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The Trouble with Virgins (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus Book 2

Page 10

by Chris Genovese

  “One more month and I’ll be eighteen,” he reminded me. “And I’m going to ask you for that suitor visit.”

  “Wow, one month,” I said.

  “You forgot?”

  “Of course I didn’t. It’s just…it’s a little soon don’t you think? To have my third husband?”

  I laughed.

  “I’d have three husbands in less than a year.”

  He shoved his hands into his pockets and paced around the room.

  “What are you telling me?” he asked.

  I had to think about it. What was I telling him? Did I love Kent? I was sure that I did. I loved him more than anyone else in the community. I’d been making out with him for years. The only thing we hadn’t done was have full-on sex. I had to save my virginity for my first husband. If not, I surely would’ve fucked him a long time ago.

  “Nothing,” I said. “But you know what it will mean to be my third husband don’t you?”

  “It means I’ll be with you forever,” he said.

  I stepped close to him, grabbed his balls, and squeezed them hard.

  “It means you will obey my every command, you’ll share me with two other men, and I will whip you. I’ll hurt you, Kent. Like I did that last time we were together. I’ll probably hurt you more than the others.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Because you know my vulnerable side more than the others. You’ve seen me weak. You’ve seen me cry. You’ve seen me hurt. I’m a Dove now. You need to see me for what I am. Your master.”

  Master. What a horrible word? Like my husbands were slaves or something. But in some ways they were. They were slaves to my commands.

  “I understand,” he said as he leaned forward to kiss me again.

  I squeezed his balls harder and he doubled up in pain.

  “You will never kiss me again. You will never try anything with me again out of respect for me and for my husbands. Of course, that is until the day you request your suitor visit. Then…I promise, Kent, you’re all mine.”

  He beamed at that and I felt good knowing I’d made him happy. As he turned to make his way toward the window, he stopped and snapped his fingers excitedly.

  “Holy shit, I can’t believe I almost forgot to tell you. It’s one of the reasons I came over here. I know how much you love your secrets and gossip and all that. You’re not gonna believe who I saw the other day.”

  He let the silence linger until I slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Alé,” he told me.

  I had to hear him say it again.

  “Alejandro Alejandro?” I asked.

  “Yeah, Alé. Lauren’s husband, well, you know what I mean.”

  I grabbed his shoulders and forced him to sit on the bed. He had my attention and I even surprised myself by how much I wanted to hear about Alé, my secret crush for so many years.

  “Okay, spill it all,” I said.

  “That’s okay, I can always come back later and…”

  I pinched his arm hard and for a moment felt like we were both back in school, trading stories at lunchtime, in between flirtatious touches. Kent had always been there for me and I’d been such a shithead leaving him hanging all this time.

  “Tell me, jerk!” my voice came out a little louder than expected and I had to cup a hand over my and Kent’s lips for a second as I listened for any sign someone had heard me. I heard nothing so I let go of his face.

  “Okay, I was bored and went a little outside the parameter. Remember how I used to go searching for cool stones and anything outside the ordinary for…”

  He stopped talking and glanced down at his lap.

  “For me,” I said. “Of course I remember.”

  “You used to make necklaces and stuff out of the things I brought you.”

  As much as I wanted to give him a moment to get all sentimental, I needed to know what he saw. So I didn’t say anything, knowing silence would be the nudge to get him going.

  “Sorry,” he said. “Okay, I went down by the river. I was thinking about you. And…well, I thought I might find something neat to bring back to you. Then I saw him. He was a little rough looking, unshaven, wearing a big ass coat, but it was him. Sure as shit it was him. He was fishing. I hid in the trees and watched him for a little while and then followed him when he was done. He went to that old cabin I told you about one time. The one I fell asleep in that time and didn’t make it back till it was dark. Remember that?”

  I did remember it. I’d been worried about him. We were supposed to watch one of the town shows together after dinner and he didn’t show. He never stood me up.

  “He’s living in that cabin,” Kent added. “He’s there all by himself I guess. Probably doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Once he was banished…you know…where else would a fellow go?”

  A knock on my bedroom door ended our conversation. I kissed Kent on the cheek and he scurried out the window into the lively afternoon.

  An Unquenchable Hunger

  The afternoon was crisp when I snuck out of town. I’d never done it in all my years growing up in the Dove, not until Pike had whisked me away to our late night, secret suitor visit rendezvous. I’d always been afraid to journey beyond the boundaries but somehow, after doing it once, I felt that maybe the danger had been imaginary. Imaginary. Yes, as imaginary as the gunshots that had taken Roscoe down the day they arrived. Stupid me.

  I was young, naïve, and constantly horny. I don’t know what it was but it seems now, looking back, that the trouble with virgins is once they get fucked, they get greedy. Or at least that’s the way it was with me. I wanted to get fucked all the time. I can’t be the only woman out there like this.

  So when I set out to search for Alé’s hideaway, I don’t know if I was doing it with the hope that somehow, as strange and demented as it seems, we’d meet and he’d smell me or something, and be overtaken by the desire to bend me over his dining table. It would be so rough and unexpected that even though I enjoyed it, I’d have an excuse for why it happened. Simply because he was so much bigger than me.

  I was giddy as I walked through the woods carrying nothing but a small sack I’d stuffed with a bottle of wine, two glasses, and some fruit. Grapes and apples were all I could find. I thought Alé might be sick of eating only fish and berries.

  Kent told me which direction to travel. He promised me I’d run right into the place. He tried to convince me that he should accompany me but I assured him I’d be fine and then demanded that he stay back in town if he still wanted that suitor visit.

  I was becoming such a bitch. There I was, threatening a young man who loved me with every piece of his heart and soul, with the one thing he desired most…a future with me. That’s pretty fucked up, even I have to admit.

  I found Alé’s cabin fairly easily. It wasn’t all that far from the community boundaries, which made sense since I heard it was used as a security checkpoint whenever the threat level was increased and the boundaries had to be extended a little.

  I knew he was inside because I heard some clanging around, like the sound of pots and pans being put away. I quietly made my way to the front door. I wasn’t a ninja or anything so I wasn’t exactly worried about him sensing my presence, but I definitely didn’t run toward the door shouting my arrival.

  When I reached the door, I found it open. I did my best to peek in from the outside but I couldn’t see much. It was too bright outside and way too dark inside. So I inched closer and craned my neck a little. As my face made its way past the door’s threshold, I felt myself yanked into the cabin by my hair.

  It fucking hurt and it scared the shit out of me. I didn’t mean to scream, but I did, and then he was on me.

  He slammed my back onto the floor and straddled me. My bag skidded across the floor. I couldn’t breathe and the cold muzzle of a gun was pressed against the side of my head.

  “Alé!” I yelled. “It’s me, Jessica!”

  “Who?” he growled.

  His face was
inches from mine, his hot breath against my cheek, as he held both of my wrists above my head with only one of his hands. I looked up at him and realized I was exactly where I wanted to be. His eyes were dark and his mouth was set. He wasn’t smiling and he wasn’t frowning. His lips were a straight line.

  “Jessica, from the Dove,” I said.

  I liked the way my chest felt, stretched open wide, my tits up for him to see. He looked at my tits and I knew he was thinking about how long it had been since he’d last fucked a girl. Lauren. He fucked her the night he was thrown out of the town, the night he threw my husband, Pike, through the window. Everyone knew the story.

  “I’m sorry for just showing up but I heard you were alone out here and I was…I was worried about you.”

  I put extra emphasis on the word worried.

  He was sitting on my pelvic bone and I swear I could feel the weight of his balls and his cock sitting on me. I’d seen his cock before, so many times, watching him drive into Lauren. I’d always craved it. I used to masturbate all the time, fingering myself, to thoughts of Alé ramming it into me.

  The trouble with virgins. Well, I wasn’t a virgin anymore, and this aggressive, monstrous, gorgeous man had me pinned down.

  “Why are you here?” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  He was sweaty and dirty and I loved it. I breathed in and savored the scent of MAN.

  “I just told you,” I said. “I was worried about you.”

  “Worried about me?”

  “Yes, it can’t be easy being out here all alone.”

  He suddenly let go of my wrists and climbed off me. He picked up my bag, set it on the table, and then held out a hand to help me up. I wanted to scream, “Nooooooooo!” I preferred the position I was in. I didn’t want to get up, but I had no choice. I reached out to take his hand and he lifted me back to my feet.

  “You should go,” he said.

  “But I don’t…”

  “You should go. I’m fine,” he barked.

  Those were his words but he was once again staring at my tits.

  “I don’t want to go,” I said. “I came all the way out here to see you. To say I’m sorry for what they did to you. I think it’s amazing how you defended your Dove and I think it’s a shame that you were sent away because of it.”

  “How is Lauren?” he asked. “I try to see her sometimes. To make sure she’s okay. It’s why I’m out here in this cabin. I could’ve left but she’s my wife. She’s my Dove. I don’t care what the others say or think.”

  His words. His dedication and devotion to her. I wanted that.

  “Lauren is okay. Bentley and Connor are there for her. She’s fine.”

  “And Pike?”

  Pike. He had to ask. There was no way I was going to tell him that I’d married Pike. No way.

  “Pike is keeping his distance from Lauren. Don’t worry about that.”

  “And the newcomers?”

  Wow, for being outside the community, he sure knew a lot about what was going on inside it.

  “I saw them ride into town. They should be made to leave. It’s unsafe with them there.”

  “I agree,” I said. “But for right now it seems they’re playing nice and people are ok with them being there.”

  “Come,” he said. “Sit down.”

  Alé led me to a small dinette table with only two chairs. We sat across from each other but so close we could reach out and touch hands. We didn’t, but we could’ve. An awkward silence passed between us so I fished into my bag. I pulled out the bottle of wine and the two glasses and set them on the table. I placed the apples and a bunch of grapes on top of the bag.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “A peace offering?”

  He laughed under his breath and I couldn’t decide if he was making fun of me or thought the gesture was sweet.

  “I thought you might be hungry,” I said. “You don’t remember me, do you?”

  “Of course I remember you, Jessica. You’re all the town has talked about for two years. The day Jessica becomes a full-fledged Dove,” he said.

  He knew me. He remembered me. I felt my blood warm up inside and under the table I spread my legs a little, giving my pussy room to breathe.

  “So have you?” he asked.

  His stare was intense, like his eyes were drilling deep inside me, two circles of dark coal tearing open my soul. My breath picked up. My heart thudded.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Did you already find your suitors and all that? I saw the lights and heard the noise from the party. So I assume you’ve had your suitor visits.”

  “I’ve had some,” I admitted. “But…”

  I knew the words I wanted to say but they wouldn’t come out. “But they weren’t good enough to keep me satisfied.” That’s what I wanted to blurt out. But he made me nervous. Alé and his dark fucking stare, his intensity, it was too much.

  “But…” he said, egging me on.

  I couldn’t say it. Instead, I did something even more daring. I reached out and put my hand on top of his. He looked down at our hands but didn’t move his away.

  “You’ve been out here a long time by yourself,” I said.

  “It’s been a while,” he replied.

  “I came to check on you and…and…”

  These words wouldn’t come out either. My fucking vocabulary was failing me and my chicken shit nerves were shutting me down. I closed my eyes and squeezed his hand and threw the words out of my mouth.

  “And to see if you needed company.”

  I opened my eyes and fixed my gaze on his. He smirked and then pulled his hand away and got up from his seat. He nearly knocked his hardening cock against the table. I’d seen his dick so many times back in my peeping days that I could’ve traded mental images the way some kids traded baseball cards. I knew his stats, its size at full erection, and he was more than halfway there. He wanted me. He was thinking about it, considering it.

  “For fuck’s sake, you’re just a kid,” he said as he turned away from me.

  A fucking kid? Did he just call me, a Dove, a fucking kid?

  Anger got the best of me and I stood up violently from the table, kicking my chair back and sending it crashing across the floor. I raced toward him. By that time he was in the small kitchenette. He banged a solid fist against the counter.

  “Go home, Jessica,” he said.

  I wasn’t going anywhere. I shoved my tits against his back, reached around to the front of him, and grabbed his cock in my hand. I squeezed his hard shaft, loving the way it filled my palm, and knowing the way he could drive it into me, the way I’d seen him do to Lauren.

  “You want me,” I whispered into his ear. “You’re rock fucking hard right now, Alé. And you’re mad. You’ve been wronged. You have so much anger and aggression inside you. I’m going to turn, hike up my dress, and open my legs for you. I want you to fuck me, do you understand?”

  A fucking kid. How do you like that?

  I made sure to slide my hand up and down the length of his cock a couple of times before I gave it a final squeeze, turned, and hiked up my dress. I dropped my panties and put my elbows against the table. The cool air running through the cabin blew against me and I waited, vulnerable and eager.

  With my ass up and ready, I thought about what I was doing. I was always in control. I had two husbands back home and a third waiting. Alé would never be a potential husband, but he was that one man every woman wants but never has the chance to have. He’s the actor in all the hot movie scenes, he’s the magazine model, and he’s the book character we all wish we could sit on. He’s the guy your husband jokingly says he’d give you a free pass to fuck if you ever had the chance…only because he knows you’ll never get the chance.

  For all I knew, Alé could be gone the next day. He could give up on his plans to keep an eye on Lauren. He could decide to try one more time to talk to the Original Seven and work out a way to re-enter the community. Anythin
g could happen. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was in his cabin right at the moment, I’d fingered myself for years while watching him fuck another woman, and the mere thought of him made me wet. This was a moment I wasn’t passing up for anything.

  I touched a hand to the grapes on the table a few inches in front of my face.

  “You’re a man of action,” I said. “And we come from a community where sex is our favorite pastime. We fuck, Alé. There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s just what we do. Now, do what a fellow does naturally. Cause this glass won’t fill itself, these grapes won’t pick themselves, and my pussy won’t eat itself.”


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