Book Read Free


Page 36

by Dan Gleed


  Israfel was beginning to realise that, actually, his day could get a whole lot better. He’d been concentrating on watching and evaluating my thought processes, trying to guess the likely outcome (even he wasn’t privy to the exact timeline concerning my future) and had noted with considerable satisfaction that I was at last getting around to making some sort of a decision. Influenced, he noticed, not so much by his recent appearance, as by the sum of my experiences with other humans. A little snippet to be borne in mind for the future. Slightly crestfallen, he was just considering his next move, when a stentorian voice like the sound of some immense waterfall announced from immediately behind him. “Angels! Behold, your King!” And with that, all thought of my dilemma passed from his mind as he snapped to attention, wheeled around and started looking for the source of the commotion. Which, given the awe-inducing glare of intense white light that had suddenly burst around him, wasn’t difficult. And Israfel knew there was only one source of such a light and thus it could only mean one thing. The imminent arrival of the Son of God and, since he stood directly in the path of the radiance, the Supreme Commander was obviously coming his way and from no great distance, either. Electrified, he hastily genuflected, snatching at his sword in an effort to pay the proper respects.

  And as he did so, a rich, compassionate yet gentle voice reverberated in his ear; “Rise, Israfel, and come with me. We are here to welcome your charge into our Kingdom.”

  Hardly daring to believe that he was actually being invited by Royalty to witness first-hand an act of redemption that would set all Heaven rejoicing, Israfel rose quickly to his feet, hurriedly sheathed his sword and swung in behind Jesus, adjusting deftly to the measured pace of the Praetorian Guard. Proudly, he looked at me, his ward, still balanced in the tree, just beyond the King, who was now almost dancing as he hastened forward with outstretched arms, as if to both support and encourage my first hesitant steps of faith. Truly, this was love on display, and by now the penetrating, mysterious light was even spilling into Earth’s sphere, bathing me in a pure, if unearthly, radiance. It was no wonder the King of Kings was always trying to communicate the power of love to his children, Israfel thought. It was the coinage of the Realm, the one supreme, irresistible and enduring force in the universe. No other emotion was powerful enough to overcome it, as disconcerted citizens of Hell were forever discovering for themselves. Swiftly now, the King leaned forward to wrap His arms around me and to whisper in my ear. Words that I can never repeat, although Israfel was also privileged to be within earshot. Tears of joy spilled from us both as we listened. King Jesus welcomed me home as only He could. Pouring overwhelming love into me, a destitute and arid soul positioned awkwardly in front of the King of kings.

  I didn’t fully appreciate it at the time, but my earnest prayer (despite myself, that’s what my first tentative enquiry had become) was fully answered. To my astonishment I knew, intuitively, that Jesus was there. I heard subliminally, but saw no one and couldn’t have articulated, or described what was happening. But at an instinctive level I recognised, suddenly and beyond any shadow of a doubt, that not only was the past forgiven, but I had been cleaned up and welcomed into my rightful inheritance. So real was the feeling that, for a moment, I truly felt as though I had come home. I felt safe. And, at the same time, something within me wanted to prostrate myself and acknowledge my insignificance, my utter inadequacy before this Jesus, the very one Adam had described. Only the precariousness of my location prevented the gesture.

  Chapter 78

  I’ll give him his due. Israfel at least had the decency to back off for a few minutes while I attempted to sort myself out. It wasn’t easy. I was by turns trembling, euphoric, excited and painfully aware of the fragility of my perch. Still clinging to the tree like a limpet, I was using a body that was convinced it had been subjected to at least a million volts. But strange as it might seem, that wasn’t what was uppermost on my mind. What was concentrating my thoughts were the changes I noticed taking place within the secret me, the soul.

  Deep down, I knew I was undergoing the most profound, the most overwhelming transformation of character, although none of it was against my will. It wasn’t easy to put into words, but it seemed as if somehow I had metamorphosed from a chrysalis into a butterfly and I was loving it. I didn’t know how, but judging from a new lightness of spirit, freedom from guilt and conviction that things had definitely altered for the better, I had to admit something of the utmost significance had just happened. Exactly as Adam had predicted, way back on the dhow. His assertion that when I was genuinely ready to acknowledge God’s existence, when I actually wanted the rescue package on offer, and when I was prepared to prove it by asking forgiveness for my past misdemeanours and invite Jesus into my life, He would respond. And He had. Uncanny but, given Adam’s character, somehow unsurprising. He had laid it all out for me. Nevertheless, I will admit, I really hadn’t believed him. Until, that is, the last episode with Roz, the memory of her Moiben encounter and a number of other recollections had me pinned down and wavering, like a rat in a trap. Forced up against reality. And now God had responded and, for the time being, that was enough.

  Which brought me right back to the immediate and the company of a rather persistent angel. Angel? Yes, suddenly I found I did believe in such beings. “You’ll probably be surprised to know that for some reason or other, I trust you now.”

  “Don’t worry, I know. I’ve been watching you and listening in on your thoughts,” came the nonchalant reply.

  Oh, great. Not only capable of parking himself in mid-air but able to read thoughts as well. This was something I was obviously going to have to get used to – although even as I began to think it through, I realised he must always have been able to read my mind, whether I had been aware of it or not. And suddenly, I was beetroot with shame.

  Israfel laughed. “Forget it. I’ve been around long enough not to pay much attention to your less wholesome thoughts and, before you get there, very few of your actions embarrass me either. Besides, the Son of God has forgiven you everything that lies in your past. He’s taken the guilt and shame associated with your sin, for that’s the name God uses to identify human wickedness, and accepted it as his own. He’s able to do this because, like I told you, He paid the penalty that justice demands for every immoral act, or thought, ever committed. Remember what you did to Fatih? Even that’s been forgiven by God, although human laws must still run their course. Jesus has cleaned you up and He promises your crimes will never be mentioned again, unless you choose to revisit them. Your sin was dealt with at the Cross and that really is the bottom line. Metaphorically, Jesus took the place of every human who’s ever lived because, since Adam and Eve were created, not one of you could prove your innocence before God’s Supreme Court of Justice. And there’s a long story behind the whys and wherefores associated with that, which I’ll tell you one day, when you’re ready. Anyway, that death on that Cross was the most important event that’s ever happened in your world. It was the turning point to all human history. God, who is both judge and jury, having found you humans guilty, is also the one who went on to pay the due penalty. That way his sense of justice, his integrity, is satisfied. Which means the consequence for all human sin has been taken by Jesus, the Son of God, after he’d shown the world by living as a man on Earth that it is possible to live a completely innocent human life. All every other individual has to do is accept this. Difficult, I know, because pride gets in the way. But it’s the same for any and every human who’s ever lived.

  “Get over yourself, accept Him and He is able to give you a place in His eternal Kingdom. Understand that God is what is called ‘holy’. In other words, He is pure beyond anything you can understand and so nothing unholy, or sinful is able to live with Him in Heaven. But He created you humans to enjoy Heaven with Him and, because of His love, that intention has never changed. Which meant He had to find a way to vindicate you lot. Something He did 2,000 years ago in Israel.
And just now I had the privilege of watching as He approached you with this free gift. But understand this. When you accepted, He also gave you two other important gifts. First, faith in Him, to help you really get into this new phase of life. Secondly, His Spirit, known as the ‘Holy Spirit’. The person who is prepared to draw alongside and remain with you, to help throughout the rest of your life. Which benefits me too, I might add, since I now get the advantage of the Spirit’s direct insight and wisdom in your affairs. Anyway, you’re one of His people now, unless you choose to walk away, because you haven’t and never will lose your ability to make a free choice. And you should also know that eons ago God prepared a special place for you in Heaven. A place that is dazzling beyond your imagination. And it’s all yours if you’ll go on believing in His Son. You’re now the beneficiary of everything Heaven has to offer and believe me, I’m already looking forward to enjoying it with you. Together, we’ll worship God and I’ll have the privilege of acting as your servant for eternity.”

  “Anyway, now that you’ve accepted Him, I’m free to tell you a little bit about what’s going to happen here on Earth and why Heaven is particularly interested in you. You don’t know it yet, but along with a number of others from every nation on Earth, you were specially chosen and uniquely equipped for life even before you were born. The intention being to prepare you for an extraordinary and, believe me, momentous task. Congratulations, my friend. I can now reveal something of your part in all of this. So, we’d better make you a little more comfortable. This could take a while.”

  Trust me, I needed no further invitation. I was already heartily sick of hanging around in the swaying top of a mangrove and Mombasa’s oppressive heat was really getting to me. Between that, a raging thirst and the ever-present but indefinable smell of something rotting nearby, the situation was becoming unbearable. Israfel even suggested that if I trusted him, no one on the shore would see me. Not wishing to look a gift horse in the mouth, I took him at his word, climbed down and made my way carefully back out of the swamp, looking for a rather more salubrious spot upon which to settle. Following his recommendation was obviously worthwhile, because almost immediately I discovered the perfect spot under the shade of an ancient cashew nut tree. Slumping down, I admit that, initially, I watched the locals with some concern, but, after a while, it was clear they were not only ignoring the two of us, they really didn’t seem to know we were there. I could have sworn there was some sort of mass-induced blindness at play, but an enquiring look at Israfel elicited nothing. So I relaxed, accepted a cool lemonade with quite the most delicate hint of citrus I’ve ever tasted (where did that come from?) and began to listen, astonishment growing by the minute.

  “It will take you a while to come to terms with what’s just happened. Especially to understand it,” Israfel began. “But when you’ve had time to think these events through, you’ll be amazed at how right it will all feel. So, before we go any further, I’m going to show you something that you’ll find disturbing. However, I’m only doing so because you need to be absolutely certain that none of this is a stunt. In the past you had no defence against what I’m about to show you, but, as of now, you have the Holy Spirit living within you, and he is more powerful than all your enemies put together. So all you have to do is remain calm and keep your wits about you.”

  With that, he turned to his right and gestured towards the shoreline, although I couldn’t see anything there at first. Until it hit me like a bolt from the blue. Standing mere feet away, but only visible from certain perspectives, stood what looked like a tight square of armed Roman soldiers. Only they weren’t. They were angels, radiating a muted (for my benefit, I later realised) but impossibly white light and, what’s more, their clothes looked vaguely familiar (I’d read about Roman soldiers at school). Gawping, I perceived that there was something about them that was both alien, yet strangely familiar. And then it struck me. I’d seen the spitting image years before in a children’s book containing illustrations on how angels were thought to look. No wings, just rather human but at the same time extra-terrestrial. And the artist had obviously met some, because the likeness was uncannily accurate. But it was what they were guarding that really caught me by surprise. The moment I had spotted these warrior angels, I had felt a wave of empathy beaming towards me and knew instinctively they were utterly trustworthy. However, in the same split second I noticed a warped and ugly something that stood upright, but tightly bound, between them and became aware of a seething tide of hatred, rage and bile. Resentment and fury such as I could never have imagined, let alone withstand, blazed out from every plane of the contorted body, the blackened face, the flame-red eyes that stared straight at me, as if intent on shocking me into submission. And I knew beyond a doubt that given half a chance, the captive in front of me would as readily and easily swat me out of existence as I would a poisonous spider. But even as I looked, I felt rising within me a totally unfamiliar wave of righteous power and anger, pushing back against the malevolence (for I could think of no other term that would do the thing justice), and then words jumped unbidden to my mouth (although even as I spoke, I realised I could zip my lip if I so wished). “I command you, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, tell me your name.”

  “Arcturus, Your Majesty,” came the subdued response, the fanatical aggression quenched in an instant.

  “Well, Arcturus, I have decided to let your commander, Josephus, deal with you. Word is reaching him even now that you are plotting his downfall and I know he will be less than generous. Indeed, he is quite within his rights to rescind the commutation on your recent death sentence, but do not think you have got off lightly, because I will see you at the great Day of Judgement.” Even as the words streamed from my mouth, I knew they were not mine, but had to be from the aforementioned Holy Spirit. Secondly, I could see what Israfel had said was true. The one who was now obviously linked to me had, with just a word, deflated this malevolence like a pricked balloon. A balloon that had begun to tremble as though in the grip of a high fever.

  “So, Paul, you’ve now seen a scion of the Enemy’s force. Satanic scum. A fallen angel (you humans tend to call them devils or evil spirits) who, like all his fellows wants, above all else, to ruin human lives, dragging them down to his own despicable level. And believe me, he and they will stop at nothing. Not that humans need any provocation to sin – you’re all perfectly capable of creating mayhem on your own and then you tend to blame anyone or anything, rather than yourselves. And to be frank, you’ve been just as bad as the rest. The things you’ve done aren’t all down to Satan’s minions. Certainly, they’ll try to whisper in your ear that you should kill, take drugs, rape, steal or just be unpleasant to your nearest and dearest. You name it, they want you to do it, and this one’s been behind much of the mayhem you’ve had to endure over the last few months. So now you know they actually exist and you’re aware of just how effective they can be, I must warn you to be on your guard – although as I’ve already said, you won’t be on your own and certainly in these early days while you’re learning more about God and His power, I’ll ensure that none of them gets anywhere near you. Deal?”

  “Deal.” I was beginning to enjoy this. A soothed conscience, my very own Guardian angel and now a promise to keep me out of trouble. Sounded pretty good to me.

  Chapter 79

  In the meantime, as soon as they heard their Lord’s decree, the angels holding Arcturus ordered the living chain to release him, whilst they removed the covering that had prevented him from being blinded by the light of holiness radiating from the Lord and now (to a considerably lesser extent) emanating from me. Giving him a smack on the back of the head with the flat of a sword, they bid him get upon his sorry way, accompanied by suitably ribald comments as to what he could expect when Josephus caught up with him. Arcturus didn’t have the nerve to respond, or the weapons, although he’d normally have given as good as he got. It was simple. A frantic and very real fear of God, Abbadon, the bottomless pit and his date
with the latter had caught up with him and was even now pressing hard on his mind.

  There was no time for anything but fevered thoughts on how to lose himself behind impenetrable cover somewhere. Anywhere. To vanish, preferably forever, and certainly before any of Hell’s hordes could catch up with him. He was under no illusion. If caught, he could expect no mercy whatsoever. But scheme as he might, he understood with a dreadful sense of despair and foreboding that he’d been given an order, and there was no force in Hell capable of putting off his inevitable demise. And Josephus was not credited with a fearsome reputation for nothing. But then, nor had Arcturus got where he was without some ability to duck and dive. Which, when he coupled it with what he’d heard passing between Israfel and me while the angels held him, could surely deliver the definitive bargaining chip he felt was required? Genius, he thought. In fact, the further he explored the matter, the more he realised what a gem of information he held. Never mind rumour, never mind orders, he actually knew why Heaven was humming and furthermore, he had heard some specifics straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. Which was worth a bit in anyone’s currency.


  “Well, Paul, we need to think about your future. For a start, there’s the matter of your police file to clear up. Nothing to worry about regarding the crimes they only think you’ve committed, because the charges won’t stick. However, if you want to get the best out of your new life, you’re going to have to begin by turning yourself in voluntarily. I’m certain it won’t be long before you come to the same conclusion, because you have to be honest and own up to the whole story if you want to live with yourself. Although God is the final arbiter on guilt and he’s forgiven you, you still have to submit yourself to the proper human authorities, pay the price for breaking human rules, and attempt to make amends if and when you’ve harmed someone’s family or property. But also remember this. You aren’t where you are because of what you’ve done, good or bad. Rather, you’ve been saved to do good works in the future. Of course, the police won’t believe you at first, but if you stop running, that in itself will give them pause for thought. True, they’ll need a little persuading and they’ll be particularly interested in the part you played regarding Fatih, Kareef and that poor slave girl, although I doubt if Ahmed will ever say anything about her. He’s too vulnerable to the law himself. But that said, there’s no way you can, or should, avoid trouble regarding the first two, so you’re going to be spending some time in gaol on their account, although it isn’t likely to be a long stint, as the law is going to be inclined towards leniency, given what’s happened to you, not to mention your friends, the Jouberts. Moreover, you hold the key to blowing the local slave trade wide open. They’re also going to be interested in Roz and her part in all of this. Yes, I know, you’re still hurting and grieving over her, but she’s fine. Actually, I can assure you she’s in excellent spirits. Enjoying all her new friends and bowled over by the gift of a brand-new, immortal body. But what she’s really looking forward to is the time when you and she can be reunited – although not as lovers, I hasten to add. In Heaven men and women neither marry, nor are given in marriage. You’ll find that being close friends and sharing happy memories is all you’ll need, and the Lord Jesus will supply you with everything else you could possibly want.”


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