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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?, Vol. 4

Page 12

by Fujino Omori

  Then she smiles.

  But I’ve never seen her smile like this before. It’s like she’s looking down from a place far away, a place that I can’t reach.

  A smile that a loving angel sends down to the child she’s protecting from high above the clouds.

  This is the first time.

  The first time the goddess has taken away my senses and robbed me of my thoughts.

  I stand in awe of her, in complete silence, as I hear her say, “Remember this well.”


  A ferocious roar echoed.

  A shockingly swift kick hit a silent monster square in the face, shattering its skull.

  Long, golden boots were splattered with fresh blood. Despite delivering the finishing blow to hundreds of monsters up to this point and being covered in molten lava, their golden sheen has not diminished in the slightest.

  These metal boots were not designed to protect the feet of the wearer. They were weapons, plain and simple. Tearing through the air with extreme velocity, they mow down everything in their path.

  “Out of the way, Bete! It’s not my fault if you get smashed to a pulp!”

  “Who the hell would get hit by a crappy weapon like that?!”

  “Tione! Wolf soup for dinner tonight! Eww! Nasty!”

  “I’ll frickin’ kill you!”


  The forty-fourth floor.

  A stage of the Dungeon’s lower levels filled with sweltering heat.

  The crimson floor looked like it was always burning, with oddly shaped rocks jutting out all over the place. There were many cracks in the scorched walls, white-gray ash peeling off the Dungeon itself. A deep red light glowed from within the cracks, as if something inside was ready to burst forth.

  Loki Familia’s expedition was in full swing, with several adventurers having engaged a group of monsters called Flaming Rocks in combat within what looked like the belly of a volcano.

  “What’s got their britches in a bunch?”


  A surprised but low, growling voice reached the ears of Loki Familia’s field general, Finn.

  A dwarf walked up to him from behind.

  A long beard flowed over his thick chest plate; muscles like steel bulged out from between the gaps in his imposing armor. A cape around his back, spinning an enormous ax lightly in his hand, the dwarf exuded a powerful warrior’s aura.

  The dwarf called Gareth watched in amazement as Bete and the other adventurers recklessly charged down monster after monster.

  “Been pipin’ hot since the middle levels, ya hear? The other youngsters can’t grow like this. See there, Raul’s in dire straits.”

  “Hmm. I don’t like it much either, but there’s no stopping them now.”

  It wasn’t just Bete’s small group that was engaging the monsters right now. Many members of Loki Familia had joined the fray. Most of them were Level 3, so they had to be careful to avoid the attacks of the higher-level adventurers as well as the monsters.

  Bete, Tiona, Tione. The three of them slew more and more of the horde of monsters, taking the valuable excelia for themselves. Finn watched them from his vantage point on top of a large boulder, an exhausted look on his face as he sighed under his breath.

  “Even Tione’s inner monster’s breakin’ loose…Finn, what in blazes happened before our rendezvous?”

  One of the Amazonian twins, who usually behaved herself in Finn’s presence, had a frighteningly calm look in her eyes but a telling grin on her lips. Grasping her set of Kukri knives, she hacked and slashed her way through the enemy ranks as her glossy black hair danced violently in her wake.

  Gareth looked up at Finn—who was still standing on top of the boulder—through the eyeholes of his helmet.

  “They seem to have been inspired by an adventurer we ran into on our way down.”

  “Inspired, ya say? Anyone that good crawling the middle levels?”

  “No, the upper levels.”

  “The hell?”

  Loki Familia had followed the Guild’s requirements for expeditions by splitting the group into two teams. Gareth had been in charge of the second group. Most of Loki Familia’s firepower had been in the first group to clear a path for the latter, leaving him as the only top-class adventurer on his team. The two groups had met up at a predetermined point in the Dungeon. Therefore, Gareth didn’t know what Finn’s team had seen or experienced on their way down.

  The dwarf’s eyes went a little wider, his jaw slack in surprise.

  “I think something was pulling the strings, but a Minotaur appeared on the ninth floor. A Level One adventurer encountered and slew it.”

  “A Minotaur done in by a Level One? No, hold up there, how do y’know the laddie was Level One?”

  “The boy’s Status was exposed and it was confirmed. Well, so long as Reveria can still read hieroglyphs, that is.”

  “What’s this? Are you doubting my vision, Finn?”

  “Ahh, Reveria.”

  An elf walked up from behind them to join their conversation.

  Her long jade hair sparkled in the crimson light. Even in this heat, there wasn’t a bead of sweat anywhere on her silky white skin.

  She wore an elegant blue dress that flowed like water as she came to a stop next to Finn’s boulder.

  “Finn, I would prefer to wear a robe next time. This Undine-made dress takes far too long to put on.”

  “Hmm. After all that Loki went through to get it for you, you should be able to put up with a little hassle.”

  “Aye. Y’wear it well.”

  “Just thinking about those eyes undressing me makes me want to set this wretched thing ablaze right here and now…”

  The head of her Familia, Loki, had suddenly appeared a few days before the expedition and thrust this sheer blue dress at her and said, “Reveria, darlin’, wear this, won’cha, please?” Reveria had accepted the dress with a cold, hard stare.

  Finn and Gareth had similar blue garments under their armor as well. Just like Reveria, neither of them felt the heat on this floor.

  The material was enhanced with fairy magic and protected them from extreme temperatures.

  “Back to the matter at hand, one other person can confirm the adventurer’s level. Aiz also read Bell Cranell’s Status.”

  Hearing the name of the adventurer for the first time, Gareth raised his shoulders as he looked at Reveria, before turning his body to cast his gaze at the ever-silent Aiz.

  “…If what these ears have picked up be true, Aiz made for that monster like a moth to a flame. Or am I losing my wits?”

  “Hmmm. That’s very true. She’s been so quiet I nearly forgot.”

  “Oh, give her some space. She always returns to her usual self.”

  Finn looked down at Reveria with a very puzzled look, while the elf grimaced as she used her eyes to point something out to him.

  Aiz stood in her line of vision. The girl was staring at the ground as if deep in thought.

  She wore no particular expression, but every so often the group could hear a soft “Hmmmmm” coming from her direction.

  “I still think you’re puttin’ me on…The laddie that impressive? What’d ya think, seein’ ’im in action?”

  “He was rather brash and very inexperienced…But, then again, I can understand why Bete and the others can’t stand still. That boy reminded them that they are adventurers, just like him.”

  Finn’s golden hair swished from side to side as he looked at Gareth, an innocent smile on his childish face. Reveria nodded in agreement and opened her mouth to speak.

  “As leaders of this Familia, we have endured many battles but have become too accustomed to combat. The chance that one of us will fall is extremely slim. However, witnessing a life-or-death battle firsthand was…breathtaking.”

  “…Sounds like ya found somethin’ more precious than loot.”

  There was a twinge of remorse in his voice as Gareth stroked his
mighty beard.

  The three highest-ranking members of Loki Familia, always so careful to avoid careless actions, looked on as their younger allies fought tooth and nail against the horde of monsters.


  “What is it, Aiz?”

  Reveria responded to the hushed voice as if she’d known it was coming.

  Aiz paused for a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing.

  “How do you think someone…goes beyond the limits of Basic Abilities?”

  Gareth’s and Finn’s ears perked up, the question catching them off guard.

  However, Finn’s eyes narrowed a moment later as he realized what she was asking, and he cast his gaze on the young girl.

  “We are entering the realm of impossibility. While we can always try to hone our abilities, there’s no way to go beyond them.”

  Reveria answered Aiz’s question.

  Using herself as an example, she explained that as an elf and magic user, a Magic ability ranking of S was obtainable. On the other hand, the physical limits of her body made it futile to try to improve her Strength and Defense abilities beyond a certain point. Just as every person had their individual strengths and weaknesses, be they mental or physical, the abilities of adventurers worked in the same way. There was a ceiling.

  She finished her speech by saying that it was extremely difficult to maintain peak condition, but no one was able to go beyond the limits of a Status set by the gods.

  “Do not concern yourself with such ridiculous ideas, Aiz. The absolute strongest we can become is determined by our Level.”


  The girl once again fell silent under Reveria’s harsh gaze.

  Aiz took a step back, as if her mind had left her body for a moment—before she drew her saber.

  The blade that emerged from her sheath whizzed around her, slicing through the heat with a crisp swish.

  The others watched as she turned on her heel and stepped toward the battlefield.

  “…Hey, Reveria.”

  “It’s useless. Her spirit has been ignited.”

  Reveria sighed like a mother who had been putting up with her children too long, as she answered the dwarf standing beside her.

  Aiz stepped forward with more and more resolve as she set a course for Bete’s battle party. Her blond hair danced in the heat, but her golden eyes didn’t waver from her target. Her expression was cold as ice, but her soul was on fire.

  This was the other face of Aiz Wallenstein.

  This was the Senki, the Princess of the Battlefield, as she had been called.

  Summoning up all the power within her, she charged into combat.

  …Stronger, I can get stronger.

  The Dungeon’s heat the least of her worries, Aiz’s new target wasn’t a monster but an impossibility.

  She had seen with her own eyes the boy who broke the limits. His image was still burning in her soul.

  Early morning.

  The sun is just now peeking over the upper rim of the wall that surrounds the city.

  Syr catches my attention in front of The Benevolent Mistress as I’m on my way to the Dungeon.

  “I’m so sorry, can you wait just a little longer? Something went wrong when I was cooking this morning…”

  “Um, Syr, you don’t have to worry about it…You always give me a lunch, so one day isn’t a big deal…”

  “No, I will finish it! So please, take it with you!”

  Shoop. I can almost hear her muscles tighten as her face becomes more and more frightening. “S-sure…” I say with a quick nod. I’m too scared to do anything else. Suddenly, her cheeks blush like she’s shy and she runs back into the bar.

  She makes a lunch for me every day. Sounds like something didn’t go according to plan this morning. Normally she’s very hard to read, but today she seems to be in a great mood…Oh no, what’s going to show up in today’s lunch? I break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

  “Good morning to you, Mr. Cranell.”

  “Ah, Lyu. Good morning.”

  “I am deeply sorry for the lost time. Syr is working very hard…so please accept her lunch.”

  Just when I thought I’d be standing alone for a while, the front door opens with a creak.

  Lyu steps out from behind it and greets me. She’s trying to cover for Syr, so I tell her it’s not a problem at all and smile at her.

  She even put her duties as a Benevolent Mistress staff member on hold to talk with me for a little while.

  “So, you have successfully found another battle party member.”

  “At least temporarily, yes…”

  She asked me about finding another party member at our get-together the other night, so I start by telling her about what’s happened since. She’s wearing a white cardigan over her waitress uniform. After waiting for me to finish, Lyu asks me another question.

  “Mr. Cranell, is this person worthy of your trust?”

  “Eh? Well, um…”

  “My apologies, it was not my intention to accuse you of anything. Circumstances change when adventurers from different Familias form a battle party.”

  Lyu looks at me with her sky-blue eyes and explains that we will have to be conscious of more than just personal issues, but inter-Familial affairs as well.

  I know she’s just looking out for me. After all that she did to protect me from those other adventurers the other night, I’m sure that she wants to make sure the person I found is the right man for the job.

  I gather my thoughts to respond, Lyu’s sincerity making me feel all warm and fuzzy.

  “Since he’s a member of Hephaistos Familia, I don’t think there’s going to be a problem. Our goddesses are on good terms, too.”

  Hephaistos Familia is filled with smiths who make many personal contracts with many different adventurers, so they have a good reputation. I’ve heard horror stories about fighting between Familias that all started with a mixed battle party, but I don’t think that will be a problem with them.

  And I don’t have any complaints about Mr. Welf…But there is something.

  I’ve been doing a lot of thinking after talking with the goddess last night. I might as well see what Lyu has to say on the subject, so I tell her Mr. Welf’s full name and that he is a very talented smith.

  Wow, I really am talking behind his back a lot…


  She freezes in place after hearing Mr. Welf’s family name. The name practically fell from her lips.

  She normally doesn’t react to anything like this. It’s making me a little nervous.

  “D-do you know anything about him…?”

  “No, nothing about him personally…However, Crozzo is a name that is impossible for elves to ignore.”

  E-elves can’t ignore it?

  I never expected to get information about the Crozzo family here.

  “If you don’t mind, could you tell me why? I want to know as much about Mr. Welf as I can…”

  “…Very well. I would like to caution you that this is most likely not the information you’re seeking.”

  She jumps into her story after giving me that short disclaimer.

  “I believe you have heard about their magic swords, but are you familiar with where those blacksmiths resided?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “A kingdom called Rakia. Of all the countries in the world, that kingdom is relatively close to Orario.”

  Rakia…I think I heard that name a few times in my hometown before coming to Orario.

  Things like “That country’s starting a war again,” or “They’re sending expeditions all over the place,” and others.

  “The country itself is governed by one god who declared himself king using his Familia. The Crozzo family offered their services in exchange for nobility. Those services were, of course, producing a large supply of magic swords.”

  Everything she said so far matches up with Lilly’s telling very well. I nod and Ly
u continues.

  “Perhaps due to the fact that its ruler considered himself a god of war, Rakia was an extremely aggressive nation. That is still accurate to this day. Whenever a neighboring country or city shows weakness, Rakia moves to invade.”

  So the rumors are true…

  “Within that country’s long history of repetitive wars, the full power of Crozzo’s Magic Swords was unleashed many times.”

  She’s about to get to the point, I can feel it. I’m on the edge of my seat, or at least I would be if I were sitting down.

  “An army of common soldiers armed with magic swords—can you picture that, Mr. Cranell?”

  “…Don’t tell me they…”

  “You are correct. At that time, Rakia had a mobile inferno under its command. They didn’t bother with strategy or planning. They just annihilated everything in their wake with overwhelming firepower.”

  Victory after victory, undefeated and invincible, a god of war who couldn’t lose.

  She says that no one knew how to stop Rakia when it was blessed with magic swords.

  “Rakia was too aggressive. Their wars changed the very face of our world. Thus, prairies and cities alike were burned to ash, leaving nothing behind…And then their flames reached a forest inhabited by elves.”

  It’s said that humans and demi-humans and elves didn’t interact very much before the gods descended to this world. There are some very close-minded people around now who still don’t.

  The best examples are the elves. I’ve heard there is a group of them who are so proud that they absolutely hate interacting with other races. They’ve shut themselves off from the rest of the world in a forest somewhere.

  So basically, that means…

  “They were chased out of their home, those elves? The forest they lived in was destroyed by a war?”

  “They were smoked out, to be more precise. Their homeland went up in flames.”

  Their forest burned to the ground.

  I gulp down a mouthful of air once the meaning of those words hits home.

  Lyu finishes her story by saying that the surviving elves sought help from other gods. They joined Familias in the surrounding nations, received blessings, and took revenge on Rakia.

  Unfortunately for the kingdom, they no longer had magic swords in their arsenal. Lyu said that those elves got their retribution relatively easily.


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