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Smoke and Ruin

Page 9

by Tiffany Daune

  “If I have to cut my arm off to be free of him, I will.”

  “I’m afraid the bond goes deeper than just the physical.” He sighed. “But we will start with the silver.”

  “Where’s Dax?" She stepped from the bed and her feet wobbled.

  He grasped her waist, guiding her back to the mattress. "Take it easy. He's safe. Dax is receiving the best treatment, and Jae’s already working on a way to get the silver out, but we can’t even try anything until you’re one hundred percent. So, you need to rest." He nodded toward the pillow.

  “I can’t sleep knowing they’re out there.” Her eyes welled with tears and she swiped them away. “I just left them all behind. They risked their lives for me. I have to do something.”

  “Help them by getting stronger.” He reached for her hand and she let him take it. He ran his fingers over the marks of dark magick, praying it wasn’t too late to save her.


  ASAIR'S TOUCH LINGERED on her skin long after he left the room. With the curse binding them, his anger and fear wound through her. But she didn’t know if he was afraid for her life, or frightened of her? She twisted a curl of black hair around her finger; the coyote’s blood stained in her mind. Death doesn’t let you forget, Pria’s words whispered through her thoughts.

  Her gaze drifted to the door creaking open. "You're awake!" Natalie crossed the room and stopped next to the bed. "How are you feeling?"

  Halen propped up with her back against the plush, quilted headboard. “Jae's potion is numbing the pain in my arm.” Her gaze drifted to her sister's wheelchair, but she quickly averted her stare.

  "Hey,” Natalie patted the bed. “I’m not thrilled about the chair, but I'm alive. You have to face the damn thing otherwise you're never going to look at me. I'm still the same person. I'm not helpless."

  "I didn't say…"

  She smiled. "I know, but you're giving me that pitiful look everyone gives me when they see me for the first time."

  "I'm sorry."

  "Once a kickass siren, always a kickass siren. Plus, check out these spokes. Each one’s equipped with a dagger. This one even has a poison tip.” She pointed to a dagger with a blood red handle. “I have my own personal arsenal." Her grin broadened with the mirror image of their mother's smile.

  Natalie was putting on a brave face. She could at least do the same. "It's so good to see you." Halen swung her legs over the bed and wrapped her arms around her sister.

  Natalie held her tight. "I'm the one who should be sorry. We've been hiding out in the fortress. We should have been out there looking for you, not just Jae. We tried a locator spell and that didn’t work. I guess the owls blocked it.”

  "It’s better that you stayed here. It’s not safe out there. Elosians attacked the beach house.” She sat back. She wasn’t ready to tell her it might not be safe in the Hunter’s fortress either with Dax dragging her magick to the dark side. She would save the gruesome details for later.

  "We’ve had to keep our magick low key here. Every time we cast a spell, a new shifter comes sniffing around. The mermaids…" Natalie glanced at her cast. “I’m sorry what they did you. We never should have sent them. I should have come for you.”

  "Thank you." Halen wobbled out of the bed, using the nightstand for balance. “I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t.”

  "Hey, you should be resting. Jae will have my head if you're running about. That cast won't be off for a few days."

  "Where is Jae?" Halen headed to the standing mirror. She wore blue plaid flannel pajamas with fuzzy gray socks up to her knees. Her cast wrapped her arm from wrist to elbow, with sprigs of lavender poking through the ends

  "Jae's taking care of Dax. He’s stable."

  Jae would know what to do—she had to find a way to set her free from Dax. Halen met the glassy gaze of stuffed coyote guarding the exit. Maybe she wasn’t so unlike the Hunters after all. "What about the Hunters?" Halen headed to the door.

  "Only Vita and Emil are here. The others joined the fight."

  “And you trust them?”

  “With our lives,” Natalie said. “With the fate of Etlis.”

  She grasped the door knob. "So, it's just us?"

  "Where do you think you're going?"

  "I have to see it." She opened the door.

  "See what?" Her sister's face paled.

  She choked back the sudden rush of tears. "I need to see where they died."

  Natalie wheeled beside her, her motions so fluid and quick as she shut the door. "Not today."

  "You don't understand. I keep playing that day in the hotel over in my mind and everything I did afterward. If I had done one thing differently, held mom longer, confided in Tage, or instead of cowering…” she bowed her head. “I may have saved them. I need to see where they died with my own eyes. I need closure."

  "There's nothing we could have done. Tage bled out. The mermaid venom was too strong for her body. If she had been a blue moon siren, we could have saved her. And I tried everything to bring Corinne back. But she wouldn't wake. I have her ashes, Halen. When you're feeling better, we can put Corinne to rest—together."

  Halen brushed away the tears. "She was your mother too.”

  “I know, but I didn’t know her. I mourned her a long time ago. But I’ll be there for you. I understand what it feels like to not have a mother.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t know her. She was incredible.” Halen paused, swallowing back the burning grief rising in her throat. “You look just like her.”

  “And so do you.” Natalie smiled. “We both do.”

  “Do you have Tage’s ashes?"

  "Yes, and Quinn’s sister, Maddie."

  “So, she didn’t survive the fire?” Her shoulders slumped with the heavy weight of death. “I thought maybe Jae saved her.”

  Natalie shook her head. “They were in different rooms when the fire rings exploded.”

  “I’m sorry.” Halen touched Natalie’s shoulder. “I know you cared for her.”

  “We’ve all lost ones we love. I’ll be damned if we lose anymore. We’re going to find Catch.”

  “And the other sirens. They will need our help.” Luke’s stricken gaze as Jae ripped her from his grip haunted her mind. He fought for her without question; she would find a way to return the favor.

  “We’ll find them all, but I have to warn you, the other Hunters are savage. If they’ve joined with Rania, then I pray your friends have a good place to hide.”

  “You said only two Hunters are here? Where is Ezra?”

  Natalie's face flickered with surprise. "He's not Ezra anymore."

  "But he's inside the Hunter. He can speak if he wants to. Their souls aren't merged. The Hunter only stole his body."

  "Otho is on the hunt like the others. They're on the same side as Rania. I’m sorry—your friend is gone."

  "I see." Her energy waned. Her legs shook.

  "Why don't you sit back down." Natalie nodded toward the bed.

  Even though the last place Halen wanted to be was the bed, she followed her sister's advice. She sat on the plush mattress, running her fingers over her cast. The Hunters brought so much death to her family and friends. "You know this is so effed up being here—right?"

  "We're safe here. Emil won't let them hurt us."

  "He couldn’t stop them from attacking us in the forest. Your soul could be in an arrow. We have to protect ourselves. What if the mermaids find us here? Do they know about this place?"

  Natalie let out a heavy sigh.

  "Well, do they?" She pressed her sister.

  "They’re staying in the reservoir until we can leave."

  "What?" She stood but collapsed back to the bed. "You and Asair are demented for staying here. The mermaid who broke my arm doesn’t care if Etlis opens; she only wants Asair. I saw it in her eyes.”"

  "It's not ideal but trust me. We wouldn't bring you to the fortress if we thought it was dangerous. Asair will handle the mermaids. What we need to do now
is get you better, free of Dax, and retrieve the water stone before the owls do."

  “They buried the stone with my car. Danik, one the owls, already tried to touch the stone. I don’t think they'll try again. Plus, they’re wounded. It will take time for them to recover after what the mermaids did to them.”

  “Magick speeds healing. Jae thinks they will. Even if they don’t know how to use the stone, they could use it to barter. Elosia was built with the stone. It's Galadia's wand—it belongs with you."

  Natalie placed her hand on her knee.

  “I think it’s best where it is right now.” She pulled out a piece of lavender from her cast. The brightly dyed stem left her fingers green.

  “Because of Dax?”

  She nodded.

  “He used to shove me in the dark too and lock away the key. You need to fight back.”

  “You could just take your bracelet off.”

  “I know it’s different, but he’s the same Guardian. He has weaknesses too.”

  “Like?” When Dax guided her magick, she felt chained, watching as the destruction unfolded, and at the same time, a sickening pleasure consumed her.

  “I had a different relationship with Dax. We were close in other ways.” She studied the deer head. “You have to find what makes him weak against you.”

  She defeated Asair using his loneliness against him; why had she not thought to seek out Dax’s weakness? Maybe she feared digging in places with no return.

  “I’ll help you,” Natalie said. “You don’t have to do any of this alone. Asair's here too.

  He's been worried about you. He blamed himself for forcing you away. The boy's been a mess."

  “It’s not his fault. He did what he thought was best, but I think we need to stick together. We’re stronger as one.”

  Natalie smiled. “Spoken like a warrior.”

  She gasped as if Pria had spoken the word. Warriors sometimes had to kill, but they also saved lives. So far, the only life she had saved was her own. “We need to protect the stone together. What happens to one of us affects us all.”

  “Exactly, which means you need to sleep and take some more of whatever Jae brewed up for you.” She nodded to the teacup and saucer on the night stand. “If you feel up to it, have a shower and get dressed." She waved to the bench at the end of the bed. "I don’t have much, but I brought you some clothes. I figured you'd want comfy."

  "You figured right." She felt at ease around Natalie, even though she barely knew her sister. She wished things had been different, that the Tari hadn’t split their family, and they had grown up together.

  "Bathroom's through that door. I'll check on you in a bit. Dinner will be ready in an hour. We all eat together. It's kind of like our one moment of sanity in our screwed-up world.”

  "I thought the Hunters didn’t eat? I mean other than our souls.” She couldn’t get past her sister trusting them so easily.

  “Emil and Vita sit for meals. They do it for Asair and me. They do it to hold onto what they lost. They didn’t ask for immortality. If Tarius wasn’t looming inside Etlis, then they would gladly open the portal, so they could die.” Her tone held an edge of anger.

  Halen recalled the magick that flared with her sister’s temper. How a door ripped from a frame and how a chaos ensued with her scream. Her sister had fought alongside her, but there was still so much she needed to learn about her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, but you must understand my position. The Hunters came after me, shot you with an arrow, claimed my friend’s body, and let Tage and our mother die. Not to mention, they need our siren souls to stay strong. So, forgive me for being cautious when it comes to dinner plans with immortals compelled by a curse to kill us.”

  “I have them under control.” Natalie shoved up her sleeve.

  Faint scars mixed with needle marks lined her skin edging along her birthmark.

  Halen’s eyes widened. “What have they done to you?”

  “Nothing. A little of my blood each day, keeps the compulsion at bay. Like eating a square of chocolate when you’re on a diet. Curbs the craving.” She shrugged.

  “You’re joking—right? How can you act so casual about all of this? They’re siren killers.”

  She shook her head. “I know this is hard to understand, but Emil loves me. He would leave the fortress if he thought he couldn’t resist.”

  “And Vita? Does she love you and Asair too? Do you think she’ll love me?”

  “She wants the same thing as her brother.” Natalie pulled down her sleeve.

  “And what exactly is that?” Her sparks flared. All of this was so unbelievable. How could her sister cover for them?

  “I’ll explain at dinner.” Natalie opened the door.

  Natalie had enough power in her little finger to demolish the fortress. Perhaps she had Emil wrapped around her finger too. Still, a curse ruled the Hunters’ motives. Was her sister blind? She didn’t like it one bit, but Natalie was alive and so was she. Whether the Hunters remained loyal, she would find out soon enough. For now, she had her sister back. At least the Hunters had kept her safe. "Thank you for bringing me here—for everything."

  Natalie shook her head. "Don't thank me yet. We're still in a helluva big mess."

  "I know." She thought of the others who still wanted their souls.

  "Rest now. If you make it to dinner, we'll talk then." She headed toward the hallway.

  Halen met her at the door. “I’m glad we’re together. Despite everything happening, I really hope we can spend some time together—as sisters.”

  “We have a lot to discuss.” Natalie’s gaze skimmed her long locks. “I’m sorry about Dax. If I hadn’t released him, then maybe things would have been different for you.” She pursed her lips.

  “We all have regrets, but I don’t blame you for anything.” Halen smiled. “I’m just happy I get to know you now.”

  “You are a sappy one.” She waved behind her as she wheeled down the hall. But Halen saw the tears in her eyes before she left. “See you at dinner.”

  A camera rotated toward Halen as she stepped in the hallway. She quickly jumped back inside, though the camera stayed focused on her. Who sat behind the lens? Who was watching her? She slammed the door shut. It seemed she wasn't the only one with trust issues. What did it matter who was watching as long as they were all together? But they weren’t complete; they still needed Catch and the others. She wouldn’t rest until she knew they were safe.

  "WHAT TOOK YOU so long to return to the fortress!" Asair fought the sparks begging to strike the mermaids, rip them from the reservoir, and thrust them into the desert sun.

  "We needed to feed." Selene’s black lips spread with a mischievous grin.

  "You broke Halen's arm!" He balled his fists at his sides, keeping his hands from strangling her. Shadows of her sisters’ fins loomed beneath the surface of the water reminding him he was outnumbered. His magick could unravel words, but he didn’t know if would win against the dark spells cast by three demons. With Halen near, he wasn’t about to test.

  "I retrieved her from the owls. I warned you lives would be lost." Selene lingered at the edge. Her elbows propped on the concrete.

  "Funny how your sisters returned with Dax, and there’s not one scratch on him.”

  She strummed her talons on the concrete, the sound gritting his nerves. When he stepped toward her, she trailed her finger across his sneaker. "I wouldn’t have killed her. I just wanted to see if she still had it in her. I don't know why you put so much faith the siren. I've seen inside her soul. She could defeat Tarius, but she never will. She loves him." Her gaze shot to meet his, catching him unaware.

  Before he had a chance to block her, she delved deep inside his emotions, reading how this revelation of Tarius and Halen might affect him. Even though the thought of Halen's past soul still loving Tarius tortured his mind, he never would let Selene see. "Galadia left Tarius for a reason. Besides, we both know the soul's nature is strongest in the present life. The past
has little influence." He didn't know this for sure, but just stating it as fact help him digest the horrible thought; Halen might love the enemy. Jae worried if Dax and Halen were inseparable, then something would have to be done to contain Halen. Eventually, she would wean off the elixir, but with the silver inside her, her magick would never truly be her own. With a monster after her soul and one chasing her heart, her magick wouldn’t have a chance. Jae worried the circle of three was tainted already.

  "You better hope she doesn't love him, or we're all in trouble." Again, she tested, poking an open wound to see if any of her words hurt. "Or do you think she might love you instead?"

  "Don't be ridiculous. You’ve seen inside my head. You know how I feel for Halen."

  Selene wagged her finger. "You would sacrifice yourself for her—I call that love. You shared each other's souls. She’s seen all of you and you all of her. This is more powerful than the physical time you’ve spent together. Look how we’re bonded. How our love spanned a hundred years, and yet we barely have seen one another." Her tone sounded hopeful.

  Naivety blinded him from fully understanding the complicities of a curse when he forced her alliance. "You’ve been loyal, Selene. Even when my heart stopped and the curse broke." He knelt near the water, but not too close. When he summoned them to the fortress, he realized very quickly what he thought was his command was actually her wish. She convinced her sisters to stay and protect him, but Kye and Diya didn't care for him the way she did. They only loved him when the spell manipulated their feelings. Selene wanted him long before his blood turned her into a water demon. She was the one who convinced the others to drink his blood. She pledged her loyalty, her heart—her soul. Now she expected Asair to do the same.

  "It's time you chose me. You owe me." She slapped her fins against the water. "I will protect you. Halen has the Hunters and her sister. She doesn't need you."

  "I’m bound in the circle of three. I can’t fight Jae’s spell."


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