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Rumors of Wars: The Askirti Chronicles - Book 2

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by Danny A. Brown

“The pain gripped me so suddenly after what they did that I lost myself for a time. But you reminded me who I am. I cannot shrink from my responsibilities. So many people are safer because of those we’ve already brought to justice. It is our duty to walk through the doors that are open to us.”

  He gently put his hand on hers that was laying on the table. She did not pull it back.

  “I feel that way too. I suppose we have somebody’s call to return,” he answered.

  She smiled at him, that smile always got him.

  “You’re right, let’s not keep His Eminence waiting!”

  Not many had the personal number of the leader of the most powerful human empire on speed dial, but Jacqueline Campo was such a woman.

  With modern communications via FTL relays, instantaneous communications, or near to that, was possible between any two points. The relays or satellites communicated instantly to each other within a solar system, and to the Space Gate, which was capable of routing the information to other Space Gates in other solar systems instantaneously.

  Most systems contained a Space Gate, a large, matte black ring floating in space that was ten kilometers in diameter. The Space Gate system was what linked human civilization together, allowing for a window into another system hundreds or even thousands of light-years away, making possible instantaneous travel between systems. Who built them was a mystery, but they had been easy enough to figure out how to operate, and humanity wasted no time doing so. It was unknown what powered each Gate, only that they were fairly easy to use. When activated, the Gate would open a tear in space, a window into another system. At once, the view of the stars within its circumference would change to that of another star system.

  “Your Eminence, you look well rested!” Jackie said as the prime minister answered much quicker than she thought he would.

  “High Queen! How glad I am to speak with you!” he responded. “In times like these, might I impose on you to say no more until we can talk in person?”

  Jackie was stumped. Such a short conversation after being left so many messages? And the request for an immediate face-to-face meeting? And the honorific title? No matter. Transportation may take a while to setup, especially safe transportation, being as folks knew who she was, but she would go through it for him, such was her respect for the leader of the Commonwealth.

  Now that I am sober, and have Rick to lean on.

  “I see the look of confusion!” he laughed lightheartedly, not insincerely. “I am on board the Bojovník with the home fleet on a diplomatic visit to Loyola Prime!” he laughed again. “May I send a shuttle down to retrieve you and Mr. Amori?”

  Chapter 2

  Loyola Sentra System

  In orbit above Loyola Prime

  On approach to the Bojovník, Jackie could easily tell the confusion that the Commonwealth fleet was causing. More than five hundred ships of war from the most powerful kingdom of humanity presented an imposing force, even in a heavily defended system like Loyola Sentra. Four dreadnoughts, all modern Bojovník-class, including the HMS Bojovník herself, twelve battleships, twenty-four heavy cruisers, and all the many escorts. Curiously there were a few additional ships in the formation that were not Commonwealth as far as their Identification Friend or Foe codes, or IFF’s were concerned, though those ships were Commonwealth in design.

  Special visitors?

  Merchants were giving the fleet a wide berth, and while she had to see all this on the sensors, the Federation military ships were giving them room too. The Westerly Federation Navy was outnumbered in one of its strongest systems.

  Jackie hated to speculate this show of force was done on her behalf as it would embarrass her greatly. She knew the prime minister put lots of stock in her, even having placed her at the center of the treaty with the Westerly Federation, of which the they were in violation of by her abrupt dismissal.

  Surely the peace would not be broken over me.

  As the shuttle approached the warship, the Bojovník filled the view. At ten kilometers long, it was an intimidating sight. It was a mighty ship of war, one that alone could devastate worlds or even minor nations. And there were four of them here.

  ‘Uncomfortable’ would be the word if I was on one of the Federation warships.

  On approach, Jackie could still see the battle scars from the Battle of Wellington just a few weeks prior. The Bojovník received many, many small hits and a few enormous ones. It was not even close to the condition is was since before the battle, and even now robotic repair droids could be seen on the exterior and inside the approaching hangar, as well.

  As the shuttle landed, Jackie could see the color guard. She shot a look at Rick who just leaned his head back and grinned, only staring at her in return.

  Stepping out of the shuttle, she saw the prime minister, Tom Wallace, standing next to Commodore Charles Eikel and Captain Camila Garcia, though there were a few strangers next to them, one in a Commonwealth uniform, and the other a finely dressed civilian.

  As she proceeded to walk towards them, she noticed the guards did not appear as scared of her as the last time she was in Commonwealth space. Oh, she could smell their fear, but perhaps her civilian dress clothes softened her up a bit, at least she supposed.

  And fear her they did. Any woman that can rip a soldier apart, limb from limb, with only her mind was not someone to treat as a casual acquaintance.

  “Your Eminence, it is a pleasure to see you again!” Jackie said with a sincere smile. Then she looked curiously at Charles and Camila and an excited look passed over her face. “And Admiral Eikel and Commodore Garcia! Congratulations on your promotions! It is a pleasure to see you as well!”

  “High Queen, Mr. Amori,” Charles responded, clearly happy as to this little reunion, “allow me to introduce Captain Donald Ritz of the HMS Bojovník and His Majesty, King Roland Eisenberg of the Reslorian Empire.”

  “A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty, and you too, Captain Ritz!” Jackie said, pondering in her heart what just happened.

  “Let’s go to the conference room, shall we?” Camila said.

  The Reslorians were as advanced as the Commonwealth but had dozens of worlds, not hundreds. They also did not have Space Gates. While it is unknown why certain habitable systems lacked Space Gates when most had them, FTL propulsion meant that these systems were still accessible, though travel may take days or even weeks.

  The Reslorian Empire was in a cluster of stars that were in proximity to each other if anything could be considered close in the vastness of space.

  The one area that they excelled at above anyone else was in FTL travel speeds. While most relied on the Space Gates to get between two systems, the Reslorians had to depend on faster than light travel to do so, hence developed the best technology for doing such.

  As they were walking, Charles made a call on his comm, “Fleet is to depart at once.”

  Jackie’s heart sank. They brought somewhere in the neighborhood of half a million souls here in five hundred ships, to get her.

  All the while I was shooting up.

  She closed her eyes and let a breath out.

  Once they were all seated in the conference room, the prime minister opened up.

  “High Queen, it is with our deepest regrets what the Federation has done to you. We have let our displeasure be known.”

  “Your Eminence, thank you for your concern, it is profoundly touching,” she answered.

  Okay, the titles are killing me. I like being called Jackie!


  Nobody likes a butt-kisser.

  “Let me get right done to business. We believe the Zikar Empire is mobilizing for war, all our spies have told us as much. We need to mobilize as well, but our estimates of their capabilities are…daunting.”

  “It is my understanding the Commonwealth is the strongest of all. Why would you be concerned about the Zikars?” Jackie asked.

  “The intel we received is they h
ad been building ships at an incredible pace. And while our nation might be the richest, as you know, politics may dictate not having the largest of fleets. And as for the strongest, well, quantity does have its own quality. And they are undergoing a very rapid buildup.”

  “Are you saying you’re unprepared for open war?” Jackie bluntly asked.

  “I don’t feel anyone is ready for real war. It has been more than a hundred years since the last major one, the firsthand knowledge of the horrors of it are all but forgotten. I care about my people and the worlds we lost to the Zikars back then, well, the reports of what happened to the people are terrifying. I brought Home Fleet here to signify to our partners we are not weak. But as you know, there is still so much damage from the pirate attack just a few weeks ago.”

  And Jackie did know. The Home Fleet, or the small portion left there after the bulk of it had been sent to another system by a traitor, was decimated when massive fleet of pirates, which everyone suspected had a sponsor such as the Zikars, invaded the Dennaway system. It was Jackie’s Askirti gift that tapped into the Sevinc, an extraordinary power source still active at the planet of Wellington, that she was able to use to destroy the enemy.

  As for open warfare on a large scale, she thought of Pari, the ancient AI implanted into her through her encounter at the ruins of what was believed to be the regional governor’s mansion from the Homem Empire, dug up on the planet of Wellington. The AI’s memory was found to have disintigrated some after remaining dormant for fifty thousand years. He was very smart, just not very good at getting to conclusions on his own. Surely the prime minister wanted some trade deal that allowed his people access to Pari to improve their military technology.

  “What does this have to do with the presence of the Reslorians?” asked Jackie.

  The prime minister gestured towards the King Eisenberg.

  “High Queen, it is an honor to speak to you at last,” Roland begin. “The Reslorians provide technology to the Commonwealth, well, not all of it, but certainly most of it. We do have a small military of our own and while we lack Space Gates, we are a very technical people. Our treaty with the Commonwealth is top secret, as is just how much the Commonwealth gets from us.

  “I will add that we are true believers in you and your mission.” That got a raised eyebrow from Jackie. “The Commonwealth is not alone in the acceptance of the legitimacy of prophecy, as we have a few in our own recorded history whose legitimacy is beyond question. The prophecies concerning you, combined with the recovered video footage from the ancient Homem High Queen are well, very convincing.”

  It perplexed her that she looked not somewhat like, but exactly like the ancient ruler of a long bygone empire that died out tens of thousands of years ago. Equally perplexing was a prophecy that pointed to her as some sort of savior of mankind.

  I can barely manage my life, and this group is looking for me to help them in whatever it is they’ve cooked up.

  “We are a people of reason, with universities that are second to none turning out millions of graduates every year,” Roland continued. “We also have the highest concentration per capita of high-tech industries. I say this because I don’t want you to think we are a backward people given to superstition. But we are devoted to the Creator and have a strong religious foundation.

  “The Commonwealth and the Reslorian Empires, meaning myself and Tom,” he said with a wink, “see the unavoidable need for an independent multinational military organization if we are going to unite humanity against what is to come.”

  He sat there for a moment tapping his finger on the table.

  “While Tom and I will be ‘senior partners’, if you will, we want you to lead this independent multinational military organization, be not just the face of it, but the real leader. This organization will have real teeth, along with its own warships that stand apart from our fleets.”

  That caused Jackie to do a double-take, and that was after her heart skipped a beat.

  “You want me to lead it? Why not just do joint operations between the two of you?”

  She was nearly panic-stricken at the suddenness of leading anything.

  “It is simple,” this time it was Tom Wallace who spoke. “You were born to lead. Not only that, but I believe in what I saw.”

  He was referencing the Battle of Wellington, and the incredible power that manifest itself there, emanating from Jackie. He was also referring to the vision he had some time before meeting her. A vision that directed him, urged him, to follow her, that his survival and that of the Commonwealth depended on it.

  “What we want in return is simply two things,” Roland interjected. “As the Westerly Federation seems not to appreciate you, the first thing we want to offer is for Resloria to be the host nation of the High Queen. You will have a base of operations, and you will have legitimacy.

  “It is quite clear to us that you are a power unto your own,” the king continued. “The kingdoms of men one day need to be united, and we have our reasons to believe they will one day be united under you. Whether you accept this or not, or accept us or not, it remains our sincerest belief. Resloria is a neutral party to most, and we believe you would be better received having a host nation such as ours.”

  “United under me?”

  She felt like she needed to hang on tightly to the table, things were moving so fast.

  I think they may need their heads checked more than I do.

  Still, too good to be true always comes with a cost. She knew what they wanted, but while they were being open and frank it was the best time to get it out in the open.

  “And the second?” Jackie asked politely she tried to show sincerity.

  “The second is the ability to work with your AI,” Roland said. “The Commonwealth provided after-action reports from the Battle of Wellington that indicated your AI had been damaged from eons of inactivity and lack of maintenance. Damaged, but still very, very intelligent. It seems to have a knack for vital information but needs help getting there, as in what questions to ask. I did bring along our top science team and would like them to be able to spend some time getting to know your AI.”

  Jackie considered what was being discussed, and what was at stake. The Zikars were ramping up for a large-scale offensive, and two of the most technologically advanced empires wanted to form a coalition of sorts that would hopefully provide a banner under which people could unite to stand against aggressors.

  And if things went south for her and this independent multinational military organization, as they called it, the Commonwealth and the Reslorians would at a minimum have a leg-up technology wise, bringing them decades further than they were in a relatively short period of time.


  You better be right.

  “And what ships and industrial support will be available for my new organization?” Jackie asked.

  She had no navy, she did not have a single ship, and yet they were talking about a new military organization. She had virtually nothing, except her relics and a few pieces of civilian clothing she bought while shopping with Rick. While she suspected she would have access to warships, she assumed they would be detached to her, not hers exclusively.

  “The pirate ships you defeated at Wellington are legally ours,” the prime minister went on to say. “The Westerly Federation asked for them back, at which point we happily told them that was not going to happen! In any case, the ships are now yours.

  “Ninety pirate ships were not destroyed, balanced more on the large ships. We are going to augment that fleet with Commonwealth ships from the mothball fleet, bringing up the number to just over two hundred an
d fifty ships, a small, but full fleet.”

  The pirates had attacked Wellington with very old, decommissioned Westerly warships. The records showed they had been cut up, the materials going to the recycler. Obviously, the records were wrong.

  At that moment, the leader of the Commonwealth was giving a fleet to Jackie. Perhaps as proof of his belief in her and in the vision he had seen some years back, perhaps as part of the technology trade agreement that worked hugely in his favor.

  One thing that was clear was that they were dead serious about being ready for what they thought was coming.

  “If this comes to open war,” Jackie said thoughtfully, “Anything I capture is mine and I want access to your shipyards unless and until I have my own.”

  Tom started laughing. “Already thinking like a leader! Yes! Of course!”

  After that they moved onto the funding aspects and how it was all going to be paid for. There was no doubt the technical revolution they were about to kick off would pay off in the long run, they just had to work out the short-term repercussions.

  With the major points covered, Jackie decided to move the conversation a different direction.

  “Great, with that out the way, I will say, something is missing from this arrangement. Space Gates. I will require a Space Gate at least at every major planet if not all of them for a host nation.”

  Jackie almost laughed at the silence in the room.

  “I-I do not know what to say? No one has ever moved one. Do you or your AI know how to make new ones?” the king asked nervously, not wanting this to fall apart over something so obvious.

  “The Gates now belong to me,” she said evenly, though she was snickering on the inside. “I have access to all their secrets.” The look of shock on the faces across the room could not be understated. “Allow me to formally introduce Pari to those who have not met, at which point we can discuss the finer points of moving the Gates.”

  The holotable suddenly showed the bust of a Homem male.


  Pari had met the prime minister, and then Commodore Eikel shortly after being integrated into Jackie’s body back on Wellington.


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