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Page 20

by Dani Matthews

  I happen to glance at the clock on the wall, and I sigh. “I have to go. If I don’t show up at the house soon, I’m betting my mom will be on the phone with the police.”

  Cord nods in agreement. “I’m going to follow you home.”

  The three of us rise to our feet.

  “You can’t go out alone anymore, Krista,” Dane says seriously. “It also might be wise for you to quit the store until this is resolved. I know you don’t want to, but if you keep working there, you’re leaving yourself wide open as a target. The less you’re out and about, the better.”

  Cord looks at me. “He’s right.”

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m in full agreement. I’m not quitting until after Halloween, though. The store is going to continue being super busy, and you guys need the help.” The last thing I want to do is quit, but now that things seem to be escalating, and I have no idea who is after me, I think I’d rather be cautious.

  Cord glances the clock. “We’d better get going.”

  “Be safe,” Dane tells us.

  “See you Saturday,” I murmur to Dane before I exit the house with Cord. Although I have tomorrow night off, I work Saturday evening.

  We step outside into the cool night, and I walk over to the driver’s side of my car and turn to face Cord. I pull my jacket tighter around myself as I look up at him. “I wish I could go to the police, but there’s nothing new to tell them.”

  “I know.” He draws me into his arms, and I snuggle into his chest. “You just have to be careful from now on.”

  “Cord? Can I ask you something without you getting upset with me?”

  “Ask away.”

  I peer up at him. “Did the police look into Owen’s whereabouts the night Emmaline was murdered? I mean, it’s not like I suspect him, but I am curious.”

  “He was out of town at his parents. The police even spoke to them directly.” He pulls me close again. “I’m not mad that you asked. It’s good to be looking at the situation from all angles.”

  I search his gaze. “Are you going to be okay?”

  He frowns down at me in the moonlight. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I know Dane’s suspicion hurt you,” I say softly.

  He visibly swallows and looks away. “Yeah, well, I can’t really blame him.”

  “Instead of focusing on that, focus on the fact that he was willing to protect you, because that’s how much he loves you.”

  Cord looks back down at me. “Yeah, I know.” Then he bends his head, and his mouth presses against mine. My lips immediately part beneath his, and he deepens the kiss, his tongue stroking mine as I clutch the front of his jacket. His hands slide down to my butt, and I tilt my head back, momentarily losing myself to the seductiveness of his kiss. He’s such a good kisser. I brush my tongue teasingly against his one last time before I manage to end the kiss.

  I lick my damp lips and give him a look of regret. “I have to go or my mom’s going to ground me.”

  “That might not be such a bad idea,” Cord says wryly.

  I shoot him a look in response to his comment. “We’ll talk more tomorrow,” I say lightly.

  He nods. “Go, I’ll be right behind you.”

  I’m conscious of Cord’s van following me all the way home until I turn into the driveway. His van drives past, and gravel crunches under my car’s tires as I make my way up to the house. The lights are blazing, and I see my mom standing on the porch with her arms crossed.

  Great. After the conversation I’d just had with Dane and Cord, the very last thing I want to deal with is my mom.

  The second I climb out of my car and walk up to the porch, she begins to let into me. “Where the hell have you been? You were supposed to be home forty-five minutes ago! Mitch was about two seconds away from calling the police when I saw your headlights coming up the drive. You better have a damned good excuse, young lady.”

  Arguing isn’t going to help, so instead, I apologize. “I’m sorry, really. I stayed late to help with inventory, and I didn’t think to call.”

  She turns and opens the screen door, her expression set in the dim light from the porch as she holds the door open but blocks the entrance. “Why didn’t you answer your cell?” she asks.

  “It’s in my purse, and I have it on vibrate because of school.”

  “What about the store’s phone?”

  “It’s set to go straight to voicemail after hours.”

  “Go inside,” she says tiredly, backing up slightly so I can pass by her.

  I step inside just as Mitch walks up, his expression relieved but also irritated. “I promise the next time I’m going to be late, I’ll call,” I say before he can let into me too.

  Mitch’s eyes shift to my mother, who is standing directly behind me. Whatever he sees in her expression has him relaxing, and he slowly nods. “You had both of us worried. Next time, please consider how we might react to your absence. Especially after what happened earlier in the week,” he says quietly.

  I nod. “It won’t happen again.”


  I pull my jacket tighter around myself at lunch before I open my bag of chips as my eyes stay on Cord. He’s sitting across from me, his expression brooding—which is a clear sign as to where his mood is at today.

  “How were things after I left?” I ask lightly. I know I need to be careful with how much I inquire about his relationship with Dane. Cord will only talk so much before he shuts down.

  He shrugs. “We talked about your situation, then Owen called, and I went down to my room.”

  My eyes search his. “Are you guys trying to fix your relationship and the damage the suspicion has caused?”

  He sighs and distractedly nudges his backpack with his boot. “It’ll come with time, Krista. Right now, you’re our main concern.”

  “Your relationship with your brother should come first.”

  His eyes abruptly lift to mine. “No one’s stalking him or me, so it can wait.” His eyes hold mine, a hint of determination gleaming in their depths. “Dane and I think it might be a good idea to set up something fake during a time that we know Riley is with someone.”

  I look at him blankly. “What are you talking about?”

  “If something happens when Riley is with someone else, the police will quit looking into him and start a real investigation. It’s your best way out of this mess, Krista.”

  The chips I’m holding onto are forgotten as I stare at him incredulously. “Are you crazy? You guys can’t do anything like that or the police will go back to suspecting you and Dane. You both already agreed that the last thing you need is further suspicion directed your way. That, and if anyone ever finds out that you guys lied about your alibis, one of you is going to end up arrested for Emmaline’s murder. That’s a stupid idea, Cord.”

  He shifts closer to me, his expression set. “It’s only stupid if we get caught, and whatever we come up with would be something that can’t fall back on us. Think about it, Krista, neither I nor Dane hurt Emmaline, nor did we do any of those things to you. None of it could possibly lead back to us,” he argues.

  “But what if you make a mistake with trying to clear Riley from the investigation? It could blow up in your faces. You know it could,” I say flatly. “And what if it’s been Riley all along? Then you’re just giving him the green light to continue harassing me without ever having to pay the consequences.”

  “The odds of it being Riley are slim, and you know it. He’s out to make your life miserable, not out to kill you. You said so yourself.”

  “I just…”

  Cord’s eyes burn into mine. “You’re worth it, Krista.”

  My heart skips a beat, and I can feel my frustration easing. “Then if it’s that important to you to protect me, doesn’t it make sense that I would want to protect you by not going along with that ridiculous scheme?” I ask quietly.

  Cord doesn’t say anything.

  “If you guys do this, you will become
a part of a new investigation.”

  “You’re connected to Emmaline’s killer in some way, I can feel it. Hell, you even look like her,” he states grimly.

  That’s not the first time I’ve had that pointed out to me, and I feel a chill creep down my spine as I gaze at Cord. I don’t want to ask, but I’m going to. “Do you…like that I look like her?”

  He stares at me, looking amazed that I would even think to ask such a thing. “You think I showed interest in you because you look like Emmaline?”

  “We had sex in the fitting room, and you didn’t even know me at that point.” I’m fully aware that it was meant to be nothing more than just sex. Had he been craving what Emmaline had given him, even if he hadn’t liked her? It’s pretty obvious that the sex was so good that Cord put up with her scheming ways.

  “Come here.” He reaches out and grabs me around the hips, then draws me onto his lap so that I am facing him, my legs wrapped around his waist. He peers at me, his eyes serious. “When I looked at you then, and when I see you now, Emmaline is the very last person that comes to mind. Your demeanor, the way you carry yourself, the emotion in your eyes, it’s all you. Emmaline didn’t have any of that. She came off as arrogant, and her eyes were always emotionless when they weren’t smug. You’re approachable, she wasn’t. Your smile is natural, hers was fake.” He touches the side of my cheek. “When she looked at me, she never really saw me. You do. As for that night in the fitting room, I had no intention of seducing you until I saw you in that corset. Before that, I was very curious about who you were, but I hadn’t planned on getting into your pants. I just wanted to learn more about the mysterious new girl at school.”

  “So why did you? Seduce me, I mean?”

  His lip curves in a sexy way. “I’m only human. You looked very fuckable in that outfit, and a man would have to be blind not to want to at least try to get under that skirt you were wearing. I’m glad you were game,” he says lowly.

  An answering smile forms on my lips. “Me too.”

  His eyes darken, and he brushes his thumb across my lower lip. “There’s so much I want to do with you.”

  I look at him uncertainly. I know he’s not into masks, but I don’t want to do the things he might have done with Emmaline when the masks weren’t involved.

  Cord must be able to read my expression, because he turns very serious. “We’ll never do anything that would be similar to what I did with her. I was referring more along the lines of more quickies in the fitting room, or maybe in the van, or even in a public place,” he says. “Those things excite me more than masks and the shit she was into. You’re also forgetting that Emmaline never wanted to be seen with me in public. Everything we did was always in my room where we were hidden from the rest of the world.”

  I nod, not quite sure what to say to that.

  Cord sighs, drawing me closer to his chest, and I snuggle into his warmth. “Our relationship is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, Krista. There will never be any comparison, she never even came close.”

  Now I smile, pressing my cheek against the coat that covers his upper body. Even though I seem to be targeted by a psychopath, I still can’t help but feel lucky to have met Cord. Somehow, along the way of getting to know him, I’ve learned more about myself and what I want. I’m more comfortable in my own skin, and I have Cord to thank for that.

  * * *

  The store is ridiculously busy on Saturday night. Owen happens to be out of town visiting his parents, so Dane, Cord, and I scramble around trying to keep the chaos down to a minimum. It doesn’t help that the evening is cloudy with sprinkles. The crummy weather seems to be bringing everyone out to shop.

  It’s impossible to close the store down on time, so we close a half hour later than what was scheduled. Since my mom and Mitch are out on a date tonight, I don’t bother calling to let them know I’m running late.

  Dane waves us off and tells us he’ll finish the rest of the closing duties, and Cord follows me home. I’d told him that there’s a chance that my parents could still be gone, so this time he follows me up the driveway and parks behind my car.

  I climb out, avoiding a large puddle and wait for Cord to approach me. There seems to be a break in the rain, so I tuck my hands in my pockets and smile up at him when he pauses before me.

  His head tilts towards the house which is dark except for the porchlight that has been left on for me. “Want me to come in and wait until your mom and stepdad come home?”

  I shake my head. “You make them nervous, and they should be back anytime. They never stay out much later than this.” I take my hands out of my pockets and clutch his jacket as I rise up onto my tiptoes to press my lips against his. He slips his arms around my waist as his lips part. We kiss for a bit, our lips lingering as we huddle against the chill in the air.

  We eventually break apart, and Cord sighs as he reluctantly steps away from me. “Text me when they get home so I don’t have to worry about you being out here all alone,” he orders.

  “I will. They should be home any minute now,” I assure.

  He nods. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Night,” I murmur.

  I watch as he walks away to his van and climbs in. The headlights turn on, and I put a hand to my eyes and squint as I watch him back up. Then the van is turned around and the red taillights glow through the trees until the van disappears down the winding driveway.

  The cold night air has me shivering as I tuck my hands back inside my pockets and hurriedly walk towards the front porch. There are huge puddles everywhere, and I carefully navigate around them so that that I don’t ruin my boots. It’s starting to sprinkle again, and I duck my head against the rain.

  My phone vibrates in my coat pocket, and I smile as I pull it out and put it to my ear, expecting it to be Cord. “You’re way too overprotective,” I laugh as I walk up the steps.

  There’s a brief pause, then a chuckle. “You must be referring to Cord,” Dane says.

  “Oh! Hey. Yeah, he just left. Everything okay?” I clutch my keys as I cross the porch.

  “Yeah, I’m about to walk out the door. I meant to ask you earlier how late your parents allow you to stay out.”

  “Why?” I find the house key on my keychain and move closer to the door so that I can open the screen door.

  “Owen’s birthday is coming up, and I’d like to plan something out of town. I thought maybe you and Cord could join us,” he suggests.

  “Really? Does he know you’re inviting me?” I ask curiously as I pause, waiting for Dane’s answer.

  “Not yet,” he says quietly. “This is kind of an apology for trying to warn you away from him. He’s been shutting me out, and I can’t blame him. I think I hurt him more than he hurt me,” he says grimly.

  “He just needs some time, but he’ll come around. I’ll ask my mom and get back to you.”

  “Thanks. It’ll also give you a chance to wear that new dress you bought. I know it’s not something you’d wear around here, but it’ll fit in with where we’re going.”

  I fumble the keys and scowl as I bend down to pick them up. “What are you talking about?” I ask as I straighten again.

  “The dress and matching heels you bought earlier in the week, the ones from the store,” Dane says. “I caught Owen with them, and he explained that you’d forgotten them and that he’d remind you to take them home on Thursday.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The dress and heels that you wanted to wear for Cord. Owen said you were going to surprise him. Didn’t Owen give them to you before he left town?”

  “He must be mistaken.” I insert the key and turn the knob.

  “That’s strange,” I hear Dane say, and I can tell he’s frowning.

  The stairs creak behind me, and I automatically turn around to see a large, black shadow. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be there, and I can’t move away fast enough as something wet and sweet slides across my face. Instinct
kicks in, and I slam my elbow into the dark figure and scramble away before I can be grabbed.

  The phone and my keys are still somehow clutched in my hands, and I barrel down the porch stairs and race for my car as my heart pounds out of control. I bring my phone to my ear as I run through a puddle, soaking my boots and ankles. “Someone’s here!” I gasp into the phone. My car is only ten feet away.

  “What do you mean?”

  I reach my car and dare to look behind me. In the dim light leftover from the porchlight, I can see a shadow racing towards me. I anxiously insert the key into the driver’s side lock. “Shit, shit, shit!” I curse with alarm.

  “Krista?” Dane asks sharply in my ear.

  The car door unlocks, and I yank open the door and fling myself inside, slamming the door shut. The keys fall from my fingers as I hurriedly lock the door just as a fist slams against the window. I scream and look around on the floor for the keys that I’d dropped.

  “Call nine-one-one! I have to put the phone down so I can find the keys,” I say in a frantic rush as I drop the phone and reach around my feet for my keys. My fingertips graze them, and I lean down further and snatch them up. I’ve just straightened upright when the window beside me shatters. Another scream escapes me as I throw myself halfway across the center console to the passenger seat, and I struggle to unlock the door so that I can escape the confines of the vehicle. I’d rather take my chances in the woods than try to fight off my attacker in the car.

  Rough hands grab at my thighs, and I claw at the seat as I’m pulled backwards towards the driver’s side window. I crack my ribs on the center console, and I grab onto it with all my might as I try to kick my legs at whoever is behind me. One of my nails breaks, and he’s just too strong.

  My arms give out.

  “Call Cord!!” I scream, knowing Dane can still hear me if he hasn’t disconnected the call yet. Cord could turn his van around and be here within minutes.

  I’m forcibly dragged backwards and up through the driver’s side window. It’s painful as pieces of glass somehow manage to wedge their way up around my waistline and then along my bare skin beneath my shirt and jacket. Once I’m clear of the window, an arm clamps around my waist to keep me upright as something cloyingly sweet covers my mouth and nose.


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