What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away)

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What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away) Page 17

by Shana Gray

  Everyone was silent. Bonni stared at Fredi. “Wow, of everyone, you are the last one I’d expect to encourage me.”

  Fredi nodded. “But I am.”

  Ava and Celia both chimed in. “Me, too.”

  Bonni swelled up with emotion. It was the affirmation she needed to hear. “Okay. Okay. I’m going to do it. I’ll change my flight, get another room just in case, and then go wait for him. I just hope he can forgive me for what I said.”

  “He loves you.” Fredi winked at her. “Just say you’re sorry and mean it. He’ll forgive you.”

  “I can’t tell you what it means to me that I have you guys to lean on, that I can tell you everything and you won’t judge.” Bonni looked at each of her friends in turn. Ava had tears in her eyes while Fredi lifted a shoulder, at her limit for dramatic emotional confessions, and Celia chewed her bottom lip.

  “Of course no judgment! If you can’t tell all your secrets to your best friends, who can you tell them to?” Ava said.

  Fredi replied, “Well, I don’t know about that. I never told you guys about the time that I met this guy and—”

  Celia suddenly screeched, “Landon and I had sex!”

  Bonni punched the air in triumph, her first happy emotion of the day. “I KNEW IT!”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Quinn kept his gaze glued to the pot. He knew that if he didn’t get his shit together in a hurry, it could disappear into Dante’s grubby fingers. Or one of the other players’, for that matter. But Dante was his biggest threat and usually Quinn was on point. But not this time.

  It was all he could do not to growl with frustration. He was off his game. He could feel it. And it showed. He’d played Dante before and knew his signals. Granted, he had a few new ones, but it wouldn’t normally take Quinn this long to figure them out.

  It’s just that today is different. He had a distraction. A beautiful, sexy, wonderful, and challenging distraction. And her name is Bonni.

  Quinn mentally shook his head to try and dislodge the image of a naked Bonni from his brain. He looked at Dante and almost grimaced. The expression on his face right now, while blank to others, wasn’t to Quinn. The wrinkle on the bridge of Dante’s nose was him trying to bite back a smile. The slightly squinted eyes were also telltale. He was smug. He knew Quinn was off and he was capitalizing on it. Quinn wanted to smack that smug look right off his competitor’s face. It wasn’t the final round. They weren’t the last two players. His opponents were whittling down, though, and soon it would be the final two. Damn straight he still wanted to win, but if he kept this attitude up, it would be a snowball’s chance in hell he’d make it to the final round.

  He was having a very difficult time focusing. He wasn’t overly concerned about the other players and kept his semi-focus on Dante. The prick. That, if anything, should spur Quinn on to kick his ass.

  Somehow, after last night, things seem to have shifted for him. He glanced at the very stoic-faced dealer as he burned a card and dealt the river. Quinn stared without really seeing the cards. All he saw in his mind was Bonni.

  The day had started so promisingly. He’d held her all night. And she had slept like a baby. In the morning, he had lain there, watching her sleep, feeling like the king of the world. Quinn stared blankly at his cards before they registered with him. The only thing he could see was the image of her fast asleep on the rumpled bed, looking so peaceful and lovely, and how cute she’d been, even if she had been drunk as a skunk. He’d been so sure that she’d be eager to stay, that they’d really be able to talk about building a future together. She’d lashed out at him. And he’d been stunned into speechlessness. Then she’d stormed out with those brutal words hanging in the air.

  It had taken a moment for Quinn to gather his thoughts, and by the time he’d managed to unroot his feet from the ground and rush out the door after her, she was already gone, the elevator doors closing as he raced down the hall. There hadn’t been time to follow her down and find her in the lobby, as much as he had wanted to. If he had, he would’ve been disqualified from this final round.

  It wasn’t like Quinn had asked her to do anything too major. All he wanted was for her to stay with him. An extra night. Why couldn’t she just stay?

  He separated a small stack of chips and shuffled them with his fingers. Contemplating his position and Bonni. The two were not mixing all that well together. He picked a chip and rolled it along his knuckles and stared at the cards.

  He could feel Dante’s excited energy. The other opponents weren’t nearly so agitated. Landon had always said that Quinn had some kind of voodoo magic with cards and poker. Maybe he did. But right now, all he wanted was to end this game. Quinn flickered a glance at Dante, then back to his cards. He looked like he was getting smugger by the minute, so sure he had Quinn figured out. Insufferable ass.

  Placing his cards facedown, Quinn protected his hole cards by placing a chip on top. He hoped that it would unnerve Dante, because what Quinn was going to do next was risky.

  “Keep playing that hand, buddy.” Dante’s lightly accented voice had a mocking tone and Quinn knew he was taking a jab at his slow play. But he also noticed the quick glance Dante gave to the other players. Dante was feeling the pressure. Quinn held on to his poker face through sheer will. He didn’t like to be told what to do; it was the whole reason he’d left home in the first place. He thought a little longer, then decided his next move was the right one. He checked.

  There was a sinking feeling in Quinn’s stomach as he realized that he hadn’t asked Bonni what her plans were. He had just told her what he wanted her to do. And she’d bolted in a cloud of scathing words.

  God. He was the insufferable ass.

  For the first time ever, he was anxious to get a tournament wrapped up, eager to find Bonni. The words she’d said, while cutting him deep, were true. He watched Dante, and it was all he could do not to smile. He bet, and now Quinn acted.

  “Raise. All in.” Quinn kept his voice monotone.

  Dante’s mouth thinned ever so slightly. He didn’t even look at the others at the table. Now he was the one taking his time. There were murmurs from the crowd and Dante looked like he was going to levitate right out of his seat. He’d been nipping at Quinn’s heels in the international rankings for years. The next move Dante made would be the end of this round as the others folded. It’s him or me going on to the final. Quinn’s head hadn’t been in the game and he should have tossed his cards into the muck when his hole cards were first dealt. So now he had to draw on strategy and the check-raise one seemed to be his best option.

  Being rebellious only gets you so far, Quinn. At some point, you have to grow the fuck up.

  He had wanted to be more than the man his father expected him to be. He wanted to be free to go his own way and make his own choices. Quinn continued to shuffle his chips. The clacking of them and the silence of Dante as he lifted the corner of his cards and put them down again didn’t distract Quinn from staring at his cards. He realized, as he waited for Dante’s move, that at some point defying society’s norms had become a habit, not a choice.

  It wasn’t easy to find somebody you clicked with the way he and Bonni had. Or find that special someone you actually wanted to spend time with. Especially for him. Not that he was a love-’em-and-leave-’em kind of guy, but he was always ready to move on. No commitments. No professions of love. No promises to meet up again.

  Until now. He wanted all of that with Bonni. Panic surged through him, and he willed Dante to hurry the fuck up and throw in his cards. Or, at the worst, raise him.

  Dante moved a pile of his chips around and Quinn unconsciously held his breath. He was going to raise him. The check-raise wasn’t going to work. Quinn was going to lose. He looked at the pot on the table. The winner’s pot. And a lot of it his. He said a silent goodbye.

  Quinn had a powerful realization. The clarity that hit him right now tilted his world. If he lost, he wouldn’t care. He already had money. Boatloads of i
t. But if he lost Bonni…well, that couldn’t happen. His heart hurt, it was pounding so fast. Normally, his adrenaline rush came from the game and from winning. But now it came from the panic of potentially losing Bonni. He was done. This was it. His last tournament. Once it was over, then he’d go after her.

  He looked around, hoping to see her in the audience. That would mean she’d decided to stay. But she wasn’t.

  He knew what he needed to do. One last tournament. Now, he wanted to win. Wanted his strategy to work. Go out on top, crushing Dante like a bug. And then go after her.

  Winning Bonni back would be the only victory that mattered.

  He looked at Dante, square on, giving him no tells. And when Dante stared back at him, he thinned his lips and Quinn felt the hate coming off him in waves.

  Dante tossed in his cards. He folded. Quinn had won on a bluff. All that was left was the final game.

  And going after Bonni.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Bonni stepped off the elevator into the crush of the crowd. She had to get to the front desk and find a room for tonight. She’d already switched her flight. Driven by a new determination, she pushed her way through the crowd.

  Damn! You would think that, since Vegas never sleeps, the lobby would be deserted this early in the morning, but she was astounded at the number of people who were gambling at all hours of the day. She could see a big line at the front desk and her heart dropped. I need a room!

  “Bonni.” She halted when she heard her name, and turned. Landon approached.

  “Hi.” She didn’t really know what to say to him. They’d had an enjoyable conversation at the patisserie, but Quinn had been there to smooth over the rough spots, and she hadn’t really spoken to Landon since then. They’d not said more than a few words the other night in the bar before she’d left with Quinn. Things were even more awkward now that she knew Landon was equally as good as Quinn at certain things. Thanks a lot, Celia!

  “How are you? Enjoying Vegas?” The gleam in his eye indicated to her that he was referring to a whole lot more than just gambling.

  “Sure. You?” She wasn’t about to say too much. She had no idea if Quinn had told him about last night. When the parting words she had said to Quinn rang in her ears, she inwardly cringed. Glancing over Landon’s shoulder, she chewed her lip, desperate to get in the line.

  “Always. You never know what will happen in Vegas. Like, for example, you and Quinn meeting up.”

  She narrowed her eyes and assessed him. What was he trying to say? Her cop side started awakening from its vacation slumber. “I’m glad I met Quinn. He’s a very special man.”

  Landon nodded. “I agree. He’s my brother, after all.” He shot her a big smile. “He’s the sensitive one.”

  “And you are…?”

  He raised a shoulder. “The ruthless one.”

  She flashed back to the veiled bedtime story Quinn had shared. Bonni looked up at Landon. “You don’t seem all that ruthless to me. Nosey, maybe, but not ruthless.”

  He laughed. “I like your candor. There’s no real need to be ruthless here. I consider myself on a quick vacation. But the boardroom is a different game.”

  “And Quinn, he’s not in the boardroom?” Bonni asked the leading question and waited to hear his answer.

  “No, no. I’ve tried for years to bring him in, but he’s the independent one. Out to face the world and make a name for himself. But I know he’s considering coming back.”

  Bonni glanced at the floor. She hadn’t really had a chance to let the end of Quinn’s story sink in. Doing something that he’s never wanted to do in order to be with his lady. She repeated her words from last night, “He should be able to be who he wants to be.”

  Raising her head, she gave Landon a fierce look. “You’re just going to have to fire him if he decides to come back.”

  Landon pressed his lips together and crossed his arms. “Well, now, don’t you sound just like him. So very protective.” They maintained eye contact for an intense couple of seconds before he looked away. “So, will you be seeing each other after Vegas?”

  “If there’s anything I can do about it, then yes. I love him for who he is. Not who everyone wants him to be.” Bonni heard her voice break and swallowed, determined not to lose it in the hotel lobby.

  “It won’t be easy,” Landon warned. “It’s not your typical nine-to-five job. He goes to a lot of different places, and some of them are terrifying to think about. With the time differences, sometimes it’ll be days before you hear from him, and even then, his response could be just a quick email. And the money—”

  Bonni interrupted angrily. “I don’t care about the money! And, yes, staying at home while he leaves me behind will be difficult, but to be with him, it would all be worth it.”

  Landon regarded her thoughtfully. “I believe you mean that.”

  “I do mean it. Look, I’m not claiming this was an easy decision to make, especially since we haven’t known each other long, but it’s the right one. What Quinn and I have is worth exploring.”

  Landon looked down to adjust the sleeves of his buttoned-down shirt, and then said, “So stop talking to me and go find him.”

  “I have to book my room and then get my bags to concierge first. We were supposed to check out today.” Bonni tried to keep panic from setting in.

  Landon shook his head. “I doubt you’ll have a problem finding a place to sleep tonight, not if my brother has anything to say about it, but I’ll take care of everything.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss over her cheek. “I have a limo waiting at the valet. Go to him.”

  Impulsively, Bonni threw her arms around him for a hug. She felt him startle, before he tentatively placed an arm around her shoulder to hug her back. Stepping back, she looked up and said, “Thank you. I really appreciate what you’re doing for me and Quinn. But, Landon, if you hurt Celia, I will find a way to add you to the no-fly list. I know people.”

  Bonni pivoted on her heel and ran to the valet, hearing a crack of laughter behind her. Once in the limo, she texted her friends, asking them to throw all her stuff into her suitcase and that Landon would be stopping by to collect it.

  Now that she was finally on her way to Quinn, she felt she could take a moment to breathe. She looked out the car window and last night’s bedtime story again came back in a rush. One line stood out in vivid clarity.

  A girl who, in a very short space of time, turned his world upside down.

  He’d been talking about her.

  Could he love her, too?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Quinn could taste victory. No way was he going to smile at the wrong time or give any indication of the cards that were in his hand. The TV cameras were cruising around their table. This final round was televised. He kept his attention in front and stared down at the chips, at the pot, glanced once at his cards and slid them over the viewer for the audience to see. He put them in front of him and placed his hands palm down on the table.

  Quinn tuned out the large crowd. From under the shadow of his ball cap and behind his mirrored aviators, he swiveled his gaze around the table. Scrutinizing his opponents, watching for a twitch here or a nervous touch to the face there. He knew these players and their idiosyncrasies. He’d crushed them before in other tournaments.

  They knew it, and he knew it. The floor was hushed, and the only sound was the players shuffling their chips. He closed his eyes and tuned out all the sounds around him. It was like a collective sigh sucked the air out of the room.

  He needed a king to complete his flush. His hand was good, a winning hand, but it all came down to the river. He drew in a quiet breath and held it. Waiting for the turn of the card.

  The dealer played the last card and it was all Quinn could do not to leap from his chair with the roar. The card he needed showed its pretty face to him. He quickly looked at the other players from behind his sunglasses, trying to catch any expression they might reveal on their faces.

; It didn’t matter. Quinn had to go all in now. For two reasons. One, because he had an excellent hand and two, because this was his last game. It was go big or go home. After the last round of betting, the pot was the biggest he’d ever played for. It was over $2 million. The others would have to ante up or fold. They all matched his bet and called. Quinn watched the cards and refused to let nerves play with him.

  It was time for the showdown. Each player preceding him put their cards face up, and he knew he had it. When he laid his cards, the place erupted. He had won. The thrill of the win spiked an adrenaline rush. And he knew this was another reason he played. He enjoyed the excitement that came from playing poker. The satisfaction of winning, beating the cards and his opponents.

  Only, it would be his last time.

  He stood up and shook everyone’s hand.

  A crowd surrounded him. He wasn’t able to avoid them, and it frustrated the hell out of Quinn.

  “Great game,” one opponent said to him. “Are you doing the Caribbean Challenge?”

  They shook hands, and Quinn knew he was distracted. His focus had completely veered from poker to Bonni. But at the question about the Caribbean Challenge, he was pulled up short. Quinn paused and realized how easy it was to answer the question. He smiled and shook his head. “No, not this year. Good luck to you.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  He gritted his teeth, knowing that he couldn’t leave yet. The sponsors needed to do their thing. He had to say something, and the Royal Flush Girls would be coming out to help celebrate. There’d be interviews, television spots, promo ops…and all Quinn wanted to do was get the hell out of here. But he was a professional. And it was expected.

  The crowd grew, and he was swarmed. But it didn’t stop him from keeping a hawk eye on the crowd for Bonni.

  Then he saw her shiny dark hair like a beacon. She pushed her way through the throng toward him. He felt the smile crack wide on his face. She saw him, and their gazes locked over the distance. Bonni pointed to the lounge area and then at herself. He nodded and watched her make her way to the bar.


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