Book Read Free

Finding Callan

Page 9

by Quell T Fox

  I don’t think that’s what he wanted to say. There was hesitation, one that makes me believe there I something else he planned to tell me. Something that I almost told him myself.



  Lenny and I lay on the couch, cuddling, kissing and dry humping for the duration of the movie. I only put a stop to it when my stomach starts to growl.

  “Come on, let’s eat.”

  “But I don’t wanna get up.” I move to stand, but he squeezes me tighter. “Don’t leave meeee.” I don’t even know what to do with this guy. But I mean that in a good way.

  “Go get Callan, I’ll get the other guys.” He gives me an exaggerated fearful look. “If I’m not back in five minutes, send help.”

  “Aye, aye Captain.” I stare at him with my hands on my hips, shaking my head. His hair is slightly frizzy from laying on the couch, making him look so adorable. When he acts like this, I want to hug and squeeze him like a teddy bear, but when he gets serious – his kind of serious – I want to do dirty, dirty things to him. He mock salutes me as I turn to walk away.

  I bang on Maddox’s door first and then Alec’s, since they’re across from one another I wait in the middle to see who will answer first. Surprisingly, it’s Alec. He looks exhausted, l think I woke him. “Dinner is done.” He grunts and opens the door fully. I notice the tent in his basketball shorts and quickly avert my eyes. Boners don’t normally make me feel awkward, but for some reason the one attached to Alec does. I move back to Maddox’s door and bang again.

  “You’re doing it wrong.” Alec walks over and bangs so hard that it shakes the door. Two seconds later Maddox whips the door open, his face red with fury. Alec has a smirk on his face as he walks away, which makes my face split into a grin.

  “Dinner is done, Handsome.” I run my finger down his bare chest, over each and every defined ab on his stomach and stop at the place where his sweatpants begin. I’m not sure what to do with all these hot guys walking around in sweatpants. Why is that so hot anyways? Lenny is the only one that’s still dressed in normal clothes, he’s still hot though. I kind of want to tell him to change. Is that weird?

  What’s better than a guy in sweatpants? Four guys in sweatpants.

  I spin quickly, turning away from Maddox and make my way into the kitchen. I make a plate for everyone. Lenny and Callan help me pass them out as Alec and Maddox sit at the table waiting.

  “Grab me a beer?”

  “Sure thing, Master. Anything else, Your Highness?” I hand Maddox the beer and his fingers brush mine in the transfer. Tingles run up my arm and straight to my core, causing my knees to buckle slightly at the overwhelming sensation. I give Maddox a questioning look, but he just winks. What the hell was that? I notice Alec caught the entire thing, but when I look at him for some kind of answer, he looks away, acting like he didn’t see anything at all. My cheeks warm as I take my seat at the table… across from Maddox who keeps giving me sexy looks. I don’t know if that’s his intent, but that’s what I’m feeling.

  “So, where will we be going Callan?” Maddox stops eating immediately and looks straight to Callan. His eyes extra dark and stormy. There’s almost no bit of light grey in there at all, it’s all dark. I wonder if his eyes are about to do that creepy black thing again.

  “Yeah, where are you going?”

  Callan puts his fork down, wipes his mouth with his napkin and stares directly back at Maddox. Standing his ground, he responds. “I’m taking her on a date.” Alec’s muscles tense up, Maddox’s jaw ticks as he clenches his teeth. Lenny is sitting back enjoying the entire thing with a shit eating grin on his face. Callan turns to me, “It’s a surprise. You will see when we get there.”

  “How will I know what to wear?”

  “I’ll take care of that.” He says in his smooth, smoky voice.

  There they are again. Those tingles in my core that never seem to go away. Like, ever.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Of course it’s a good idea, Maddox! Shut the hell up!

  “Why wouldn’t it be? Do you not trust me to take care of her?” The tension grows from everyone except Lenny who is loving every second of his. I swear he gets off on them arguing. That’s kind of hot. Is that weird?

  “We agreed to lay low.”

  “No, we agreed to be on our toes. Which I fully intend to do. I’m completely capable of taking care of myself and others. I think I’ve proven that time and time again. Don’t you think, Maddox?”

  The bit of cockiness in his tone makes the tingles stronger, I have to clench my thighs just to quench them. I like this Callan. This is a good Callan. Maybe I should excuse myself to the bathroom quickly. It’ll be really quick. Maybe I can get Callan to come with me…. come with me, get it?

  I really need to get some. And soon.

  “You’ll take someone else with you.” Maddox picks his fork back up, preparing to eat.

  “No, I will not.” Maddox clenches his fists, both that are resting on the table.

  “ I am– “

  “Shut up, Maddox. Don’t be mean to him just because you didn’t get the idea to ask me first. You need to learn another way to deal with your jealousy, because the bullying shit is getting old.”

  That shuts him up. For a second…

  “Oh Darling, I have nothing to be jealous about. I’ve already had you, remember?”

  “Can’t say that I do. Guess it wasn’t all that memorable.”

  He lets out a frustrated laugh and nods his head in acknowledgement. Then we all finish eating in silence. When we’re done, Maddox and Alec go back to their rooms. Surprise, surprise.

  Callan, Lenny and I make our way to the couch because I want to watch another scary movie. With both of them. Scary movies are so much better to watch when I have sexy guys to cuddle with.

  They each sit on an end of the sofa. I lay between them, my head on Lenny’s lap and my feet on Callan’s. He didn’t tense up this time and he even has his hand resting over my calf, while he holds his book with the other. Progress.

  I will definitely get used to this. The stuff with Maddox, that’ll never change. He’s too arrogant for his own good, but that doesn’t mean we won’t have a relationship. Maybe it will just be harder? Relationships aren’t all rainbows and sunshine anyway. With Alec, there is a wall that I plan to break through, especially after last night. I know there is something in there that wants to come out, and I am going to find it and never let it go.


  I wake up at some point to a dark room. The only light comes from the TV that is still on, but with the volume lowered. I’m confused for a moment, not remembering where I am. Oh, that’s right. Living room. Lenny and Callan are both sleeping soundly on either end of the couch. They’ve both managed to lay down enough to seem mostly comfortable. I roll to my side to get comfier because I don’t know how I fell asleep on my back to begin with. I move slowly, not wanting to wake them. When I turn over, I startle. My heart skips a beat, but I quickly recover. There is a body on the floor right by the couch. I squint my eyes and on closer inspection I realize that it’s Alec.

  I had thought about getting up and going to bed, because sleeping on this couch isn’t very comfortable. I actually feel bad knowing that both Callan and Lenny do this every night, though there is a pull-out bed that they could be using, so I guess it can’t be that bad. Why didn’t we do that before the movie? I get myself into a decent position, hoping it’s enough to fall back asleep. I reach my arm down and place my hand on Alec’s firm bicep, brushing my fingers from his shoulder to his elbow. I enjoy the feel of him for a moment and the heat that the touch brings, because who knows when it’ll happen again. If it’ll ever happen at all. A sense of peace takes over my body, and I can only guess it’s from being so close to three of the guys. That seems to be how all of this works. The closer I am to more of them, the better I feel.

  I don’t wake again until the sun is shining and I’m left with only two of the guys
that I was sleeping with just a short time ago.

  I’m disappointed when I wake up and also not at the same time. Whatever is going on with him, he must be aware and clearly isn’t ready to talk about it or for the other guys to know. They’d probably tease him, and I know that would make things worse. I want to talk to him about it, but I know that the time isn’t right. I feel like I’ll know when it is.

  It’s Friday. Gaging by how I feel, it’s early. Too early. But it is Friday, that gives me… four days. Four days to let them all know that I plan to stay. I told Lenny already. Maddox knows, though I guess I should officially tell him. I have to come up with a good way of telling him. I can’t allow my special moment to turn into him gloating about being right. I plan on telling Callan tonight. The butterflies in my stomach stir when I think about going on a date with him. A real date. I’ve never been out on a proper date before. I’m kind of nervous.

  And then Alec… I plan to tell him last.

  I know Maddox is all about these meetings, I’m not sure why. Maybe it makes him feel important, but I get the sense that none of the other guys like them. Well, maybe Callan is okay with them. No, he just appreciates them. Teacher and all. This decision is too intimate for some stupid meeting. It shouldn’t be a declaration to all of them, though I guess that is what I’m doing. I feel like it needs more. This deserves more than that. The right thing to do is talk to them individually. I have to start building a relationship with them individually, like I’ve started to do already. But this will be a new type of start. I need to get to know them as who they are separately before I know them as who they are with each other.

  There. That’s a good start.

  I suddenly realize how smart Callan is. This date, this is the perfect opportunity for just that to happen. For me to get to know him, the real him, not the him he is when he’s with the guys. I’m not sure if that was his intention, but I bet it is. Along with him being old-school and romantic. Whatever the reason, it works out for both of us. So, I’ll take it.




  When Callan said he would take care of it, he meant it. Sometime late morning there was a knock at our door to which he answered immediately. He spent the early morning pacing around, constantly checking and typing away on his phone and walking into the kitchen, stopping by the door and listening as if he was making sure he didn’t miss a knock. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a freakishly tall woman. He was handed two large clothing bags, two boxes and another smaller bag filled with… I’m not exactly sure what. I sat on the couch with Lenny, totally vegging out watching the scene play out in front of me. Awed at how he’s acting. After the Sasquatch leaves, Callan gives me a shy smile causing my eyes to light up with excitement. He places all of the items into the hall closet. Disappointment strikes when I realize that he’s going to make me wait to see everything. Smart move, Callan. Not giving in right away.

  Finally, it’s evening and I’m allowed to open the bags and box. I’m both excited and nervous. I stand in my room in nothing but a towel with the door closed. Maybe I’m being silly, but excitement does that too me. Callan hung the clothing bag on the trolley that is sitting in the corner of my room. I wouldn’t let them take it back to the lobby, for some odd reason it’s a sense of security for me – as much as I hate the damn thing. I grasp the bag with one hand and slowly start to unzip, closing my eyes. When the zipper can’t move any further and I’m sure that the dress in full view, I open them. A small gasp leaves my lips as I take in the gorgeous, and extremely expensive gown that hangs in front of me.

  My hands go to the deep red fabric naturally. It’s smooth and soft and I can’t wait to feel it drape over my body. It’s a long dress with a high slit that goes up most of the thigh and one, thick shoulder strap. I reach for the material again, slightly nervous about the clinging texture of it. My curvy body doesn’t always do well in these things, but confidence is key, right? I rush to open the box, assuming there must be shoes to match. And that’s exactly what’s in there. A silver pair of platform heels with ribbon that ties up my calves. I’ve always wanted a pair of these! He couldn’t have known that, though. He just has good taste. I’m bouncing now, eager about getting dressed. I dried my hair already, but I still need to straighten it. I figured that hair style goes with just about anything and I’m not one to spend hours on my hair. I did, however, spend some time on my makeup. Nothing crazy, just simple and natural looking.

  I skip towards the bureau where my hair straightener is plugged in. I make quick work of straightening my hair, because all I want to do is put on my dress.

  I drop the towel as I pull the dress over my head and it falls down my body with ease. It fits wonderfully. The slit going just high enough to still be classy and not slutty. The shoulder strap hangs loosely over my shoulder. I can’t wear a bra with this, but fortunately this material holds the girls up perfectly. How did he get this all so right? I do not understand how this man is still a virgin if he’s doing this kind of shit for women. This would get him laid in a heartbeat. The thought makes my lady bits tingle and I’m not even near him. This is going to be a difficult night. Patience, Friday.

  I sit on the bed and slip on the heels. They are so comfortable – beauty does not always have to be pain. These are a million times better than the cheap, cursed red heels that I’ve forced myself to walk around in one too many times. These are my new favorite. I tie them up and the ribbon goes halfway up my calf. I move to the tall mirror by the dresser to check myself out and damn do I look fucking good. If Callan didn’t want to fuck me before, he definitely will now. Red has always looked good on me, accenting my light skin and causing my bright, almost yellow eyes to stand out more. It’s why I chose auburn for my hair color.

  A soft knock sounds at the door and I take practiced steps towards it. Walking in heels isn’t easy, but it’s a skill that can be learned. If you can walk in cheap heels, then you can walk in expensive ones. I open the door and Callan stands on the other side, taking my breath away. He straightens, his hands pulled behind his back. His hair is perfectly swooped over, a tiny bit of stubble covers his face which is so much more appealing than when he shaves it completely. His suit is a pewter grey with matching tie and white shirt underneath. It’s fitted perfectly to body, hugging every inch in the most perfect way. His shoulders are wide, his waist thin. And he has these amazing legs that make me think he must run or ride a bike frequently. And I’m sure his ass is just as good, but I’ll have to check that out a bit more subtly. I don’t want to scare him away this early on in the evening. I don’t know designers, but I can tell this suit is fancy. It just has that look to it and fuck me does he look delicious in this get up.

  “I have one more thing for you. Turn around.” That smooth voice of his sends shivers up my spine. I bite my lip as I turn around. He steps close to me, the heat radiating off of him and warming my bare back. Callan brushes my hair from my shoulders and lets it fall down my back. His arms come over my shoulders as he pulls a necklace around my neck. He clasps it, and then frees my hair from its grasp, letting it settle in place just below the hollow of my neck. My hand goes to it as I walk to the mirror wanting to see for myself. It’s a thin silver chain, with a small open star pendant hanging from it. It’s the perfect size and just my taste. It’s expensive, along with everything else but also looks like something that I could get away with wearing all the time.

  “Callan, this is– “

  “You look beautiful, Friday. As beautiful as the stars.” His heated gaze meets mine through the mirror. His words catch me off guard, and yet again do things to my insides. His words make me fucking melt. I’m literally a puddle right now. Or maybe that’s just my panties? Oh, wait… I’m not wearing any. Callan is looking at me in a way that he’s never looked at me before. There is something there, hiding behind his dark green eyes, something that I am very excited to learn more about. “Are you ready to go?”

nbsp; I find myself biting my lip once more as I nod my head and smile. He allows me to walk out first, placing his hand on the small of my back as I go. His touch is wonderfully electric. I’ve noticed that I get different feelings from each of the guys. Lenny gives me tingles, Alec is warmth, Maddox is the good kind of chills and Callan is sparks. Of course, I get all kinds of feelings from them, but for some reason this is what sticks out the most to me with each of them and I’m not sure why or what it means, if anything. Maybe I’m just being crazy. Wouldn’t be the first time.

  “Oh, there is one more thing.” He holds up a finger as he walks to another bag that sits on the dining table, one that I know wasn’t delivered earlier. He pulls out a silver shawl and places it over my shoulders as I move my hair for him. I smile my gratitude. “I realized after everything else that I forgot this. I had to have them come back to deliver it.” He smiles that wonderfully shy smile as his cheeks burn red.

  “Unnecessary, but much appreciated.” I take the soft material between my fingers and rub it against my face. “Soooo soft.”

  “Do you like it?” I nod my approval.

  “Shall we go?” He holds his arm out and I hook mine into his. We walk together out the door and into the elevator.

  The warm air hits my skin as we exit the tall building. The slightest breeze is blowing, keeping the heat at bay. Callan hails a cab, and one pulls over to us almost immediately. Callan opens the door and motions for me to get in, he closes the door after he slides in next to me. He tells the driver the name of the restaurant, it’s something in Italian that I don’t understand. Problem is that Callan’s Italian sounds too perfect for him to only know the name of the restaurant. Wait, that is not a problem at all. It’s just another thing that’s going to make me swoon. Soon enough we pull up in front of a restaurant that I would have missed had I not known what it was.


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