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Mr. Big (London Billionaire Book 2)

Page 13

by Nana Malone

Emma bit her lip as he opened it and pulled her inside, slamming the door closed before pressing her against it, his hand running down the side of her waist until he hooked her leg and pushed against her, his hand caressing her bum. She could feel the hard length of him throbbing against her, her body flooding in response. There was nothing to keep them from each other. She needed him and he needed her.

  Zach’s lips skimmed her neck, placing kisses down the column before grazing her collarbone that was exposed just above the collar of her shirt. Her own hand tugged at the hem of his shirt, her fingers grazing his well-formed abs as she slid her hand under his shirt to feel his warm skin. “God, what you do to me,” he said against her skin, his hands sliding under her own shirt. “I can’t get enough of you.”

  Emma pushed at his chest until he stepped back, grasping her shirt and pulling it over her head, her heart hammering in her chest. Zach’s eyes dilated with heat as he did the same, giving her a view of his toned chest and arms, her hands itching to explore him. He held out his hand and she grasped it, allowing him to pull her into the living room, where he took her in his arms, raining kisses all over her face. His hands covered her breasts and she sighed as his fingers found her tight buds, squeezing them gently and sending a jolt of electricity through her body. Her hands blindly touched him, and she reached in to kiss his chest right above his heart as she roamed over his muscles.

  When his hands found her bra and unclasped it, she pulled it off, fumbling with the belt on his jeans in the process. He reached down and stilled her hands, a wry smile on his face. “Take it easy,” he said, bringing her hands up to his chest. “We have all night.”

  “I don’t think I can wait that long,” she said, earning a chuckle from him. He kissed each one of her palms before dropping on his knees in front of her, kissing her stomach softly.

  “I want to taste you Emma,” he said and Emma’s breath left her chest in one big gulp. “I won’t take no for an answer.”

  “Oh,” was all she could manage as his fingers traced the skin right above her jeans. Her knees were already weak with need and he wanted to do that? She was going to be a puddle of hormones before this night was over.



  Emma stood in the middle of his living room with a smile that was partly, shy, partly knowing, and all Emma.

  He wanted her. No, he needed her. Every fiber in his body was trembling with the need to claim her as his. Today had been one of the best damn days of his life, hearing her laugh and knowing that he was the source of that laugh making everything worthwhile. For once since he had settled in London, he had ignored his phone calls and texts, putting business aside for one day.

  Tonight belonged to Emma and planned to make up for the night in the limo … in spades. Words hadn’t been said about that night since this morning, now a distant memory of a time that he would never forget. Well, he planned to make more memories tonight with her and give her a reason to forget that night as well. He wasn’t going to just shag Emma Welsh tonight; he was going to worship her. Even now her body trembled in his hands, heat and passion drumming through his veins at what was going to happen tonight. And there was no doubt in his mind that it was going to happen.

  And then tomorrow they’d talk. About everything. And he’d see if she still wanted to be with him. The fear started to creep in but he shut it down quickly.

  He forced himself to concentrate as he undid her jeans and peeled them down over her long legs, helping her step out of them and kick them aside before his eyes settled on the small scrap of lace that was covering the heat of her core.

  Zach could smell her arousal and, as he ran a finger down the center of the lace, he could feel the wetness that was seeping through. She was ready for him, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. He wanted to taste her. Leaning forward, he let his tongue touch the lace, smirking as he felt the tight grip on his hair in response. “You like that?” he asked, looking up at her.

  Her eyes were glazed over with heat and passion, the jerky nod telling him he was doing something right. Turning back to his task, he ripped the lace from her mound and delved in, getting his first taste of the night of Emma Welsh, the woman that he couldn’t get enough.

  “Oh God,” she said, holding him there as his tongue lavished over her swollen clit. “That feels so good.”

  Zach’s hands went around to caress her bare bum and pull her closer, taking the pulsating clit into his mouth and sucking, feeling her body jerk in response. Relentlessly he tortured her, holding her close against his mouth as she writhed in his hands, sobbing as he relentlessly laved her clit.

  When she came, the scream was real, bucking against his tongue until her legs collapsed and he caught her, lowering her to the floor.

  Zach’s own breathing was ragged as his body tightened with need, his cock heavy and straining against his jeans. But she was so fucking beautiful, her face flushed with passion, lips red from his kisses and her body, her body draped over his lap like a feast waiting to be discovered.

  He forced himself to wait until she opened her eyes, a dreamy catlike smile on her face. “Like that, didn’t you?” he asked, unable to wipe the smug grin from his face.

  “What do you think?” she asked back as he pushed some hair off her cheek. “Please tell me we aren’t done yet.”

  Zach leaned down and kissed her lips gently. “Just getting started.”

  She grinned and slid off him standing and walking out of his sight, down the hall that led to his bedroom. Hell yes. Right where he wanted her. Zach undid the fastenings of his jeans and quickly shed the rest of his clothes, striding naked into the bedroom with his cock standing at attention and aching to be inside of her. She was lounging on his bed, like one of his naughty fantasies, her red hair fanned out on the black sheets. Zach took his cock in his hand, stroking it gently as he watched her. “You’re fucking beautiful.”

  Emma licked her lips. “Don’t keep a girl waiting.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, reaching into the dresser beside him to pull out a condom, tearing open the wrapper before sliding it on as she watched him, her eyes heavy.

  Climbing onto the bed, he reminded himself to take his time. Take it slow. Enjoy this. The last thing he wanted was to rush this.

  Covering her luscious body with his, claiming her mouth for a kiss as he lined his cock to her sweet center and inch by inch slid home.

  Emma tensed, squeezing her eyes shut.

  “Shit. Ems, I’m—”

  “Don’t you dare stop. I’d just forgotten how big you were.”

  He couldn’t help a chuckle. “Didn’t leave a lasting impression the last time then?”

  She laughed even as her inner muscles tensed around him. “Stop being cheeky and looking for compliments. It’s one thing to conceptually remember. It’s another to make love to you again.”

  With a smile, he nipped her lower lip. “I’ll go slow okay?”

  When she nodded, he pressed forward again and had to grind his teeth against the onslaught of lust. Fuck she was tight.

  She groaned against his lips as he inched his way in until he was fully sheathed, her walls tightening around him, trapping him in. He leaned his forehead against hers, willing himself to give just a few more minutes. He wanted to enjoy this. Wanted Emma to do the same. “You feel so fucking incredible,” he murmured as her hands slid over his shoulders. “I don’t ever want to leave.”

  “Then don’t. I want you to make love to me,” she said softly, clutching at his shoulders. “Please.”

  “I think that can be arranged,” he whispered, pulling out only to slowly slide home again. Fuck. He would never get used to this.

  She moaned and closed her eyes as he rose over her, his forearms straining under his own weight as he started to move, his eyes never leaving her face. She bit her lip and he groaned, thinking it was the sexiest thing he had seen her do yet, feeling her quiver around him. “Yes,” he forced out, sweat popping out on his forehea
d. “Come for me Emma, only me.”

  Her eyes popped open and her mouth curved in a smile. “Only you.”

  Zach tucked the memory in his brain for later, reaching down to smother her mouth in a kiss. She arched against him, wrapping a leg around his waist to urge him deeper, screaming out as the orgasm overtook her, shattering around his cock as he furiously pumped into her. He wanted more. He wanted all of her. She squirmed under him, her hands now clutching his arse as she held him against her, her cries reaching his ears as the pressure built up within him, begging for release. “Oh God, Oh God, Zach.”

  Not yet. He was selfish. He wanted another. Reaching down with his hand, he found her swollen clit, rubbing it softly with his fingers as he drove into her, satisfied when she arched against his touch and cried out, nearly coming off the bed with that orgasm. That was more like it.

  It was then, and only then, that he allowed himself to go, roaring as well as he stiffened over her, slowing his movements until he was depleted, his breath harsh in his ears.

  Pulling out slowly, he walked to the bathroom to dispose of the condom before sliding back into bed with her. He pulled her close and tucked her against him.

  “Hey,” she said softly, the look on her face full of tenderness.

  Warmth filled his chest at her soft greeting. He was a total and complete goner. He was in love with her, his heart aching at the thought even now. “Hey,” he said, his throat suspiciously tight now that he knew he was in love with Emma Welsh. Hell, he probably had always been, but right now, it felt so right.

  She looked as if she wanted to say something herself but instead gave him a yawn. “I had a lot of fun today, Zach. Thank you.”

  Zach looked at her, his chest nearly caving in with the thought of losing her. He wasn’t going to ever let her go now. “It was my pleasure.”

  Emma gave him another smile and then closed her eyes as he reached for her, pulling her against his chest and hoping that she wouldn’t feel him trembling. He didn’t know what to do, how he was going to tell her. Did he want to tell her how he felt? Steven was going to fucking kill him when he found out. He didn’t deserve her, but he didn’t want to give her up either.



  Emma woke up to the streaming sunlight, stretching her body languorously against the silk sheets before opening her eyes. She was sore in places she hadn’t anticipated, her body raw in places where Zach’s stubble scraped her sensitive skin but she didn’t care. Last night had been a dream, one that she hadn’t expected to come to fruition but it had and there was no going back now.

  Looking around the bedroom, she realized that Zach wasn’t next to her nor was he in the bathroom directly across from her, where her clothes lay on the chair in the corner. The clock told her it was just after seven in the morning, plenty of time for her to shower and get to her first class with no problem, unless Zach wanted to drag her back to bed. After four times last night and early this morning, Emma ached all over.

  She giggled and swung her legs over the side of the bed, finding a discarded shirt on the floor before shrugging it on, enveloped in Zach’s spicy cologne immediately. There was no denying it. She was in love with Zach. Not that she hadn’t expected it a week ago, or the first time she had seen him at that gala, with the way her heart had hammered against her chest and her mouth going dry at just the mere sight of him. No, admitting it was the easy part. Telling the other person was the scary one. What would he say? Would he react the same way he had when they had shagged the first time and run off, permanently this time? Emma didn’t want that. She knew that there could be the possibility that he wouldn’t say it back and she could accept that. After all, a man like Zach wasn’t going to take something like falling in love lightly. Emma suspected that when he did finally say it, that girl was going to be the luckiest girl on earth. She hoped it was her.

  Walking into the living room, she found it empty, as well as the kitchen, but there was a pot of coffee waiting in the machine and a note on the counter. “Had an early meeting. Make yourself at home,” was all it said but to her, it spoke volumes. He trusted her to be in his private space without him, thinking of her enough to pen a note so she wouldn’t worry. It had to mean something.

  Emma sighed and walked back to the bedroom so that she could get a quick shower before class. As much as she would like to play house with Zach, she did have things to do.


  Zach listened to his accountant as he droned on about Zach’s investments, but his mind was already on Emma and what they would do tonight. He had been reluctant to leave her this morning, enjoying the fact that she was curled up to him, his arm draped around her waist and her bum snuggled tightly against his cock. Leaving her had been the absolute worst thing he had done today but necessary. The meeting he had scheduled was to talk about a new venture, a possibility to co-own an up-and-coming restaurant with a young chef who had ambition and drive to be successful. The clubs were literally handling their own, his investments good, and the future bright for him. With Emma. He didn’t know how he was going to approach the subject or when, but they belonged together. He was going to take his chances with Steven and the guilt about Ben would die over time as long as he had her by his side. Or at least he hoped. The thought of her finding out that he indirectly had an effect on her brother’s death ate at him, worried him that his love might not be enough if she ever found out. No, not worried; he was scared to fucking death that he might lose her.

  The accountant finished and Zach shook his hand before he strolled out of the offices, his phone vibrating in his pocket. Reaching in, he extracted it, seeing Steven’s number pop up on the screen. He hated that he was playing his best mate, uncomfortable talking with him right now. Steven was going to find out eventually, but Zach wanted to hold on just a little longer to the fact that he had completely ignored Steven’s request. He was watching out for Emma, just in a completely different way, a way that he knew her brother was not going to like. Hell, he wouldn’t if it were her sister being shagged by Steven.

  He and Emma needed to talk about how they were going to approach her brother, how they were going to share the news with her parents. What if they told him he was not good for their daughter? Did they still blame him for his inability to stop their son from killing himself that night? He would lose Emma and his best mate at the same time and he would be all alone once more, plodding through life with no meaning. Emma gave his life meaning, a future that he hadn’t anticipated. Without her, life seemed bleak and useless.

  Looking up, Zach realized he had walked all the way to the gallery, where he figured Emma would be tonight. It was like she was a beacon and he was a ship she was saving with every smile, every laugh and without her, he would be sunk. Running his hand through his hair, Zach climbed up the stairs and entered the gallery, finding Emma not far from the entrance, working on what looked like a new exhibit. For a moment, he just stared at her, feeling the nerves well up inside of him. He could tell her right now that he loved her, pour his heart out to her and hope that she felt the same. If she didn’t, he would wait. He could wait forever for her. He was a lucky bastard to be involved with Emma.

  She turned and saw him, covering the distance between them before she threw herself into his arms. Caught off guard, he gathered her up against him, inhaling her scent. “That was some greeting.”

  She pulled back, her eyes full of excitement for him. Him, a shit kid from nothing. “Hey, sorry I just, um, I missed you.”

  Zach’s heart swelled and he captured her lips with his, giving her a kiss that took his breath away. She was fucking perfect. Finally, he pulled away, framing her face with his hands. “I missed you too.”

  Emma blushed and stepped out of his arms, smoothing her skirt down even though it was perfectly in place. “How did your meetings go?”

  “Boring,” he said, earning a smile from her. “They were fine, though I would have rather spent the day in bed with you. In fact, I’m contempla
ting clearing my entire week’s schedule to do just that.” Nothing would make him happier than to have Emma naked in his bed for a week.

  “We would be hungry,” she said, laughing. “And dirty.”

  “For good reason,” he said with a grin. “Speaking of food, want to grab some dinner? I was forced to miss lunch today.”

  She looked up at him, giving him a soft smile that tugged on his heart something fierce. “I would love to. Let me go get my stuff and I will be right back.”

  Zach nodded and she hurried off, giving him a good view of her arse in that skirt that seemed to mold to her bum. He couldn’t wait to peel it off her later on. Maybe they could order in, pretend to watch a movie that would hold neither of their interests after a while. Even better, it could be a naked movie watching night. Hell yes.



  Emma dropped her backpack on Zach’s couch, her heart nearly bursting with love for this man. Before coming to his place, they had run by hers, grabbing some clothes where he said nothing about the size of her place compared to his. It had felt rather small with him there and as she was coming out of the bathroom, he had been looking at her pictures, a pensive look on his face. She couldn’t help but wonder if he was thinking about what Steven or her parents were going to say about their relationship when they told them, not that it mattered.

  Steven probably wasn’t going to like the fact that his best mate was dating his sister but he would have to get over it. This was her life and she wanted to share it with Zach. She was in love with Zach, even more so than she had been last night. It was the quiet way about him, how he could be this sexy, heart-stopping man in one moment and then the most tender, loving man in the others. She loved how he seemed to devour her with his eyes and how he made her feel every time he grabbed her hand, tucking her close to him when they were together. Emma was sure there was a great deal more she would find out about this Zach, the grown-up Zach that had stolen her heart and she couldn’t wait.

  Turning toward the kitchen, she saw that Zach had deposited the food on the counter, stripping off his suit jacket and undoing his tie. He was sexy in a suit and the moment she had seen him in the gallery tonight, it had been hard to fathom that he was all hers. Zach was all hers. “I’m going to hop in the shower,” he was saying, giving her a wink. “Before the movie.”


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