Home > Romance > WHO KILLED EMMALINE? > Page 14

by Dani Matthews

  “I’ll be careful not to bring her up again,” I promise.

  We make short chit-chat as I re-heat my pizza, then I go up to my room. I set the plate down on my bed and pull my phone out of my purse. I see that Chelsea had called earlier. I’ll have to call her back, but first I want to talk to Cord. He’d given me his number at the end of our hike yesterday, so now we can call and text back and forth.

  His phone rings on the other end, and then I hear loud music in the background. “Hey,” he greets. “Hold on a second.” The music turns down. “There, that’s better.”

  I sit down on my bed. “What are you doing?” I ask curiously.

  “I’m molding a mask. You’re lucky you called before I could start mixing the Ultra Cal or you’d be getting my voicemail.”

  “You’re mixing what?” I ask with confusion.

  “It’s a part of the molding process. I’ll show you sometime instead of trying to explain it by phone.”

  “Okay. Cord, can I ask you something without coming off as being too nosy?”

  “Now I’m curious. What do you want to know?”

  “Just how close are Dane and Owen?” I ask lightly.

  The music in the background abruptly turns off, then there’s a moment of silence on the other end. “Why do you ask?” he finally asks.

  “I saw them kissing in the prep room,” I confess. “I didn’t mean to. I had to use the bathroom, and the prep room door was halfway open when I was walking past.”

  “I see. Does Dane or Owen know that you saw them?”


  “Dane is bi, but it’s not something he wants the public to be aware of. We get enough heat in this town as it is, the last thing we need is anyone boycotting the store because of his sexuality.”

  “So Dane and Owen are together?”

  “Their relationship isn’t easy to label. They started seeing each other about two years ago, but Dane’s not willing to fully commit due to the rumors and the store. They have a relationship, but it’s not serious.”

  “Is Owen bi too or is he strictly into men?”

  “He’s only into men.”

  “How does he feel about the secrecy?” I ask with interest as I pull my legs up and fold them beneath me.

  “I think the secrecy is starting to bother him, but he’s head over heels for Dane. He’ll wait until Dane is ready.”

  “Do you think Dane ever will be?”

  “I don’t know. Dane’s into women too, and he’s had past girlfriends. There was only one guy before Owen. I’m not sure what Dane sees for his future, and I haven’t asked. I think when he’s ready to settle down, he’ll have more of an idea as to what he wants by that point.”

  “What about you? You’re okay with their relationship?” I wince. “I mean, oh never mind.”

  Cord chuckles in my ear. “I don’t care who Dane is seeing, just as long as he’s happy.”

  “So I should continue pretending that I never saw anything?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I don’t think Dane would be upset or anything if you knew, but I’m betting he’d be more comfortable assuming you didn’t.”



  On Thursday, I work with Dane and Owen again. When I started my shift, I’d worried that something in my expression might give away that I know their secret, but shortly after arriving, I’d quit worrying over it. Now that it’s getting closer to Halloween, the store is quite busy in the evenings, so there isn’t much time for my mind to wander.

  As I ring up a purchase for a guy sporting a green Mohawk, I hear a few girlish shrieks and then thunder rumbles overhead. Dane has thunder and lightning effects going tonight, and every time he comes into the store area to check on things, he wears a monster mask in hopes of scaring customers. Shrieking and laughter have now become the store’s background noise instead of music.

  I don’t mind working with Dane and Owen, but I’m beginning to wish I worked with Cord more often. It seems like he’s never scheduled to work my shifts anymore. Tonight, he’s at home working on a new order that is due to be shipped out tomorrow morning. He doesn’t care that Dane seems to be separating us intentionally, but it bothers me. I still can’t put Dane’s warning out of my mind. Cord didn’t kill Emmaline, so what else could Dane be worried about? It’s going to have to remain a mystery unfortunately, because I can’t tell Cord about my conversation with Dane since I’m certain he would be upset over it.

  By the time my shift ends and the store has been organized, my feet ache. I call out a good night to Dane and Owen before exiting out the back door. The small parking lot behind the store has only one overhead light, and I shiver as I retrieve my car keys from my purse. I should really talk to Dane about putting in a second light somewhere. There’s only six parking spaces back here, and since I’m usually the last one to arrive, my car is the furthest from the light.

  It’s windy tonight, and the wind whips around my hair, tangling it across my face. I push it aside as I cross the darkened parking lot.

  My steps begin to slow.

  Something seems weird about my car. It’s darker, shinier.

  When I pause beside it, I see that even the windows are red. Feeling confused, I lean forward and inspect the windshield. Then, I back up and scan my car once more, noting that it’s completely covered in a substance that looks very similar to blood.

  I peer around the darkness of the parking lot as I back up another step, beginning to retreat the way I’d come. Is someone watching me? Was it Riley who did this? The second I think of him, my fear eases and irritation takes its place. I quickly turn and jog to the store’s back door and enter the prep room, which is always a chaotic mess these days.

  I cross the room and enter the hallway. My heart is still pounding, but I’m beginning to calm down. I tell myself that it’s not real blood, and that Riley has struck again. I can hear low voices coming from Dane’s office, and I approach his open door and peek inside, praying that I’m not interrupting anything too…personal.

  Dane is sprawled lazily in his chair, and Owen is standing with his hip resting against the desk as they talk. Both look up in surprise when they see me.

  “My car is covered in blood,” I announce. They both look back at me with blank expressions, my announcement clearly not registering. “Fake blood, I’m sure,” I add.

  Dane, realizing that I am serious, bolts to his feet and quickly strides past me and into the hall. I turn and follow him with Owen right on my heels. Dane pushes open the back door and walks over to my car.

  We all stand there, staring at the red, bloody mess.

  Dane rakes a hand through his hair, his expression turning troubled as he scans my car.

  “Is there any sort of surveillance back here?” I ask hopefully.

  If I could just get some proof that Riley is harassing me, it might be time to go to the police and have something done about the situation. Mitch and my mom would be upset that I went behind their backs, but I’m getting to the point where I don’t care anymore. If Mitch lecturing Riley isn’t going to do anything, then maybe a threat from the authorities might. He can’t go around destroying property. First it was the window at the house, tonight it’s my car. He’s taking this way too far.

  Dane shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck. “No. The only surveillance we have is inside the building. Nothing outside.”

  My heart sinks. Then there’s no proof that Riley vandalized my car.

  Owen looks at me questioningly. “Does this have anything to do with your stepbrother?”

  “Riley’s upset over his parents’ divorce.” I wave a hand towards my car. “This has him written all over it.” My attention shifts to Dane. “Has Riley been back to the store lately?”

  Dane stares at my car a second longer before he drags his eyes away from it to meet my questioning gaze. “No, I would have noticed. It’s October, you can buy fake blood from anywhere right now, not just at Cordane’s.”

; “Should we call your parents? I’m sure they’re going to be upset over this, but they should know,” Owen suggests.

  I stare at my car as I chew on the tip of my thumbnail. As much as I would like to get Riley in trouble, I have a feeling it’ll backfire. I shake my head. “No, I don’t want my mom and stepdad to know about this. They’ll want me to quit since it happened here. My mom will completely overreact, and I’m sure Mitch wouldn’t believe that Riley had anything to do with it. I could see both of them trying to blame one of you,” I murmur.

  “Maybe you should quit,” Dane says quietly.

  I look at him sharply. “Quit? Why?”

  He looks at me, his expression grimly resigned. “This store has enough of a reputation without this added to it.”

  Owen steps forward, shaking his head. “That’s not fair, Dane. You’re punishing her for something that isn’t even her fault.”

  Dane looks at me with stoic eyes as his posture remains rigid. “I’m not blaming you, Krista. But if the police get involved…”

  “I don’t plan on calling the police,” I insist. “Can’t we clean it off somehow? No one will ever know,” I add quickly. I don’t want to lose my job because of Riley.

  Owen looks at Dane. “There’s that twenty-four-hour car wash two blocks away. I can go run it through there for her,” he offers.

  Dane thinks it over, and as he gazes at me in the dim light, I can tell that he looks torn. Then he slowly nods. “Yeah, good thinking.” His eyes shift to mine. “That okay?”

  “Yes.” I hand my keys over to Owen. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  Dane walks over to me and lightly touches my back to get my attention. “Let’s go inside and wait.”

  We both leave Owen with my car and go back inside. Once we’re in Dane’s office, he motions for me to sit in the chair behind his cluttered desk. I sink down into the cushy chair and gaze up at him. “I’m sorry. I’ll find a way to get Riley to leave me alone.”

  Dane folds his arms over his chest as he gazes at me resolutely. “What I want to talk about has nothing to do with Riley. Krista, you’re not going to like what I have to say,” he warns.

  I sit upright. “You’re firing me anyway?” I ask with alarm.

  “No, this is about Cord.”

  Cord? I look up at Dane with confusion. “What does Cord have to do with anything?”

  “I think you should distance yourself from him until this…situation can be resolved.”


  His eyes hold mine. “You do realize this stuff that’s happening to you could easily be pinned on him, don’t you?”

  I never thought of that, and my lips part. This situation is growing worse by the minute. “But we know it’s Riley,” I insist.

  “There’s no proof, Krista.”

  There’s no denying that Dane has a valid reason to be concerned. The last thing I want is for Cord’s reputation to be damaged further.

  “Break it off for the time being,” Dane says gently as his eyes soften. “After all the allegations he’s had to deal with, he doesn’t need this.”

  “I’ll think it over,” I say reluctantly.

  “That’s all that I ask.”

  * * *

  The conversation I’d had last night with Dane is still on my mind as I drive to school. It’s a wet and dreary day, and the weather matches my mood. I’ve grown to care about Cord, and the last thing I want to do is break it off with him. I don’t think he’d understand that I’d be distancing myself from him to protect him. He’d take it as rejection, I am sure of it.

  My lips tighten as I pull into the school parking lot, my windshield wipers squeaking back and forth in the silence of my car. Everyone else in this town has rejected him except for his brother and Owen. I do not want to be added to the list of those that have turned their backs on him.

  After turning off the engine, I sit in my car, listening to the rain coming down as I sort out what I want to do. My relationship with Cord shouldn’t suffer because of Riley. That wouldn’t be fair.

  So how do I stop Riley? If I put an end to this vendetta of his, all my problems will go away, and Cord and I can continue dating. Maybe I need to talk to Riley and find out what he needs in order to be able to move on. Am I inadvertently doing something that’s just making him angrier?

  “So I’ll talk to Riley,” I say under my breath.

  Confronting him can’t make things any worse than they already are. Now that I’ve got a plan in mind, I lean over to grab my backpack from the passenger seat and climb out of my car, ducking my head against the rain.

  I hurry across the parking lot and enter the school, shaking the rain off my coat and backpack. I have homework to finish before third period, so I quickly make my way through the halls so I can get what I need from my locker. I’ll go to my first class early and hopefully finish off my homework before class starts. It’s important that I keep up on my grades or my mom will once again go back to wanting me to quit Cordane’s. She can’t make me, but it’ll sure make life more difficult at home if we’re at odds.

  A commotion up ahead has my head lifting, and I see a crowd has formed. I can’t hear or see what is going on, but a bad feeling starts to burrow in my gut. I rush over and dig my elbows into multiple ribs, earning me a few glares as I push my way to the front so that I can see what everyone is so excited about.

  Cord is just slamming Riley into a locker, and he pins him there, his forearm pressing tight against Riley’s throat. “Did you fuck with her car last night?” he asks in a coldly furious tone. His entire body is alert and ready to do further damage if necessary.

  Riley’s face is red, his brown eyes promising retribution the second he’s free. His hands are braced on Cord’s arm, but he’s not strong enough to push him away. “No, but I wish I had if it’s got you this upset,” he sneers.

  Cord grabs Riley’s shirt with his free hand, and he yanks him forward, then brutally slams him back again so that the back of Riley’s head hits the locker with force.

  Riley’s scornful expression fades as he winces.

  “I’m going to ask one more time. Was it you?” Cord demands as he presses his arm harder into Riley’s throat.

  Riley gives him a withering look as his face reddens even more. “I already said it wasn’t,” he says hoarsely.

  This has to stop before a teacher becomes involved. I shove aside the last person in my way and hurry over to Cord, grabbing his arm. “Let him go before you get yourself in trouble,” I say calmly.

  Cord shrugs off my hand. “I don’t care about myself.”

  “Well, I do. Let’s go.” I wrap my hand firmly around his free arm and tug harder.

  He glances at me, his green eyes connecting with mine. After a second, the violence in his eyes fades as he gives a curt nod, releasing Riley.

  Before Riley can think to go after Cord, I drag Cord away. Once we are far enough away from Riley, I turn on Cord as we pause along the wall near a restroom. “You can’t go after Riley like that.”

  “That fucker is going down one way or another,” he says as he visibly tries to calm down.

  “Leave him be. He’s not worth it.”

  “Easier said than done when we have to watch him walk around here like he owns the damned place.”

  “You need to calm down.”

  His mouth tightens as he gazes down at me. Then, his chest slowly relaxes, and I can see the tension beginning to fade. “Wanna get out of here?” he asks.

  “You mean skip?”

  He nods.

  “Let’s go,” I agree. I’d rather spend the day with Cord than deal with school. I’m sure I’ll land in detention on Monday for it, but I’ll worry about that later.

  We make our way back down the hall, then hold hands in the rain as we jog out to the school parking lot. Cord leads me to the van, and I climb into the passenger seat as Cord opens the driver’s door.

  We’re both silent as he drives out of the pa
rking lot. It seems that he’s still struggling to calm his temper, so I sit quietly and stare out at the rain. Cord is a bit scary when he’s riled up like he had been just minutes before, but it’s not me that I fear for, it’s the one he’s pissed at that should be running in the opposite direction. I’m absolutely certain that he’ll never, ever hurt me, and I feel incredibly safe with him. Cord can definitely handle himself in situations and even take a guy down if necessary. Riley should have his head checked if he can’t see for himself that he’s on the losing end of this rivalry he has going with Cord.

  As Cord drives, I start paying attention to the scenery outside my window. I’m not sure where we’re going, but it doesn’t matter. I just want this time with him. It’s not often we have more than a couple of hours to ourselves. One of us is usually working or our days are taken up with school.

  Cord drives us to an area that I’ve never been before. It’s all rural, and eventually he turns down a gravel road that seems to go on forever until we come upon a dead end in the middle of the woods. It’s completely secluded, and the gravel path has tree limbs hanging over it, shielding it from prying eyes. Cord turns the van around and backs it up further into the woods. Then he cuts the engine.

  As I unbuckle my seatbelt, Cord climbs out of his seat and moves into the back of the van. I watch as he opens the back doors, allowing the dreary afternoon light to fill up the interior. He then spreads out a blanket and looks at me. “This okay?”


  I make my way over to him, and he sits against the van’s wall and pulls me down between his legs. My back rests against his hard chest, and I relax as I gaze at the rain outside the van. What seemed like a sad, depressing day has turned into one of peacefulness. Between the repetitive sounds of the rain on the roof, and the pretty wilderness outside the van’s open doors, I feel like we’re in our own little world. There’s a bit of a chill in the air, but Cord’s warmth behind me keeps it at bay.


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