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Before Lucky (Forever Love, #3)

Page 8

by J. S. Cooper

  “Hi.” She turned around slowly and tried to avoid eye contact with me as I smiled at her slowly.

  “I thought that was you.” I frowned as I looked over her body. The dress was more revealing than I thought. Her body looked amazing, and I was having a hard time keeping my hands off of her. “You look different.”

  “Yeah. I’m in a dress,” she quipped back with a small smile, and a twirl of her hair. “And I have on makeup that hasn’t melted off yet.”

  “And your hair is down.” I reached over and touched it, allowing my fingers to feel the strands that beckoned to me so wildly. “It’s so soft and silky.” I bet it would feel wonderful against my face.

  “Thanks to Chi,” She laughed, and I nodded not wanting her to know I had no idea who Chi was. “I have naturally curly hair, so I use it to calm down the frizz and straighten it,” She continued, and I smiled at her nervous banter. It somehow made me feel better to know that she was nervous as well.

  “I see.” I nodded, wanting to tease her, but thinking better of it.

  “You should see it when it’s curly. It’s crazy.” She played with her hair and continued talking.

  “Well, I can’t tell.” I shrugged as I looked at her straight tresses. They didn’t look very curly to me, but what did I know about girls and their hair?

  “I’m like the frizz monster.” She giggled again nervously. I wanted to tell her that it was okay, I felt out of my comfort zone as well. “You’re lucky your hair is always so straight and silky naturally.” She glanced at my head and pointed. “I mean, that’s how it looks now, not in the past. I never noticed in the past.”

  “Thanks.” I ran my hand through my hair, glad that she liked it.

  “Do you use any special products?”

  “No. I use Head and Shoulders shampoo and conditioner, and that’s about it.” I paused feeling like an idiot. Why had I said Head and Shoulders? Wasn’t that the dandruff stuff from TV? To be honest, I had no clue what I used. I bought the first thing I picked up in the aisle.

  “Aw.” She looked around the room with a red face and waved her hands. “This is a really cool party, huh?”

  “It’s okay.” I shrugged, debating whether I should tell her about my involvement in getting her to the party. I wasn’t sure if it was romantic or stalkerish. I had a feeling that it may seem a bit creepy, so I decided to throw her off of the trail, just in case she had a feeling that I was involved in getting her there. “I didn’t know you knew Mike.”

  “Who?” She looked at me in confusion.

  “Mike Vegara. The guy throwing this party.” I groaned to myself. I was sounding like an idiot.

  “Oh, I don’t.” She bit my lip, and gave me a small secret smile. “My friend invited me. Don’t tell anyone, but I wasn’t really invited. I’m not really part of this crowd.”

  “What crowd?” I stifled a laugh.

  “The rich and famous crowd.” She smiled and then made a face, as she realized that I was likely a part of the same crowd she was talking about.

  “Well, you know that already,” she continued quickly with a weak laugh, “I wouldn’t be working at Lou’s if I was rich and made of money.”

  “Then I’m glad you’re not rich.” I beamed at her and moved closer to her. “I feel sorry for anyone who is a part of this crowd.” I spoke honestly, wanting her to know that it didn’t matter to me that she wasn’t rich. That I was interested in her, or getting to know her because of who she was inside.


  “It’s a long story.” I sighed. I didn’t want to get into a long conversation about the evils of having endless amounts of money. “I don’t want to bore you.”

  “I don’t think you have a boring bone in your body.” She blushed and looked down, and I felt a warmness fill me.

  “There are many girls who would beg to differ with you there.” I laughed.

  “So who’s your date tonight?” She changed the subject and looked around the room.

  “No date tonight.” I laughed, wanting to tell her that I considered this our first date. But I didn’t want her to run away from me.

  She wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I wanted to pull her towards me and kiss her. “That’s got to be a first.”

  “I usually reserve Fridays for my dates.” I stared deeply into her eyes, wondering what she would do if I pulled her towards me. “I think you’ve met every woman I’ve taken out in the last few months.” I said honestly.

  “A different one every week.” She laughed and shook her head in amazement.

  “Well, I have to get what I need.” I cleared my throat, why had I said that? It made me sound like a jackass again. “More importantly, don’t ever take Friday nights off. I’m not sure my dates would go as well if you weren’t there.” And I wouldn’t want to go to the diner if you weren’t there. I tried to forget that I wouldn’t be taking any more dates to the diner. I didn’t want to think that this could be the last time I ever got to talk to Lucky.

  “I’m not sure I’m a good luck charm. I never see you with the same girl more than once.” She looked at me searchingly, and I knew she wanted to ask me why I went on so many different dates. And a part of me really wanted to tell her, but I knew that I couldn’t. I didn’t want to bring up Noah, and I didn’t want to jeopardize the case.

  “What about you? You here with your boyfriend?” I changed the subject and looked straight into her eyes to see if I could see what she was thinking. I was almost positive that she was still single, but I wanted to make sure.

  “No.” She didn’t elaborate on her answer, and I was frustrated that I still didn’t know what the no was in response to.

  “I’m surprised he let you come out by yourself,” I continued, trying to fish the answer out of her.

  “I’m here with friends.”

  “So what does he do?” I persisted, and I knew I sounded like a pest.

  “Who?” She frowned, and I could tell she had no idea what I was going on about.

  “Your boyfriend.” I sighed as I just let it out. Do you have a boyfriend?

  “Oh, well, I don’t exactly have one right now.” YES!

  “Aw, you’re rocking the single life?” I felt a huge grin take over my face, and I moved in even closer to her, enjoying the feel of her body warmth close to me.

  “You could say that.” She rolled her eyes, and I wasn’t sure why.

  “You’re a beautiful girl, I’m sure there has to be someone you’re interested in.” Stop being nosey, Zane. Be smooth!

  “Not really.” I was a little upset at her response but I guess there was no way she could have said me.

  “This isn’t the sort of party to meet a good guy, though.” I whispered at her harshly, just in case she was looking to meet a guy here at the party that wasn’t me. “I mean, a lot of the guys here aren’t the sort I would recommend to a girl like you.”

  “Well, I will try and remember that.”

  “I’m sure you’ll meet a Mr. Wonderful soon.” I paused. “I guess that’s what you women want, right? A Mr. Wonderful to sweep you off your feet and promise you a forever?” I knew I could sweep her off of her feet, but I didn’t do forever.

  “You could say that,” She nodded. “Though I’m waiting patiently. I know the right guy is out there somewhere.” She looked so sweet as she spoke, and a part of me ached at her words. There was a Mr. Right out there for her somewhere and it ate me up inside. I didn’t want to think about her being with someone else.

  “So, Lucky. What else do you do aside from working at Lou’s?” I decided to go in for the kill. It was now or never. I needed her to come with me to Los Angeles with a passion.

  “I’m studying history at UM. I know it sounds a bit boring, but I love it.” She made a face, and I laughed.

  “History, huh?” My eyes glowed, as I pretended this was the first time I was finding out about her love of the subject. “Know anything about the Civil Rights Era?”

  “It’s my specialty
, actually.” She nodded eagerly. “I’m actually focusing on that period of time for my thesis.”

  “I can tell you enjoy it.” I reached out and touched her cheek gently, no longer able to stop myself from having some skin to skin contact with her. “There’s something wonderful about a woman who is passionate about something.” I want you to be passionate about me as well.

  “I’m a …” She looked up at me with wide eyes.

  “Lucky, there you are.” Leeza ran up to us squealing as she interrupted Lucky. I was furious at the interruption, but also worried that she would say something about seeing me before. “I was so worried you weren’t going to come.”

  “I’m here.” Lucky smiled and did a little twirl. I laughed at her movements—she was so free and capricious. I loved that about Lucky: she was the sort of girl that would dance with me in the rain, without worrying about getting wet.

  “I want you to meet this guy.” Leeza grabbed her arm enthusiastically, while ignoring me. I sent her mental signals to back off, while keeping a pleasant look on my face.

  “I’m actually talking to someone.” Lucky smiled at me apologetically, and I grinned back at her. She was enjoying the conversation as much as I was, I was pretty sure of that.

  “Oh?” Leeza turned around and stared at me, her blue eyes nearly popping out as she looked me up and down. I saw the recognition in her eyes before they glazed over. “Hi, I’m Leeza, Lucky’s best friend. And you are?” She flung her blonde hair over her shoulders, and flirted with me again. I wasn’t sure if she was pretending she didn’t know who I was, for my benefit or hers.

  “Zane.” I said briefly. “I’m a friend of Lucky’s.”

  “You never told me about any Zane.” Leeza looked at Lucky with narrowed eyes.

  “Well, we’ve just been getting to know each other recently,” Lucky started, but I interrupted her, as I didn’t want the conversation to continue.

  “Now, now, Lucky.” I slid my arm around her waist. “What do you consider the last three months? The honeymoon period?” I whispered in her ear as I pressed into her, enjoying the feel of her body next to mine.

  “Well, you know.” She breathed quickly, as I allowed my hand to run up and down her back.

  “You two are dating?” Leeza hissed, looking at me with a pissed expression. “You have got to be joking.”

  “Why?” I questioned her, wishing she would just go away. “Did Lucky not tell you about our marathon sessions in the bedroom? I think we nearly broke her bed the other evening.” I felt Lucky’s body freeze next to mine, and I held her closer to me.

  “Zane.” She laughed as she looked up at me with mirth in her eyes and then hit me in the arm. “Leeza’s my roommate.”

  “Well, darn it. It was worth a try.” I grinned at her and brought my face down to hers. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but instead I let my nose graze hers as I stared into her eyes. It was an even more intimate gesture than I had thought it would be, and stars exploded around me as I realized how right it felt holding her in my arms.

  “It was good seeing you, Lucky. Have a good evening.” I pulled away from her quickly, and uncertainly. It wasn’t meant to feel this deep. I had wanted to get to know her better so I could work her out of my system. I didn’t want to feel closer to her. I walked away from her quickly, and in a daze. I needed to go and think, and I needed a drink. All I had wanted was to get Lucky to this party, but now I was wondering if it had been a bigger mistake.

  I grabbed a beer, and watched as Leeza dragged Lucky up the stairs. I was about to go and follow them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Angelique, and pasted a smile on my face.

  “Hey,” I gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she kissed me on the lips in her old familiar way.

  “Zane, I didn’t know you were coming tonight.” She pouted as she pressed against me, her beautiful face showing me how happy she was to see me.

  “I wasn’t sure I was coming.”

  “You haven’t even returned many of my calls.” Her fingers traced down my chest. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve been busy, Angelique.”

  “Too busy for me?”

  “I’m sorry.” I sighed and tried to take a step back. I looked back to the stairs and tried to think of a way to get away from her.

  “I’ve been thinking about Noah a lot recently.” Her eyes welled up with tears, and I paused and gave her a hug.

  “I know you miss him.” I held her to me close, this time not as her ex-lover, but as the brother of her ex-boyfriend.

  “I just wish I would have known how much he loved me.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” I stroked her hair. “We both loved him. He wasn’t in his right mind that night.”

  “I just wish this wouldn’t come between us.” She pushed herself against me and whispered against my lips. “I want us to…”

  “Angelique, no.” I pulled away from her with a sigh. I didn’t want to have this conversation with her again. “I’m sorry.” I said softer this time. “I need to go upstairs.”

  “Let me come with you. Evan and Braydon are upstairs with some of the gang.”

  “Braydon’s here?” I felt my body go cold.

  “Of course he’s here.” Angelique gave me an odd look, and grabbed my hand, and pulled me towards the stairs. “Let’s go and see what they’re up to.” I followed her up the stairs slowly, and bit my lip. I prayed that Leeza hadn’t taken Lucky to the room with Evan and Braydon. That was the last thing I needed to happen.

  “Hey, y’all. We’re here.” Angelique sauntered into the room, giggling, and I followed behind her slowly.

  “What’s up, Angelique?” Evan whistled at her, and she giggled again.

  “Nada. Zane and I want to get this party started.” She ran over to him, and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I stood there in the doorway with a beer in my hand, and a worried feeling in my heart.

  “Yo, bro, what up?” Evan jumped up and fist-bumped me, while nodding his head slightly to the corner with a grin. I knew he was trying to tell me Lucky was here. He couldn’t contain the joy on his face, now that he thought I was going to hook him up with some big role via my dad.

  “Not much. What’s happening, Evan?” I didn’t smile, and I avoided looking over in the corner.

  “Come on, Zane.” Angelique grabbed my arm and pulled me into the room. I looked over and saw Lucky sitting on a couch with Braydon, who had his arm around her possessively. I wanted to go over and hit him across the face, but instead I just stared at Lucky, willing her to look at me.

  “Braydon Eagle, you sly dog.” Angelique ran over to the couch and placed herself on Braydon’s lap. “I didn’t know you were here.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Hi, Angelique.” He smiled and rolled his eyes, while avoiding looking at me.

  “Why didn’t you call me back? I wanted you to come pregame with us.” Angelique whined at him, and I stood there watching Lucky as she sat there looking uncomfortable.

  “I’m here now.”

  “Didn’t you miss me?” Angelique pouted and ran her finger across his cheek.

  “Angelique, you’re making Lucky uncomfortable.” Braydon pushed her off of his lap, and Angelique looked at him in shock.

  “I’m okay.” Lucky attempted a smile, but Angelique flicked her hair and walked over to me.

  “Zane, Braydon’s being rude.” She made a sad face.

  “I’m sure he is.” I stared at Braydon hard, and placed an arm around her shoulder.

  “Yes, he was,” she pouted. “Do something about it.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m trying to,” I mumbled under my breath and turned to look at Lucky. I hoped she wasn’t falling under his spell. I frowned as I realized that my plan was going horribly. Not only was I not getting to spend quality time with her, but she was now cozied up to the man I hated most in the world.

  “Do you two know each other?” Braydon looked back and forth at us with an odd tone in
his voice.

  “No,” I said at the same time that Lucky said, “Yes.” I sighed as I saw the hurt feelings on her face, but I didn’t want Braydon to know I knew Lucky. I didn’t want him to try and go after her, because of her connection to me. I knew Lucky was upset, because she gave me a hurt look before turning away from me. I wanted to grab her arm, and beg her to just give me time, and some understanding.

  “Hello, Braydon.” My voice was brusque as I acknowledged Braydon.

  “Zane.” Braydon nodded, and he gave me a slightly worried look.

  “Zane. Let’s go in the hot tub. Braydon, why don’t you join us?” Angelique interrupted us, and ran her hands through her hair.

  “I’m having a conversation, Angelique.” Braydon spoke to Angelique, but he looked at me.

  “I’m sure she won’t mind.” Angelique’s voice sounded sharp as she looked at Lucky dismissively. I felt a surge of anger as I saw Braydon grab hold of Lucky’s hand, and noticed she didn’t pull away.

  “Angelique, why don’t you and Zane go?” Braydon looked at me with a smirk.

  “Don’t want me to interrupt your conversation with Lucky?” My voice was harsh as I stared at him.

  “What do you care?” Braydon gave him a challenging look.

  “I don’t.” My voice was sharp and I took a deep breath. I could not allow Braydon to see how much this situation was affecting me.

  “We met at the restaurant I work at,” Lucky interjected into the conversation. I wanted to tell her to shut up. I didn’t want Braydon getting personal information about Lucky.

  “You work at a restaurant?” Angelique stared at Lucky with a smirk, and I knew that she thought Lucky was beneath her.

  “Come on, Angelique.” I pulled her away from the small group we were in. I gave Lucky one last stare before turning away. I didn’t want this conversation to go any further. I was scared that a fight would break out, or that I would say something that I would regret. I had to be very careful with what I said to Braydon right now, but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to control myself if I thought that Lucky was being disrespected. Angelique and I walked to the door, and I didn’t turn back around to say goodbye, even though I felt Lucky’s eyes on me.


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