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Resolution (Saviour)

Page 22

by Lesley Jones

  I brush his tears away from his cheeks. “Now seriously, I need to get you home and naked before I fuck you right here on this beach and we both get arrested for public indecency or whatever the charges are for getting your up the duff bird naked and sexing her in public, on a beach.”

  He stands up with me still wrapped around him. “You won’t be able to do this for much longer. I will soon be big and fat like a heifer and stretched beyond recognition, I’ll be in need of a crane just to get me out of bed in the mornings. Oh god, I’m going to be so big and lardy and you won’t love me or find me attractive and you’ll go running back to the lanky blonde skank and I’ll be left to bring up our babies by myself.”

  I throw my head back in despair and look up at the sky as I unwrap my legs from around his body and stand on the sand. He slides down my body onto his knees and kisses my belly.

  “Can you hear your mother? Do not listen to a word that she says; the woman is delusional, now I want you both to grow big and strong and don’t worry about making her belly get bigger, because as far as I’m concerned, the bigger her belly, the more beautiful she will look, just wait till you get to meet her, you will see what I mean, you little blokes are so lucky, you have the strongest, most beautiful Mummy that you could ever wish for, even if she does talk shit sometimes, oh and she talks funny but don’t worry about that, I will make sure that you only ever speak with a true blue, Aussie accent.”

  He wraps his arms around my hips and presses his face into my belly as he talks, I run my fingers through his hair, laughing at his words, I grab a handful and pull it so that he has to look up at me. “Blokes? We don’t know yet what they are, there could be a Shazza and a Sheila in there. Imagine, two more, just like Ava. Oh shit Gabe, what are we doing?”

  He stands up as he speaks. “Nope, at least one will be a little dude, I just know it, all the twins in this family are one of each.”

  “All the twins?”

  “Yep. My Mum has a twin brother; you met Uncle Joe at the funeral, my cousin Lisa has twins, boy and a girl and Cooper has Ethan and Talia, boy and a girl. So I think the chances are pretty good that we will have a boy and a girl.”

  “Far out.” Is all I can think of to say, it never occurred to me that there were more than one set of twins in his family.

  I look at him with a grin and say in my best Aussie accent. “Strewth! Bruce and Sheila it bloody is then mate.”

  “What is that accent, are you suddenly from South Africa? And just so we are clear. No fucking way are our kids being called Bruce and Sheila.”

  He holds my hand as we walk back across the road, I grab my bag from the car and we head inside, my mood lifted considerably as we make our way up the stairs; I head straight for the bathroom as I need to wee badly and only just sit down when Gabe comes in with my phone.

  “It’s Ryder.”

  “Well put him on loudspeaker, I don’t want the phone in here.”

  He does exactly that and stands at the toilet door with the phone in his hand.

  “What’s up baby boy, how are you?

  “I’m good Mum, you?”

  “Yeah, I’m good, what you after?”

  “Look Mum, Dads just been onto me, he’s been ringing your old number and leaving messages but you haven’t called him back and he’s getting pissed off.”

  “Is he now? Well I didn’t even know my old phone was still working, I assumed he would have stopped paying the bill and had it cut off by now. What does he want?”

  “He’s accepted a thirty day settlement on the house and wants you to go round and take anything of yours you still have there and to go through some paperwork with him, I know you’re not on the mortgage but the agreement is still in place with the solicitors that states you get half of the profits and he wants to talk to you about that, can you ring him and sort something out because he’s driving me fucking mad at work, keep asking if I’ve seen you or spoke to you?”

  “Language Ryder. Yeah alright, no worries, I’ll give him a call. Are you still coming over tomorrow night?”

  “Yeah, yeah I’ll be there. Mum?”

  “Yes Ryde.”

  “Is it okay if I bring someone with me?”

  “Of course baby, what’s her name?”

  “How’d you know it’s a her Mum? It could be a bloke; I might want to come out at your gathering and introduce everyone to my new man.”

  “Well that’s fine too baby, what’s his name?”

  “Her names Layla Mum. And FYI I’m not gay, but I do love you lots, I will see you tomorrow, ring Dad, love you, bye.”

  “Back atcha bubby, love you lots like jelly tots.”

  Gabe taps to end the call and folds his arm across his chest as he leans in the doorway, shaking his head. “No fucking way Lauren, you are not going round there.”

  I wipe myself. Thinking about how far we’ve come in nine short weeks. I flush the toilet and hold my hands up as I squeeze past him and head to the sink. He lets me past but follows behind me and sits on the edge of the bath.

  “Dya hear what I said Lauren, there’s no fucking way that you are to be alone in that man’s company.”

  I dry my hands and sit on the edge of the tub next to him. “I heard you first time, what makes you think I want to be alone in his company? If I go round there, I will go when he’s not home and take Ryder with me.”

  “No. If you go round there, you will go when he’s not home and I will go with you. Are we clear on that?”

  “I don’t think you going to my old home is a good idea, what if you’re there and he comes home?”

  “What if I’m not there and he comes home?”

  “He’s much calmer about things now Gabe, you saw how he was at the hospital.” As soon as I say the words I regret them. Shit, why did I mention that?

  “I fucking saw alright, I saw him kiss you, I saw you let him kiss you and do fuck all to stop him.”

  “Really, we’re gonna go over all this again, I explained to you what happened. Are we really gonna argue about my ex and let him spoil our day?”

  I stand up and go to walk into the bedroom but he grabs my hand and pulls me between his legs as he remains seated on the edge of the bath.

  “Lauren, look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that, about the kiss I mean, but I’m serious about the rest; I do not want you near that man, you understand me?”

  I roll my eyes, knowing that it will piss him off. “Yes Gabe, understood, loud and clear.”

  “Good, now get naked and get on the bed, I need to be inside you, and do it without rolling your eyes.”

  I head backwards out of the bathroom and roll my eyes continuously as I walk. It actually makes me feel sick, but I’m a defiant cow so I keep doing it regardless. Then he jumps up and chases me and I scream like a little girl until he pushes me back on the bed and shuts me up with his mouth on mine.


  I wake on Saturday morning to the sensation of my nipple being sucked; I look down at my favourite site in the whole wide world. Gabe’s beautiful laughing eyes looking up at me; I feel his smile against my naked flesh and it makes me shudder. He shagged me senseless last night but as he crawls between my legs and kisses up my body I can feel that he is more than ready to go again and more importantly, so am I, I rake my fingers through his hair; how did I get so lucky? He really is the stuff of fantasies, and I know it’s not just me being biased, I’ve seen the way other women react around him, the affect he has on them, but he loves me, he wants to marry me. I have his babies tucked away safely in my womb, a part of me and a part of him, all mixed up together and growing inside me, and like the freaky weirdo that he is, he’s over the fucking moon about it!

  “Good morning my beautiful wife to be and mother of my babies. Did you sleep well?”

  “Good morning hus…Oh shit! Gabe quick, move, I’m gonna spew, move!” I jump up and run to the toilet as fast as I can; realising the bath is nearer, I lean over and empty my stomach into it with
so much force. That I empty my bladder all over myself at the same time, every time I heave, I wee. How fucking embarrassing and this is only the start, granted, I woke up busting and should have gone straight away, but Gabe was sucking my nipple and there was no way I was missing out on a chance of a bit of morning nookie, but now look at me, I’m mortified. He places a cold flannel on the back of my neck and my bath robe over my shoulders. I look up at him and burst into tears.

  “I wet myself” I cry like a three year old. Not just a little cry either, I go into full meltdown. Ugly face crying.

  “If I’m wetting myself now, what will I be like in a few months? I won’t be able to leave the house in case I cough or sneeze, I’ll be like the woman off of Little Britain, just pissing everywhere and the fatter I get, the worse it will get and everything will be all loose and baggy afterwards and I will have stretch marks and saggy tits.”

  I can hardly speak between my sobs, my nose is running and blowing snotty bubbles and I’m a dribbling, hysterical mess. I really thought I had all of this under control, I thought he had helped convince me yesterday that I had nothing to worry about, and then scarier, more frightening thoughts come rushing into my hormonally afflicted, overthinking brain. “What if there’s something wrong, what if I lose them, what if they have learning difficulties or other issues and it’s because I’m old? I’ve been drinking and smoking, I even got stoned; there are so many things. So much that could go wrong. I’m so scared Gabe, I’m so fucking scared.”

  He doesn’t say a word, he pulls a towel down off the rack and throws it onto the floor to soak up my mess, he walks across to the shower and turns it on and then comes back to where I’m kneeling in front of the bath, picks me up and walks into the steaming hot jets of water, still holding me, he slides down and rests his back against the wall and just holds me tight until I calm down.

  “This has got to stop Lauren; getting yourself in such a state isn’t good for you or the babies. I love you, no matter what, I love you, no matter what changes this pregnancy makes to your body, I love you. I cannot wait to see your belly grow with my children inside, I cannot wait for your tits to get bigger and fill with the milk that you will feed my babies with, I can’t wait for any of those things, just the thought makes me realise that with every single day and with every single change in your body, I am probably just going to love you more and more. I don’t care about stretch marks and pissing yourself, it’s happening because you are growing my babies in your belly and I cannot begin to tell you, how happy and proud I am of that fact. Please, please believe me Lauren and stop getting yourself in such a mess, and for the record. Being the freaky weirdo that I am, thinking about all of those things is making me so fucking hard for you, I can hardly think straight.” He kisses my hair and my forehead, my nose, my eyes and my lips and despite my previous outburst of the last ten minutes, my out of control pregnant brain now just wants sex, right now, cannot wait sex! I straddle him, not breaking our kiss, he holds onto my arse cheeks as I lower myself down on him and he slides inside me, I suddenly stop.

  “What…What’s wrong? Lauren. Did I hurt you?”

  “Should we even be having sex, shit, is it safe?”

  “Yes Lauren, I spoke to your doctor yesterday, all she was concerned with was that it might be painful for you because of the coil.”

  I lean back away from him and shrug. “Feels fine to me. No pain whatsoever. Chop chop, get shagging.”

  He shakes his head. “I’ll give you fucking chop chop, these mood swings are seriously doing my head in Lauren, I’ve got seven more months of this so don’t think you’re the only one that will be suffering.”

  My first instinct is to cry because I feel like I’ve been told off but horniness takes over and I just kiss him instead, then proceed to shag him on the floor of the shower, then on the bed once we are done in the shower, and then I lean back on the bench top, when we finally make it to the kitchen to make coffee, as he goes to work on me with his expert tongue just a half hour later. He brings me right to the edge of orgasm, then slides me off the bench top, bends me over it and fucks me from behind, I come in an instant, he takes a little bit longer but with ragged breath and words of undying love, he eventually explodes inside me, his legs almost giving way as he does. He sits down onto the cold hard tiles, pulling me with him, still inside me.

  “You are going to fucking kill me Lauren; I don’t know if I can keep this up for the next seven months, you’re an animal.”

  I laugh as he kisses and speaks into my hair, his arms wrapped around me. My internal muscles squeeze together as I do and he leans around and looks at me as I turn my head to meet his eyes. They are the eyes I love so much to see, the eyes I have been waiting for; yesterday was the first time since the accident and his Dad’s death that I had seen that spark finally back in them.

  “Tell me that was just your muscles moving as you laughed and not because you want to go for round four already?”

  I shrug and look guilty. “What can I say? I’m a pregnant slut.”

  He kisses my neck and pulls my bathrobe off my shoulder, grazing his teeth from below my ear, down my neck, across my shoulder, I shudder.

  “And is it any wonder when you do things like that to me?” I grind into him.

  “Lauren” He says my name right into my ear and his hot breath sends goose bumps across my skin; his hands come up and cup my boobs, his thumbs brush over my nipples.

  “These are like bullets baby, I love it, I love you, but we have shit to do princess, twenty people will be descending on us later remember and as much as I would love to stay here and fuck your brains out all day, we need to get organised, it’s already past ten o’clock.”

  I grind into him some more. “Pleeeeeeease… Just one more go.”

  He bites my shoulder gently. “No Lauren, my children will be born with dents in their heads if I keep banging you so much.”

  I stand up abruptly, making him hiss. He was getting hard again, shit; I should have stayed there.

  “And so it begins, I said you would go off me and it’s happening already. I’m gonna have another quick shower with BOB.”

  “No you are not. Go and get dressed, we have shopping to do and I have to pick Ava up. Unless you want me to go get her on my own.”

  Bastard knows full well that I won’t let that happen.

  “Fine, I won’t shower but it means I’m gonna spend the day smelling of fresh fuck.”

  He stands up, hands on his hips, smile on his face and a semi on. “I love you smelling of fresh fuck, as long as it’s me you’ve been fucking, now go get your arse into gear, otherwise I will go to Nina’s like this.”

  “Yeeeaaaaaah. That ain’t happening babe. You best get some clothes on too, else I’m firing up BOB.”

  He chases me, screaming into the bedroom, we have a quick clean up with a flannel and throw on some clothes. Well, I throw on a T-shirt and am mortified when I struggle to do up my jeans, I can get them on ok, I just can’t get them done up, in the end, I have to lay back flat on the bed to get the zip done up, I put on my Converse and stand and face Gabe. His head jolts back, like he’s dodging a punch.

  “Naa… Put a hoodie or something on darl, you’re not going out in just that top.”

  “I’m fine, it’s not cold out, I’ll throw my hoodie in the car just in case.”

  “I’m not worried about the weather Lauren, I just don’t want to be knocking blokes out every five minutes for looking at your tits, either change into a bigger T-shirt or put a hoodie on.”

  I feel my bottom lip start to tremble. He turned me down for sex, my jeans are getting tight and now he’s saying my top is too small. I swallow back my tears.

  “Do you think I look fat?”

  “What? Fuck no, you look hot baby. Your arse looks gorgeous in those jeans but your tits in that T-shirt are too much, they look huge, if it was just you and me in here it would be fine but blokes will look and I’m not having it Lauren, cover them up, for
me, please.”

  He walks over and gives me a cuddle. “Please stop with all this insecure bullshit, you look hot, smoking hot and I don’t want anyone else copping an eyeful of my tits.”

  He bends his knees so we are at eyelevel and kisses my nose.

  “Your tits?” I ask.

  “Yes. My tits. Well mine and my babies, we don’t share. Now, get a hoodie on or I will go and get one for you.”

  I go into the walk in and find the biggest, baggiest hoodie I can and pull it over my head. It’s one of his and comes down to my knees and there are at least six inches to spare on the sleeves, I look like a bag lady, well serves him right, people won’t be looking at my tits now, they will just be looking at what a mess I am, I grab a hoodie of my own. The smallest, tightest one I have and step out from the wardrobe.

  “Perfect.” He says. “Let’s go.”

  “Tossa.” I mumble under my breath and I swear I see his shoulders shake with laughter as I follow him down the stairs.

  We are keeping it simple tonight and entertaining outside; it’s not really warm enough for a barbie but Gabe has had some of his blokes over the past few weeks, inspired by what we did up at the Palmers with their pool house, he has had built a fully enclosed alfresco area where the Tiki hut was down by the pool, in the space of a few days we now have a fully fitted kitchen area, with a built in barbie, a toilet and shower and enough room for the pool table, dart board, some new outdoor furniture and the outdoor dining set; The front of the room looks out over the pool, with timber bifolds to either let in the sun or keep out the cold, there are also patio heaters hard wired into the walls and pointing down from various points, basically it’s now an all-weather area and looks great and that’s where we will be doing our entertaining tonight…

  We take my car and go to the wholesale butchers and pick up steaks and chops, then onto the fishmongers and pick up prawns and salmon; we then drive over to pick up Ava. Gabe’s hand has been at his jaw, rubbing on his stubble with his thumb and index finger for the last ten minutes, I know he is getting more and more stressed the closer we get to Nina’s house and it really pisses me off that she has this effect on him. I prize his hand from his jaw and take it in mine.


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