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The Trouble with Virgins (A Dystopian Romance Novella): Daughters of Venus Book 2

Page 15

by Chris Genovese

  “Tunnel,” Dominic said.

  “What is he saying?” I asked, still coming.

  “Ignore him, just relax,” Gwenneth said.

  “Tunnel,” Dominic said again. “The tunnel.”

  I didn’t understand and could barely concentrate with Gwenneth’s tongue buried inside me, still wiggling around, cleaning me completely.

  “They know,” Dominic said. “About the tunnel.”

  The tunnel. What tunnel? Wait, shit. The tunnel.

  I tried to pull off of her but she pulled me harder into her mouth, then licked up and tried to tongue my ass.

  “Get the fuck away from me!” I yelled as I sat up, leaned back, and punched her right in the fucking cunt.

  She howled and I lifted off her face, pulling my pants up, and rushing to Dominic. But Gwenneth was fast. She was on me, reaching around and grabbing my tits. She yanked me back and threw me again into what was left of the destroyed mirror. I recovered quickly but her fist drove into my mouth and rocked my head back. I bounced off the wall and tumbled to the ground.

  “They know about the tunnel,” Dominic repeated.

  “No,” Gwenneth said. “It wasn’t me. It’s not my fault.”

  The tunnel. They were torturing Dominic for information. They came to our community to find a backdoor, an easy way for the Venenum to hurt us. The tunnel was our secret way through the mountain and down to the lower land, where we could run vehicles up and down the mountain to get supplies and food without being detected by the enemy. Dominic had told them about the tunnel.

  “My teeth,” Dominic said.

  I looked over at the bed and saw his mouth open. I hadn’t noticed when he’d been sleeping but one of his teeth was missing, a gaping hole where it should have been, red and raw at the gums.

  “You insane fucks!” I yelled as I rushed at Gwenneth.

  “It wasn’t me. Roscoe’s forcing me!” she yelled.

  I didn’t care.

  I reached her and threw myself at her, claws ready, as I scratched across her face. Bloody gashes opened and she toppled backwards over the bed, rolled, and smacked her head against the window, breaking the glass.

  The door burst open and Pike stood in the room, his chest heaving up and down, a lead pipe in his hand. I wanted to run to him and throw my arms around him. He’d come for me.

  “The fuck is this?” he asked.

  “They’re torturing Dominic. Ripping out his fucking teeth,” I yelled. “I told you.”

  “They’re what?” he asked.

  “I told you something wasn’t right!”

  He looked at me and must have been confused seeing my bare tits, my unbuttoned pants, and my bloody hand. I was a mess.

  “It’s Roscoe,” Gwenneth said. “He’s with the Venenum. He took me from my people and forced me to fuck him. His friends fucked me every night and day. I was a slave. They told me if I didn’t come here and do this they’d kill me. I was so afraid.”

  Gwenneth fell to her knees on the floor, shaking. She curled up into a ball, naked, and sobbed.

  Pike made his way over to me, pulled off his shirt, and slid it over my head. He wrapped his massive, ink stained arms around me and held me tight. I buried my face in his chest and wanted to cry the way Gwenneth was. I was ashamed at what I’d done. At my desire for her.

  “I’m here, baby,” Pike said. “I’m here. You’re fine now.”

  “They know about the tunnel. The travel tunnel. They…I mean…I guess Roscoe tortured Dominic for that info.”

  “Where’s Roscoe?” Pike asked.

  His heavy boots thumped across the floor as Roscoe walked through the door carrying a bucket.

  “I got the ice,” he said. “This should numb him up a bit.”

  He stopped when he saw us and dropped the bucket. Ice spilled out onto the floor.

  “Fuck!” he said.

  As quickly as he walked in, he ran out, racing into the night. Pike was fast and charged after him.

  “Pike, no!” I yelled as I jumped to my feet and followed.

  Outside, Roscoe ran for his life with Pike right behind him. I couldn’t keep up no matter how hard I tried. Blood was running from my hand down onto the concrete. Pike yelled something at Roscoe that I couldn’t quite understand.

  “No!” Roscoe yelled.

  “Stop!” Pike ordered.

  Then Pike was on him, tackling him to the ground. Both men tumbled and rolled around. I reached them and wanted to help Pike but I couldn’t find anything to use as a weapon.

  “Pike!” I yelled.

  “Jess, stay back!” he replied.

  They climbed to their feet and Pike slammed his knee into Roscoe’s stomach. The big man doubled over but then grabbed both of Pike’s legs and lifted him high into the air. He ran forward and drove Pike into the wall of a house. Pike’s head hit the wall with a sickening thud.

  Pike blinked his eyes and his head bounced as if he might pass out but then he took a deep breath, his eyes opened wide, and he smashed his elbow into the big biker’s jaw. He followed with a throat punch. Roscoe fell to his knees, clutching his neck, gasping for air.

  It happened so fast. Roscoe reached into his waistband and turned toward Pike.

  “He’s got a gun!” I yelled.

  Then gunshots. Several. Pike ducked. Roscoe jerked as each bullet smashed into his chest. He flew off his feet and bounced across the pavement.

  Standing off to my side, outside the shadows of a nearby house, stood Alé with a shotgun in hand. The barrel smoked as he held it still pointed at Roscoe. We made eye contact but he didn’t say anything.

  Pike looked dumbfounded. He looked from me to Alé and then back to me, trying to make sense of what had happened. Alé had saved his life. Pike nodded his appreciation and Alé returned the nod.

  Then the voices. People from all over the community had come out of their houses to see what was going on. We were surrounded by people. Lauren crept toward us, her eyes squinted, trying to figure out if what she was seeing was real. She seemed skeptical.

  “Alé?” she said. “Alé?”

  Lauren ran to Alé and he caught her in a big bear hug.

  Danger was far from my mind as I rushed to Pike’s side. Roscoe lay a few feet away. One of the street lights shone down on him and I saw that it wasn’t a gun in his hand. I crept closer. It was a photo.

  “Get away from him, Jessica!” Pike yelled.

  “Back away!” someone else yelled.

  “It’s not a gun,” I said.

  I picked up the photo and as I did, Roscoe grabbed my wrist. His eyes were damp and the veins in his forehead looked like they wanted to burst through his skin. His chest was soaked with blood.

  Pike reached me and tried to pull me away but I yanked free from his grasp and held the photo up for him to see.

  “Not a gun,” I repeated.

  The photo was of Roscoe, maybe a year younger, clean and pleasant. He held a little blonde girl, maybe seven years old, in his arms. The cutest thing. But it was the smile on Roscoe’s face that hurt most. He was so happy.

  “My daughter,” Roscoe said, fighting to get the words out.

  “This is your daughter?” I asked.

  “They have her. Her. Her people. Said I have to help them or they would kill her.”

  “Whose people?” I asked.

  “Gwen…neth. She’s…she’s Ven…Venenum.”

  “But she’s a woman,” Pike said.

  “Control,” Roscoe said. “She…controls…all.”

  Pike turned to Alé and Lauren.

  “She’s in her house. Get her!”

  Roscoe tried to sit up but couldn’t. He fell down and blood spurted from his mouth.

  “She will be gone,” he said. “And war…war…will come.”

  He grabbed my wrist and struggled to keep his eyes open.

  “Please,” he said, spitting out blood. “Save…my…daughter.”

  As soon as the words were out, he collapsed t
o the ground. His eyes closed.

  I took Pike’s hand and pulled him toward the house. Roscoe said she’d be gone but I prayed she’d still be there, naked and sobbing, on the floor. But she wasn’t. I knew it as soon as I approached the front door and saw the look on Lauren’s face. She was gone. As soon as Lauren saw me, she stepped my way.

  “Don’t go in there,” she said.

  I pushed past her and she grabbed my arm.

  “Jessica, please. Trust me. Don’t go in there.”

  I stepped into the house and Alé tried to stop me. Pike helped me get through him. Then I saw why they were holding me back. Blood was everywhere. The bed, the floor, the wall. Dominic. His throat was slit open and a large, jagged shard of glass stuck out of it.

  His face. I’ll never forget the expression. His eyes were open wide and his mouth was twisted at an odd angle. He’d been afraid.

  The open window blew a blast of frigid air in, and with goosebumps rising all over my body, I bent over and threw up on the floor. The rest is hazy.


  The next day was the worst day of my life. Dominic was buried immediately and the whole town showed up for the funeral. No coffin. Just a burlap bag and a deep grave. As I stood there and watched him lowered into the ground, I couldn’t help but examine the faces of the people who’d shown up. Fucking hypocrites. They’d all laughed at Dominic and called him names. Was I any better? I’d treated him like shit.

  I held the picture of Roscoe’s daughter in my hand and used it to take my attention away from the others. The poor guy had been forced into helping Gwenneth. But what about the times I saw him fucking her? He’d seemed so into it.

  Then again, Gwenneth had a twat, was pretty sexy, and was holding his daughter hostage. I supposed fucking her and liking it was part of the sham. He was a man, after all, and men are cold hearted bastards for the most part.

  I looked at Pike who had his head turned down. He was sadder than I expected him to be.

  Alé and Lauren stood across from me. It seemed he might be allowed to stay. Good for Lauren.

  I looked at the picture in my hand again and focused on the little girl’s face. She was missing a couple of teeth. The cutest damned thing, and they had her. I wondered what would happen to her. Roscoe had asked me to save her. But how? I didn’t even understand why Gwenneth would be doing all this.

  Why would she, a female, go through all this? You’d think she’d be happy to find a world where women can be free and have husbands worship them. You’d think.

  I tried to understand what might’ve been her motivation. Roscoe said she ran the whole thing. She was in control. I thought about all the women the Venenum had stolen from cities, towns, and small communities like ours. And I got it. She was a madam of sorts. She pimped out women and in return was treated like a queen. It’s the only thing that made sense.

  I wanted to burn the bitch.

  Things were about to change in the Dove. The Daughters of Venus would have to man up. War was on its way.


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  Chris Genovese

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