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Royal Affliction (The Anti-Princess Saga)

Page 12

by Jennifer Marsh

  I nudged Violet who was sleeping awfully close to Quino. It made me smile. Her eyes flickered and once they caught sight of me she looked like she was going to cry.

  “I’m sorry,” we both said in unison before smiling and hugging. We never could be mad at each other for long. It would take a lot of damage to end our friendship and a petty fight wasn’t going to cut it.

  I pulled some clothes out of my dresser and tossed Violet some panties, a pair of jeans, and a tank top. She looked uneasy at the clothes, but eventually got them on right. I laughed at the weird and uncomfortable expression on her face. She had never worn anything but dresses. She looked much different in human clothes. They flattered her tiny figure, accentuating her slightly wide hips and petite breasts.

  Violet was staring at the broken glass door. “I am very sorry about that.” She raised her hand and the shattered pieces flew back into the frame, making it whole again.

  “Thank you for fixing it,” I said a little distracted my mind back on Clifton.

  She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. “He will be back.”

  “Do you really like him? The way I suspect?”

  “I do, but I would never act on it. I cherish our friendship too much to let a man come between us.”

  I sighed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “He wants to marry me.”

  “Does that not make you happy?”

  “Marriage has never appealed to me. I do not know if I can share my heart and body with only one man for the rest of my life, to know that I will never again have a first kiss.” I thought of last night and I smiled. “Or that special moment when you first realize that you might love someone who’s been in front of you all along.”

  “You love Kafkus?”

  My face grew hot. “I think I might.”

  “Does Clifton know?”

  “No. He knows that I like Kafkus, but he doesn’t know what I feel now.”

  “Talk to him when he comes back, I am sure that he will understand. Your love for Kafkus does not make you love him any less, right?”

  “No, I still love Clifton. But now my heart is divided between two men and I am afraid that I will lose Clifton because of this. I don’t want to lose him.”

  Violet said nothing. She seemed to have run out of comforting words.

  I fell to my knees, reality sinking in that Clifton may never return. The tears began pouring out of me with no sign of slowing.

  Kafkus was beside me now, his arms around my shoulders. My crying had awoken him. “What is wrong my love?”

  “She fears for Clifton. Will you two go out and look for him?”

  Quino’s voice was stern. “I do not think it wise for us to leave you two alone with Loach.”

  I stopped crying but couldn’t move. I accepted the comfort that Kafkus’ body gave me, but I just sat there. My eyes became unfocused and began to stare off into the distance. My mind rose high and I became vapor. I was a ghost of myself. My lifeless body now lay far beneath me. Kafkus was still holding me but I could no longer feel his touch. Time had slowed, everything was muted. Kafkus yelled something that I couldn’t make out. It was muffled, as if shouted through water. I welcomed the nothing. It took my pain, my torment. It was nice not to have to think nor feel. I willed it to take me away.

  The front door opened and Clifton entered. I watched as he talked to the others, but heard nothing. He rushed to my body, though inched through my eyes. Words broke through the silence as he cried out, “Tessa!”

  He touched my chest and my body illuminated with a pure white light spawning from where his hand lay. The room spun and I closed my eyes to keep from being sick. When I opened them, I was staring into Clifton’s beautiful face, whole once more.

  “I thought I lost you.”

  He pulled my body against his chest tight. “No, Tessa, I thought I’d lost you,” he said, tears dripping down his face. “If you don’t want to get married just yet, I am fine with it. I would just love to be a part of your life, even if it means that I have to watch from the sidelines.”

  I gave him a soft peck. “You will never be on the sidelines, Clifton. Though I am not ready for marriage just yet, I would be honored if you would remain my man.”

  “And will you have more than one man?”

  My eyes fell upon Kafkus and I remembered the conversation we’d had. “If I chose another, would you be ok with it?” I didn’t want to hurt Clifton again. If he said no then I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about Kafkus.

  “If I must share you to keep you, then I am fine with it, for now at least.” He kissed me. “I would rather share you than not have you at all.”

  I felt as if an immense weight had been lifted off of my chest. It felt great. “Thank you.” A question lingered in my head. “How did you bring me back?”

  “I didn’t do anything, Tessa.”

  I sat up quickly and placed a hand on the spot where he’d touched my chest. It felt warm, hot even. “But what about the white light?”

  “What light?”

  “Never mind,” I said, pushing the subject aside for the time being. I was starving, and it was hard to focus on an empty stomach. “I’m going to fix us something to eat.”

  “No, I will make breakfast. You just sit and watch some TV.” He led me over to the couch and sat me down. “You nearly just died, Tessa, please just rest.”

  Kafkus’ robes were a mess and he had no human clothes to wear either. “Could you loan Kafkus and Quino some of your clothes so that they can dress more human, at least until we can get them some of their own?” I hated to ask but he didn’t appear bothered by my request.

  He left but the rest of them still stood around the room, looking like I had died. “Come on guys, I’m fine,” I said, managing a smile. “Come sit down and watch the magic moving picture box with me.”

  One by one they sat, Quino on one side of me and Violet on the other. Kafkus settled himself on the floor right in front of me, squeezing his body between my legs. They all seemed to want to be close to me. I found it comforting.

  Loach stood alone now, eying me with hesitation.

  “It’s ok, Loach. Please come and sit with us,” I offered politely, trying to make him feel included. He sat on the lone recliner next to the couch where he’d slept.

  Feeling somewhat satisfied, I picked up the remote and turned on the television. Everyone leaned in, captivated by the device. I flipped through the channels until I found one of my favorite shows: Scrubs.

  Kafkus stood and walked over to the TV, touching it with apprehension. “What is this thing? How are these people inside it? Hello?”

  I laughed. “They can’t hear you. It’s a show, you watch it.” He just stood there, staring at me, seeming even more confused. “Just come and sit with me.” I patted the floor where he’d been.

  He came to sit between my feet again and I wrapped my legs around his chest. I pulled his head back gave him a delicate kiss. He gazed into my upside-down face. “Does that mean that I am your Zezka too?”

  I smiled down at him, I had just been thinking about that very subject. Clifton had said that he would be all right with it. “Yes.” I would make this man (the one that I had once resented) forever mine.

  He pulled my face back down to him and kissed me with such passion. It felt so right, so beautiful.

  I felt so fortunate. I never had a man that I ever truly loved before, and now I had two. Two men that worshiped me in the way every woman needs. I was happier now than I had been in my entire life. I felt like my luck was finally starting to turn around. Would it last?

  We watched TV while and I idly ran my fingers through Kafkus’ long soft hair, though it was a little hard to enjoy the show when Violet kept asking questions about it.

  “Food’s ready!” Clifton called from the kitchen but no one moved.

  I snickered. “I think that you’ll need to bring it in here.”

  Clifton marched into the room, though I
was the only one who seemed to have noticed. He hit the power button on the TV and ignored the protesting outcries that followed. “I know that television is great and all, but we have important things to talk about. Please come join me at the table.” He turned on his heels and strutted back into the kitchen.

  My dining table was small, and I had only four chairs, so Quino and Kafkus sat at the small bar on the high stools. Clifton had made pancakes and they were delicious, very light and fluffy. (The best I’d ever eaten!) I wolfed down an entire stack, very un-princess like. No one else was eating besides Clifton and me. They were eyeing their food with evident distaste.

  “Try it, it’s good,” I said.

  Loach poked at the food with his finger. “I only eat meat, Princess.”

  “Raw or cooked?” Like a good hostess I wanted my guests to be happy, especially the one who could help us with our task.

  “Raw,” he replied, his face eager for the prospect.

  I rummaged through the fridge until I found a package of raw hamburger meat. I plopped it down on the table next to his plate. He tore it open at once and began shoveling it crudely into his mouth.

  He seemed to notice the appalled looks he was getting because he grabbed his fork. He held it awkwardly in his miniature hand. It was obvious that he had never used eating utensils before, but I appreciated the gesture all the same.

  I drew my focus back on the others. They were still only looking at their food. “Eat it!”

  Violet took a small bite. “Oooh, it is good.” She started shoveling huge bites into her mouth.

  After seeing that she like it, everyone else joined in. I was a little irked that my word hadn’t been good enough, but I didn’t voice my annoyance. At least they were eating.

  “So,” Clifton said, breaking the silence, “is anyone going to tell me who and what the flaming midget is, and what he’s doing here?”

  I laughed, unable to hold it back and nearly choked on my orange juice.

  Loach looked like he wasn’t sure if he should be offended or not. “What is a midget?”

  I filled Clifton in on why Loach was here and where he was from.

  Clifton jumped up, staring daggers at Loach. “So it’s your fault!”

  Loach immediately retreated from his seat, crawled under the table, and hid behind my legs.

  “He didn’t mean for this to happen. You would know that if you listened to me properly. He has agreed to help us, Clifton, but you must promise not to hurt him.” He still looked angry, so I flashed him a stern look.

  “Fine.” He sat back down and resumed eating.

  “It’s ok, Loach, you can come out.”

  Loach eased himself from under my seat and sat back down in his chair, all while keeping a watchful eye on Clifton.


  “Yes, Princess?”

  “I need you to tell me all that you know about where the Boru are living, and any plans they are in the midst of trying to accomplish.”

  “Well, they didn’t tell me of their plans, but they held me captive in a large warehouse just outside of town. I could take you there if you wanted me to.” He bowed his head just slightly, showing his respect.

  “Violet, could you conceal Loach’s appearance so he could pass for human?”

  She stared at him, appraising his odd, non-human features. “My concealment charms only work for tone. I do not think that beige flames would make him look more human.”

  “I can douse them.”

  Without his flames he looked like a badly sun burnt child, except for his head. It looked much larger in proportion to his body than it had seemed with the flames. It appeared as though he had an adult’s head sitting upon an eight-year-old’s body. He was skinny and yet no bones peaked through his skin. I silently wondered if he had any bones at all. The spots where his elbows should have been were smooth, as if nothing was behind them but flesh. He sat there, naked to us all, but he didn’t seem to be ashamed or embarrassed by it.

  “I might be able to do something with him. We can use clothes to hide the rest. Quartessa, do you have any gold jewelry that I can use?”

  “I’m sure that I can find something.”

  I left the table to rummage through my room.

  I’d always preferred silver to gold, so most of the jewelry that I owned was silver. I would never tell my father this though as I was expected to like and wear gold as the rest of my family did.

  I found a gold locket in one of my dresser drawers that would work just fine. It had been a gift from Brent. I didn’t even know why I still had it, except for the fact that women always seem to keep souvenirs from past relationships as a reminder of what they once had. I grabbed it and a long t-shirt. I didn’t have any clothes that would fit Loach properly so the t-shirt would have to work until we could get him clothes that were more his size. Quino could have used some too. He was much taller than Clifton, the leg that showed under his pants proved that concept. Not to mention the fact that he was much broader. The shirt that he was wearing looked like it was at least two sizes too small for him.

  I handed the locket over to Violet and gave the shirt to Loach. It fell to about where his knees should have been, covering him well. Violet handed Loach the necklace and he placed it around his neck. His skin instantly bean to soften in color until it reached my own hue, the only one she seemed to know. If not for his head and, facial features, he could have passed for human.

  “We need to go shopping for clothes. Loach and Quino will draw far too much attention dressed the way they are.”

  “We need to get some weapons too,” Kafkus added. “Though, some of us do not really need them.” He threw Clifton a cavalier smile.

  “But you are the better weapons master. I can do nothing with them.”

  “You can learn.”


  It was a little cramped with six of us piled into my petite car, but we all managed to get situated. Violet sat up front with me. She checked out the sites as we drove and asked lots of questions (as she usually did). Kafkus, Quino and Clifton were squeezed in tight in the back seat, but none of them complained. Loach settled himself in the area behind the back seat. He was now wearing a hooded sweatshirt to cover his enormous head and large dark sunglasses to cover his inhuman eyes. Both items had been graciously loaned to him by Clifton.

  I did like shopping. Though I didn’t like to tap into my father’s money, it was for his men so I didn’t mind this time. I had never had anyone to share my wealth with, it was nice.

  Before long we were parked and walking into the mall. We drew a lot of attention from shoppers. Loach seemed to draw the most stares as he looked like a mini version of the Unabomber. Or like the kid of someone famous who had to hide his appearance from the paparazzi.

  We hit a department store first. I guessed Kafkus and Quino’s sizes and picked out some clothes to complement their features. The rest of us waited outside of the dressing room while they tried them on.

  Kafkus came out first, looking very smart in the black jeans and the powder blue dress shirt that I had picked out for him. He was also wearing a pair of black Vans that went well with the outfit.


  “These clothes fit weird,” he complained as he fidgeted with his shirt collar.

  “They are supposed to fit like that.”

  “You like it?”

  “It looks great on you.”

  He grunted and headed back inside.

  Quino stepped out next wearing khaki-colored slacks and a brown, long-sleeved button-up shirt. He looked very dapper, and the black Airwalks he was wearing complimented the look. “What do you think?” he asked energetically as he spun around, showing off his new clothes with remarkable enthusiasm.

  “You look great Quino.” The clothes fit well and he actually seemed to be comfortable in them. “What do you think?”

  “I love it!” he said with such gusto that it left me speechless. He turned and strode back into
the dressing room before I could wipe the startled look off my face or regain the use of my voice.

  Clifton laughed. “Quino at least seems to like the clothes you picked out for him.”

  “Yes he does. A little more than I thought he would.”

  I had almost forgotten how hard it was for me to fit in when I had first arrived here. I didn’t have anyone to pick out my clothes for me or tell me what to do or how to act. I had to figure it all out for myself. It wasn’t too hard, but it did take a lot of getting used to.




  I jerked my head to look at Clifton. His eyes, along with everyone else’s, were looking at me with noticeable concern. “I’m fine. I was just remembering when I first came here.”

  Violet sighed. “This place is much different than home.”

  “It’s great here, once you get used to it. You will see many things here that you could never see back home. I promise that you will learn to like it here. I did. Just give it a chance.”

  “I miss Kortis.”

  “I think that some new clothes might cheer you up. Let’s go pick out a few things, just for you.”

  Her face lit up as she rummaged through the racks of clothes. Human or not, women love to shop. I picked out a few things for myself and we entered the same dressing room together so that we could try them on. The guys waited patiently outside.

  She tried on a pretty floral dress that was similar to what she was used to wearing. “What do you think?” She spun around to give me the full effect.

  “I think that it’s very you.” I was glad that she was enjoying herself. I liked seeing her happy. “Let’s go get you some shoes to go with your new outfits.”

  She eyed the flip-flops I’d loaned her. “I do not like shoes.”

  “Yes well, be that as it may, the ground here isn’t as refined as it is in Kortis. You will need to wear shoes in public.”


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