off. I’m a little unsure as to how to proceed where he’s concerned, though. Dane had warned me off him because of his past with Emmaline. I can’t imagine Riley killing Emmaline, but if he’s lashing ou
t at me like he is, who’s to say that he didn’t lash out at Emmaline? Maybe he had found out that Emmaline was secretly seeing Cord?

  “Your mom went to Manchester to run errands earlier, so she should be back soon. There’s left over pizza on the top shelf,” Mitch says, his voice cutting into my thoughts.

  “Great, thanks.” I reach for the refrigerator door handle, then hesitate. I really want to bring up Riley and Emmaline, but I’m not sure how to bring it up to Mitch. I’m assuming he’d be the best person to ask since he’s Riley’s father. I turn and look at him.

  Mitch notices my hesitation. “Everything okay?”

  “Actually, can I ask you something? I mean, it’s none of my business, but I’ve been hearing things at school and stuff. I figure you’re the best person to ask with you being Riley’s dad…”

  Realization flickers in his gaze. “You want to ask about Emmaline.”

  I nod. “I heard that they dated on and off for quite some time.”

  “They did,” he confirms. His eyes hold mine as he says, “He didn’t kill Emmaline, Krista. He was out with friends in a public establishment. Security footage shows he was right where he said he was.”

  My face heats up. “I didn’t mean I was suspicious of him, I just wanted to know about their relationship. He seems so angry all the time. He must miss her.”

  Mitch’s expression softens. “I wouldn’t know. My son doesn’t say much when it comes to Emmaline. I know he loved her, but he’s not the type to share what he’s feeling.”

  I nod. “I’m sorry for bringing it up. It’s just Riley’s had a lot of upheaval in his life, starting with her death. Maybe he needs to find an outlet for all that anger…”

  “You think he’s taking his anger out on you because you’re the easiest source,” Mitch guesses.

  “Don’t you think that’s a possibility?”

  “I think you might be on to something. I never looked at his behavior from a different perspective. I’ll look into it,” he assures.

  “Okay, Um, sorry for bringing it up.”

  “It’s fine.” He turns wary. “It was just a tough time those first few months after Emmaline’s death. Fingers were pointed at Riley as well, even though he has a secure alibi. The subject is a touchy one around here.”


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