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Mr. Big (London Billionaire Book 2)

Page 10

by Nana Malone

  He didn’t say anything as the driver helped her inside before Zach paused at the door, looking the man in the eye. “Whatever you hear, ignore.”

  The driver nodded and gave him a salute as Zach climbed into the interior of the car, shutting the door after him. He had no idea what might happen in the back of this car tonight, but he was prepared for it all. He shouldn’t be thinking along those lines, but the hell with it. Whatever Emma was up for, he was too.

  The car pulled away from the curb and the driver had enough common sense to roll up the partition that blocked all sights and sounds of the back as he did. Zach blew out a pent-up breath and shed his coat, pulling off his bow tie next. Emma giggled and he looked at her. “What?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, her hand to her mouth to suppress her laughter. “I’m just thinking about how much you haven’t changed. You and Steven were always shedding any offending clothes at any opportunity.”

  He barked a laugh. She was right. While he had gotten used to wearing suit jackets in his line of business, there was still nothing like a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. “Do you want me to put it back on?”

  “As much as I think it looked good on you, no,” she answered softly, kicking off her shoes. “I think I might join you.”

  He watched as she rubbed her feet, motioning for her to swing them over. “Come on, let me do that.”

  She gave him a look, turning sideways on the leather seat and placing her hose covered feet in his lap, not far from his hard cock. He took one of her feet into his hands and she let out a groan, dropping her head back. “That feels so good,” she murmured as his fingers ran up the middle of her foot. “I’m not used to wearing heels.”

  Zach didn’t hear her, his eyes watching as the long column of her throat was exposed, his mouth salivating at the thought of tracing the space with his tongue. His eyes glanced down at her legs, the very top of her lacy thigh stockings seen from under the short dress as his hand moved from her foot up to her calf. Her head snapped up and he saw the surprise in her eyes but he didn’t move his hand, he couldn’t move his hand. “I’m sorry,” he croaked out, hoping she wasn’t going to scream bloody murder and kick him in the balls. Her foot was nearly in prime location to do so.

  “Don’t be,” she whispered a moment later. Zach let out the breath he had been holding and squeezed her calf lightly, his hand drifting up to her knee, the stockings as soft as butter under his fingers. His hands were trembling, knowing that he was about to cross a bridge he couldn’t just burn. They’d agreed to be friends. So why can’t you stop?

  Emma was driving him to the brink of insanity and if he didn’t have her soon, Jason was going to commit him and take over his businesses. Hell, he had done much of that already as he hadn’t been able to concentrate since she had walked into the club that night.

  With a slight tremor of his fingers, Zach moved his touch higher, feeling the brush of the lace at the top of her stockings, the warmth of her skin as she moved her thighs apart, giving him access to whatever he wanted. He nearly lost it when she shuddered, leaning against the seat with her eyes closed, her chest heaving.

  Harsh breaths tore out of his chest as he tried to control himself from going too fast. If he was going to do this with Emma, he wanted to remember every fucking second of it and not rush a thing.

  His fingers moved up the path and when they grazed the silkiness of her knickers, already wet with anticipation, he groaned, closing his eyes against the onslaught of need. “You’re killing me,” he whispered, his fingers barely brushing the wetness. “So fucking wet.”

  Suddenly he was at a crossroad, either he was going to take this further or he was going to bail out of this limo. She was wet and ready in his hands. Fuck he wasn’t going to leave. He would be an arse and the biggest pussy alive to do so.

  Removing his hand, he inched up her body until he covered it, keeping as much weight as he could off her so he wouldn’t crush her. Her eyes flew open and she looked at him, heat and need blazing in their depths. “I know I have no right to, but I fucking want you. More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.” he said, his breath harsh against his ears. He needed to be up front with her, not hold anything back. His cock itched to take her, his hands damn near trembling to touch her again.

  Emma’s whispered, “Zachary,” was enough to make him groan.

  He bent down to take her lips with his. She gasped against his onslaught and his tongue swept in, tasting her, stroking her tongue with his own. His body was primed and ready, but he forced himself to slow down. This was Emma, not some girl in a bar. The last thing he wanted her to remember was that he was a rough arsehole.

  He softened his kiss as his hand slid down her body, pulling up that hem until she was bare from the waist down, his fingers brushing her knickers once more. She gasped in his mouth, her hips arching to meet his touch and he nearly lost it, his cock straining for release.

  With a flick of his thumb, he shifted the scrap of fabric aside and without a second thought he delved into her warmth. All the while seeking out her swollen nub and applying gentle pressure with his thumb until she tore her mouth from his, panting in his ear, her hands clenching at his shoulders, begging him to continue. “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes.”

  Zach withdrew his finger partially, then slid back into her tight sheath, groaning as he rested his forehead against hers. She felt so good. He was never going to forget what if felt like to touch her for the first time.

  Dipping his thumb lower, he made sure the digit was once again slick before he started a torturous pace over her clit. Wide circles, then closer and tighter until he firmly pressed over the tight bundle of nerves. And then, just as she was about to fly, he pulled back to wider circles.

  Fuck, she was hot. So damned hot. Her inner walls tightened around his finger as if begging him for more. Oh so gently he added another finger, sliding both inside her and curving gently so he could rub against her G-spot. And then with one more pass of his thumb, flicked over her swollen clit and she fell apart, her cries filling the limo.

  “Zach. Oh my God, Oh my God. Oh Goooood!”



  Her body quivered from the orgasm she had just experienced compliments of Zach, feeling the heaviness of his strong body pressed up against hers. To her disappointment, he rolled off her, sliding back into his seat. She watched as he ran his hand through his hair roughly and she slid off the seat before she could change her mind.

  Her legs wobbled but she was determined. This was not going to end here. She sat astride him and his hungry eyes searched hers as if he were waiting for her to say no. Didn’t he have any idea how badly she wanted him? Wanted this? There was no way she was going to say no now. He had awakened a fire in her and she only wanted to climb higher.

  His hands roamed over her back lightly and her hands found his hair, pulling him against her so that she could feel the ridges of his hard muscles. When his hand had landed on the back of her thighs, she knew he wasn’t stopping and she shook with need.

  With trembling fingers, she trailed her hands over his chest to his shirt, her fingers working at his buttons quickly.

  Zach watched her intently and licked his lips as she parted the fabric. Before she had enough of his shirt opened to touch his warm chest, feeling the rapid heartbeat under her touch. Zach groaned and buried his face in her shoulder, his breath coming out in a shudder as she roamed his bare chest.

  She bit back a whimper of frustration that she couldn’t feel any more.

  But the night was still young and she doubted that they were going to leave this limo anytime soon, even though it wasn’t moving. Faintly she felt the limo come to a stop and heard the driver door open and shut. They were alone and able to do whatever they wanted.

  His hands left her back and grazed her sides before inching up her skirt until her knickers were directly visible, the cool air causing goosebumps to break out on her legs. She shivered, not because she was cold but
because he was touching her thighs again, the need so great that she thought she was going to explode on the spot.

  Zach stopped and she looked up, seeing the heat in his eyes. “Are you sure about this?” he asked harshly, his jaw clenched tightly. “I’ll stop. It will be hard, but I will stop.”

  Emma didn’t answer, taking his hand and guiding it to the waistband of her knickers, watching as his eyes dilated before he slid his fingers inside, touching her heated core again.

  Emma threw back her head and groaned as his fingers glided through her wetness, applying light pressure to the swollen nub that begged for his touch once more.

  “Bloody hell,” he whispered, his other hand coming up to cup her breast on the outside of her dress. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “Please,” she begged, bucking against his fingers.

  “Please what?” he asked, his voice low as his fingers stilled. “What do you want, Ems?”

  Emma looked at him. “I want you.”

  His lips twitched into a lopsided grin as he guided one of her hands to the front of his trousers.

  Her eyes went wide. “Zach?” Why was her voice so high pitched? Because your childhood friend is carrying an anaconda in his pocket.

  He tightened his grip on her hips. “Yeah, Ems?”

  She swallowed hard. “You’re uh—”

  He groaned again as she subconsciously tested his thickness, but the cocky smirk was back. “I promise we’ll fit together.”

  “Are you sure about that? You’re very big.”

  Even through a groan, he chuckled. “That’s what she said.”

  Emma couldn’t help but snort. “Be serious, Zachary Andrews. You’re fucking huge.”

  Zach lifted his head and gave her a drugging kiss. “We’ll go nice and slow. And we’ll make sure you’re nice and ready. I would never hurt you.”

  His tongue traced over her bottom lip and she suddenly forgot all her nerves. This was Zach. No matter what, he’d take care of her.

  She could feel his fingers shake against hers as she found the zipper and pulled it down slowly, the length of his cock springing forward and landing in the palm of her waiting hand.

  He was huge. She flickered her gaze to meet his and he gave her a cocky grin. “Like what you see?” he asked.

  She swallowed, her hand gliding over the length of him, feeling him out. He was a great deal bigger than she had anticipated. “You’re not small anywhere, are you?” she asked him as she stroked gently.

  Zach chuckled. “Jesus, Ems, you’re killing me.” She quirked a smile and her eyes returned to his cock in her hand, waiting for her to react. He was hot and heavy against her, the head pulsating with need for release and she gripped him, watching as sweat broke out on Zach’s forehead.

  “Do you want me?” she asked softly, stroking the length of him up over the crown and back down to the base. “Do you, Zach?”

  “Fuck, Emma. Yes,” he said, drawing her into for another kiss. She melted against him, his fingers working furiously against her clit now, her hand tightening on the baste of his cock as she felt the pressure build up inside of her. When his finger slid inside of her, she screamed against his mouth, the waves of pleasure hitting her hard and full force. He broke the kiss and she buried her face in his shoulder, her hand still on his cock as she rode the wave of her orgasm, her thoughts scattering.

  There was nothing between them now. Zach held her tightly against him, his hand still in her knickers, waiting for her to make the next move.

  Pulling back, she looked at him, seeing the haze of need in his eyes. “I need you,” she whispered, brushing her lips over his. “Please Zach.”

  He nodded and he reached into his tuxedo jacket, pulling out his wallet and producing a foil wrapped condom. Emma took it from him and tore it open, sliding it over his cock slow and easy, wanting to tease him just a bit more. “Enough,” he growled, pushing her hands away and rolling it down the rest of the way before reaching for her, ripping her knickers off with a quick flick of his wrist.

  Emma gasped as the cool air touched her now bared center, her nerves strumming with anticipation. She lifted herself over him, her body damn near shaking with need.

  His hands gripped her hips tightly as she slid down on him, his cock nudging her entrance. Bloody hell he was big. “Please,” she hissed, gripping his shoulders.

  “You feel so good,” he said as he kissed her jaw. “So wet.”

  Emma moved slightly and he groaned again, his hands digging into her hips. “This is going to be very short if you do that. I don’t want to hurt you, so let me guide the way.”

  “Okay, just, hurry,” she whispered, swirling her hips against him as the tip of him hit her g-spot.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he cursed low. “Fuck, Emma. You’re so tight. I just—”

  Even as his words cut off, he started to shake and withdrew, then sank in another inch. Then again he withdrew. He kept up that pattern until finally he was sheathed inside her.

  When his eyes opened, they were dark and sweat popped on his brow. Emma needed more, she needed him to move. Testing their connection, she adjusted her hips which earned her another curse, but he got the message and he set the pace.

  Before long, he was pulling nearly all the way out and sliding back home again. Over and over again, the tip of his erection grazed her G-spot and she shivered. But it wasn’t until his fingers dug into her flesh and he ground out, “Mine,” that the lighting stuck her body, making her shake uncontrollably, the orgasm peaking.

  He slammed into her and she exploded around him, stars dancing behind her eyelids. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yes,” Zach said, his hands tight on her hips as he threw his head back and pumped into her. Emma groaned as she gripped his shoulders, finding her rhythm to match his thrusts. He captured her lips with his and Emma moaned against his mouth, her body barely recovering from that orgasm before she felt the next start to build. Her entire body was on fire, begging for release. She was stretched taut, trembling with need. “Come for me,” Zach said, his eyes dark with passion. “Now, Ems.”

  She whimpered and then let go, feeling the last release shake her to the core. His tongue invaded her mouth and she felt him start to buck against her, urging her on. Emma lifted her body and came down on his cock, finding a rhythm despite the small space.

  The smell of sex was heavy in the air, Zach’s hands pulling at the top of her dress and freeing her breasts before his lips clamped down on her already hard nipple. She gripped his head to her breast as she started to pick up the pace, her legs starting to cramp from the position she was in. But she didn’t care. He was hot and heavy inside of her and she wanted all of him. “Shit,” he said, pulling away from her breast to look into her eyes. “Fuck, Emma.”

  Her eyes locked on his, she rode him until he stiffened and shouted against her shoulder, biting it lightly as he pulsed inside of her.

  Holy hell.

  Five orgasms.

  That was all she had to say about that.


  Fucking five!

  But who was counting? Emma sat there for a moment, not believing what had just happened. She had shagged Zach. In the back of a limousine. Zach, the one man she thought she could never have. But it felt too good.

  Finally, he lifted his head and his eyes were filled with emotion, an emotion that she couldn’t separate at the moment. If he apologized again, she was going to clock him. There were no apologies for what had happened between them. In fact, she felt as if she had lost a little piece of her heart in the process. She climbed off him after a moment, tugging her dress down as she went.

  Go for cheeky not awkward. Keep it light. “Do you think we should maybe try shagging on a bed now? More range of motion,” she whispered.



  You are a total shit.

  She wanted him to go upstairs to her flat. His body was spent, his limbs heavy from the hottest night of his life. He could sleep for weeks right now, all
of the worry and pent-up want for her replaced with the sudden rush of tenderness and emotion.

  That’s lovely, you twat. What happens when she realizes you’re the cause of all her unhappiness? Pain twisted his gut. He needed to tell her. She needed to know.

  You tell her then you’ll never be with her again. Zach tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “Ems, I need to tell you something.”

  She frowned then backed away. “Are you going to say ‘Of course, Ems, by all means let’s shag upstairs in your bed?’”

  Fuck, he wanted to say that. “I want to, I just—”

  But he didn’t get to continue because she readjusted her dress further and grabbed her shoes and purse. “Don’t.”

  He reached for her. “Ems, wait. It’s not what you’re thinking.”

  “Oh really.” Her eyes went wide. “Because what I’m thinking is a guy who I’ve had a crush on for years, who has been my friend for years, is yanking me about. I think that guy after ruining my vagina for other guys is about to tell me how it’s complicated and why he can’t come upstairs, right?”

  A tiny crease formed between his brows. “Ems, let me just—”

  She didn’t let him finish. “No.” She swiped a tear away with the back of her hand. “Don’t. I can’t stand to hear it. This is my fault. I should have listened when you said you wanted to be friends only. I’m the fool who believed this could be something.”

  Fuck. All of this was so much more complicated than that. He was angry with himself that he had lost control and shagged her in the back of a limo like some club groupie. He reached for her again. “Ems, it’s not like that. I’m trying to tell you something important.”

  But she still wasn’t having any of it. “So you can shag me in the limo but not in a proper bed? What the hell game are you playing, Zach?”

  “I swear, I’m not playing games with you.” He didn’t fucking deserve to even be touching her yet he couldn’t stay away. His body craved her even now.

  Tears glimmered in her eyes and his breath seized in his chest. Not tears. He couldn’t do tears from her. “Ems,” he started, shoving a hand through his hair. He suddenly was at a loss for words, torn between wanting to follow her to her flat and the other wanting to push her on out of the limo so he could think, clear his mind. Everything he thought he could feel for Emma he felt tenfold and he didn’t know how to handle it.


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