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Devlin's Darling

Page 9

by Pearl Tate

  My vision becomes bright lights as she pulses around me. I jerk above her, trying to wring all the pleasure for us both I can. I can only hope it was as pleasurable for her as it was for me. There are no words for how wonderful her body feels around me.

  My cock quivers deep within her, little tremors teasing us both. “Did I hurt you?” I’m panting above her, worried when her eyes stay closed.

  “You definitely didn’t hurt me at all.” Jenny lazily opens her eyes to peek at me. As she laughs lightly, I experience it in my cock and balls as she twitches around me. “It was amazing.”

  “Hang on.” Rolling us both, I put her on top and stroke her back. Her skin is so smooth and her silky hair slides around her back under my fingers.

  Was it really only this morning we met? I can’t believe I actually thought I didn’t want to meet her. I sat right here on my bed and considered not following Selas’ orders to come meet her. Now, I can’t imagine my life without her.

  Her body relaxes on top of me as she dozes. I can sense the contentment from her through our bond, and I know she can perceive the same. We’ve been given an incredible gift—each other.


  - Jenny

  Resting my chin on his chest, Devlin lies below me, still gripping my butt in both his hands. For not being capable of having an erection for years, he certainly isn’t having any trouble now. Buried deep inside me, I can’t help the involuntary squeeze around him.

  “Mm, behave.” He swats my butt playfully. “If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to stop myself.” He pushes his still firm cock higher inside of me.

  “What’s wrong with that?” With his head propped on a pillow, I watch his expression change in front of me.

  “I’m sure you’re sore. Weren't you just dozing? We should go to sleep. Tomorrow will be busy.” His face darkens as his mind wanders to the future. “I think we should talk to Selas and find out if there’s any way we can modify the plans. Could there be someone your size that could dress up in your clothes?”

  Laughing, I play with his hair floating up over me. Pulling apart some strands, I observe how they twine around my fingers. Always busy, never stopping. I’m curious to watch if his hair moves while he’s sleeping.

  “That won’t be possible, silly. They probably have spies all over the place. If we try tricking them like that, it will only endanger not only Rachel—but all of us.” Turning my head, I rub my face along his chest, enjoying the velvet texture on my skin. “It'll be fine.” I emphasize this with a kiss between his pecs.

  “There must be something we can do…” His expression is thoughtful.

  “Yes. We can play our parts in this. Trust in God that everything will go as Selas plans and we’ll get Rachel back with us and into her mate’s arms. What’s his name again?”


  “Right. Amari. I feel guilty enough laying here with you. Relaxing. She has to be petrified.” Devlin wraps his arms around me, pulling me up higher and I moan as he slips from between my legs.

  “I’ve killed two men.” He turns us to face each other on our sides. Freezing, I wait for him to continue since I don’t want to make any false assumptions. Everything about him so far has been loving and caring. But this is a rough place. It’s a prison, after all.

  “I didn’t wish to or plan on it. One of my brothers told me before I left I should kill someone to set an example of what I’m capable of. He told me that people would leave me alone after that. He was right. They did. But I didn’t want to do it.”

  Nodding, I keep my hands in his hair. “I’m sorry that it came to that. But I’m sure it was self defense, and you had no other choice.” It’s like he doesn’t hear my whispered words. He’s looking at me but not seeing me. Lost in the past. That’s why I’m surprised when he speaks again.

  “I don’t want to do it again.” His eyes focus back on me and his oval pupils dilate larger. “You remember. It never goes away, and it pops back up in your memory at the worst times. Like right now.” His finger strokes down my cheek.

  Wiggling closer, I tuck his head over my shoulder and snuggle up to him. “We can leave any killing, capturing, or punishing to Selas. We’ll be the rescuers, saving the day!”

  Smiling, I pull back to spot if he laughs. The furrow between his brow means he isn’t totally convinced. A distraction then.

  “I’m tired but I would like to take a shower or bath or something. Will you take one with me?” He immediately sits up. That’s because even though he’s big and has been forced into situations where he’s ended lives, he’s not a brute. Maybe others never glimpse the caring and nurturing side of him but it’s strong.

  Unfortunately, this place has made everyone take drastic measures to survive. Devlin hops up and starts the water in the bathroom while I’m still lounging on the bed.

  The more I’m around him, the more I’m drawn to him. It’s not just that he’s attentive and protective when we’re together. But because of how he ended up here, he understands how overwhelming this whole change is. And even with the scary parts, I’m loving it!

  I’m the girl with the genetic disorder that went to college to have more excitement in her life. I’ve been given an entirely new life. Sure, I may never see my family again, but I will not rule that out. I’ll think of it as “I can’t see them right now.”

  There were whispers when we walked through the halls and I heard the name they called him. Devlin the Devil. It makes more sense. That’s how he protected himself.

  Everyone is convinced he’s some kind of hot-tempered asshole, but all I know is that he’s utterly sweet and caring. I don’t know everything about him, but it’s clear from his home he takes pride in what interests him.

  I’m looking forward to learning more about him. Is he stubborn? And what else makes him laugh?

  We just need to get through tomorrow.

  The whole idea of it actually excites me. I can’t tell him that because he’ll consider me weird or that I’m not petrified for Rachel. I am! It’s just all so new. And I realize deep down, everything will work out great.

  Dear Lord and Savior, thank you for bringing Devlin into my life. He’s wonderful and I can’t be more grateful for the patience and caring he just took with me. Taking my virginity. It was perfect. There wasn’t any pain and even now I feel closer to him than ever.

  Tonight, please watch over Rachel. Help her sleep and not worry. Don’t let them touch her or harm her in any way.

  Help Selas and the others find these bombs that have been planted. I know they’ll be up all night looking for them…

  “Are you sleeping, my sweetness?” Devlin’s voice cuts into my prayer. “I can hold you under the spray and wash you.”

  When he puts his arms under my knees and back to lift me, I throw my arms around his neck.

  I can’t help smiling at how lucky I am as he walks us into the shower. He really holds me the entire time!

  Thank you, God.


  - Devlin

  We’ve been up for hours now. Jenny and Selas have taken turns having discussions with the Discovery crew. With all the chaos last night, Jenny didn’t get to check in with her friends. So, she was happy to talk with them and let them know she’s doing great with me.

  The Discovery flight suite I’ve been loaned is starting to feel tight. It’s been so long since I’ve worn this type of fabric. The utilitarian material of the prison uniform doesn’t stretch like this. It’s baggy instead of tailored.

  I endure the suffocating, strangling sensation. Just thinking about what Jenny plans to do… I’m not sure I can handle it. This will be the biggest test of my life.

  Amari is twitching next to me. He’s not in any better shape. There’s a hard look in his eyes. “How are you holding up?” While everyone is busy around us, all we can do is wait.

  “I want to find them and kill them all.” His low growl of anger isn’t surprising. I can’t help wonderin
g if he means it. Even these males that work together to steal the women are killing from a distance. It’s easy to set a bomb. Much different from snapping a neck and dropping a lifeless body.

  But there isn’t anything we can do yet. We’re waiting on the call from Mahku of where to drop Jenny to meet up with Rachel. With how they are using Rachel as leverage, we don’t want to rush out too early and encounter them retaliating.

  Selas is communicating with the team disabling the bomb at the water treatment plant. It feels like it’s been forever. “It’s done!” Selas slams the tablet down on the table in front of him. Cheers fill the air as the surrounding men celebrate. “This one had a short-range trigger on it too.”

  That’s the bad part. Walking closer to where Jenny, Amari, and I stand by chairs in the living area, he continues. “Both bombs would have blown in less than an hour. Which means we will hear from Mahku any time. So, let’s run through it again.”

  Amari groans but Jenny smiles tightly. Out of all of us, she’s the most prepared. She moves to the chair closest to Selas and lowers herself down.

  She’s looking at me, but I shrug. I realize what she wants. She wishes to be the one to talk. She’s so cute and eager. Everything is so new and different to her. The only negative is her friend in danger.

  “Okay.” She wiggles her butt under her in an enticing way. Did she do that on purpose? She glances at me and smirks. Yes, she knows.

  This bond between us is new. It’s sometimes hard to tell if I’m feeling a certain way, or if her impressions and feelings are leaking through to me. I have to know my own feelings, otherwise my mate's can make me feel in a reciprocal way. Right now, I'm aware of how excited and afraid she is. I’m trying to keep my own real fear in check.

  I want her to focus all her attention on what she needs to do. I can’t lose her.

  “As soon as we get the call—and are informed where we’re going—we run out to the shuttle that’s waiting for us right outside the door.”

  Selas cuts in. “What should you carry with you?”

  “This.” Standing, Jenny pats her covering. It was decided that Jenny would be outfitted with a long vest with interior pockets. She has everything from leer spray to needle-nose pliers.

  The additional benefit is if she’s caught, they will double as weapons and escape tools. It doesn’t make me feel any better, but she won’t leave my sight. Selas was right too. I’m positive I could find her. We tested it early this morning and there’s no doubt—she’ll never get away from me!

  “We’re to make it look like I’m struggling to anyone watching. Just in case we’re being watched. I get dragged out and we all head to the meetup point. I’ll need to use common sense from there. But I struggle until the guys let me go. When I see Rachel, I run to her.”

  “Very good.” Selas looks at us all one by one. “Does anyone have anything to add up to this point?" No one speaks up. “Until then, the plan won’t change. Depending on where we end up going to meet them, and I’m guessing the Sanctuary of the Order, the exit plan may change. Amari is in charge of disposal and Devlin will take care of getting the women to safety. Remember the location-based exit plans…”

  It’s suddenly silent as the incoming communication rings through the speaker system in the room. We all freeze except Selas, who pulls up the call. There’s no video and my heart sinks. Or maybe that was Jenny. It isn’t a good sign.

  “Meet us at The Sanctuary of the Order. Rachel will be waiting for Jenny in the Presentation Box. Don’t wait long. She won’t have much time.” The call cuts off with an audible click.

  “Move! Move! Move!” Selas runs out of the room with us. He has a full tactical team set up to search the grounds and locate these crazy mother fuckers. They head the other direction out of the building. They don’t want to be seen exiting with us.

  When we reach the door, Amari flanks Jenny’s other side. We pull her out, holding wrists and elbows as she struggles. I only see one male outside on our way to the shuttle but there could be someone inside the many buildings around us.

  Jenny and I hold hands as the shuttle takes off on the most direct route to the Sanctuary. It’s a quick ride. I think it seems even quicker because I’m taking my most precious possession into a war zone. But nowhere is safe now until this is over.


  - Devlin

  Jenny puts on a good show of struggling as we leave the shuttle. I’m worried about her hurting herself yanking against us. They should have no idea she's coming willing or that we’re Rachel and Jenny’s mates.

  Selas says we’re the secret weapon. He hasn’t elaborated on that too much but has alluded to old legends. It’s clear that nobody really knows the full extent of how we’ve changed.

  The Sanctuary is quiet as we enter quickly and head straight for the stained-glass doors. Jenny’s moving with us now, but she understands not to take off until she sees Rachel. We each grab a side and pull the doors into us.

  There she is. Right in the Presentation Box. That wasn’t up when Jenny and I were here yesterday.

  Amari and I freeze, both poised to fly down the aisle like Jenny’s doing right now. Her hair flies behind her and Rachel has just looked up. She looks stunned.

  When Jenny reaches her, there still hasn’t been a word about any captures. Haven’t they located them yet? What is going on?

  Jenny and Rachel are hugging through the bars. Even though Jenny is taller, she’s just as thin as Rachel and slides easily through the bars. I’m guessing that Rachel hasn’t squeezed out because of the large box mounted on her back. It's the timer, tying together all the wires and bomb material.

  The Presentation Box silently starts to drop into the floor of the stage. Amari is doing as well as I am of not moving but time’s almost up.

  “Let’s go!” He sprints down the aisle ahead of me keeping low to the ground. I hope Mahku's friends are concentrating on watching and retrieving the women. If so, they aren’t watching us come in for a rescue. With all Selas’s teams, they should be kept busy watching their backs.

  We both drop on the top of the Presentation Box and its flimsy, decorative curved roof flexes. It’s already dropping into the floor of the presentation room as we slide down the curved roof onto the floor. Grabbing the bars, Amari and I have no trouble bringing it to a grinding halt.

  We’re both so anxious and excited, we snap the coil carrying it down through the levels. It makes a loud, grinding noise as the gear sheer off. The bars twist like flimsy wires in our hands. I’m surprised this is so cheaply made.

  Jenny gives me a brief hug but doesn’t say a word as she pulls away and takes out a can of the leer spray. While she’s whispering to Rachel to close her eyes, she begins coating her body with the slick spray.

  Amari is holding Rachel’s hands as Jenny works around her. There’s a clear timer on her and we have less time than I imagined.

  The leer spray, commonly used for electrical components, has done as intended. Slowly and meticulously, we each take an area on Rachel. Amari’s in front of her and Jenny and I take a side and back, threading and shifting the wires up her body. She’s small and flexible. Working with us, she’s able to get everything over her head.

  As soon as she’s out, Jenny hops on my back, wrapping her arms and legs around me. We knew that Rachel would be slippery on the way out. But I don’t have any trouble holding her as I jump from the top of the Presentation Display to the Sanctuary floor above. One of Selas’ men is waiting.

  I put Rachel and Jenny in the back of the shuttle. As I settle into the front passenger seat, Rachel realizes Amari has taken off with the bomb.

  “Wait! Where’s Amari?” Shifting and twisting, I glance back to see Rachel looking out the windows for him. Everyone outside is running, hopping into their own shuttles. General bedlam and chaos surround us as we speed away.

  Jenny grabs her, trying to get her attention. “He’s getting rid of the bomb.”

  “What? Why him?�
�� She leans forward and looks to me. “Is someone disarming it?”

  “There wasn’t time.” Turning completely to face her. My eyes look over Jenny critically. She seems fine but I can’t wait to be alone and take off all her clothes—just to make sure. Of course, now I’m thinking of her naked.

  “Rachel, meet Devlin, my… boyfriend.” I snort at Jenny’s introduction. We’re much more than friends and I’ve been a man for many years. “And Selas.” She points at the driver in front.

  “Stop! Stop!” Leaning forward, Rachel pounds on the back of Selas’ seat with her fists.

  The loud explosion behind us drowns out her cries. Our shuttle’s shifted sideways slightly and thrown forward from the percussion of the explosion behind us. Selas immediately slams on the breaks and we slide to a halt. Skidding to the side, we’ve rotated and are now almost facing back the way we came.

  The curved Sanctuary has collapsed on the back side. Everything appears caved in except the front wall leaning towards us. A fog of dust floats up from above it, continuing to pour into the air as things shift and settle. The dome is a stark contrast as the debris is trapped inside.

  As Rachel pounds on the door, crying, I climb out and open her door from the outside. When she drops to her knees, it’s Selas who hauls her to her feet. He brushes the gravel off her hands and knees as Jenny and I grab each other.

  We didn’t get far, maybe a block. The exterior of the building, or what’s left, is still crumbling and collapsing in places. The area’s unstable as the supporting wall and beams have been blown apart.

  “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” I nod agreement at Selas’s words.

  I had no idea what to expect but add my observations. “It must be because he went down into the tunnels. It definitely helped contain it.” Jenny puts her fingers to her lips and makes a shushing noise. As she wraps her arms around Rachel, who’s looking lost, she pulls her in for a hug.


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