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What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away)

Page 4

by Shana Gray

  “Ladies, good evening.” He smiled, and Bonni could have sworn she heard a collective sigh from her friends. He had a fantastic smile that reached his deep blue eyes and she was drawn into the depths of them. Oh, and his voice was intoxicating, making her feel drunk. Or maybe that was the champagne, mixed with the other drinks they’d had?

  No, it was him. Not the drinks.

  She gave herself a mental shake, recognizing that the evening had taken a very intriguing shift, and stepped forward. “Please, come join us. Thank you so much for sending the round over.” Her voice quivered a little bit and she pressed her tongue to the back of her teeth, desperately trying to get herself back under control.

  “It was my pleasure.” He homed right in on Bonni. “I couldn’t help but notice you on the dance floor. I’ve been watching you for a little while.” He didn’t mince his words.

  “You have? Not sure whether that’s creepy or I should be flattered,” Bonni replied, eyeing him a little more thoroughly. Her cop side knew which way it was leaning, but the woman was willing to give this handsome stranger the benefit of the doubt.

  He laughed, tipping his head back to expose his tanned and muscular neck. Oh Lord. Bonni found herself noticing all the little things about him. How his dark hair brushed the collar of his shirt, the way his shoulders and his powerful arms stretched the fabric that was tucked neatly into a pair of snug jeans that fit perfectly on his slim hips. She had the urge to run her fingers over his muscles and touch him. His looks were a deadly combination and exactly fitted her idea of a dream man. Dark hair, blue eyes, powerful body, tall. She fisted her hands and discovered she was smiling back at him.

  “Well, I certainly didn’t mean to be creepy. All of you ladies look like you’re having a great time and”—he looked directly at Bonni—“you definitely caught my eye. I couldn’t resist sending some drinks over.”

  Bonni felt a tremble ripple through her and struggled for something to say that wouldn’t reveal how suddenly he was affecting her.

  “You don’t waste any time, do you?” Bonni was trapped by the intensity of his stare.

  “Not when I see something I want. Do you mind if I join you, or do you have other plans?” He took a fraction of a step closer. Bonni felt like she’d been hit by a tidal wave.

  Ava scooted to Bonni’s side. “No, no plans. We’re just here”—she raised her hand to indicate the club—“dancing, having a few drinks. Some fun. It’s our first night.”

  “Ah. I just got in myself.” He smiled at Celia.

  “Alone?” Bonni asked, then bit her tongue. Now she was the one being borderline creepy. But she had to know if he was with anyone. If he was, then the brakes would come on with a screeching halt.

  “Yes.” He smiled. “Alone.” He lowered his voice and pinned her with a look. “For now, anyway.”

  Oh my. Bonni drew in a breath and didn’t reply. 90 percent of her coworkers were men, but there, she was just one of the guys. With this hot, polite, single, seemingly sober man pursuing her, she didn’t know what to do. Luckily, her friends didn’t seem to have any such issues.

  “Please excuse my friend. She’s severely jet-lagged, since it’s, like, 2 a.m. for her back home, and it’s clearly affecting her manners. I’m Celia, that’s Ava and Fredi, and this, this is Bonni. She’s alone, too. Except for us, of course.”

  Bonni was a little surprised that Celia didn’t start extolling her virtues and giving him her entire life story.

  “I’m Quinn—Quinn Bryant—and it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

  Bonni watched him interact with her friends. She sensed an underlying power in him that she found devastatingly attractive. She was drawn to strong men. Bonni had dated a pushover once and, when the novelty of always getting her way had worn off, she vowed only to date men who could match her in strength. She could already tell that Mr. Quinn Bryant fitted the bill.

  There is something about this man that has me all flustered in a wonderful way.

  “Bonni.” He smiled. Oh, she could have melted into him. The tremor deep in her body was getting harder to contain. He was doing things to her she’d never experienced before, and they’d barely talked and certainly hadn’t even touched yet.

  She knew, then, that she was destined for delicious disaster.

  Chapter Six

  Quinn’s confidence radiated from him in waves and Bonni broke their eye contact so she could catch her breath. She found herself looking at Ava, who was making big eyes at her, clearly excited that Bonni had the chance to be swept off her feet. Celia and Fredi weren’t any help, either; they were making silent gestures indicating that they thought Quinn was super hot. Her mouth dried out and she licked her lips. Quinn had her off balance, and that was a hard thing for someone to do to her. Her dad had always said, if you expect everything, then nothing will be unexpected.

  Quinn was definitely unexpected.

  Even being so discombobulated by him, she couldn’t deny the attraction or how badly she wanted to act on it. Bonni had never been the subject of such heated scrutiny before and she felt almost like a suspect on the other side of an interrogation table. Thinking this, her cop side tried briefly to resurface, but Bonni ruthlessly shoved it down. Not here. Not now.

  She was on vacation, thousands of miles away from her job, and her friends knew to keep her career quiet and references to her social activities off social media. They had her back and they’d take her secrets to the grave.

  What happened in Vegas would stay in Vegas, so she was determined to enjoy every moment—starting with Quinn.

  He held his hand out for her. “Let’s dance.” It wasn’t a question, it was a demand. Bonni’s heart did a delightful little flip, although she felt a little resistance to being told what to do. Unless it was from a commanding officer, she didn’t take orders. She looked at his hand. It was big and rugged but there were no callouses. Oh, what he might be able to do with those hands. She shook herself. Stop getting ahead of yourself. He could still turn out to be an asshat. But the draw between them was too powerful to resist.

  Bonni looked up at him and reached out. The second their fingertips touched, she drew in a sharp breath, fairly certain electricity was arcing between them. A slow, sensual smile curved on his lips as his fingers tightened on hers. Had he felt it, too?

  Then and there, Bonni decided. She wanted…no…had to be with this man. They’d start on the dance floor, but her intuition told her the night would end with them in bed together. She darted a glance at her friends again. This was supposed to be a girls’ trip, but she was about to go off with a man, something she’d never done before, so spontaneously.

  Relief flooded through Bonni at their bright smiles.

  “Let’s go. Your friends don’t look like they’re opposed to me sweeping you away for a little while.” Quinn gave her hand a gentle tug, his fingers caressing her palm.

  “Sweep away,” she told him, and followed him down the steps. As they stepped on to the dance floor, the fast-paced music switched into a sexy, slow tune.

  “Perfect timing,” he said in a low and husky voice as he reached for her.

  Goose bumps rose when his hands rested at her waist. Oh, wow, it had been way too long since she’d been held or even touched by a man. So long she’d forgotten what it felt like. She liked how Quinn was reminding her.

  Bonni moved deeper into his embrace, his arms slipping around her, their clothes the only barrier between them. She sighed and reached up, sliding her hand across his shoulders leisurely until her fingers touched the warmth of the back of his neck, loving the feel of his steely muscles.

  She closed her eyes and rested her cheek on his shoulder. What an apropos song to be playing—‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’ sung by Roberta Flack. Such wonderful words, which made Bonni’s heart swell as they swayed together, quietly, seductively. Their bodies spoke louder than words ever could.

  Quinn pulled her even closer until she was flush against him, hip to sho
ulder and his knee edged gently between her thighs. He had great instincts and knew exactly what she needed, and this was it. His heart pounded next to hers. Bonni forgot where she was and felt the last of her real-world stress melt away as she floated into a world of pure sensation. The sound of the music. The brush of his body against hers. The scent of him. The look in his eyes.

  All she needed to know was what he tasted like.

  The song ended and Bonni didn’t move from his embrace. She waited, not wanting to break the magical moment between them. He eased his grip on her, and she looked up at him. They stared at each other and she took in everything. She never wanted to forget this moment.

  “Thank you.” He spoke softly, so only she could hear.

  “Thank you,” Bonni echoed.

  Even as a child, Bonni had been able to read people, through body language and the microexpressions on a face. She knew the signals a person’s eyes gave. She could tell if someone was lying, or telling the truth, or trying to recall a memory. Quinn’s eyes were clear, steady, and she saw an honesty in the deep blue that eased her naturally suspicious nature. Going off with a complete stranger was not her style, but there was something about him that reassured her. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but she felt safe and that he was trustworthy. Hopefully, her instincts were right. But she was in Vegas for just a few days, and only romantics built castles in the air after a single dance.

  Bonni still didn’t step away from Quinn, waiting for him to make the next move. Part of her wanted the delicious anticipation to continue, to enjoy the slow build toward the inevitable explosion. And part of her was starving and ready to skip the appetizers and get to the main event. She held her breath, waiting.

  “Looks like it’s another slow song.” Quinn tightened his grip again and led her into a tender swaying.

  “So it does.” Bonni whispered her reply.

  “I like how you feel in my arms.” His mouth was close to her ear, and she stepped into him.

  “I like how I feel in your arms.” The intimacy in his deep voice had her all aflutter. Bonni wanted to turn her face toward him, but instead she breathed into his neck. His scent filled her, and she wanted him to fill her in other ways, too. Being wrapped up by him, surrounded by him, the way he held and touched her, it woke up her sexual nature. Something she’d buried so deep for so long. She’d dated, of course, guys like Greg, who were easy to walk away from. It was better to focus on her work and ignore her sexual needs. Getting tangled up in relationships just led to getting hurt. But, now, here with Quinn, she was beginning to realize how wonderful it could be with the right man.

  His hand slid down her back, leaving a fiery trail, and Bonni pressed herself into him. She wanted more, and he delivered. He used his grip on her hips to turn her so that her back was to his chest. She could feel his taut body, the heat radiating through his clothes and caressing the bare skin of her back. His arm rested across her stomach, holding her against him, his hand tantalizingly close to her breasts.

  “I’m glad I saw you on the dance floor.” He spoke and pressed his lips to the curve of her neck, his breath sensitizing her skin. Bonni shivered, her ass pressing against his groin, and Quinn groaned, which made her body flush with erotic heat.

  Oh Lord. He’s pushing all my buttons.

  “Me, too.” Was that her voice? It was throaty with arousal.

  They swayed like that for long moments before he spun her again. She looked up into his eyes, his pupils dilated so wide the black nearly eclipsed the blue of his irises. She kept her arms tight around his shoulder, letting him lead, clinging to him and following his body around the dance floor. She didn’t have to do a thing, except hold him. He swayed them to the music, carrying them through the tune as if they were the only couple dancing. Bonni had never been so immersed in a dance or in music before. The lights were low, the pace had slowed, and they melded together. Bonni smiled to herself when his erection rose. “I want you to come with me to my room tonight,” he told her.

  “Yes.” How could she answer any other way?

  He regarded her, a smile curving his very kissable mouth. In the rare event that Bonni was involved with a man, she usually kept him at arm’s length. As she had told her friends, her job pretty much doomed any relationship, so she never got emotionally invested and was always prepared to walk away. Better to leave them than for them to leave her. But this man—oh, this man—had turned her world topsy-turvy in two songs.

  “So then. Shall we?” He leaned down and brushed his lips across her hair.

  She nodded, and couldn’t find her voice right away. Bonni pointed to her friends. “I need to check in with my friends and get my bag.”

  “Lead the way.” Quinn kept his hand at the small of her back as they headed to the VIP section.

  Before they went up the stairs she turned and held up a hand. “Would you mind waiting here for a moment?”

  “Of course. Just don’t forget about me.” He cupped her face and brushed a thumb across her lips. She gasped a little at the sensation, her lips parting. Quinn was starting to bend down when a flash of light distracted them both. Bonni turned to look, flushing when she saw Ava practically hanging over the railing with her cell phone.

  “I’ll, um, I’ll be right back.” She made a beeline for her friends, hearing Quinn chuckle behind her.

  When she reached their table Celia and Fredi started applauding, while Ava shoved her phone in Bonni’s direction. “Look at how cute you guys are together! You fit together perfectly!”

  Fredi elbowed her way forward to see. “God, Ava, you totally cock-blocked her. He was going to kiss the hell out of her.”

  Ava spun on a heel, her auburn waves swinging and catching the light like sparks of gold, to face Fredi, wobbling a little. “I did not! He’s right there waiting for her! She’s totally going to get his cock!” She tucked a wayward strand behind an ear.

  Bonni felt her cheeks heat up again and swore she heard Quinn laugh, despite the now thumping music. “Okay, you guys have clearly had a lot to drink. Maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  “Oh, screw that,” Celia said. “We’re big girls and we can take care of ourselves.”

  “When’s the last time you’ve been out on the town like this? I’m the one who is always aware of her surroundings, unlike you guys.” She looked at them as sternly as she could. “Remember that night when you were only wearing mini-skirts and halter tops and snuck into the—”

  Celia held up her hand. “Nope, you’re not going to bring that up. I refuse to let you. Besides, the lock was broken on the gate. Anyone would have tried climbing up the water tower.”

  “No, they wouldn’t have, not in December!” Bonni was still aghast at the whole debacle.

  Fredi slapped Bonni’s clutch against her chest and she fumbled to take it. “Yes, and I seem to remember that one time when you got plastered and stole a candy bar from that 7-Eleven and then felt so guilty you went back in and gave the guy twenty bucks for it. It was college, and you weren’t even a cop yet! Get over it.”

  Away from Quinn’s magnetism, Bonni began to second-guess herself. Biting her lip, she tapped her clutch against her thigh. Knowing the signs, Ava caught her gaze. Bonni had always thought she had beautiful eyes, golden with flecks of blue, and right now they expressed myriad emotions. Ava was giving her orders: “Oh, no, you don’t. You are not bailing on that man. Celia put condoms in your bag and Fredi turned on the Find Your Friend app on your phone.”

  “My phone? How did you get in my phone?”

  Fredi shot her a look that plainly said, Don’t ask stupid questions.

  Celia put down her third cocktail with a snap and stood up to shake Bonni’s shoulders. “Look, Bon-Bon, you haven’t been laid since that limp pancake Greg. It’s time to clear out the cobwebs from your hoo-haa, you know, and get your vacation fling on.”

  Bonni glanced back at Quinn and saw him chatting with one of the security guards. Good God, she hoped he hadn’t heard
Celia’s remark…but he was looking like he had all the time in the world to wait for her. A gold star for him.

  “Okay, the club has my card on file so that’ll take care of the tab. I’ll text you when I know where we’re going. Does someone have money for a cab? Do you all have your room keys?”

  Bonni thought these were perfectly reasonable questions, but Fredi rolled her eyes. She nudged Celia out of the way and forced Bonni to turn around, before pushing her toward the stairs. “Hey, Quinn!” Fredi shouted. “Where are you staying?”

  Quinn broke off his conversation and raised an eyebrow as Fredi practically shoved Bonni down the stairs. “I’m at the Gladiators.”

  “What a coincidence! So are we. Bonni won’t have far to go in the morning then. Bye now!”

  Fredi gave a little mocking wave before strutting back to the table. Bonni wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or horrified. Quinn reached out to take her free hand and she looked at him. “Still in?” he asked.

  … Oh, those eyes.

  Bonni knew there was really only one response you can make when you’re about to start a Vegas vacation fling.

  “I’m all in.”

  Chapter Seven

  Bonni waited while Quinn exited the taxi and reached back in for her. Bonni placed her hand in his and he helped her out of the car, making sure she was steady on her unfamiliar high heels before closing the door. He was every inch the gentleman, but there was an undercurrent that spoke to her long-dormant wild side.

  They walked through the lobby to a bank of elevators, the only sounds the noises from the casino and the clicking of her heels. His hand was on the small of her back again, her body fitting into the curve of his arm. Once inside an elevator, he pulled her fully into his embrace. She let her head fall back and he lowered his until their lips almost touched.

  “You were quiet on the drive.” His breath whispered over her cheek, stoking the fire of her desire.


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