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What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away)

Page 13

by Shana Gray

  He put his finger under her chin to tilt her face up, smiled, and leaned forward. “That was thoughtful of you. But I missed you in my bed.”

  Bonni drew in a quick breath; his voice was low, deep, and seductive, just loud enough for her to hear. Memories of their shared intimacy reignited her desire for him. He pressed a kiss to her lips, light, sensual, so when he did lift up from her, she sat for a moment with her eyes closed, craving more and totally forgetting they were in the middle of a busy café.

  Bonni blinked and focused on him. “You are a dangerous man, Quinn Bryant.” She raised the coffee cup and gulped a mouthful, then lowered it, still holding it between her hands.

  “Dangerous in a good way, I hope.”

  She nodded and met his gaze. “Yes, in a very good way.” A blush rushed up her cheeks, and it surprised her.

  Quinn laughed and placed his hand over hers. “I like that you can still blush.”

  She shook her head and raised her eyebrows. “I can’t believe I still have the ability. Honestly, it’s annoying.”

  “No, it’s not annoying, it’s nice.” Quinn caught her gaze and Bonni fell under his spell. “I know what you look like when you fly to pieces.”

  Bonni looked around quickly. “Quinn, we’re in public, you can’t say that here.” But she wanted him to continue. This dirty talk wasn’t what she was used to, and she liked the excitement of it.

  Quinn leaned back in the chair, which was really too small for his large frame, and his chest expanded as he drew in a deep breath. “Why are you worried someone will hear?” He gave her a slow smile, which was her undoing. “So, let them be jealous. You’re mine.”

  She drew in a gasp and closed her eyes, savoring his words.

  He reached for her hand and took hers in his. “You need to stay in bed with me, then you’ll sleep well.”

  “You might be too much of a distraction for me to be able to sleep.” Bonni lifted a shoulder and gave him a coquettish smile.

  “I’m quite happy to be your favorite distraction. And your wildest fantasy.” He lowered his head so that he was gazing at her from beneath his eyebrows. Bonni giggled.

  “Perhaps I need to know some of your fantasies.” Bonni tipped her head to the side, waiting to see what his response would be.

  “And that, my sexy detective, is just fine with me.” He gave her a look that made her belly flip over.

  “Remember, though, I’m the one with the cuffs.” Damn, she didn’t give a shit if she sounded breathless. The idea of having Quinn cuffed to her bed…there wasn’t enough oxygen on the planet to refill her lungs after that image.

  “Yes, you are, and I’ll hold you to that.” He chuckled and checked his watch. “We should have dinner later tonight.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” She hesitated on her next words, but then blurted them out. “We don’t have much time left.”

  “No, we don’t. But there is always after Vegas. This doesn’t have to end here.” He stroked his thumb across the delicate skin of her wrist and fire raced through her blood.

  Memories of last night flooded her, and Bonni drew in a soft breath. Quinn had passed his crash course in getting to know Bonni Connolly’s erogenous zones with flying colors.

  “No, it doesn’t. But you do push me outside my comfort zone.” She didn’t feel the least bit shy admitting this.

  “That’s a good thing, don’t you think?” He nodded and gave her a heartfelt look.

  Bonni met his gaze. “Sometimes. But it can also create a craving in me.”

  Quinn laughed softly and pulled her wrist so they were inches apart. “I have to agree with you there. You are my craving now.”

  “I think I like the sound of that,” she whispered. “So what time should we do dinner later, then? When will you be all mine, after you’re free from all this?” She didn’t break her gaze from his.

  “It depends how well I do.” He pressed his lips to her hair.

  “I have confidence in you.” Bonni clutched his arms.

  “Keep your phone close, I’ll text you. If I’m doing good, it will be later on, between six and seven o’clock. If I do poorly, I’ll be done even earlier.”

  “Okay. Then I’ll bank on seven.” Bonni gave him a look that she hoped showed her confidence in him.

  “That’s the kind of positivity I need. Throw it out there into the universe and it’ll come back to you, right?”

  “If you believe in that stuff.” Bonni gave him a sideways glance.

  “I guess I believe in whatever is handy at the time.”

  “That can work in your favor—”

  An announcement came across a speaker and Quinn held up his hand, tilting his head to listen. She wasn’t thrilled to be cut off like that and furrowed her brows. Quinn stood and she followed his lead.

  “I couldn’t understand, is it time for you to go?”

  “Yes. I’m sorry. I’m glad you came, even if we only had a short time together.”

  “Me, too.” Bonni’s heart started to beat faster, knowing there were just a precious few minutes left before he went back to his game and she to her day. The anticipation of their dinner later was the only calming influence on her otherwise riotous emotions. She’d never been so unglued by a man before and controlling herself was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do.

  Bonni followed Quinn as he carved his way through the growing crowd. A number of people stopped him to shake his hand and congratulate him on advancing to the next round. He was very gracious and polite, while she seethed with frustration. All she wanted to do was drag him out of here. Get him alone, away from all the people, so they could spend time together. These unfamiliar emotions were making her crazy, and she gripped his hand a little tighter.

  Quinn turned to her. She looked up at him and, to her horror, she felt the hot swell of threatening tears. What is the matter with me? He brushed her hair from her cheek. “Shh, it’s okay, Bonni.”

  “I’m sorry, I-I’m…” She shook her head, incredulous at her despair. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  “I know. I feel it, too. But they’re waiting for me,” Quinn whispered in her ear. “How about a kiss for luck?”

  She nodded, unable to form any words.

  He pulled her behind one of the room’s pillars and gathered her in his arms.

  “I’m glad you came. And now, with this kiss, I’m guaranteed to win.”

  Bonni’s mood was immediately lifted by the upbeat tone his voice held. She turned her face to his. “Talk about pressure. But I can handle it. C’mere.”

  His lips took hers and she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to him. She damn well gave him more than just a kiss for luck. She wanted him to feel her, to remember how their bodies meshed so sweetly. Leave him with the memory of her body next to his, her lips under his, so that he would be burning for her, just as she was for him, with the anticipation for later.

  In that perfect moment, she was happy, but the kiss was much too short and, reluctantly, they parted.

  “Tonight. Text me.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Bonni watched him leave, and how quickly he immersed himself back into the games. He was assigned a table and took his place. While a number of the other players wore hoodies, Quinn looked much more polished in his polo. She smiled when he put on his ball cap, glad that he didn’t hide inside a hoodie. He had style and, even in this casual setting, he looked debonair. He cracked his knuckles and placed his palms down on the table. Almost like a pre-game ritual.

  The emotion that filled Bonni was quite unfamiliar. Leaving him now, and knowing she’d have to do it again tomorrow, and, if things did move beyond Vegas, that he’d be leaving her whenever he went to a poker game, wherever that might be in the world… It was like water on the seed of unease.

  Yes, he was a special man, and it surprised the hell out of her that she was thinking beyond Vegas where her relationship with Quinn was concerned. But how could they ever
make a relationship outside of Vegas work with their two vastly different careers? Their worlds were very different. Perhaps the chasm between was just too great. The only way to know for sure was for them to have a conversation and lay their cards on the table.

  Bonni’s phone buzzed in her bag. She knew it would be one of the girls and she was eager to see what they were planning for the rest of the day.

  Ceez: Where r u gurrrl? Wanna get the day started.

  Bons: Just finished watching Quinn play. He’s moving on to the next round. Did you confirm the Canyon tour?

  Ceez: Yaaas! #vegasbaby Weather is fine.

  Bons: When do we leave?

  Ceez: You got 20 minutes to get ur ass back here

  Bons: Fab! On my way. #funtimes

  Ceez: Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon #helitour #whompwhomp

  Bonni looked up at Quinn. He was intensely focused on his game. She was glad she’d come to see him. Every little stolen moment together was all they had. She refused to think about the looming inevitability. Excited to see Quinn later, she was now just as eager to spend time with her girls.

  She stood and watched him for a few moments. He looked up and Bonni’s heart swelled. She blew him a kiss and gave a little wave, mouthing the word “later.” He didn’t smile, keeping his poker face, but he nodded his head, which was good enough for her. She turned and walked swiftly back to the Gladiators. Pushing her concerns aside, if she didn’t know better, she would have thought she was walking on air. Bonni hadn’t felt this happy in a long, long time and knowing that she was seeing her man later was the icing on the cake.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Bonni got a kick out of seeing Celia with her face planted against the window of the helicopter. She was like a child, full of enthusiasm and soaking up every little bit of the experience.

  “Oh my God, I’d heard seeing the Grand Canyon from the air was the best way.” Celia’s voice was muffled, since she was still facing the window.

  “This is simply breathtaking.” Fredi was also craning her neck to take everything in, and was busy snapping pictures with her phone. Bonni knew that, at the next quiet moment, Fredi would be sketching up a storm. She had such a creative mind, anything could be inspiration.

  Ava was sitting in the front beside the pilot and had a bird’s-eye view of their flight path. Ava wasn’t the best with heights, but she had flatly refused to be left behind. Her fingers twisted on her seat belt as the pilot distracted her with historical facts. Bonni had chosen the middle back seat between Celia and Fredi so they could have the better window views.

  She already had so many fantastic memories with her besties, and now, here she was creating more. They’d flown over the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, and were now zipping along toward the Canyon. Damn if it hadn’t choked her up a little bit.

  “I’m glad we booked this tour. Great idea, Celia,” Bonni said into the microphone of the headset she wore. Her friends, and the pilot, all wore a matching set.

  Celia turned to hug Bonni, making her even more emotional, so that tears threatened. “Anything for my girls. We had some pretty damn fine scenery last night at the Thunder Down Under show, but these vistas are gorgeous. I just have to bring the kids here one day. I can’t wait to show them pictures when I get back.”

  “You totally should. California’s practically in walking distance.” Bonni tried to keep an upbeat tone to her voice, but the reminder of the rapidly approaching end of their trip saddened her.

  Celia was busy taking pictures out the window and then Instagramming them. “Hey, Bon-Bon, Fredi, smile!” Celia held her phone up and they all leaned into each other as best they could so she could snap a selfie. “Ava, turn around.”

  Ava gripped her seat belt tighter. “I’m good, thanks.” In an obvious attempt to distract Celia, Ava asked, “Bonni, what is Quinn doing today?”

  “He’s still in the tournament. He texted me a selfie at the last break, but I haven’t gotten anything in a while, so he must be playing.” Bonni’s phone was wedged into her back pocket, but she knew she would feel it vibrate if Quinn texted or called.

  Celia focused on her phone, tagging and sending her pictures. “Eh, it’s a good thing he’s just a fling. It would never work out with you guys long-term.”

  Bonni felt a little shocked and let down. “Why…why would you say that, Celia?”

  Still preoccupied with her phone, Celia said, “Well, c’mon, he’s this high-society dude who flits from game to game, and you have a job. In Canada. And there’s your dad and everything. What are you going to do, just trust that he’s not cheating on you while he’s off playing in exotic locations and sit around waiting for him to visit you? You’re too smart for that. So take him for a ride then put him back in the stable. That’s what I do now.”

  Wind blew through the small window on the door Celia sat beside, lifting her long curls off her neck and shoulders. Bonni saw a bruise on her neck and her eyes opened wide before she narrowed them to scrutinize the mark. Celia had a hickey! A quick glance at Fredi and Ava showed they hadn’t noticed. Bonni sat back in the seat and wondered where she’d gotten the love bite from. Then she drew in a soft breath. Landon! Bonni had noticed their connection last night, and damn! Celia had had sex with Landon. Or at least made out with him. But why hadn’t the other two picked up on it? Best keep this to herself for now.

  “Come on,” Ava interrupted, “A long-distance relationship could work. You just have to try harder.” Trust Ava to try to put a positive spin on things.

  “Aves, why would Bonni possibly waste herself on—ow! Fredi, why did you hit me?” It was impossible for Bonni to miss Fredi smacking Celia on the arm, but she just stared into space. Celia’s words only fed into Bonni’s concerns. It upset her, and she knew she probably wasn’t hiding it very well.

  There was a rustling sound, and then Bonni felt Celia take her hand. She looked at her friend, her eyes stinging with unshed tears.

  “Oh, Bonni, I’m sorry. Quinn’s a good guy, and he’s certainly not acting like a dude who’s only out for a good time. Maybe Ava’s right. Maybe you guys can make things work long distance. Maybe he’ll even want to settle down soon. He’s not getting any younger, after all.” As reassurances went, Celia failed miserably and Bonni could tell her friend didn’t believe a word of it, but she felt lucky to have a bestie who’d support her even when she thought Bonni was being an idiot.

  “Okay, you are all getting way ahead of yourselves. Enough.” She wasn’t ready to confess to her friends that she was falling for Quinn. And hard. How could she be falling in love with a man she had just met?

  But she knew she was.

  The pilot cut in, halting any further conversation. “We’ll take one low pass below the canyon rim and then we land. From there, you can access the Skywalk or get some food.”

  “I’m going on that Skywalk,” Celia announced. “Who else?”

  “I’m in,” Bonni answered. She saw Ava shaking her head. “You have to, Ava! You can’t come all this way and chicken out.”

  “We’ll drag you on it if we have to. It’ll be the best photo op. I want one of all of us so I can blow it up and put it in my studio,” Fredi told them.

  “That would be awesome,” Celia said.

  “I’ll just close my eyes then.” Ava didn’t sound confident at all, and Bonni laughed.

  “You’ll be fine. Just think, if it collapses, we’ll all go together.”

  “That’s not funny, Bonni!”

  Bonni looked out the window and a million thoughts ran through her head. Why was it that when she was away from Quinn her doubts crept back in? Nerves made her feel sick, and the last thing she wanted was to be feeling like that on this trip. Maybe she could meet Quinn later than seven. It would give her time to think some more. As much as it pained her to do it, as the helicopter came in for the landing, Bonni texted him the change of plans. Stuffing her phone in her purse, she resolved to have a great day with her friends before potentially saying goodbye
to Quinn that night.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Hey, man, that was a pretty damn good game. I watched it from the sportsbook.” Landon clapped Quinn on the back and sat on the stool next to him.

  “Yeah, whatever. It’s a win.” Quinn felt so twisted up inside about Bonni it was hard to be enthusiastic about his victory.

  “It got you in the finals tomorrow, though.” The bartender walked over. “I’ll have a Corona, and so will he.” Landon tilted his head toward his brother.

  Quinn held up his beer. “Already got one.”

  “Have another.”

  “Give me a shot of Jack first.”

  Landon looked at him, and Quinn sent him a challenging look back. Landon raised his hands in supplication. “All right. Drink away.”

  The bartender put a shot glass in front of Quinn, filled it with Jack and then slid two bottles of Corona with lime in the top on the bar.

  “What’s up your ass?” Landon asked him.

  “Nothing. What’s up yours?” Quinn shot the Jack down in one gulp then grimaced.

  “You just should’ve had the beer.” Landon shook his head, pushed the lime down the neck of the bottle and took a long pull. “JD will only get you in trouble.”

  “Now I’ll have the beer. I just needed a jolt of jet fuel.” Quinn pulled his phone out from his pocket and checked it again, then put it down on the counter.

  “Did you see her this morning?”

  Quinn nodded. “Yeah, she turned up at the tournament.”

  “Sounds a little clingy for a one-night stand. What do you really know about this woman anyway?

  Quinn shrugged his shoulders. “She’s beautiful, fantastic in bed. A loyal friend and a devoted daughter. And she’s a cop in Canada.”

  “A cop? I would’ve never guessed it.”

  “That’s exactly what I said.” Quinn lifted the bottle and tipped it, letting the cold liquid slide down his throat. Images flashed through his mind of their night, the way he pushed her up against the windows, naked and exposed. How he’d sunk his cock into her and nearly lost his mind. Sharing their lives in the intimacy of his room. Getting to know her, learning that her beautiful exterior was matched by her beautiful soul. He sighed.


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