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The Light Tamer (The Light Tamer Trilogy)

Page 5

by Dawson, Devyn

  “I remember! He always looked so frail to me. I remember thinking he needed a doctor because he was so pale. Yeah, that is odd; he’s really far from sickly now.”

  “After his mother died, they moved back to North Carolina. Parents don’t always know that their children are Light Tamers. Like your mama, she doesn’t have a clue. We have a data base of the Tamers and Dark Ones in the area. Parca Academy is a school set up to help the tamers we’ve identified. When Caleb came to town we made sure he went to the school. His dad took a little encouraging, but realized it was beneficial since there was only one parent to protect him. The school’s counselor is a tamer and a great healer. Thankfully she was able to heal some of Caleb’s pain of losing his mother and I think that healed whatever it was that made him sickly looking. We didn’t want all of his pain to go away of course, you can’t learn to deal with grief if you don’t experience it. His dad Gabe doesn’t know it, but he was healed too. You have to know, those two were in a lot of emotional pain, and it was hard to watch.” Gayle picked up her tea glass and drained it in one long gulp.

  “Why couldn’t his mom be healed? Wouldn’t that have been better than taking away their pain?”

  “True, yet there are several things that happened to stop it. When people are stricken with cancer, it is a horrible beast to cure at times, even for a Light Tamer. Second problem was, we didn’t know she was sick, you have to remember they moved to Virginia. Ellie, Caleb’s mom, she didn’t tell me she was sick until a week before she died,” Gayle shook her head back and forth as she talked. “That is one of the problems of not telling people about the Tamers. You have to understand though, that telling the world about tamers may save some people but it won’t save everyone. What if we didn’t have doctors and scientists? Who would find the cures and the medicines that are needed? Not only that, but if you give away your light and not recharge, you run a risk of slipping to the other side. I know it seems like there are a lot of tamers out there, but honestly there isn’t. Ya’ll are in clusters, around the world. Your new school is pretty rich in Tamers. It isn’t as magical as that school Harry Potsticker goes to.”

  “Who is Harry Potsticker?”

  “You know, that boy that has the lightening scar and goes to school with that girl Hermykneecap.”

  I choke as I take a drink. “Harry Potter? Grandma, her name is Hermione, not Hermykneecap,” I laugh at her silliness. “The school they went to was Hogwarts. Do the kids at Parca know they are Light Tamers?”

  “Sadly they do. One more thing little Miss. Smartypants, you’re getting too comfortable with that grandma word. I thought we had a deal. You might be fifteen and cute as a button, but that means I’m even older than I admit to, and that could be a problem.”

  My mind starts reeling with thoughts about the benefits of such a school. “Oh my Miss. Sensitiveaboutmyage, you can pass for forty, so stop sweatin’ it sweetie,” I say in my best southern drawl.

  “On that note, I’m going to bed; I have a lot to get done tomorrow. You should go to bed too. I increased your usage on the cell phone to unlimited texts, I figured you might need it. ”

  I stand up and give her a hug and a kiss and whisper in her ear. “Thank you, I’m really glad we’re here, it makes my dad being gone a little easier.” She pats me and whispered back that everything will be okay.


  Chapter 5

  The sight of lovers feedeth those in love.~ William Shakespeare

  As You Like It

  “I’ve got it!” I yell out as the doorbell rings at six on the dot. I’d been out with Caleb every night this week, except Wednesday. Mom said that I can only go out one night this weekend; she said nothing about having company. Caleb and I picked Saturday night as date night, so Friday night is here at the house. The giant wooden front door is heavy as I pull it open. I can’t help but smile as Caleb stands there in a pair of khaki shorts and navy polo. I take in a deep breath, his cologne makes me weak in the knees.

  “Hi beautiful,” he says and hands me a peach rose he had hidden behind his back.

  I’ve never been given any type of flower from anyone in my entire life. My tummy flipped and flopped around with giddiness. Taking the rose, I hold it to my nose and smell it. “Thank you, I’ve never been given a rose before,” I gush.

  “Oh holy hell, gag me. What a disgusting display of teen hormones,” Amber says as she walked into sight from the car. “No wonder adults hate teenagers so much.”

  Caleb turns to her and laughs. “Little Miss. Sunshine here wanted to hang out with us tonight. I sent you a text to warn you,” he said.

  Amber rolls her eyes and popped her gum. “It’s seventeen hundred degrees out here, so if you’re done with this lovey dovey crap, let’s go inside.”

  “Oh right, yeah, come in. You can meet my grandma and my mom should be here any minute. Did you stop and get some movies from Redbox? I just ordered the pizza. I hope you like pepperoni and veggie supreme Amber, I can see if I can change it if you want,” I said.

  “I’m good with any kind of pizza. We don’t get delivery with us living outside of town. I doubt a delivery guy would feel safe driving on our dirt road, he’d probably think we’d go all ‘Strangers’ on him.”

  “Strangers?” I asked.

  “She’s talking about a horror movie,” Caleb leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

  My heart rate sped up for a brief moment as warm electricity shot through me. I wonder if he knows how much I love it when he kisses me. I take his hand and lead them to the family room. Last summer, grandma and I painted the room sage green. I’d never been as sore in my life as I was after painting. We picked out new furniture and a massive flat screen to mount on the wall. Amber tossed her ‘Mean People Suck’ backpack onto the sectional.

  “Dude, that’s a fuggin massive-assed t.v.” Amber announced.

  “That’s what I told the salesman when I bought it, I need a fuggin massive-ass t.v.” grandma said as she entered the room. “You must be the delightful Amber Griffith.”

  Caleb and I stifle a giggle as we watch Amber squirm and grandma’s obvious amusement. “Amber, this is my…ah this is Ms. Gayle, my mother’s mother,” I stammer.

  Amber stood there, eyes wide and frozen to the spot. “I’m sorry Ms. Gayle, I didn’t realize you were in the room.”

  “Good to know. Jessie, I’m going to meet your mom at Spunky’s for dinner, so feel free to eat as much pizza as you want. I left the money and a tip by the front door. If the pizza is cold, don’t give him the entire tip. We’ll be back by eight, so don’t party too hard while I’m gone. If you do, hide the evidence,” grandma said as she shook her keys in her hand around.

  “Oh gra…Ms. Gayle, we won’t start the party without you,” I tease.

  After dinner, we set the movie to play. Amber sprawled out on one side of the sectional; I noticed that her toenails were each painted a different color. I wish I could be as confident as her, I thought. Caleb sat in the corner seat and I sat next to him, nervous about being too close when the parental units came back.

  “What does it feel like?” Amber asked out of the blue.

  “What does what feel like?” I asked and hit pause on the t.v.

  “I dunno, that bond thing. I know I keep asking, but I’m really curious. When you two are close together, the air feels electrified. I noticed it a little at my house when you came over. The vibe from you both is pretty cool. I think Mr. and Mrs. Johnson at school are bonded, but they are never together when I’m around.”

  Caleb took my hand in his and laced our fingers together; taking my hand to his mouth he kissed the back of it. It took every ounce of self control not to throw myself on top of him and make-out. We’d kissed every night when he dropped me off at the house, we did nothing more than hold hands in public.

  He took a sip of his Coke and cleared his throat. “I can’t explain what it’s like. The best description I can give is, well it’s like I’m home. That is a stran
ge description, but when my mom died last year, I felt empty. The void of her in my life was unimaginable; it was like part of me died. I asked why every night before bed, in the moments of being alone, when my dad was in his room. Those moments were the loneliest moments of my life. Last week, when Jessie came over, it was as if I was whole again the minute she walked in the house. The pain was gone, the fear was gone, my life meant something again,” Caleb said with a softness to every word. I’d never had anyone die before, but I understood what he meant. I feel whole too.

  “No offence Jessie but Caleb, didn’t you go out with Brooke? What was that all about?” Amber asked.

  Brooke, who’s Brooke? He hasn’t said anything about another girl. Stop being jealous, it isn’t like he knew that I’d be back. He went out with her before you came around, stop…shut-up brain!

  “Thanks Amber, that was appropriate timing,” Caleb said as he shot Amber a dirty look.

  “Get over it. I’m sure Jessie has gone out with another guy.”

  Caleb turned to look at me as if he were waiting for me to freak out. “I went out with her two times. Twice Amber, twice. I wouldn’t consider that dating, and I sure wouldn’t consider her a girlfriend, so keep your pie-hole shut.”

  Amber held her hands up. “Defensive much?”

  “Okay you two, stop. I don’t care if Caleb went out with anyone else, he isn’t going out with her now and that’s what matters,” I lie. Was she pretty? I bet she has great hair.

  “Not as pretty as you and your hair is the fairest in the land,” Caleb whispered.

  Melting…you can find me in a puddle.

  “Amber, if you really want to know what it feels like, why did you make fun of Caleb?” I asked. I smoothed my shirt down in a moment of nervous fidgeting.

  Amber sat up straight and grabs her backpack and starts frantically rummaging around in it. “I’m not making fun of him. What I’m trying to make sure of is his feelings around you. It was a test…of sorts,” she said pulling out a leather-bound book. “This book explains the bond very similar to Caleb’s explanation. The book says that very few bound people that are meant to be a couple will find pleasure in going out with anyone else. I knew he didn’t go out with Brooke more than two times. Hell, the entire school knew it. Brooke moaned and groaned about him not kissing her and didn’t touch her at all. She knows his dad is loaded and wanted him to take her to a dance, she was using him. She’s a loser. So, it sounds like you have the real thing, which is kinda strange and kinda cool.”

  “I think this calls for something sweet, I’ll be back in a minute,” I said. Caleb took my hand as I stood up and pulled him up to standing. Well, I didn’t really pull him all by myself, he helped.

  “I thought you might like some help.”

  Heck yeah I need help. I’m a light throwing, shadow chased teenager that is dying to have Caleb kiss me. I bet my breath smells like a pepperoni, damn. He can probably hear me, crap. No more thinking, none. Zip, nodda, none. Okay,tell him you need to go to the bathroom, brush your teeth. Get back before mom and grandma does, and lay a big kiss on him.

  “You’re going to lay a big what on me? I only caught the tail end of that thought,” Caleb grinned.

  I throw my head back in exasperation, “Oh that is so cheating,” I said. He steps closer to me until my back is up against the refrigerator and his hands are placed on each side of me. I hold my breath so he can’t smell it. I’m oddly aware that my breast are about to be smashed against his chest. I mentally sigh at the thought. One beat, two beats, three…breathe in, breathe out…one beat, two beats, three…

  “Jessie?” He says my name so beautifully. “Can I kiss you?”

  In a moment before our mouths meet, I nod my head yes as I’m unable to speak. His lips touch mine softly, he pulls back and looks at my face. It is then that I notice his eyes are brighter with a soft glow. One beat…and there it is, his mouth on mine. Our worlds melding together, causing my heart to beat loudly and my brain to scream for oxygen. We, the two of us, together, a moment in time, suspending on a lifeline of light. He moves his hands to my hips and pulls me in closer to him. Our thighs are touching, my stomach is incredibly close, my breast pressed against him, my hands in his hair…my heart reminding me I’m alive. Pounding almost drowning out the sound of the light buzzing overhead. Everything is reeling, his thoughts are now my own, together… BAM the overhead light shatters.

  The other half of my soul is ripped away from me in an instant. Without notice, Caleb pulls away from me. I stand there, dumbfounded unable to move. Thankfully, Caleb is a professional light wielder and is armed and dangerous with his flashlight. The sun barely setting but the blinds are all pulled to block the summer heat and light. Amber came running in, armed with an industrial sized light.

  “Whoa, what happened in here?” Amber asks. “The light exploded?”

  I look at both of them sheepishly, knowing that the intensity of our kiss caused the light to blow up.

  Keys rattle in the front door, great, mom is home.

  Mom and grandma walk into the kitchen and see that two light bulbs have shattered and glass is everywhere.

  “What happened in here?” Mom asks as she searches my face for answers.

  “Yeah, I don’t know. I came in the kitchen to raid the pantry for cookies and it exploded,” I lied…kinda. I did come in here for cookies but a kiss got in the way.

  Grandma looks at my face and I know she knows that I blew it up.

  “Is everyone okay?” Mom asks. “Your arm is cut Caleb. Is that from the light?”

  I look at Caleb’s arm and see a razor thin piece of light bulb sticking out of his arm. The blood beading up on his arm starts to make me feel a little woozy.

  “Oh my gawd Caleb! Are you okay?” I grab some paper towels, without thinking I pull the glass out of his arm. Mom ran into the other room to get supplies to treat his arm. For some reason I decide to move the paper towel and I take in a deep breath, keeping my mind off the blood. My fingers start to tingle and I look into Caleb’s eyes, seeing his curiosity I whisper to him, “My hands are my tool.” My finger tips start to glow and then light, a bright small light shot from my hand to Caleb’s arm. His eyes close and there I stand staring at his arm and it is completely smooth.

  Holy cow, his arm is healed. What did I just do? “Caleb, do you see what I see?”

  “Nothing?” He replies.

  “Yeah, crap, what do I say to my mom?” I look up to see both Amber and my grandma standing with their mouths wide open, in shock. “Grandma, don’t let her come back in here. Please, she’ll freak out,” I beg. Without another word, grandma is out of the kitchen and heading off mom before she returns. The next I hear is her scolding her daughter.

  “Tabbie, leave them be. I know you’re a nurse and all, but it’s no big deal. It was no more than a little dot and Jessie has it under control. I told them there are some Band-Aids under the counter and she put one on it. No worries Tabitha,” Gayle said loud enough for Jessie to hear.

  “Mother, I’m a nurse,” mom said.

  “Yes, and they are kids and accidents happen.”

  I run over and grab a Band-Aid and cover up the would-be wound, just in time to hear the voices fading away.

  “That was so damned amazing, I almost shit my pants,” Amber said.

  “You’re so eloquent Amber,” Caleb said. “Jess, you okay?” He put his hands on my shoulder, I hadn’t looked at his face yet. I was afraid that he’d be afraid of me, like I’m a freak or something.

  “Yes…no…maybe. I don’t know. That was so incredible, how did it happen? I mean, well…it was like you and I were connected. I felt the same pain you did and I knew I could heal it. It was as if a voice from within told me how to do it,” Jessie proclaimed. “Am I a freak?”

  “What? No, of course not,” Caleb says and pulls me to him. “You were so beautiful, I felt it to. I was you and I felt us work together. Our power must have amalgamated totally together.”
  “Amalga who?” Amber said. “You and your fancy words, can’t you say something like…our power merged like peanut butter and jelly.”

  Caleb shook his head back and forth. “I’m sorry that my friend here is an idiot. The word is amalgamate, if you don’t know it, look it up. There’s this fancy invention called a dictionary, it starts with a m a...”

  “You’re so mean Caleb. Anyone ever tell you that? If not, they should’ve, bully.” Amber pretend pouted.

  “Stop, both of you. Am I the only one that gives two poops about the light exploding?”

  “Two poops?” They both said in unison and did nothing to hide their obvious amusement.


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