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The Best Man (Harper's Island Book 1)

Page 4

by Zane Morrow

  She purses her lips and blows out a breath. “Are you saying she wants you to marry Blake?” Her eyes widen.

  “Oh yes.” I nod feverishly. “And at the risk of sounding like an infomercial...but wait! There’s more!”

  Brooke grins. “So inform me, already. I’m not known for my patience.” She glances at her glass. “For example, why is my glass half empty and where is our main course. I’ve been done with this salad for at least three minutes.” She sighs and then laughs.

  I roll my eyes. “Yes. So anyway, and I’m glad you’re sitting.” I lean in conspiratorially. “I’m supposed to be the next queen.” To my satisfaction, she looks appropriately shocked. I shrug as I lean back. “That’s everything.”

  “Wow. I don’t even know what to say.” Brooke studies me. “Don’t take this wrong, Grace. You know I love you, but you’re not exactly queen material.” She bites her cheek and I can tell she fears she has hurt my feelings.

  Instead, I laugh. “I know, right? That’s what I told her.” I shake my head. “I’m just a simple girl, living in a rich world, who prefers to stay in a cabin in the woods.” I take a sip of my sweet tea. “Hell, I’m practically Henry David Thoreau.”

  Brooke nods as she tries to flag down a server. “Agreed. As long as Thoreau lived with five hundred kids.”

  “Not all at once.” I laugh. “So, apparently, my grooming has begun.”

  “There’s grooming?” Brooke giggles.

  “Yes. And you know me. I’ll probably require lots of grooming. This isn’t me.” I blow at the wisps of hair fluttering in my face.

  “Then…why do it?” Her face had turned serious.

  I swallow hard. “Ms. Milly says if I do this, I can save the camp. No one would dare close it on me and everyone will trip over themselves to support it financially.” I nod sadly. “The things I do for these kids.”

  For a moment, we’re quiet, then Brooke lays her hand on mine. “You can save it, but will you still be able to run it?” She looks at me sadly.

  My stomach sinks. I’d never stopped to consider this. What if I saved the camp and I couldn’t even be around to do what I enjoyed most: help the kids?

  “Ah, there’s my Princess.” Ms. Dean interrupts my thoughts.

  “Ms. Dean.” My smile fades as she frowns at me. “I mean...Ms. Milly.” We exchange air kisses and I soon realize the room has gone silent as everyone stares.

  “Remember, you’re my successor,” Ms. Milly warns. “Be sure to act the part. Don’t slouch, dear.”

  I sit up straighter and smile demurely. “Yes, Ms. Milly.”

  “Much better.” She nods her approval. “Always lovely to see you, Brooke.” Ms. Milly offers her hand and Brooke takes it briefly. Then the queen wanders back to her seat.

  “We need to talk.” Brooke speaks from behind clenched teeth.

  Before we can discuss anything, my mom joins us at the table. “I was just informed in front of a circle of women that I was the mother of the next Queen of Harper’s Island.”

  Digging deep, I somehow manage to remain erect when all I want to do is sink in my seat. “Surprise,” I mumble.

  “When did all this happen and why wouldn’t you tell me?” My mother is both excited and distraught by this news. I can tell. I’ve known her my whole life.

  “It’s no big deal.” I shrug.

  “Please. Queen of the Island is huge. Don’t downplay this.” Mom frowns at me. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Brooke smirks. “Ask her who she’s supposed to marry. Go on.” Then she covers her mouth to hide her laughter.

  “Who has she selected for you?” My mother’s eyes narrow as she waits for my response.

  Brooke begins to giggle. “I’ll give you a hint.” She leans in and whispers, “We’re going to be sisters-in-law.”

  “Hush!” I glare at Brooke. Then I turn my attention to my mother. “Don’t worry. I already told her I wasn’t marrying Blake.”

  My mom smiles and shakes her head at me. “Honey, you know how it is on the Island. I’m honored it’s my daughter, but I wish I’d have heard it from you. Oh, and Lincoln will be beside himself.”

  Somehow, I finally processed what was happening. “Oh, my, she’s telling the ladies, which means the whole island will know in a matter of hours.” I glance around the room in a panic. “Everyone is going to know. Is she telling them she expects me to marry Blake? OMG, please say she isn't.”

  “Honey.” My mother lays a hand on my shoulder then moves it to rub my back soothingly. “Calm down. You’re getting all upset over nothing.”

  I don’t want Blake to think this was my scheme. Yes, I want to save Camp Hope, but I’m not willing to marry him for it. I have to find him and tell him I was blindsided by Ms. Milly. I had no idea she’d spread her plan. He already thought she was crazy. He’ll understand. I have to make him understand. Numbly, I stand and stumble toward the front door.

  “Grace, where are you going?” My mother calls after me. “We haven’t finished lunch yet.”

  “I need to find Blake,” I mumble.

  She sighs. “Wait. Let’s do lunch and then you can go find lover boy.”

  Brooke giggles at my mom’s words. I turn and give her an evil glance. She tries to stop laughing by covering her mouth, but it doesn’t work.

  “Can’t stay.” I shrug. “Sorry.” Then without looking back, I stride out of the country club. I couldn’t formulate a complete sentence. How could my mother expect me to eat at a time like this?


  I know the men have a luncheon of their own down the road, so I take off on the cobblestone path in the direction of the Pub. I don’t care who is around, I need him to know.

  Stumbling through the front door of the Pub, I stop to collect myself inside the entryway. At the club, all eyes had been on me. Here, it is no different. The room is filled with wealthy men of all ages. I scan the crowd and finally find Blake standing next to his brother. I begin making my way through the crowd, elbowing my way past guys who wouldn’t stop staring at me.

  Marching up to Blake, I stop, a little winded, as he looks at me, perplexed. Brett smiles at me and I try to smile back, but it falters, as I’m distracted by what I need to say.

  “When you hear what Ms. Dean has done, please know I didn’t agree with it. She decided it, and I told her no, but just now at the luncheon, she told everyone.” I babble. Brett is thoroughly enjoying my discomfort. His grin is ear-to-ear. Blake looks at me like I’m crazy, but once again his lips twitch in amusement.

  “What exactly has the crazy old bat done now?” He crosses his arms over his chest and looks mildly amused.

  A man whispers in Brett’s ear. As he listens, he claps a hand over his mouth and shakes his head before speaking. “It seems Ms. Dean has named her successor.”

  “And I should care about this why?” Blake looks bored.

  At the moment, I’m staring at the floor, willing it to open up and swallow me. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Shoot, I don’t think a single board so much as creaked the entire time I walked across the length of the room.

  “Well, because we’re now in the presence of royalty.” He grins. “It seems Miss Simmons is the Princess of Harper’s Island.”

  I can feel my face growing hotter. I press a hand to my cheek. Yes. I’m officially on fire.

  Blake rolls his eyes. “Bully for her.” He begins to turn his attention to the gentleman standing beside him, but Brett taps him on the shoulder. “What?” He sounds completely exasperated.

  Without drawing any attention to myself, I begin to slowly back away. Instantly, Blake notices, reaches out, and grabs my wrist. His brows raise a moment.

  “Oh, that’s not all. It seems the queen has also decreed who Grace will marry.” Brett chuckles, enjoying the building suspense.

  I turn back to Blake. He straightens as he reads the horror on my face. His eyes narrow and he frowns at me.

  “Please, tell me she didn’t.” He stares at m
e, but I can’t meet his questioning gaze.

  “Blake Morgan will be the consort.” Then he laughs, clearly enjoying Blake’s discomfort. In an instant, I realize the bastard has more enemies than I expected.

  “This isn’t funny,” I tell my childhood friend. Then I quickly glance at Blake, who has yet to say anything. This is bad. I really don’t know him well enough to anticipate what he’s really thinking. My best guess would have him suspecting I’d had something to do with this crazy plan.

  “Is this what had you flustered when you came in?” He tugs at his chin as he studies me.

  I nod my head, but I say nothing. I’m at a loss for words right now. Where would I even begin?

  “Well, I guess The Princess and I should have a chat, since I want no part of this foolishness.” He frowns down at me.

  “We don’t have to do what she says. We can just say no. I’s the twenty-first century. And...and...” I’m flustered and it shows in my disjointed speech.

  “Oh, we won’t be doing what she says. Mark my words.” He takes me by the elbow and begins to push through the throng of bodies watching us. Then he rushes me out the front entrance.

  We burst through the doors into the sunshine where the afternoon southern humidity slaps me in the face. I start to dig in my heels, thinking we were going to talk here, but he continues to drag me across the parking lot. Soon, I recognize his intended destination is the nearby pier.

  As soon as we reach the water’s edge, he releases my wrist and turns to face me. “What exactly happened at this lunch yesterday?”

  “Wait. How did you know about the lunch?” I frown. “Are you keeping tabs on me?”

  “No. I’m watching out for you. Obviously, you need it. Now stop evading the question.” He scowls. “Tell me everything.”

  “Let me begin by saying, I’m confident we underestimated that woman.” I'm being a bit overdramatic, but I can’t help it. “She’s not bat shit crazy, as you’d like to believe. No, she’s a shrewd and calculating she-devil.” I take a deep breath before continuing. “She announced I was to become the Princess effective immediately, and that you would be my consort. Oh, and yes, she used that word. Consort.” I take another breath as he watches me, unblinking. “Then I told her I had no desire to get married right now or to be married to you ever.” I cross my arms over my chest and start pacing back and forth.

  His lips are twitching like he can’t decide whether or not to smile. “So let me get this straight. Ms. Dean has decided you’re the heir to her kingdom and I’m to be your Prince Charming. Are we all caught up now?”

  “Like there’s anything charming about you,” I mutter.

  “What was that?” His eyes sparkle as he stares down at me.

  “Nothing. Yes. We’re all caught up.” I stop pacing long enough to scowl at him.

  “Good.” He purses his lips.

  “I really don’t want to marry you, you know.” My chin juts out angrily.

  “Then how did this happen?” Blake throws his hands up in the air. “Clearly, this is all your fault.”

  I growl in frustration. “Actually, it’s yours.”

  “How’s that again?” His brows raise. “I’m dying to know how you plan to pin this on me.”

  “Obviously, she used my weakness against me.” I sigh.

  He grins. “I’m your weakness?”

  “Fuck no, asshole.” I roll my eyes. “The camp. Camp Hope. The one you want to close.” I jab him in the shoulder. “If you hadn’t wanted to close the place, I wouldn’t have been primed and ready to play Let’s Make a Deal with the devil.” I turn on him. “See? All. Your. Fault.” I poke him in the chest to punctuate each word.

  “So this is all my fault?” His lips are twitching again, but even more his eyes twinkle with amusement, which only further irritates me.

  I can tell he’s teasing me. “I fail to see the humor in this.”

  “That’s too bad because at the moment, I find this to be hilarious.” Blake even manages a laugh or two.

  “Well, I’m glad you find this amusing, chuckles, because if we’re not careful we’ll end up married and I’ll be running the island.” I huff. “So, do something useful for a change. You’re the shrewd businessman. Fucking formulate a plan already.”

  “Does Ms. Dean know you swear like a sailor?” He offers me a half smile.

  “Actually, I learned it from a bus driver.” I shrug. “Now what?”

  “Now we give Mrs. Dean what she wants.” Blake nods.

  “Look who’s bat shit crazy now.” I close my eyes and rub my temples.

  “Listen, there’s more to consider than your precious camp.” He reaches out and lays his hands on my shoulders. “I have to consider Morgan Enterprises too. Ms. Dean can damage the business. Let’s accept she has made an offer we can’t refuse.”

  “What was that voice? Was that your Marlon Brando voice?” I tilt my head.

  “Yes. Did you like it? I sound just like him, right?” He grins proudly.

  “No.” I shake my head. “Not even a little.”

  His shoulders sink slightly. “What do you mean? I’m a dead ringer.”

  “Stick to business. Acting...not your forte.” I blow out a breath. “So how do you plan to get out of this?”

  “We’ll start dating this week. Things will progress for a while and then I can cheat on you or something, and be deemed unworthy of the queen’s consort.” He leans back against the railing confidently.

  “And won’t this cause problems for Morgan Enterprises, smarty pants?” I frown.

  Blake tugs at his chin. “Huh. So, what does that leave?”

  “How do you feel about fall weddings?” I shrug.


  With no solution in sight, we decide to play along with Ms. Milly and hope for the best. Thus, we begin our little charade immediately. We meander back to the pub from the pier holding hands. I expect to leave him there, but instead, Blake walks me to his BMW Roadster convertible.

  “Hop in, Princess.” He opens the door for me and I hesitate for the briefest of seconds before climbing in.

  I stare at him as he climbs in behind the steering wheel. “Now what?” My heart races and I hope it’s out of fear because if Blake is making my heart pound like this, I’m screwed.

  “Now, I drive you back to the club. That’s where you left your vehicle, right?” He gently brushes a few stray hairs away from my face.

  My stomach flutters. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. Slowly, I lick my lips before answering, a ploy to give me second to calm down. “Yes,” I murmur.

  “Okay. Then let’s go.” Blake grins and for a moment, I get a sense he could actually be quite charming when he wanted to be.

  I click my seatbelt seconds before we race out of the parking lot. With brows arched, I glance at him and shake my head.

  “What?” He tries to act innocent, but I see through him.

  “You know what.” I sigh. “Easy, killer. I’m too young and pretty to die.”

  Blake peeks at me. “Pretty?”

  I sink slightly in my seat. Obviously, I’m not his type. Naturally, he wouldn’t find me attractive. I respond with a shrug and avert my eyes.

  “Grace.” When I refuse to look his way, he reaches over and tugs my hair to get my attention.

  “Hm?” I stare at him wide eyed.

  He shakes his head. “Make no mistake about it. You...are beautiful, Grace Simmons.” Then Blake runs his hand over my head until he holds the back of my neck and rubs a circle over my vertebrae with his thumb.

  For a moment, I forget we’re pretending. For a split second, I let myself succumb to the feelings. At least three years have passed since I’ve had a boyfriend. Over two years have passed since I’ve had sex. My body craves his attention. I’m doomed.

  We pull up in front of the club. A group of ladies from the luncheon is gathered under the portico waiting for the valet to appear with their vehicles. As soon as they see us, jaws drop and heads turn. I
can feel the heat in my face.

  “Hold it together, Princess,” Blake murmurs as he leans over and plants a gentle kiss on my temple.

  Inhaling deeply, I nod ever so slightly as I start to reach for my door. His hand shoots out and stops me. I glance at him questioningly.

  “I’m not sure what kind of heathen you’re accustomed to dating, but I’ll be opening all your doors. Just one of the many services I provide as your consort.” He winks at me and brings a smile to my lips.

  “My, haven’t you transitioned smoothly into your new role.” I shake my head in wonder.

  “Sweet Grace,” he murmurs as he grazes my knuckles with his lips. “You don’t get it yet, do you?” Blake caresses my hand and I almost can’t think.

  I shake my head to clear my thoughts. “What don’t I get?” I frown and hope he can make sense of this for me.

  “Every bit of this life is about surviving behind a facade. I’m a savvy businessman. I’ve been the consummate bachelor. Before that, I was the billionaire playboy.” He shrugs. “Now I play at consort. No big deal.”

  I blow out a breath. Maybe this is my problem. Maybe I never felt like I truly fit in on Harper’s Island because I didn’t pretend to be something I wasn’t. “So, how do I get to know the real you?”

  Blake throws his head back and laughs like I’m hilarious. I tilt my head as I await his response. He shakes his head and stares at me seriously. “Good luck, Grace. I don’t even know me.”

  My mouth gapes open slightly as I consider what he said. For the first time in my life, I’m sad for Blake Morgan, eldest son of the late great Ben Morgan, and acting CEO of Morgan Enterprises. His life isn’t so wonderful after all.

  While I’ve been thinking, Blake walked around the car to my side and slowly opens my door. Then he holds out a hand and I take it while I truly consider how it feels when our skin touches. I bite my lip to hide a grin. After I step out, I give him a tender kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Absolutely, Princess. I’ll pick you up at six.” Then he smiles as I pass my ticket to the valet. Then, when he’s confident I’m taken care of, he hops in his car and drives away.


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