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The Ghost Locket

Page 17

by D. Allen Wright

  "Damn you Jessie, that's just what I didn't want to happen. Now she's too intimidated to try!"

  "Don't you take that tone with me, young man. I'll pull down your britches, and take a hickory switch to your behind, and you know I'm just the crusty old broad who can do it."

  "I'm sorry Jessie; I didn't mean it, but this is serious. She's got bad people after her, and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to her."

  "That's better! Now don't you worry; I'll talk to her. She'll come around. Looks like you been bit by the love tick, worse than an old hound dog!”

  Jessie walked the distance to the four-wheel-drive, and leaned up against it, next to Kit. Her shock of red hair glowed in the sunlight. She looked back at David, now nervously pacing.

  "Now Kit," she started, "you ain't going to let this thing beat you before you even try it, are you? How far would you have gotten as an artist, if you never had the courage to lay the brush to the canvas, in the first place? That boy loves you, and I know you love him. You don't want to let him down, do you? Shucks sake, he just wants to make you safe!"

  "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try," Kit relented.

  "That's the spirit. Now get your fanny back there, and show us what you're made of!"

  "Thanks Jessie," Kit added.

  "Don't you fret, Honey. You're gonna be great!"

  Kit did well. After just a few hours of practice, she could consistently knock a stationary can off the plank, at twenty yards. She even mustered the courage to try the Sig Sauer pistol, doing even better with it. She had to admit; she even surprised herself.

  David saddled the horses, while Kit chatted with Jessie. They had just enough time left for a short ride, before the sun went down. Jessie went into the house, and returned with a small box. Opening it, she revealed the smallest handgun that Kit had ever seen.

  "Is that a toy gun?" Kit asked Jessie.

  "No Dear, ain't no toy. That's a two-shot derringer pistol. It shoots a 9 millimeter bullet, and it will kill a man at close range. You carry that in your pocket, and only take it out if you fear for your life. That little gun saved my bacon twice in my wilder and younger days!"

  "I don't know Jessie; I'm not sure I could kill someone."

  "Even if you knew that they meant to kill you?" Jessie asked, now very serious. "You take it anyway, and don't let David, or your Ma, or anyone else, know you got it. No one says you have to use it, but I don't want to be the one to pick up the pieces, if something does happen, and David loses you, especially, if I had the means to prevent it. Everyone has the right to defend him, or herself. Just remember, it's for short range only, five to seven yards max, release this safety lever, point at the center of mass, and pull the trigger, simple as that!" Jessie stuffed the derringer in Kit's jeans pocket and placed a small cotton pouch with ten rounds, in the other, right before David called her to join him on their ride. She thought about pulling it out, and giving it back to Jessie, but decided to keep it. "Jessie was right," Kit thought, "just because I had it, didn't mean I had to use it." She had decided that while she hoped, she could find a way where no one had to die; she was getting damn tired of letting Manuel run her life from a distance. This was going to be over soon, one way or the other, and she was determined that she wasn't going down without a fight.

  "You're awfully quiet," David said, as they rode the now-familiar trail she had come to love, "maybe we should have saved the ride for next time."

  "Just tired, I guess,” Kit breathed a small sigh. She felt the outline of Jessie's weapon in her pocket. "How could something so tiny, weigh so heavily on her mind?" she wondered.

  Returning from their ride, they walked the last half-mile to cool down, groom the horses, then head back to the house to bid Jessie good-bye. Jessie hugged David, after that Kit, and secretly gave her a knowing wink. Kit sat, quietly pressed against David, on the ride home, her head resting on his shoulder. She was so quiet; David thought she had fallen asleep. Nevertheless, despite her fatigue, Kit would not sleep. Too many thoughts occupied her mind. She hoped that Emily would come to her again in another vision, and offer a solution to her dilemma. After all, what kind of guardian angel, let's you go through something like this, by yourself.

  Chapter 26 - Murder at The Gallery

  At last, the day of Kit's art exhibition came. Kit was so nervous and excited, that she found it difficult, if not impossible, to sit still. She had already been on the phone with both Julia and Sybil several times with questions. She reconfirmed the time alone, at least twice, with each of them.

  "Calm down Kit," Julia said, trying to reassure her that everything was under control. "You're going to give yourself a stroke if you don't relax a little."

  "I'm sorry, Julia. I just want everything to go well."

  "Everything will be fine, trust me! So you got your dress?"

  "Yes, it came by messenger yesterday. Thanks for picking it out for me. I love it. It is just so elegant."

  "You're welcome. You're going to be the Bell-Of-The-Ball."

  "What, there's not going to be dancing, is there? Cuz I can't dance!"

  "No, it's an expression, like when people tell an actor to break-a-leg, for good luck, just before they go onstage."

  "They actually say that?"

  "Never mind that," Julia replied, Remember, I'll be over at your place, around six, to help you with your hair and makeup. I can give your Mom a hand too, if she thinks she needs it."

  "That'd be great; I know she'd appreciate it!"

  Julia had to smile to herself after she got off the phone with Kit. She remembered her first exhibition, and how nervous she had been. She was glad that she could be there for Kit and help her get through it.

  Kit, Celeste and Julia descended the steps from the apartment to an awaiting limousine. The driver stood holding the door as the ladies entered the back seat. David and Mrs. Shay were picked up earlier. Kit sat next to David and gave him a kiss on the cheek, while Julia and Celeste slid in next to Mrs. Shay. Kit remarked how handsome David looked in his rented tux. His discomfort showed as he tugged at the tightness of his collar. Kit remarked at how hard he must have worked to make his cowboy boots shine that much.

  "Wow, this is a really nice car," Kit said, as the driver pulled into traffic.

  "You can thank Sybil for that," Julia replied, reflecting that Sybil was not always cheap where image was as stake.

  The partition window separating passengers and the driver, lowered. "There are refreshments back there; champagne for the adults and sodas for the young lady and gentleman," he said.

  David offered a soda to Kit, which she politely declined.

  "I already have to pee,” Kit said, then laughed. "And I went right before we left. Just nerves, I guess!"

  The rest of the ride was rather quiet. There was some small talk between Julia, Laura and Celeste, but one could tell that, even they, were hushed somewhat, by the magnitude of Kit's big night. As usual, tucked against David's side, Kit began to relax. He had that effect on her. With him by her side, she could weather any storm; she thought.

  The limo arrived at the gallery, and again; the driver got out, and held the door open. David exited next, and gallantly offered his hand, first to Kit, then to each lady, in turn. David then presented his arm to Kit, and they walked a real red carpet to the gallery entrance. The fairy tale feel of the night was not lost on Kit. It was, by far, the most exciting thing to happen to her, in her life.

  After entering the gallery, Kit swept her gaze side-to-side, looking for anyone that she knew. There were many people dressed in formal wear. The men in tuxes and women in beautiful gowns, and jewelry, jewelry that would make Tiffany's proud. Waiters and waitresses circulated with trays of drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Finally, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Alicia, Gwen and Lizzie near the refreshment's table, quickly excused herself from the others, and almost ran to greet her friends. Their greeting and delighted shrieks, were met with disapproving stares, from many of the stu
ffier patrons looking on.

  "Wow, some party, Kit," Gwen said. "These crab thingies are amazing," Lizzie added, "I'm taking some of these home!"

  "How are you doing?" Alicia asked Kit, seeing the unsure look on her face.

  "Now I know how Julia Roberts felt, the first time she went to Richard Gere's hotel room, in Pretty Woman," Kit tried to joke.

  All around the gallery hung Kit's artwork. She told David that her face hurt from smiling so much. Sybil trotted her around the room like a racehorse, introducing her, repeatedly. Each time, Kit would shake hands, politely exchange greetings, then be whisked away to the next one. Kit always made a point of introducing David at each stop, but his expression belied the fact, that he felt, as out-of-place, as she did. The praise for her work was nice, and appreciated, but Kit couldn't help wondering, if she was, just the flavor-of-the-month, in the endless procession of promising young artists, that Sybil promoted.

  Kit was looking cornered by a rather wealthy looking older couple, who just seemed never to stop talking. Julia recognized that, deer-in-the-headlights, look, on Kit's face. She'd had it on more than a few occasions herself. Julia crossed the room, made a fleeting apology for interrupting, then took Kit away to the gallery's outside balcony. Kit clung tightly to David, so that he was fairly pulled along with her.

  "You looked like you could use some rescuing," Julia said, as they enjoyed the cooler evening breeze.

  "Wow, yeah, thanks, I was running out of things to say to those people."

  "Yeah, well, take a breather for a while. I'll go back in and run interference for you."

  Julia left the couple standing on the balcony.

  "Julia," Sybil called out, "have you seen Kit? I have some people that she simply must meet!"

  Julia scanned her eyes around the room in a mock search, then lied, saying that she hadn't seen her.

  "Thanks for coming." Kit softly told David, while her hand played with the curling lock on the back of his neck.

  "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it, and I'm having a great time!" David said, almost convincingly.

  "Liar!" Kit whispered softly in his ear, then kissed his cheek. David smiled broadly.

  "That obvious, eh?"

  "Yeah! Kind of."

  Manuel and his three henchmen approached the entryway of the gallery. A tall, burly man stood blocking the entrance. He looked at Manuel, and then the men with him, and got an uncomfortable feeling.

  "The security man had been told, beforehand, that some of Kit's friends might not be the best dressed, but the baggy jeans, bandannas and dirty t-shirts, set off alarms in his head.

  "Are you friends of the artist?" the security man inquired.

  Manuel laughed. "Yeah, that's what we are, huh, guys; we're friends of the artist.

  "I'm sorry Sir," the man said, "but this is a private affair, requiring formal attire, and by invitation only."

  "You want to see my invitation?" Manuel said, with venomous intent in his eyes, as he reached behind his back and withdrew his pistol from his waistband. Manuel shoved the barrel against the man's face. The security man's face went ashen.

  "Yeah, Homes, you want to see my invitation too?" Felix said, also withdrawing his pistol. Felix Sweet, (better known as Sweetie-Pie), on the street, was Manuel's, always nervous, and crazy-eyed, subordinate.

  Manuel swung the muzzle of his pistol, striking the security man across the face. The force of the blow knocked him out, and he fell unconscious to the floor.

  "Invitation, my ass," Manuel said, as his men followed him inside the gallery.

  Manuel strode to the center of the mass of people, raised his gun, and fired two rounds into the ceiling. The room went silent. Many of the guests fell instinctively to the floor, their hands covering their heads; the rest fell back against the walls. Manuel's men waved their pistols threateningly at the crowd, turning as they stood in the center of the room. Manuel looked at the over-sized photograph of Kit, displayed to one side of the room, then surveyed the room for the matching face. When his eyes met Kits, he locked on her.

  "Kit, so we meet at last! You know it's very rude that you didn't invite me to your little party, don't you think?"

  Kit glared back at Manuel with hatred in her eyes. David tried to pull Kit behind him in an attempt to protect her, but she would have none of it, and blocked his efforts. Celeste and Julia moved closer, and stood to one side, and the other, of Kit and David.

  "Oh, isn't that cute?" Manuel taunted, "Kits got a boyfriend, and he wants to protect her from the bad man!"

  One of the guests had taken his cell phone out of his pocket, and was dialing 911, Manuel's man to his left, pointed his gun at the man and shook his head from side-to-side, in warning. The man stopped dialing and dropped his cell phone to the floor.

  "I gotta admit," Manuel continued, "you don't look like much to be afraid of! Caesar must have really been off his game that day."

  "Caesar got what was coming to him," Kit said, defiantly. "At least he's still alive!"

  Manuel grimaced, as if in pain. "You call that alive?" Manuel screamed. "And you," he paused, "are you ready to get what's coming to you?"

  Celeste sidestepped abruptly in front of Kit and David. Felix, the nervous man with the crazy eyes, startled by her sudden movement, turned and fired his pistol in the direction of the movement. There was a moment of quiet, then Celeste's body slumped to the floor. Kit and Julia fell to the floor to see to Celeste. The room erupted into panic and screams of terror. David placed his body between Kit and her mother, and the gunmen, to act as a human shield. Many of the guests now made a break and ran for the exits.

  "What the hell is wrong with you, moron?" Manuel yelled, as he quickly crossed the distance between himself, and Felix, the man who had fired.

  "I'm sorry, Manuel; it just went off." The man with the crazy eyes said, "I didn't mean to do it... I, I'm soorrry!"

  Without hesitation, Manuel shoved the barrel of his pistol against Felix's forehead and fired. The back of the man's head erupted in a crimson spray, spattering the wall behind him, as he fell dead

  "Me too," Manuel said, indifferent.

  The chaos was now complete! Manuel and his two remaining men bolted to the exit and made their escape.

  The gallery emptied quickly, leaving only Kit, Julia, David, Laura and Kit's school friends remaining. Sybil peaked out from behind a speaking podium before joining them. Kit sat slumped on the floor with her mother's head cradled in her lap. Julia hastily dialed 911 and requested an ambulance.

  Kit stroked her mother's hair, as a torrent of tears flowed down her face. It was the only time she could remember ever crying. What seemed like an eternity passed, and the ambulance arrived. The police showed up a few minutes later, and were cordoning off the crime scene and beginning to take statements outside the gallery, from some of the fleeing guests.

  "We've got a pulse," One of the EMTs said, but a defeated look betrayed his lack of optimism. They hung an I.V. bag and worked to stabilize her. Celeste was on a stretcher a few moments later as the EMTs put her into the ambulance. Kit climbed up in the back with her, then was joined by Julia. Kit held her mother's hand all the way to the hospital.

  "Please don't die, Momma," Kit repeated, over and over.

  Celeste was wheeled into the Emergency Room. After a brief examination, the attending physician shouted instructions to take her immediately into surgery. Kit clung to her mother's hand as they entered the operating room. The ER staff had to pry her hand free at the door. Julia took Kit's hand in hers.

  "Come on, Kit," Julia said, "All we can do now, is wait!"

  Chapter 27 - Saying Goodbye

  David, Laura, Sybil and Kit’s friends, soon joined Kit and Julia in the waiting area. Lizzie paced between the chairs, pausing periodically to place a reassuring hand on Kit's shoulder. Kit remained slumped against Julia. David looked a little lost without Kit next to him. He wished that he could help, at least offer some comfort. He rose several times while
they waited and walked up and down the hallway. At one point, he came back with some coffee and offered it to Sybil and Laura. He just needed to do something, anything, to feel useful. The hours ticked by without word.

  Finally, the doctor appeared in the waiting room. Julia and Kit stood to hear the news.

  "Well, we got the bullet out, but I'm afraid the news isn't good. She's so weak from the cancer, that I'm doubtful that she has the strength to survive this!" the doctor said.

  "Cancer, what cancer?" Kit asked.

  "Kit," I'm sorry, "she didn't want you to know... made me promise to keep it secret," Julia replied, saddened by the pain, she knew the news was having on her.

  "You knew?" Kit questioned Julia, "You knew?"

  "I'm so sorry, Kit, I." ..." Julia touched a hand to Kit's arm. Kit pulled away sharply.

  "I thought you were my friend!"

  "I am your friend, Kit. I never meant to hurt you!"

  "You said it yourself; Friends always tell each other the truth. Friends don't lie to each other. You did say that, didn't you?"

  "Yes,” Julia said, now locked in the guilt of her betrayal.

  Kit ran the distance to David and buried herself in his arms. David, conflicted, was simultaneously happy that she was again seeking comfort from him, and at the same time, pained at the news about Kit's mother, and the resulting rift it had caused between her and Julia.

  The Doctor approached Kit, who seemed to be trying to burrow into David, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

  "She's awake Kit. I can't say how long she has, but you need to go to her now," he said, with a tone of doom that Kit could only interpret as hopeless.

  Rising, Kit starting walking toward her mother's room. Julia started after her, but stopped when Kit shot a cold look over her shoulder.

  Kit stood at her mother's bedside looking down into closed eyes. She reached out and took her hand. Celeste's eyes opened in response. Celeste saw tears and red eyes, looking back at her, for the first time.


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