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Sage and the Journey to Wishworld

Page 11

by Ahmet Zappa

  “Can I help you with anything, Sage?” Lady Stella asked kindly.

  “I was wondering…I heard that maybe…I mean that someone told me…” Sage hemmed and hawed, unable to ask the headmistress the difficult question.

  “The answer is no, Sage,” Lady Stella answered. “You were admitted on your own strengths. No one helped you.”

  Sage grinned. “Star salutations, Lady Stella,” was all she could say. “Star salutations.”

  Sage still couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a look of concern on Lady Stella’s face. And she hoped that she hadn’t disappointed her in any way. But Sage practically skipped the whole way back to her room. She placed her hand on the scanner and it glowed bright blue. “Welcome home, Sage,” the voice said. “And congratulations on a job well done!”

  Sage stepped inside. Cassie was standing in front of her closet, a strange look on her face.

  Sage reached into her backpack. “I brought something back for you,” she said. “A Wishling book. It really is made out of paper.”

  Cassie gasped as Sage placed the book in her hands. “I wondered what one would look like,” she said, running her fingers over the cover. She opened it and immediately started devouring the words. Then, realizing what she was doing, she laughed and closed the book, hugging it to her chest. “Wow—this is incredible. Star salutations, Sage. I’m glad you’re back.” Then she added shyly, “It was kind of lonely without you. I did a lot of thinking while you were away, and there’s something I have to tell you.” She fidgeted nervously.

  “Do you want to tell me about your pet glowfur?” Sage asked with a smile.

  Cassie’s eyes widened. “How did you…”

  “I had some time to think about it when I was alone on Wishworld,” Sage explained. “I put it all together—the dream I had, which wasn’t really a dream, was it? The Green Globule you ate, the glow from the closet, the sweet music.”

  Cassie opened her closet door. “Don’t be afraid,” she said. “You can come out.” A small, furry, winged creature flew out, nuzzled Cassie’s cheek, and landed on her shoulder. It began to sing the same beautiful song that Sage had heard, its belly glowing contentedly.

  “I was afraid to tell you,” Cassie said. “I wasn’t sure if you liked pets.”

  “I do,” said Sage. “Especially a cute one like this. What’s his—or is it her—name?”

  “Bitty,” said Cassie, blushing. “She was my mom’s when she was little,” she explained. Cassie lowered her eyes. “She really means a lot to me. Are you sure you’re okay with this? Starling Academy has a no-pet policy, you know.”

  “It does?” said Sage.

  “It’s in the Student Manual,” Cassie explained. At Sage’s blank look she added, “You said you read it!”

  “I must have skipped that part,” said Sage.

  Cassie giggled as the glowfur took off and landed on her head. “I hate to break the rules, but I’m so homesick, and Bitty would be miserable without me.” She smiled at her roommate. “I’m so glad you know. You can take care of her when it’s time for my mission!”

  “Absolutely,” Sage said with a yawn. She got herself ready for bed in record time and slipped underneath the covers.

  “So, tell me all about it,” Cassie said, her eyes shining. “Everything that happened. What the girls were like. Exactly what the wish was. What kind of clothes did they wear? Everything!”

  The glowfur began her evening song. It was sweet and gentle and calming. Sage yawned and began to speak. “It was a pretty bumpy ride down to Wishworld. I landed on a hill in the middle of a park and…” and then Sage fell asleep midsentence.

  Her story would have to wait until tomorrow.

  Afterglow: When Starlings die, it is said that they have “begun their afterglow.”

  Age of Fulfillment: The age when a Starling is considered mature enough to begin studying wish granting.

  Bad Wish Orbs: Orbs that are from cruel or selfish wishes. They are quickly sent to the special containment center.

  Band shell: A covered stage located in the Star Quad.

  Big Dipper Dormitory: Where third- and fourth-year students live.

  Bit bat: a creature that lives underground in the Star Caves.

  Boheminella: A luminous lavender flower. Boheminella is Sage’s personal Wish Blossom.

  Booshel Bay: A vacation destination.

  Bot-Bot: A Starland robot. There are Bot-Bot guards, waiters, deliverers, and guides on Starland.

  Bright Day: The date a Starling is born, celebrated each year like Wishling birthdays.

  Celestial Café: Starling Academy’s outstanding cafeteria.

  Cosmic Transporter: The moving sidewalk system at Starling Academy that transports students through dorms and across campus.

  Countdown Clock: A timer that lets a Starling know how much time she has left to complete her Wish Mission, it coincides with when the Wish Orb will fade.

  Crystal Mountains: The most beautiful mountains on Starland; located across the lake from Starling Academy.

  Cyber Journal: Where the Star Darlings record their Wishworld observations.

  Cybernetics Lab: Where Bot-Bots are built.

  Cyber-wrestlers: Popular children’s toys that battle each other.

  Festival of Illumination: A celebration of lights and family that comes midway through the Time of Shadows.

  Flash Vertical Mover: A mode of transportation similar to a Wishling elevator, only superfast.

  Floozel: Starland equivalent of a Wishworld mile.

  Flutterfocus: A Starland creature similar to a Wishworld butterfly with illuminated wings.

  Galliope: A Starland creature similar to a sparkly Wishworld horse.

  Garble greens: A Starland vegetable similar to spinach.

  Glamera: A holographic image-recording device.

  Glion: A gentle Starland creature similar in appearance to a Wishworld lion, but with a multicolored glowing mane.

  Globerbeem: A Starland creature similar to a Wishworld lightning bug, only more sparkly.

  Glorange: A glowing orange fruit, its juice is often enjoyed at breakfast.

  Glowfur: A small, furry Starland creature with gossamer wings that eats flowers and glows.

  Glowin’ Glions: Starling Academy’s top-ranked star ball team.

  Good Wish Orbs: Positive and helpful wishes that come from the heart.

  Green Globules: Green pellets that are fed to pet glowfurs. They don’t taste very good to Starlings.

  Halo Hall: The building where Starling Academy classes are held.

  Holo-book: Starling books; the pages are projected into the air.

  Holo-paper: Starling newspapers; the pages are projected into the air.

  Holo–place card: Projections used around tables to indicate where Starlings should sit.

  Illumination Library: The impressive library at Starling Academy.

  Impossible Wish Orbs: Wishes that are beyond the power of Starlings to grant.

  Iridusvapor: A gas found on Starland, it makes Kaleidoscope trees change color.

  Kaleidoscope tree: A rare and beautiful tree whose blossoms continuously change color.

  Keytar: An instrument that is held like a guitar but has keys instead of strings.

  Light Giving Day: A holiday held on the first day of the Time of New Beginnings. It celebrates renewal and the return of warmer weather.

  Lightning Lounge: A place on the Starling Academy campus where students relax and socialize.

  Little Dipper Dormitory: Where Sage lives. All first- and second-year students live in this dorm.

  Luminous Lake: A serene and lovely lake next to the Starling Academy campus.

  Mirror Mantra: A saying specific to each Star Darling that gives her and her Wisher reassurance and strength. When a Starling recites her Mirror Mantra while looking into a mirror on Wishworld, she will see her true appearance reflected back.

  Moonberry: A fruit that is a lot like a blueberry, but with
a more intense flavor. Sage hates them.

  Moonium: Equivalent of a Wishworld million.

  Old Prism: A medium-sized historical city about an hour from Starling Academy.

  Power Crystal: The powerful stone that each Star Darling receives once she has granted her first wish.

  Radiant Recreation Center: Starling Academy’s fitness and sports center.

  Rodangular: A beautiful bright pink stone.

  Safety starglasses: Worn by Starlings to protect their eyes when in close proximity to a shooting star.

  Serenity Gardens: Extensive botanical gardens set on an island in Luminous Lake.

  Shooting stars: Speeding stars that Starlings can latch on to and ride to Wishworld.

  Silver Blossom: The final manifestation of a Good Wish Orb, this glimmering metallic bloom is placed in the Hall of Granted Wishes.

  Sparkle shower: An energy shower Starlings take every day to get clean and refresh their sparkling glow.

  Star ball: An intramural sport that shares similarities with soccer on Wishworld. But star ball players use energy manipulation to control the ball.

  Starcake: A Starling breakfast item, similar to a star-shaped Wishworld pancake.

  Starcar: The primary mode of transportation for most Starlings. These ultrasafe vehicles drive themselves on cushions of wish energy.

  Star Caves: The secret caverns underneath Starling Academy where the Star Darlings’ secret Wish-Cavern is located.

  Star Darlings: The twelve Star-Charmed Starlings chosen by Lady Stella to go on top secret missions to Wishworld.

  Starday: A period of twenty-four hours on Starland, the equivalent of a Wishworld day.

  Starkin: The Starling word for siblings.

  Starland: An irregularly shaped world veiled by a bright yellow glow that, from a distance, makes it look like a regular star.

  Starland City: The largest city on Starland is also its capital.

  Starling Academy: The most prestigious all-girl four-year boarding school for wish granting on Starland.

  Starlings: The glowing beings with sparkly skin that live on Starland.

  Starmin: Sixty starsecs (or seconds) on Starland, the equivalent of a Wishworld minute.

  Star Preparatory: Similar to Starling Academy, this is the all-boys school located across Luminous Lake.

  Star Quad: The central outdoor part of the Starling Academy campus.

  Star salutations: The Starling equivalent of “thank you.”

  Starsec: Brief period of time on Starland, similar to a Wishworld second.

  Starshine Day: A Starling holiday that is held on the warmest starday during the Time of Lumiere.

  Star Wranglers: Starlings whose job it is to lasso a shooting star to transport Starlings to Wishworld.

  Staryear: A period of 365 days on Starland, the equivalent of a Wishworld year.

  Star-Zap: The ultimate smartphone that Starlings use for all communications. It has myriad features.

  Stellar Falls: The stunning waterfall that cascades into Luminous Lake.

  Stinkberry: A fruit with a terrible odor.

  Student Manual: A holo-book that contains all the rules and regulations of Starling Academy.

  Time of Letting Go: One of the four seasons on Starland. It falls between the warmest season and the coldest, similar to fall on Wishworld.

  Time of Lumiere: The warmest season on Starland, similar to summer on Wishworld.

  Time of New Beginnings: Similar to spring on Wishworld, this is the season that follows the coldest time of year; it’s when plants and trees come into bloom.

  Time of Shadows: The coldest season of the year on Starland, similar to winter on Wishworld.

  Toothlight: A high-tech gadget that Starlings use to clean their teeth.

  Wee Constellation School: The Starland equivalent of preschool.

  Wish Blossom: The bloom that appears from a Wish Orb after its wish is granted.

  Wish Catcher: A Starling who receives Wish Orbs when they first arrive and determines what kind of wish each contains.

  Wishers: The specific Wishlings that Starlings come to help.

  Wish energy: The positive energy that is released when a wish is granted. Wish energy powers everything on Starland.

  Wish energy manipulation: The ability to mentally harness wish energy to perform physical acts like turning off lights, closing doors, etc.

  Wish Giving: A celebration of gratitude for friends and family that is held after the harvest in the Time of Letting Go.

  Wish-Granters: Starlings whose job it is to travel down to Wishworld to help make wishes come true and collect wish energy.

  Wish-House: The place where Wish Orbs are cared for until they sparkle. Once the orb’s wish is granted, it becomes a Wish Blossom.

  Wishlings: The inhabitants of Wishworld.

  Wish Mission: The task Starlings undertake when they travel to Wishworld to help grant a wish.

  Wish Orb: The form a wish takes on Wishworld before traveling to Starland. There it will grow and sparkle when it’s time to grant the wish.

  Wish Pendant: A gadget that absorbs and transports wish energy, helps Starlings locate their Wishers, and contains a cloaking device.

  Wish-Watcher: Starlings whose job it is to observe the Good Wish Orbs until they glow, indicating that they are ready to be granted.

  Wishworld: The planet that Starland relies on for wish energy. The beings on Wishworld know it by another name: Earth.

  Wishworld Outfit Selector: A program on each Star-Zap that accesses Wishworld fashions for Starlings to wear to blend in.

  Wishworld Surveillance Deck: Located high above the campus, it is where Starling Academy students go to observe Wishlings through high-powered telescopes.

  Zing: A traditional Starling breakfast drink, it can be enjoyed hot or iced.

  It is impossible to list all of our gratitude, but we will try.

  Our most precious gift and greatest teacher, Halo; we love you more than there are stars in the sky…punashaku. To the rest of our crazy, awesome, unique tribe—thank you for teaching us to go for our dreams. Integrity. Strength. Love. Foundation. Family. Grateful. Mimi Muldoon—from your star doodling to naming our Star Darlings, your artistry, unconditional love, and inspiration is infinite. Didi Muldoon—your belief and support in us is only matched by your fierce protection and massive-hearted guidance. Gail. Queen G. Your business sense and witchy wisdom are legendary. Frank—you are missed and we know you are watching over us all. Along with Tutu, Nana, and Deda, who are always present, gently guiding us in spirit. To our colorful, totally genius, and bananas siblings—Patrick, Moon, Diva, and Dweezil—there is more creativity and humor in those four names than most people experience in a lifetime. Blessed. To our magical nieces—Mathilda, Zola, Ceylon, and Mia—the Star Darlings adore you and so do we. Our witchy cuzzie fairy godmothers—Ane and Gina. Our fairy fashion godfather, Paris. Teeta and Freddy—we love you all so much. And our four-legged fur babies—Sandwich, Luna, Figgy, and Pinky Star.

  The incredible Barry Waldo. Our SD partner. Sent to us from above in perfect timing. Your expertise and friendship are beyond words. We love you and Gary to the moon and back. Long live the manifestation room!

  Catherine Daly—the stars shined brightly upon us the day we aligned with you. Your talent and inspiration are otherworldly; our appreciation cannot be expressed in words. Many heartfelt hugs for you and the adorable Oonagh.

  To our beloved Disney family. Thank you for believing in us. Wendy Lefkon, our master guide and friend through this entire journey. Stephanie Lurie, for being the first to believe in Star Darlings. Suzanne Murphy, who helped every step of the way. Jeanne Mosure, we fell in love with you the first time we met and Star Darlings wouldn’t be what it is without you. Andrew Sugarman, thank you so much for all your support.

  Our team…Devon (pony pants) and our Monsterfoot crew—so grateful. Richard Scheltinga—our angel and protector. Chris Abramson—thank you! Special appreciation to Ri
chard Thompson, John LaViolette, Swanna, Mario, and Sam.

  To our friends old and new—we are so grateful to be on this rad journey that is life with you all. Fay. Jorja. Chandra. Sananda. Sandy. Kathryn. Louise. What wisdom and strength you share. Ruth, Mike, and the rest of our magical Wagon Wheel bunch—how lucky we are. How inspiring you are. We love you.

  Last—we have immeasurable gratitude for every person we’ve met along our journey, for all the good and the bad; it is all a gift. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for touching our lives.

  The first thing Libby noticed when she blinked awake was the delightful scent that permeated her dorm room. She sat up in bed and inhaled the perfumed air.

  “Smells amazing, doesn’t it?” asked Gemma.

  Libby looked over at her roommate lying in bed across the room. Gemma’s bright orange hair, messy from sleep, formed a wild halo around her head as she lay there, sniffing deeply. The two girls turned their attention to the vase of coral-colored flowers that had been waiting for them in their dorm room when they returned from dinner the evening before.

  “I still can’t figure out what kind of flowers they are,” said Libby. “I don’t recognize them, but they smell just like blushbelles.” Blushbelles were her favorite flower. They were pink, released puffs of sparkling stardust, and had a sweetly spicy scent that she thought was simply the loveliest smell on all of Starland.

  “Blushbelles?” Gemma snorted. “What are you talking about?” she said. “It smells like orange-and-vanilla ice pops—just like chatterbursts. I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation!” She gave Libby a quizzical look.

  Libby liked to keep the peace. She usually carefully weighed her words before she spoke. But for some reason, she sat up in bed and heard herself say, rather forcefully, in fact, “You’re crazy.”

  Gemma blinked in surprise. “No, you’re crazy,” she retorted. “You’re as crazy as a bloombug.” Libby gave her roommate an annoyed look. Bloombugs were small purple-and-pink spotted bugs that went wild every time there was a full moon during the warmer months of the Time of Lumiere, hopping up and down and squealing with delight at the warmer weather and longer daylight hours the season brought. Gemma sniffed. “Well, no matter how crazy you are, you have to admit that this is the sweetest thing you’ve ever…”


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