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The Shadow Gypsy (The Shadow Sisters)

Page 7

by C. R. Daems

  "You are a very dangerous gypsy, Ryana. I understand why you are so well known and why nobles and wizards seek you out. You should be careful with what you see."

  "What I see for a washerwoman, noble, or wizard is for that person alone; otherwise, it would not be a true telling. You and they presume I understand all I see, I do not. Only you can decide what it means."

  "What about your future?" he asked, wondering as many do whether I can see any action he may take against me, which could have many ramifications.

  "I’m blessed. I cannot see my future."


  "Yes. The future contains good and bad. Better to live each day as it comes."

  "For those without a vision," he said in a whisper. He stood, dropped a tora on the table, and left. I noticed Santo and Arkady milling around outside when he pulled back the flap to exit. They had obviously been concerned when they saw a robed one enter my tent.

  The rest of the evening was normal, and I had a steady stream of customers. Lately, more and more customers, I didn’t consider them Marks, asked if I was Ryana the fortuneteller. I wanted to avoid attention, but it wasn’t working. Oh well, as I told the brown-robed noble, better to live one day at a time.

  * * *

  When I handed Santo a tora along with the bag full of coppers, he frowned. "Someone must have really liked their fortune."

  "Some fortunes are better than others." I smiled.

  "She’s not going to tell you, Santo," Alida said. "Ilka and I have begged, pleaded, and threatened. Lord Phellen had her tied to a wagon wheel and was going to have her whipped to learn what she told Lady wu’Lichak. She refused and wouldn’t let the clan help."

  "What happened?"

  "Lord Boyan saved her, but I’d wager she wouldn’t have told him. As I’ve said, I love her, but she does some really dumb things."

  "Why?" Santo asked.

  "If I told others it could change the future I told the person. Besides, it’s no one else’s business."

  "But you’re a fake."

  "The king of Hesland isn’t even sure," Kata said into the silence.

  * * *

  For the next few days everyone kept giving me strange looks, but things eventually returned to normal. The Magic Balls group continued to work on the routine for the fire balls, while Dmitri experimented with ways to produce a fire ball without setting the wood on fire, which would make it impossible for us to handle safely. In the end, he cut a three-finger-circle groove in the ball and tied a twisted cloth into it, which he soaked in alcohol. When lit and spinning, the ball gave the illusion of being completely on fire.

  By the time we reached Lampo, five days travel from Adak, Dmitri had a working Magic Fireball ready, and we felt our fireball routine solid enough to try it with a ball on fire. That first night there was no performance, so we decided to try the routine with fire for the first time. The entire clan turned out to watch. The fireball was ready and worked to perfection. We weren't. I don't think any of us anticipated the potential problems of fire touching clothes, heat on the face as it passed, exposed skin we hadn't considered, and hair. The clan's emotions went from horror to tear-running laughter.

  For the sixday in Lampo and five days travel to Naze, we worked on solving the problems. For starters, we decided to wear snug leather costumes for the act. Leather was hard to set on fire and smooth so it didn't hinder the rolling ball. We wore fancy hats which protected our hair, and coated ourselves with a lotion that would protect the skin during brief contact.

  The first night in Naze, a free night, we again put on a test performance for the clan. Except for a few very minor burns, the performance was a success and received a good round of applause.

  "Well, Kata. The act looks ready for an audience. Do you want to try it out tomorrow?" Santo asked after we finished. I thought we were ready.

  "No." Kata looked at each of us before continuing. "I'd like to make a few adjustments before we introduce the fireball. We need a smooth transition into the fireball routine, and I have a couple of ideas where we can improve the act." That brought a collective sigh from the others and me. I was glad Kata had become the act's owner and not me. Alida and I were newcomers and wouldn't have been able to push everyone the way Kata could without causing resentment. Kata loved the Magic Balls and had a natural talent when it came to creating an act and a creative talent for developing routines.

  The performance the next night went well, and the fortunetelling made a reasonable forty-eight coppers—two silvers and eight coppers—and I had no nobles, wizards, or robed ones. That night I lay in Luka's arms, content.

  "The clan loves you as I do," Luka whispered in my ear. "It's always hard when a woman from another clan, like Alida, joins the clan even though she's not really a stranger. The clan is never sure how well she will get along with the other members and how she can contribute. In your case, the clan was extra nervous. You were a complete stranger and new to the gypsies." He pulled my head closer and pressed a kiss into my hair. "You've been perfect. You're part of the swing act, relieved Kata at the fortuneteller tent, created a new act, and get along with everyone—not to mention the toras you make telling fortunes for nobles." He laughed.

  "Are you happy, Luka?" I asked. I was glad the clan liked me, but Luka deserved to be happy. He had risked his future by marrying... rescuing me.

  "Gloriously, my wild one. I can't imagine being married to anyone else."

  "Me neither," I whispered, as I buried my face in his neck and quietly cried.


  TUSKA: The God drink

  About midday, Jelena came walking into the circle of wagons and headed straight for me, smiling and arms wide to embrace me. She looked thinner than the last time I saw her.

  "Ryana, I had heard you... joined the gypsies. So I've been checking on all the clans as they came through Naze. The Dorian clan told me you were with the Tobar clan and would be here in a few sixdays. So when I heard they arrived, I came running." She grabbed me in a bear hug. "I'm not surprised you have quite a reputation as a fortuneteller. You were always Sister Rong's star pupil," she whispered.

  "And what are you doing... in Naze," I asked.

  "Not here. Can you get away for a few hours? We have a lot to catch up on."

  "Yes, give me a minute to let them know I'm going." I found Kata and explained Jelena was an old friend I hadn't seen in cycles and wanted to spend a few hours with her. Then, I found Luka.

  "Luka, Jelena is an old friend I knew at Ahasha. We need to talk."


  "No, shouldn't be more than a couple of hours," I said kissing him lightly on the lips. I quickly went to the wagon and strapped on a pair of throwing knives and needles and let Anil and Kasi out the wooden window facing away from the center. I waved to Alida as I left with Jelena.

  "Where are we going?" I asked, hoping some place quiet where we could talk. I hoped she was spying for someone and not leaving the Sisters as Morag had indicated. Of course, since she thought I was no longer a Sister, she might not feel free to tell me Shadow business.

  "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. You'll like him," she said as we entered the town. She guided me down several streets to a tavern with a wooden sign that had Happy Mug painted in white under a frothy mug with a smiling face carved into it. Inside two men waved as we entered. Four mugs sat on a small table.

  "Ryana, this is Ianos and Seth. Ryana is an old and dear friend of mine," Jelena said as she sat. They both smiled, but my intuition said it wasn't a friendly smile, more like we know something you don't.

  "I had Ianos order us one of the Happy Mug's special fruit drinks. It has no alcohol, but it's the nectar of the Gods," she said pushing a mug towards me, while picking up hers and drinking. I picked up mine and took a tentative sip. It was tasty. I didn't recognize a specific fruit and thought maybe a combination of several. I sat sipping the drink as Jelena talked. The other two remained silent.

  "I discovered a new
world, Ryana. Like you discovered the gypsies. It's a life with a purpose. Following the Goddess Amatera and Her desire that humans end war and violence... " As she talked, I strained to determine if she really meant it or it was for the benefit of the other two, and I was just a prop. I thought my shadow-self a very good judge of people by now, but I couldn't seem to concentrate. My body tingled, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud, free of worry or doubt or fear.

  "She's with the Goddess," I heard a male voice say, as someone helped me up and supported me as we left the tavern. I didn't care. Life was wonderful. I was with friends. They helped me into a wagon which creaked and bounced as we left the road. Sometime later, we stopped just inside a wooded area filled with a variety of tents that looked to hold from six to twenty. In the center, a fire with a couple of men sitting around reminded me of the gypsies camp fire surrounded by wagons, in this case tents. It gave me a warm feeling. The threesome led me to a large tent with several women lying on cots, some with men. They dropped me on one, and Jelena sat down next to me. She had just sat when a tall man in a yellow-robe entered the tent.

  "Well done, Jelena," he said in a voice I thought I recognized. It didn't matter. I smiled up at him. "She's the gypsy knife-thrower that threatened me. You say she's a Shadow Sister?"

  "She was. I was told she left the Shadows to get married to a gypsy. She was never meant to be a Shadow, too kind. Sister Hajna had to force her to attack me. Most days she had to go soak in the river because of all the bruises I caused her. She would have made a good spy. She was great at making up stories."

  "She threatened to kill me," the man snarled.

  "And you believed her. Like I said, she was good at making up very believable stories." Jelena laughed.

  "The pair of you will be very useful. Keep her on the God drink for several days. His hand grabbed my jaw and tightened like a vice. He laughed, disrupting my serenity for a moment. "I want her converted."

  "You are going to love it here, Ryana. We are all one large family, and Amatera will reward us when we stop the wars and violence. And when we die She will take us to Her home in the Sun," she said while sharing her drink with me. I wanted to please the Goddess and looked forward to seeing Her home.

  * * *

  I woke, feeling confused as I looked around the strange room—tent. I vaguely remembered being brought here and the wonderful feeling of peace, something I hadn't felt in a long time. When I looked over to the next bed, Jelena lay naked, screaming with pleasure as one man stood watching as another drove himself into her again and again. Eventually, he collapsed on her. After a minute, he rolled off and the other man, now stiff with desire, climbed onto her. She smiled, wrapping her legs around him and laughing as she forced him into her. My body tingled all over as I watched. I envied her. As I watched a huge man stopped next to my cot and sat. He put his hand behind my back, raised me to a sitting position, and held a mug to my lips. I sipped it. I recognized the God drink and drank. Almost immediately, my body began to tingle. He laughed as he stuck his hand inside my blouse and fondled my breast. It felt wonderful, and I pushed my chest hard into his hand. I wanted him, but he stood.

  "After the prophet has finished with you, you will be mine," he said. His laugh faded as he walked out of the tent. Night turned to day and back to night again. He returned several times, giving me more of the God drink and running his hands over my body, sending glorious waves of pleasure through me.

  He licked his lips. "Soon..." He left.

  He returned again in the morning, with a mug of that wonderful God drink, but he didn't give it to me. I stared at it, licking my lips. Instead he put it down next to the bed and pulled my top off and tossed it aside. He ran his hand over my breast and between my legs. When he stood to kick out of his trousers, I noticed the room was empty. He laughed, standing there naked, his cock stiff with desire.

  "My drink--" I twitched a bit at the whine in my voice.

  "They are all out begging for money and getting converts. Even the prophet is gone so he won't know you and I rutted. I'm tired of waiting for him to decide to punish you. You want it and so do I."

  Yes, I did. I gasped as he bent over me to spread my legs.

  I wanted Luka... I jerked my head back to stare at him. He wasn't Luka. I shoved his hands away as he was running them up the inside of my thighs. He grunted and grabbed my wrists, pulling them above my head.

  Help! I screamed silently in anguish. Where was I? What was I doing? Who was this man? My mind fought itself—desire—revulsion. He used his knees to spread my legs further apart and knelt between them, his cock nudging into my belly as he panted.

  He stopped. With a soft grunt, he let go and fell on me. He lay there so still I couldn’t feel even his breath. I jerked my hands out of his limp grasp. When I managed to push his head aside, I saw Anil and Kasi hanging from his neck.

  My darlings had heard my scream for help and had come. I imagine they had been in the area as long as I had, but like me, were confused and not sure what they were supposed to do. It took me forever to push the giant off me. I shook all over as I patted my pile of clothing. They had confiscated my knives, which were obvious when he ran his hands up my thighs—I shuddered as I hurriedly pulled my clothes on. At least he had missed the needles strapped to my ankle and hidden under my socks, which I guess he wasn't interested in. I stabbed a rockberry needle in him and staggered out of the camp into the daylight. With Anil and Kasi leading the way, I stumbled in the direction of the camp. With my darlings help, I made sure to avoid people. I wasn't sure who would be friend and who enemy. The sun was well past its peak when I reached the camp. Kata was the first to see me.

  "Ryana!" she shouted as I staggered into her arms. "What hap—"

  "Call Santo… we have to leave… now," I gasped out between breaths. Kata didn’t have to call Santo. He and the rest of the clan began running towards us. Luka, swept me off my feet, and I flung my arms around his neck. I was home, safe. No, I was home but not safe. "We have to leave immediately. The yellow-robed cult will be coming soon. Please leave." I sobbed into Luka’s neck. My mind struggled with options but found none. I would run off myself, but I doubted the yellow-robes would believe the gypsies didn’t know where I was and would assault them. If I stayed, the yellow-robes would assault the clan to get me. And I couldn’t give in to the yellow-robes to protect the clan because the yellow-robes would use me to destroy the Sisterhood and then who knew what. All I could do was to tell the clan to run and go with them and help as I could.

  "What happened, Ryana?" Santo asked, putting his face close to mine.

  "The yellow-robes drugged me and took me to their camp. I got away, but they will be coming for me—probably tonight. You have to give me to them... or run."

  "No!" Luka shouted. Santo grabbed Luka's shoulder when he started to step away.

  "Of course not. You are clan. We will fight," Santo said loudly to nodding heads.

  "No, Santo. Please don't fight. I couldn't live with your lives on my conscience. You mustn’t fight. I won't let you. I'll give myself to them first." I would let the Shadow of Death loose. We would end the violence the way we always did—with more violence. They would win but the cost would be high.

  "Run where? Back to Saxis? Then what? I doubt we could make it across Tuska before they caught us," Santo said, more searching for options than questions.

  "To Zunji land."

  "It's too far, further than to Calion and we have to go through Kaslos and Bywick. And the yellow-robes will know it."

  "When the rebellion ended, the Zunji were given the land they occupy and made a province. That land includes a good part of Tuska. The king couldn't have given that land to the Zunji under normal conditions; however, zo'Stanko had been a major part of the attempted rebellion. So, the king redefined Tuska before appointing the new province leader. Since that land was mostly desert no one cared. If we take the road to Kaslos but leave it halfway, we can reach the Zunji border before the yel
low-robes realize we didn't go to Kaslos."

  "What about the Zunji? They may have their own province now, but that doesn't make them any friendlier than before," Arkady said, his brow furrowed and eyes narrowed. There was nothing I could say that would convince them otherwise, since it was based on rumors and hearsay.

  "You have to trust that I would not lead you into danger. I've met the chief of the Zunji and his sons. The rumors are from people who invaded their land or are repeating rumors from people who never met the Zunji."

  "Ryana would never do anything to harm clan," Alida said, coming up beside Luka. "I trust her and don't want her to do something dumb like give herself up to the yellow-robes to protect us."

  "I say we trust my clan-daughter," Lujza said, coming up beside Luka.

  "Alright, everyone get packed, we leave immediately," Santo said. The next hour was organized chaos as the props for the night's performance were broken down and stored, wagons readied for travel, and horses harnessed. As we made our way to the road to Kaslos, we got some strange looks since we were supposed to stay another two days. I estimated the trip would take four to five days hard travel. I only hoped the yellow-robes would try to beat us to Kaslos by taking short cuts rather than try to catch us on the road, since we would have a day's head start—maybe more. If I guessed right, the God drink was a nightly reward that the group would be reluctant to forgo when they could travel faster on horses than we could in wagons and easily beat us to Kaslos. Or better yet wait between Kaslos and Bywick and catch us in the open with no one to interfere.


  TUSKA: Flight to safety

  Luka drove our wagon, while I sat huddled close to him with a blanket wrapped around me. It was a warm day, but I felt like I was freezing. I thought I might still have some of the drug in me or else the drug was addictive and my body was screaming for more. I knew one thing for certain—I'd die rather than take it again.


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