What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away)

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What Happens in Vegas (Girls Weekend Away) Page 18

by Shana Gray

  Suddenly, Quinn felt ecstatic. The win paled in comparison to seeing Bonni here. That meant she had stayed, and was willing to miss her flight so they could talk. They now had some precious time to discuss their situation. How they would make it work and what was to come. He had the urge to run over, snatch her up, and whisk her away to places unknown so nothing could take her away from him.

  He kept glancing over at her. She was watching him, and they smiled at each other. He finished up the interview and, finally, his obligations were over. He slipped away from the hubbub.

  Bonni was facing the bar, holding a glass of water. Quinn saw a couple of men gathered around her. One was being a particular pain to Bonni. She turned to him and said something, and the expression on her face left no room for interpretation. She was mad. An answering anger flared inside Quinn. The douchebag was all over his woman.

  Logically, he knew that Bonni was a cop and could take care of herself. Still, he found himself charging over there like the bear he’d been nicknamed after in college. Quinn pulled up when he saw Bonni whirl around and grab the guy’s hand which had just been on her ass. Within seconds, he was twisted up like a pretzel and down on one knee in front of her. Quinn watched her handle the man. People beside her were startled and Security appeared out of nowhere to escort the man away somewhere to, presumably, lick his wounds.

  “Holy shit. That was impressive.”

  And it was then he realized there was so much more to her than he’d unraveled these last couple of days. She was the most fascinating woman he’d ever met, and one that had crept into his heart. More intriguing and beguiling than any other woman he’d ever known. Her feistiness is what had caught his attention that first night. Her zest for life was a breath of fresh air, and her willingness to experience new things. Like stepping outside her comfort zone, as she proved in his room up against the window. Quinn’s chest tightened and his desire for her roared back to the surface. He’d kept it dampened all day, and it threatened to unleash itself. And her self-defense techniques was a huge turn-on. He swallowed and fisted his hands.

  Quinn wove between the people milling around, not taking his eyes off her. She was magnificent in her outrage. She raised her hands, arched her back, and ran her fingers through her hair, shaking it out. She watched the man get carted away and Quinn drew in a breath. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes flashing. Quinn was turned on and he needed to get back under control or it would be evident to anyone that cared to look below his belt.

  Bonni turned, and her gaze fell on him. The fury on her face melted into joy. Her smile beckoned him and the ire in her eyes turned to happiness. He felt like he’d been punched in the gut and it was all he could do to breathe. She’d been so angry at him this morning and he was relieved to see that she wasn’t any longer.

  “Quinn!” She ran to him and he scooped her up. She hooked a leg around him and wrapped her arms around his neck. For the first time, he truly understood her strength, independence, and power. It captivated him even more.

  “What are you doing, trying to pick fights with douchebags?”

  “Right? That guy just wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Well, you surely showed him the consequences, no doubt about that.” He let her slide down his body, in a move that tortured them both, then took her hand and pulled her close.

  Bonni’s smile faded and she looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Quinn, about this morning—”

  Another fan came over to congratulate Quinn and, in the distance, he could see a rep from one of his sponsors searching the crowds. “Hold that thought, Temptress. Let’s go get a private table before we get interrupted again.”

  She looked up at him and he swooped in for another kiss, unable to resist her.

  “I’ll go anywhere you want me to, Quinn.”

  He may have just won millions of dollars, but it was in this precise moment that Quinn felt like the luckiest man alive.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  A sizeable tip to the maître d’ got them a secluded table in the American New Wave restaurant on the top floor of the hotel. It was a nice place, and Quinn was wearing his usual poker outfit, looking dashingly handsome, while Bonni wore a dress that showcased her legs. Her hair, as always, swung in a glossy dark curtain around her neck. She had on the same shoes she’d worn the night they met. However, after accepting the tip, the man hadn’t made a peep, just shown them to the table, and Quinn was looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  The maître d’ held the chair for Bonni, and she sat, then he took the napkin and laid it across her lap, before assisting her in pushing the chair back in. The table was next to a large picture window, overlooking the Strip. Bonni turned to look at the view while Quinn sat. She imagined that the view must be truly impressive at night. “Vegas really is pretty, isn’t it?”

  “It is. It can either love you or hate you. And I think, this trip, it loves me.”

  Bonni rapped her knuckles against the table. “Touch wood. You don’t want to jinx anything.”

  “I’ve already won.” He smiled across at her, and she felt a warm, languid feeling curl in her belly.

  “It can’t hurt, can it? You can never have too much luck.”

  “Being here with you, Temptress, I have all the luck I need.” Bonni felt her cheeks flush and he gave her a wicked grin. She just knew he was thinking about their last discussion about her blushes. He opened his mouth but, before he could say something completely inappropriate, the waiter came over with the wine list.

  “I think I’m going to have a glass of ice wine. Would you like some?” Quinn handed the list back to the waiter.

  “Canadian ice wine?” Bonni asked, a little surprised he would know Canadian ice wine.

  “Of course, it’s the best. I’ve wine toured the Niagara Region. Very interesting how the vineyards began there.”

  While the waiter fetched their wine, they looked at the menu. When he returned, Quinn said, “I think my lovely companion and I will start with—”

  Bonni cleared her throat, and Quinn smoothly changed course. “What I mean to say is that I will start with Caesar salad and extra croutons and then have the rack of lamb.”

  Hiding her smile behind her menu, Bonni advised the waiter that she would have the same as Quinn. After the man left, Quinn gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry. Habit.”

  Bonni leaned over the table and reached for his hand. “One more thing you need to learn about me. I don’t mind chivalrous gentlemen, and it’s rather romantic, too. But, food, I don’t like nuts, remember.” She winked. “So I was worried you might misfire on the order.”

  Quinn laughed, and a few heads turned in their direction. Bonni realized just how happy she was. “These last few days have been wonderful. Meeting you was such…I don’t even know how to describe it! There are so many reasons I’ve enjoyed being with you. Meeting you was the last thing I ever expected to happen on this trip when I came here with my friends.”

  “I told you the other night, you are the most fantastic surprise that could’ve ever happened to me.” He smiled. and she felt the warmth of his sincerity.

  “So unexpected. Delightfully unexpected.” Bonni looked out the window again, at Las Vegas below, glinting in the sunlight. “Are we shining bright just like the casino lights do? And once we leave, immerse ourselves back into our everyday life, will the light in our relationship fade? Just like the bright lights of Vegas will dim in our memory over time.”

  “If there’s anything I’ve learned, you cannot predict tomorrow. And why all it’s about is building memories? Haven’t we already talked about this?” Quinn squeezed her hand before reaching for his glass and taking a sip of his wine. She admired the line of his throat as he swallowed.

  Bonni agreed. “You’re right. You’ve made me understand how important it is to live in the present. In my line of work, I’m always digging into the past to work out what’s happened and hopefully stop something b
ad from happening in the future. That includes putting my own life on the line sometimes.”

  “That is something,” Quinn said in a low voice, curling his fingers around her wrist before continuing, “that I don’t like the thought of one little bit.” Bonni loved the feel of his touch. He gave her goose bumps, and heat flared up her arm, spreading through her body in a delicious wave.

  “It comes with the territory, I’m afraid.” She turned her hand over so she could lace her fingers with his.

  “I don’t like the idea of a world without you in it. As it was, I didn’t expect to see you at the tournament. I thought you’d be long gone by now.” He pressed a kiss to her hand and lowered his voice. “Especially the way you left this morning.”

  Bonni felt a rush of shame at the memory of how she’d thrown the way he’d opened up to her back in his face. “I’m sorry about what I said this morning. The way you just assumed I have no problem changing my flight, and when you said you change your travel plans all the time, I got angry and I got scared, and I lashed out. I’m so sorry, Quinn.”

  He reached out with his free hand to cup her cheek. “It’s okay. I wanted you to stay so badly, I didn’t let myself think about what obligations were waiting for you back home. And, besides, you had a point.”

  “No! No, I didn’t. I don’t want you to change. It’s why I stayed. I just couldn’t bring myself to go, to leave you behind. So I did a lot of thinking. I want to come with you. I want to see the world as you see the world. I want to travel and explore with you. Be spontaneous.” She rushed her words, unable to keep them steady and calm. It was important for her to blurt it all out as quickly as possible. She needed him to know, to understand.

  The look of joy on his face was her answer. “I’m stunned. Bonni, the fact that you would do this for me means so much. But you don’t have to do this—”

  He fell silent as the waiter brought their appetizers. The food looked amazing, but her attention was solely focused on Quinn. She had to keep talking so he would know how serious she was about this.

  “The thing is, I called earlier today and I could only get another two weeks of leave right now. And I have to go back after that to work out my final notice. They may not be too happy with me but, as you know, I was planning on moving to Virginia soon anyway.”

  Tossing his napkin on the table, Quinn left his seat so he could kneel next to her. He placed his hands on either side of her face and tilted it so they could look into each other’s eyes. “Bonni, I’m out.”

  “Out?” She wasn’t quite sure what he was referring to.

  He nodded. “Yes. I’m out. Off the circuit. I decided to take the job with Bryant Enterprises. I’ll have to do a little traveling, visit the main headquarters from time to time, but I can basically call work from anywhere. And you won’t ever have to worry about expenses for your dad or moving to Virginia. We will never have any money issues.”

  Bonni clutched his wrists and tried to shake her head. “Quinn, no, you can’t. You don’t have to do this, not for me.”

  His fingers stroked her temples. “Darling, I’m not doing it just for you. I’m doing it for my brother, who needs me around to help him get the stick out of his ass and to help with the family. I’m doing it for myself. I’ve been running from my father’s expectations for so long, I never stopped to demand more from myself. I’ve proven I can be a success away from my family and now it’s time to see what else I can do. And I’m doing it for us. Because I want to wake up with you every morning and go to sleep with you every night. I want to be there when you go see your father and I want to pick you up from the bar when your friends come to visit and I want be the person who stays by your side, no matter what. I love you, Bonni.”

  It was the most romantic thing Bonni had ever heard. It felt like a dream come true. Tears sprang to her eyes. “Quinn, oh, wow. I’m… I don’t know what to say.”

  “There’s nothing to say, except yes. Yes, we’ll give it a try and yes, you’ll come with me, wherever, for the next two weeks.”

  “Yes, yes! I love you, too!” Bonni threw her arms around his neck, nearly causing the two of them to topple over. He pulled her up into a huge bear hug, rocking them a little from side to side.

  “You have made me the happiest man.” He whispered the words into her ear, sending a flurry of shivers over her skin.

  She looked up at him and wasn’t the least bit ashamed when the tears started trickling down her face.

  “Oh, come now, there’s no need for tears.” Quinn leaned forward and, with his free hand, swept his thumb under her eyes.

  Suddenly, Bonni registered the sound of applause and realized the other diners had mistaken Quinn’s offer to change his life for her as a proposal. Bonni did what she could to compose herself, but the raw emotion he made her feel was overwhelming. He’d ripped her open, and bared her inner soul, but in a way that made her realize just how closed off she’d kept herself. How was that living?

  “I don’t remember the last time I’ve been this overcome.” She turned her face away.

  “Don’t look away from me.” Quinn put his fingers under her chin and gently turned her back to him.

  “Oh,” she said, and sniffed. “I’m not turning away from you, Quinn, I just don’t want anybody else to see me cry.”

  “The only ones here that matter are me and you.”

  That was when the waiter came over with a complimentary bottle of champagne and the best wishes of the management. They had mistaken her celebration as acceptance of Quinn’s wedding proposal. The waiter discreetly slipped her an extra napkin then vanished as quickly as he’d come. Looking at the champagne, she had to laugh, because it really had been that kind of trip.

  Quinn kissed her forehead then helped her sit back in her chair. Suddenly hungry, they both devoured their appetizers and then their entrees. They decided against dessert, feeling the need to bask a little longer in the glow of their romance.

  He stood and held his hand for her, and didn’t let it go as they rode down in the elevator. Strolling down the Strip, Quinn pointed out little things that he thought she might find interesting. They stopped at the Hershey store and she bought Quinn a small bag of Hershey’s caramel kisses for their next breakfast in bed. Not to be outdone, he popped into the Walgreens and came out with several king-sized bags of Skittles. Those, he informed her, would be for dessert. And he wasn’t going to need a plate.

  She shivered at the heat in his gaze and they decided it was time to head back to pick up the limo.

  “A crowd’s gathering at the fountains. It must be showtime.” Bonni dragged Quinn over to a small, empty spot next to the railing.

  “Have you seen them before?” He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Bonni snuggled back into him and leaned against his chest. She rested her hands on his forearms.

  “When we were here years ago, I think we stopped to watch them, or were walking by. But I barely remember.”

  “Oh?” he said, leaning down to nip at her neck.

  Bonni tilted her head back so she could look at him. He gazed down at her with a mischievous grin. This was the Quinn she had fallen for. She said, in a very serious voice, “Honestly, I’m having a hard time remembering my life before you were in it.”

  Quinn’s blue eyes went molten and she reached up to pull his head down for a kiss. When their lips met, and his tongue sought hers, she melted into him. Thank God he held her, because the passion he poured into their kiss compounded the emotion that was rioting through her body and made her knees tremble. One hand was behind his head and the other clutching his arm. But she needn’t have worried, as he held her with a strength that made her able to forget her natural instinct to be in control.

  He lifted away from her, leaving her gasping for air and every nerve alight with a fire only he was able to stoke so wildly. He didn’t have a poker face now. She could read him; it was like he’d opened himself and let his emotions tumble out.

  He d
rew in a breath. “Woman, I don’t know what I will do with you.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Quinn cleared his throat. “And you’re lucky we’re in public right now.”

  Feeling sassy, she replied, “If I wasn’t a cop, I don’t know if being in public would be a deterrent.”

  He practically purred, “Now that sounds like a challenge. It’s certainly not a no.”

  “I refuse to answer on the basis it may incriminate me.” Bonni liked the lighter, more playful, banter between them.

  Quinn let out a bark of laughter. Music began, coming from carefully concealed speakers in the bushes and trees that ringed the fountains. They fell silent when the first spray of water shot in a stunning arc from a pool. It was breathtaking how beautiful the display was. The water danced to the music and Bonni was spellbound.

  “No matter how many times I see the fountains, I’m still impressed with them.” Quinn rested his chin on the top of her head.

  “It definitely is something to be impressed about.”

  The show wound up and the crowd dispersed. Quinn led Bonni into the shuffle of people and they were carried along the sidewalk toward the hotel.

  “I don’t want this to end.” Bonni wrapped her arm around his waist and tucked her face into his shoulder, warm in the curve of his arm that held her so tight. Before they reached the front of the hotel, she pulled him to a stop. He raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

  “This has been absolutely amazing. A dream come true. When I tell Ava about this, she is just going to swoon. But, Quinn…I need to ask one more time. Are you sure about this? You’re talking about changing your entire life for me, and we’ve practically just met.”

  Quinn sighed and then looked around before dragging Bonni around the corner. The architecture of the building created small secluded alcoves and he pushed her into one, pressing her against the stone, warm from the Vegas sunshine. With his arms around her, she was surrounded by his presence, feeling both comforted and oh so safe. He kissed her again, one that started off sweet before rapidly evolving into something passionate and wild.


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