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Harlequin Heartwarming June 2021 Box Set

Page 64

by Patricia Johns

  “Talei did a fantastic job,” he said. “How long has she been dancing?”

  “This is her second year competing, but she’s been dancing since she was big enough to walk. She would watch Misty and try to imitate her.”

  Leon watched Talei line up a second time with the other children. She was the smallest, so she was right behind the head dancer holding eagle fans.

  “This is called the Eagle Dance,” Oma responded.

  Leon grinned, watching Talei mimic the leader’s movements, extending her arms to soar and spiral, before bringing them closer to her body and crouching on the ground. The line of children winded their way around the circle, surrounding the head dancer when he kneeled.

  Talei waited until she exited the arena before running over to Oma and Leon. Misty was on the other side of the arena with a group of female dancers.

  Oma planted a kiss on Talei’s forehead, then returned to her tent.

  Talei sat in the chair beside Leon. “Mommy dance.”

  “I can’t wait to see that.” He turned to face the little girl. “You did a great job out there. I’m so proud of you.”

  She grinned. “I not scared.”

  “I could tell,” he said. “You’re such a brave little girl, Talei.”

  “Hot dawg and fench fries, pleeze.”

  Leon burst into laughter. “C’mon, little one.”

  They returned to their seats in time to watch Misty perform the Dance of Life.

  He was mesmerized by her graceful movements.

  When she joined him and Talei after the dance, Leon said, “Wow... You were amazing.”

  “Amazing,” her daughter repeated.

  “I’m glad I came out here today. I’ve learned a lot.”

  “This is a huge part of who I am—I wanted you to experience it with me,” Misty stated.

  Talei got up and crawled onto Leon’s lap so her mother could sit down.

  The male dancers in fancy regalia entered the arena to perform.

  Misty pointed to the dancer closest to where they were sitting. “My mom made his clothing.”

  “She’s very talented.”

  By the end of the event, Leon found all of the dancers awe-inspiring. “When is the next powwow?” he asked.

  “There’s going to be one in Savannah next month,” Misty said. “Interested in joining us?”

  “I’m there,” he responded with a grin.

  * * *

  TODAY THE STATION house was a busy one.

  Leon and his coworkers started off washing engines one and two, then inspected their personal protective equipment. They had to be ready for any calls for assistance.

  “Don’t forget we have training in thirty minutes,” Lizzie reminded him as she poured out the pail of dirty water. “Today is on special operations.”

  “Yeah,” Leon uttered. They trained three days a week at the station. “I hope I can stay awake.”

  “Late night?” she asked as they strolled into the dorm.

  Leon sat down on his bunk. “I went to a powwow in Charleston. I was there all day long.”

  “I haven’t been to one of those in a long time.”

  “It was my first. I really enjoyed it. Misty and Talei performed.”

  Lizzie smiled. “I bet Talei was adorable.”

  Leon swept the kitchen area before heading to the training room.

  When the session ended, he and the other firemen returned to dusting, sweeping and mopping the station. Charles did the laundry before leaving to talk to students at a community center about fire prevention and how to use a fire extinguisher as part of the station’s public outreach program.

  Leon spent the next hour working out with Lizzie and another member of the unit. They were required to exercise for one hour each shift.

  “So, have you said those three little words to Misty?” Lizzie inquired.

  He pretended not to know what she was talking about. “Huh?”

  She laughed.

  “I don’t know what you’re waiting for. We can see how much you care about Misty.”

  “Lizzie, have you told Rob how you feel?” Leon countered.

  She stepped off the treadmill and wiped her face with a towel. “It’s not the same.”

  He reached for his water bottle and took a long drink before putting it back down. “When the time is right, I’ll tell Misty how I feel about her,” Leon stated. He picked up a couple of hand weights. “Things are great between us, but we’ve only been together a short while. Neither one of us wants to rush the relationship.”


  “MISTY, WHEN YOU get a minute, I’d like to talk to you.”

  “I have some time now, Miss Eleanor.”

  “Great, let’s talk in my office.”

  Eleanor closed the door behind them, then sat down at her desk.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Now that Rusty and I are married, I’ve been thinking about the future. One thing I want to do is to spend more time with him.”

  Misty smiled. “Ah...the honeymoon phase.”

  “It’s more than that, sugar,” Eleanor said. “There are some things that have come up in my life and it’s changed my focus. I’m actually thinking of selling the shop to you...that is if you’re interested.”

  A soft gasp escaped Misty. “You’re not serious. This place has been in your family for years.”

  “I know that you will take care of it.”

  “Miss Eleanor, what’s really going on?” Misty inquired. “I know how much this place means to you.”

  “I’m gwine retire and spend time enjoying life with Rusty.”

  Misty shook her head in denial. “I’m not really buying that story. There’s something more going on. I’m not trying to get in your business, Miss Eleanor, but I know you wouldn’t just up and sell the shop like this. Don’t get me wrong. I would love to buy this place from you. John left me and Talei well taken care of, so the money isn’t an issue.”

  “Misty, I owe you the truth. What I’m about to tell you, I need you to keep to yourself. Rusty and I are the only ones who know this information.”

  “I won’t say a word,” Misty said.

  “This means you’re going to have to keep a secret from Leon,” Eleanor clarified.

  “He would want to know what’s going on with you. You know that he adores you.”

  “I know but he can’t know about this just yet. I have early onset Alzheimer’s,” Eleanor announced. “We just found out a couple of days ago and I need some time to process the news myself before I start telling everybody.”

  Misty’s body stiffened in shock. “Miss Eleanor... I don’t know what to say...”

  Eleanor gave a slight shrug. “It’s fine, sugar. But I hope you can understand why I want to sell. There’s no way I can keep up with the demands of the shop. I would take great comfort in knowing that I’ve left it in good hands with you, Misty. I know you want your own business. What do you think?”

  “I never expected this,” she responded. “Are you sure you want to do this, Miss Eleanor?”

  She nodded. “Rusty and I discussed it at length. You have a brilliant mind for business and you also have a passion for what you do.”

  “But what about your other family members?”

  “None of them are interested in this shop. I couldn’t get not a one of them to work when I needed extra help.”

  “Not even Leon?”

  “He has enough on his plate, Misty. So does Trey. He’s committed to the marines and looking to make a career of the military.”

  “Please give this some serious thought and let me know, Misty. I don’t want to sell to strangers.”

  “I don’t have to think about it,” she said. “I’ll take over the shop, Miss Eleanor. I love
it here.”

  * * *

  MISTY LOOKED DOWN at the baggy sweatpants and T-shirt she was wearing. Leon was due to arrive at any moment. They were staying in tonight and she wanted to be comfortable.

  Maybe I should change clothes.

  She dismissed the thought as quickly as it had come. Why am I worried about what he’s going to think? This was part of her normal routine. “Might as well let him see the real me,” she whispered.

  The doorbell sounded.

  Misty opened the door and threw herself into his arms. Leon gave the best hugs.

  Once they were seated in the living room, Misty stated, “I was thinking we could make homemade pizza.”

  “Works for me.”

  Talei walked into the room. “Mommy... Eon...” She climbed into his lap with her stuffed bears. “I playing with Pooh Bear and Eon,” she said, pointing to the bear in the fire department T-shirt.

  “You named him after me?” Leon asked.

  “Yes,” Talei responded.

  “I’m honored.”

  Talei grinned, then laid her head on his chest.

  Misty’s heart warmed as she watched her daughter with Leon. The two had really bonded over the past few months.

  “Who’s ready to make pizza?” she asked.

  “Me,” Leon and Talei responded in unison.

  Laughing, they made their way to the kitchen.

  Leon set Talei on a stool while Misty gathered the ingredients.


  “You want pepperoni pizza, Talei?”

  “Yes. Mommy like pepperooni, too.” Talei picked up the packet from the counter and tried to open it.

  “Let me help you,” Leon said.

  She gave him the bag of pepperoni slices. Pointing to a blue container, Talei inquired, “What that?”

  “Mushrooms,” he responded. “I like them on my pizza.”

  She made a face, prompting laughter from Leon. “Do you like olives, little one?”

  Frowning, Talei shook her head no.

  “She’s a plain pepperoni-and-cheese kind of girl,” Misty said.

  When it was time to put the toppings on her pizza, Talei placed one mushroom and one olive on hers.

  “Look at my brave girl,” Misty said. “I’m so proud of you for trying new things.”

  “When Daddy come home from heaven?” Talei blurted when they gathered at the dining room table. “Daddy got hurt in car.”

  Misty glanced over at Leon, then said, “Sweetie, your dad isn’t here.”

  “Your daddy’s in heaven watching over you,” Leon stated.

  After they finished eating, Misty turned on a Disney movie for Talei to watch.

  Keeping her voice low, she said, “I think I made a mistake.”

  “What do you mean?” Leon asked.

  “I told Talei that John went to heaven. She thinks he’s coming back.”

  “If you’d like, we can try to explain it to her together.”

  “Come here, honey,” Misty said. “We want to talk to you about Daddy.”

  “Okay.” Talei climbed down from the sofa. She skipped back to the table where they were sitting.

  “You remember the car accident?”

  Talei nodded. “Daddy got hurt. Eon help Daddy.”

  “That’s right. He was taken to the hospital. The doctors tried to make Daddy better, but they couldn’t. He was too hurt.” Misty paused a moment, then said, “Daddy died. He didn’t want to die, but he was too hurt.”

  “Your mom’s right,” Leon said. “Your daddy never wanted to leave you. I know that he misses you very much because he can’t see you or your mom again.”

  Talei’s eyes filled with tears. “He not coming back.”

  “When you die, you can’t come back. You go to live in heaven. It’s okay for you to miss him.”

  “Your dad’s up there watching over you,” Leon said. “He will always live in your heart, little one. His love for you will never stop.”

  “We still have pictures and memories of Daddy,” Misty stated. “You will always remember how much he loved you.”

  “I want Daddy.” Talei began to cry.

  Leon embraced her. “He loved you so much. Your daddy was crazy about you. He made me promise to look after you when he was gone. I’m going to keep my word to your daddy. I will always be here for you.” He wiped away her tears. “It may not seem like it now, but it’s going to be okay, little one.”

  Talei eased out of his lap and ran off to her room.

  Misty shook her head. “This is so hard.”

  After a while, Talei returned with her bears Pooh and Eon. Without a word, she climbed into Misty’s lap. “I wanna watch Minty Mouse.”

  “Me, too,” Leon said with a grin.

  Misty planted a kiss on Talei’s cheek.

  “Do I get one of those?” he asked.

  She kissed his cheek in response. “Thank you.”

  Misty felt guilty about the secret she was keeping from Leon. He deserved to know about his aunt’s condition, but Eleanor wasn’t ready to tell him. Misty had no choice but to respect her decision.

  Inside, she felt terrible about it.

  Misty also worried that she could lose Leon once he knew the truth about the shop and Eleanor’s condition. She prayed he would understand that she was only honoring his aunt’s wishes.

  “What’s on your mind?” Leon asked, cutting into her thoughts.

  “It’s nothing,” she replied with a smile.

  He scanned her face. “You sure you’re okay? You look a little troubled.

  “I am. Everything is fine. I’m just tired.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask how my aunt’s been doing at the shop. I know she’s been a bit forgetful.”

  Misty chewed on her bottom lip and pretended to be interested in watching television. “I’ve been forgetting stuff myself. That’s why I have to write everything down.”

  “I know she runs herself ragged at times.”

  “I’ve been trying to get Miss Eleanor to slow down. Now that she’s married, I think she will.”

  “I hope so,” Leon said. “I offered to help out on days when I don’t have to work.”

  “You’re such a sweetheart.”

  “Aunt Eleanor took care of me and Trey when we lost our parents. When Vee and my daughter died, my aunt wouldn’t let me quit on life.” Leon eyed her. “Misty, I was in so much pain.” His voice broke.

  Misty hugged him. “I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through.”

  “Aunt Eleanor moved in with me because she was so worried about me. My coworkers checked on me to the point they were getting on my nerves. I owe them so much.”

  “I understand what you mean,” Misty said. “The good thing is that you had so many people rallying around you.”

  “I had a lot of people. The whole community was here for me.”

  “Hearing this lets me know that I chose the perfect place to raise my daughter. This is the way it should be.”

  * * *

  LEON COULDN’T ESCAPE the feeling that Misty was hiding something from him. He didn’t know if it had to do with her feelings or something else. She seemed troubled or uneasy, but he couldn’t get her to open up to him.

  He decided to give it one more shot. “Misty, how are you feeling about us?”

  She looked perplexed by his question for a brief moment, then responded, “I love the way things are between us. We have a great time together. We have a lot in common and there’s no drama.” Misty scanned his face. “Why do you ask?”

  “I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page,” Leon said. “I really like you and I need to know that you’re as invested in this relationship as I am.”

  Smiling, Misty said, “You don’t have an
ything to worry about. I’m very invested.”

  Leon believed her, but still couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more going on. He intended to find out what Misty was hiding. He didn’t like secrets.

  * * *

  “SO, WHAT ARE you gonna do about the shop?” Brittany asked. “It would be a great investment for you.”

  “I don’t know,” Misty said with a shrug. “I want to buy it, but I just feel that Miss Eleanor’s going through a lot right now. I’m not sure she’s thinking clearly about everything. This is not a decision to make while emotions are high.”

  “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “She’s starting a new life with Rusty. Miss Eleanor deserves to spend every moment making new memories, but the shop has been in her family a few generations.”

  “Apparently, she’s fine with selling it, Misty. I just wonder how Leon’s gonna feel about all this. He’s big on family. So is Trey for that matter.”

  Misty shrugged. “Miss Eleanor made it clear that it’s her decision.”

  “Okay, then. There you have it.”

  After she left her best friend, Misty decided to pay Leon a visit.

  She found him working in the yard. “Hey, you.”

  “Hello,” he responded.

  “Want some help?”


  She started weeding across the garden from him.

  He hunched over, his hands resting on his thighs. “You’re not working today?”

  “No. I’m taking Talei to the doctor later this afternoon and I ran some errands this morning.” She couldn’t tell him that she spent her morning working out the financing for the shop.

  “When you’re done, you wanna come do mine?”

  The voice, from a passerby, prompted Leon to look up and see who was talking to him. “Hey, Pete.”

  Leon pushed to his feet and walked down the driveway, leaving Misty to continue her task. She didn’t pay much attention to them.

  “How could you take advantage of my aunt like that?” Leon demanded when he returned. He glared at Misty with burning, reproachful eyes.

  She shielded her eyes from the sun as she looked up at him. “What are you talking about?”


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