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What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away)

Page 6

by Shana Gray

  Her passion for him grew again and, before she started thinking too much, Bonni held his dick, enjoying the feel of his steely length in her hand.

  She rose up on her elbow and looked into his face. So far, this evening had been full of surprises. Nice surprises. Surprises she hadn’t expected in a million years. Quinn’s gaze was magnetizing. Bonni looked into his eyes and squeezed his cock. He sucked in a breath but didn’t look away from her.

  “I think it’s time we took advantage of the generosity of my friends.” Bonni held up a condom. “Don’t you?”

  Chapter Eight

  After their first round of passionate sex, they dozed a bit, sleeping in each other’s arms before waking up absolutely starving around 3 a.m. Bonni squealed when Quinn snapped open a large towel and spread it on the sheets in front of her. He then dumped all the snacks he’d gone down the hall to get out of a vending machine on it. He put his hands on his hips and stood there, surveying his haul like a mighty hunter-gatherer and staring down at her with amusement in his eyes. Bonni couldn’t get enough of looking at him. His magnificent body, sculpted, firm, and powerful, and that delicious bulge she ached to get her hands on again, teasing her from behind the shorts he’d dragged on before leaving the room to head to the vending machine. She could look at him all day.

  Sitting under the rumpled sheets, so very naked but not the least bit self-conscious, Bonni began to sort through the goodies he’d brought back.

  “You are a complex woman,” Quinn said, as he climbed back in to the bed after shucking off his shorts.

  Momentarily distracted by his nudity, it took a beat before Bonni replied, “How so?”

  He pointed to the stash in front of them. “This. I can’t believe, when you’re offered anything you’d like from room service, you choose to indulge in mass-produced junk food from a machine.”

  Bonni laughed. “Because it’s yummy! I don’t even know if room service would deliver this late at night. And I don’t know how you do this!” She waved her hands in a huge gesture that encompassed the snacks and the bed.

  “What, having breakfast in bed? It’s one of my favorite things to do.” He glanced sideways at her and winked. “Especially when there is a beautiful naked woman beside me.”

  She gave him a playful punch on the arm. “So this isn’t the first time you’ve done it then. You make a habit of having a beautiful woman in your bed for breakfast?” But despite her teasing tone, Bonni found she did not like that possibility in the least. It unsettled her, and she tried like hell not to think about it too much.

  Quinn’s eyebrows shot up. “How on earth did you come up with that conclusion?” He laughed and picked up the bag of sour-cream-and-onion potato chips.

  “You said it was one of your favorite things to do with a beautiful naked woman.” She grabbed the chip bag from him and pulled it open. “One can only assume that it is a common occurrence with you.” Bonni bit down viciously on a chip, feeling a growing jealousy. She hated that emotion and was shocked it had decided to rear its ugly head when she’d only met this man less than twelve hours ago. “I love chips. But I’ve not been able to find ketchup chips in the States.” She gave him a smirk and popped a few more in her mouth.

  Quinn gave her a look, and she knew he could see through her transparent attempt to change the subject. “Listen, breakfast in bed is one of my favorite things to do. You know, sitting in bed, with the television on, or reading a book, while snacking on food, it’s nice and lazy. And ketchup chips sound disgusting.” Quinn made a face and reached for a chocolate bar.

  Bonni gasped. “Shut your face! They are not disgusting. They are one of the many things that make Canada so unique. You should try poutine, it’s to die for! But eating in bed is messy.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t really understand the draw to that flavor. Or to chips in general, actually. My weakness is sweet stuff.” Quinn held out the chocolate bar, offering her some, but she shook her head, clutching her chips tighter. He took a huge bite. “Caramel is my favorite. And I disagree. Eating in bed is just fine.” He waggled his eyebrows at her. “It can be fun, too. Pretty sure we could live off each other for a week.”

  Bonni laughed, fully knowing what he was referring to. “Yes, eating in bed can be quite delectable, fun, and pleasurable…” She reached for a glass of water on the bedside table to sooth her suddenly dry throat and took a sip before continuing. “But I maintain that eating food in bed deserves a change of sheets afterward. I will agree about caramel, though. I think, of all the candy flavors, that one’s the best. But I don’t like anything with nuts.”

  “Are you allergic to nuts?” Quinn balled up the candy-bar wrapper and tossed it into the pile of junk food in front of them and grabbed another bar.

  “No, I’m not allergic. I just don’t like how they get in my teeth. And I usually get an upset stomach afterward.” Bonni shuffled through the pile of food on the bed until she found Skittles. “Oh, I like these! The tart sweetness makes me pucker.”

  Quinn chuckled. “I’ve never had that problem with nuts. Some people’s bodies have weird idiosyncrasies.” He shook his head. “I don’t have any food allergies, but I start sneezing whenever spring rolls around.”

  “Seasonal allergies can bother me, too. Can’t go anywhere without popping a decongestant.” Bonni poured some Skittles into her hand. “I like the purple ones best. That’s my favorite color. Want some?” she asked, holding out her hand.

  He lifted her hand to his mouth. Keeping eye contact with her, he reached his tongue out and licked a few Skittles off her palm.

  Bonni could have died as she watched his tongue lap her hand and a bunch of candies disappeared between his even white teeth. She cleared her throat when he sat back with a satisfied expression on his face.

  “Uhm…okay. Eating out of the palm of my hand—interesting.” Bonni pressed her thighs together, shocked that she was turned on. Did he even know how sexy he—it—was, the way he’d licked the candies right out of her hand?

  “That’s how you eat Skittles.” Quinn reached for a big Snickers bar and waved it in front of her. “Now for some nuts.”

  Bonni curled her lip and shook her head. “See, I would never choose one of those. I won’t be kissing you for a while.”

  He froze in the action of opening the wrapper and stared down at the candy bar thoughtfully. “Like, no kissing on the mouth? Are other areas of my body still on the table, so to speak?” He waggled his eyebrows at her again, and she reached behind her to grab a pillow, whacking him with it.

  Quinn wrestled it away from her, copping a feel in the process, and suddenly she was breathless from more than just the exertion. Pretending that she didn’t care that she had lost the pillow, she reached for a bag of ripple chips and held them up. “Now this—nectar of the gods. They would be even better with a nice sour-cream dip.”

  “I’m really loving this getting-to-know-you bit we’re doing this morning.” Quinn smiled, and Bonni returned it. “Food is the universal language. Next to sex, of course.”

  “I thought math was.” She inspected a chip. “I like the curly ones.” She reached out her tongue and placed the chip on it, liking how focused Quinn was on the action. “And yes, I’m learning a lot about you.” She took a long drink of the water and put it back down on the table. “Just don’t get any crumbs in the sheets, or you’ll be sleeping alone.”

  Quinn furrowed his brows and made a show of patting the bed. The covers were pulled to his hips, concealing the most scrumptious part of him from her gaze. “Hmm, I don’t get the issue; nor do I see any problems. And who are you, anyway, the princess with the pea?”

  He met Bonni’s gaze with a fiery look and her belly tumbled over again. The last thing she had ever anticipated was to be sitting here, naked, in bed with a gorgeous and equally naked man, especially a man like him. Not something you’d expect to happen on any given day.

  “‘The Princess and the Pea,’ eh? You know what, I think I must be.
” Bonni nodded. “I’m able to find every crumb or prickly thing in my sheets. So I’m a bit anal about my bed and like it just so: clean, with fresh sheets and pluffy pillows.” Bonni inspected another curly chip.

  “So what is a pluffy pillow?” Quinn inquired.

  “A pillow that’s a cross between puffy and fluffy…so, pluffy. Anyway, don’t change the subject.”

  “I’m not, but whoa now, that’s a tall order.” Bonni looked up at Quinn and, even though he was smiling at her, somehow she suddenly felt high maintenance. “You don’t like these tumbled-up sheets, the sheets that are evidence of our passionate lovemaking? Come on, food is fun, and all this is still in the package, I might add. I kinda like it tossed all over the bed.” He was teasing her, and his playful tone and the genuine look in his eyes relieved her anxiety about her feelings from a moment before. She really liked this easy banter they had already developed a habit of falling in to.

  Bonni raised her hand and pointed her finger at him. “As long as there are no crumbs in the bedsheets. Or pet hair. I dated a guy who let his dog sleep in his bed. Never. Again.”

  “Noted, my princess, for the future.”

  Her heart beat a little harder at the words “the future.” She felt ridiculously excited at the possibility that there might be a future for them, even though she’d just met him last night. There was something intriguing about Quinn that made her a little receptive to the possibility that this might go beyond a one-night stand. Although the idea had occurred to her before, the full impact of it hadn’t really crossed her mind…until now. She gazed at him, comfortable in his presence. She was beginning to think that she could discover the heart of him, and could show him herself.

  “I have never been referred to as a princess, so I’ll have to ponder that for a little bit. But does that mean you shall do my bidding as one does for a princess? Especially since you are already eating out of my hand?” She wiggled her fingers teasingly and he grabbed her hand to nibble at her fingertips before pressing a kiss to her palm.

  “Aren’t all girls princesses at some point? And”—he popped a piece of non-nutty chocolate into his mouth before continuing—“I can be persuaded to do some bidding…depends on the kind.”

  “Uhm, well…” This conversation was taking on more seductive tones, and something flared low in her abdomen. How could it not when she was naked in bed with this gorgeous man? “…Maybe some girls are princesses. But I’ve never thought of myself as a princess. I’m more of the rough-and-tumble type. A tomboy.”

  Quinn reached out and caught her wrist. He pulled her easily across the rumpled sheets and on to his chest. Their treasure trove of junk food scattered across the foot of the bed and some fell onto the floor.

  “Well, rough and tumble, princess or not, crumbs in the bed or military corners on the sheets, I like you here, in my arms, naked, and in my bed.”

  Bonni drew in a ragged breath and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his. The merest touch of him aroused her, and she draped her leg over his thigh.

  “I might just be able to get used to this kind of decadence. Eating in bed turned into a whole lot more than I anticipated. Maybe I can grow to like it a little more and not be so fussy.”

  “I bet you can.” Quinn’s hands trailed down her spine, coming to rest at the small of her back.

  Bonni rose up and caught his mouth with hers. Their breathing mingled and she tasted the chocolatey caramel on his tongue. The crinkle of candy wrappers serenaded them and Bonni forgot about everything except Quinn, and satisfying a different kind of hunger.

  Chapter Nine

  Something stirred Bonni, waking her from the deepest slumber. Normally a light sleeper, she’d crashed hard after their night of sex. Here she was, waking from the most refreshing sleep she’d had since—oh, ever—and without having to resort to her sleeping pills. What kind of magic did Quinn possess?

  Stretching her body, she was languid, content after being so thoroughly worked over. She turned to her side and watched Quinn in the gloom. He was on his back, breathing deep and steady. The white top sheet was pulled up to his waist, stark in the dimly lit room.

  Bonni raised her hand and hesitated a moment before lightly touching his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his skin under hers. She smiled, glad her friends had been so generous with the condoms. She knew every inch of him now and was confident that she could reduce him to a puddle in thirty seconds flat. When he stirred and raised his arm, Bonni tucked herself into the groove of him, dropping her arm across his firm belly as he snuggled her tight to him.

  “You’re awake,” he murmured sleepily, not opening his eyes.

  “Just,” she whispered into him. “It’s still dark.”

  She ran her hand up him, his chest hair tickling her palm. His heart pounded steadily beneath her fingers.

  “Mmm…I could use more sleep. You’ve worn me out.” He pulled her into a bear hug.

  Bonni sighed, not having felt this satisfied in such a long time. She was lingering in that twilight of nearly awake but also dozing when the sound of the shower running made her realize that Quinn was no longer in bed with her.

  No longer relaxed, Bonni began to worry about an exit strategy. Were the rules different for a vacation fling than for a regular one-night stand? Should she be making a discreet exit while Quinn was in the shower? She’d like to see him again but, in their haze of lust and passion, they’d never discussed the boundaries of their relationship. Could you even call what they had a relationship?

  Before she had time to work herself up too much, Quinn came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his hips and his hair wet. She feasted her eyes on him. He was a sight that made her body insta-react. Maybe I could lure him back to bed.

  She sat up and didn’t bother to hold the sheet. It seemed silly now, after the escapades of last night. It fell to her hips and exposed her breasts to him.

  “Trying to tempt me?” Quinn asked, as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Always.” She smiled. “Where are you off to so early?”

  “First round of the tournament.”

  Bonni furrowed her brows. “Tournament?”

  Quinn had been grabbing clothes from the closet but stopped to face her. “I guess we didn’t get much further than the candy in the ‘get-to-know-you’ portion of last night. I’m a professional poker player and the Bellagio is hosting one of the biggest tournaments of the year. Qualifiers are happening over the next couple of days.”

  “Oh.” Bonni felt a little uneasy, hearing he was a professional gambler.

  “Something wrong?” He’d been about to drop the towel, but at the tone of her voice, he readjusted it tighter on his hips instead.

  A gambler and a cop? Yeah, there was something wrong with that pairing. But this was a vacation fling, possibly even just a one-night stand. He had his life, she had hers, and they’d only meet between the sheets. Bonni had absolutely no reason to be upset that their professions weren’t compatible. Right?

  She stretched her arms above her head, knowing it was a seductive move and that, if he could resist that, then she would understand how important his poker tournament was to him. “Well, I was hoping for one more round before we went our separate ways.”

  Quinn sat on the edge of the bed, the knot of his towel loosening. It slipped down to reveal the indentation of his hip. He smiled, and the steady look he gave her eased her mind a bit, as well as stoking her fire. “You are extraordinarily tempting…you almost make me want to crawl back into bed with you.”

  She looked up at him through her eyelashes and dropped her arms to the bed, leaning back a little to cause her breasts to jut out. Her movements surprised the hell out of her, as she’d never played a temptress before. Maybe it was the challenge of trying to lure him from his game, of testing him and seeing how important poker was to him. “So let me tempt you.”

  “I’d love to stay. Truly. But I have to go. They’ll disqualify me if I
’m not there on time.”

  She could see he was fighting it, could see the passion in his eyes, and his slightly reserved nature told him he wouldn’t fall prey to her. Telling herself she wasn’t disappointed, Bonni nodded and reached for her clutch on the nightstand. She dumped the contents on the sheets, looking for her phone so she could text her friends.

  Quinn leaned over and picked up Bonni’s black leather wallet. “This isn’t a very ladylike-looking wallet.”

  “Who said I was a lady?” She smiled and took it from him. It wasn’t a wallet; it was her police ID, holding her badge. She tucked it into her purse. She wasn’t ready to tell him she was a cop. When he didn’t ask any further questions, she was both relieved and a tiny bit disappointed. Maybe she wanted him to want to know more about her. Her cell had fallen and was half hidden under a fold of the sheets, and she picked it up. Quinn reached for her wrist and dragged her into his lap, and she was putty in his hands.

  She liked how comfortable they were with each other. Their nakedness wasn’t an issue, but then, after everything they’ve done to each other last night, how was it possible to be even remotely shy?

  Bonni instinctively burrowed down against his groin and he moaned a little, dropping his forehead to her shoulder. His voice muffled, he said, “Unlock your phone.”

  With a little spark of hope, she did, and the spark smoldered into a flame when he rattled off his phone number before instructing her to call him so he’d have her number, too. Feeling sexy, she turned her cell’s camera to selfie-mode then lifted her shoulder so he’d look up at her. Bonni held the button for a burst of shots but dropped her phone onto the bed when he kissed her.

  His kiss hadn’t lost its potency. Bonni deepened the kiss, lingering in Quinn’s arms, not wanting to break their embrace. Wanting to keep the kiss going. But he gently disengaged her.


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