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Grave Peril_Military Romantic Suspense

Page 13

by Emily Jane Trent

  “I need you to find out. I couldn’t go up to the desk. I didn’t want to leave Lela that long,” Rip said.

  “I’ll scope it out.” Hunter strode down the aisle to the admissions window. He leaned down with his elbows on the ledge and talked to the nurse. He would have to use his charm to get information, because he needed more than the patient’s room number.

  Hunter returned. “Ashlee’s not in surgery. The bullet missed any vital organs and grazed her side—lots of blood but not fatal. She’s in critical care, and she’s conscious. Not receiving visitors yet.”

  Lela sighed. “Thank God she’s okay.”

  “We aren’t out of the woods yet,” Rip said. “We have to get her out of here.”

  “Agreed,” Hunter said. “There’s no shield against the cartel except disappearing. On my way over, Travis filled me in on the plan.”

  Then Rip’s phone vibrated; it was Ashlee. She must be calling on the safe phone Lela had given her. “I’m here.”

  Her voice was weak, but the message clear. “Same cops…outside the door. I’m…scared.”

  “Hang on. We’re coming for you. Keep your eyes closed, so if anyone checks, it looks like you’re sleeping.” Rip slipped the phone back into his pocket. “Shit, it’s those same cops…probably under orders to see what they can find out, as soon as she can have visitors.”

  “Oh my God, that was Ashlee?” Lela said.

  “She’s smart to alert us.” Rip guessed she had a pretty good idea of her fate, now that she’d been seen with Lela.

  “Any ideas?” Hunter said.

  “Just one, and it had better work.” Rip called his brother. “Axel, I need a favor, and I need it fast.” He relayed only what he had to, and asked his brother to distract the cops.

  “You ask a lot,” Axel said. “I heard about the shooting, but those cops are from another precinct. I’ll do my best, but it will take a few minutes.”

  “We’ll be waiting.” Rip suggested they loiter in the cafeteria, a place where hanging around would go unnoticed. As the minutes ticked by, he was increasingly anxious.

  Lela sipped her third cup of coffee. “What if he can’t distract those cops?”

  “Not an option,” Rip said, shoving aside his untouched coffee cake.

  “Then we’ll have to come up with something quick,” Hunter said. “We’re not leaving her behind, that’s all there is to it.”

  Hunter had the right attitude, but Rip didn’t have a clue what another option might be. Those two cops from the scene would recognize him, and worse, they’d spot Lela. He couldn’t let that happen. He had to get Ashlee out of harm’s way, but didn’t have a chance with those cops as sentries by her door.

  Then a text came in. Coast clear. Cops called to the station on more urgent matter. You can thank me later.

  Rip sent a quick text to Travis: In motion. Alert transport.

  This was it. Rip had a small window of opportunity for rescue, and he wasn’t about to blow it. Ashlee had survived the bullet, but she wouldn’t be so lucky if the cartel got their hands on her. Law enforcement was no defense against the organization. And he couldn’t call in the FBI.

  It was up to Rip.

  Hunter didn’t need to be told what to do. And Lela went with them, keeping her head down to avoid the cameras. The operation could succeed if luck was on their side.

  Travis had emailed the schematic of the hospital and its electrical system. No doubt he’d had some assistance from Cooper, who hadn’t found any software that he couldn’t crack.

  At the door to critical care, Rip entered the passcode, also care of Cooper’s hacking skills. Ashlee’s room was at the end of the hall. One nurse was at the desk, buried in paperwork, and didn’t look up as the three of them moved down the hallway like ghosts.

  Lela entered the room and went to Ashlee, but didn’t make a sound. She squeezed her hand.

  While Hunter got Ashlee ready to move, Rip took care of the electrical. He couldn’t have machines beeping and alerting the staff.

  At the door, Rip scanned the hall and waited until a nurse turned into another room before proceeding. He waved them forward. There was an elevator at the back, probably intended for celebrities or other types who didn’t want to be seen leaving.

  The doors opened and Hunter rolled Ashlee’s bed inside. Rip stepped in with Lela, then looked at Ashlee and put a finger up to his lips. She nodded.

  The bottom floor offered an escape out two double doors. Rip dealt with the alarm and disabled the wiring. “Okay,” he said, and waved them through.

  Out in back, a private ambulance waited. Hunter took care of getting Ashlee safely inside. “We’ll meet you at the hospital,” Rip said, and was rewarded with a tiny smile.

  The rental car was in the lot, and Hunter drove. The entire operation had been accomplished in under twenty minutes. But it wouldn’t take long for the hospital to discover that a patient was missing.

  “Where is the ambulance taking her?” Lela said.

  “Travis arranged to have her checked into a private hospital under a false name,” Rip said. “It’s a place that accommodates the rich and famous, those who don’t wish to have their identities known, or their ailments publicized.”

  Lela furrowed her brow. “Will Ashlee be safe there?”

  “For now, she will. I expect the hospital to release her as soon as she’s in stable condition, then we’ll move her,” Rip said. “Once the authorities are alerted, the search for her will be on in earnest. It’s our job to make sure they don’t find her.”

  “She’s in no shape to be on the run,” Lela said.

  “No, and she won’t have to be.”

  Hunter glanced at Lela. “I’ll act as her bodyguard, and there’s a safe house set up. She can stay there until the danger has passed.”

  “I’m so relieved that you’ll be with her,” Lela said.

  “And there will be a physician on site, so Ashlee will have the care she needs,” Hunter said. “Her injury could have been more severe. There was a lot of blood loss, but that’s the worst of it.”

  Rip said from the back seat, “Hunter chatted with admissions…had to make sure it was safe to move her.” He didn’t add that he would have moved Ashlee anyway, since leaving her at the mercy of the cartel would have been deadly.


  Lela waited in the lobby of the new hospital, which looked more like an exclusive hotel than a medical facility. She sipped mineral water and paced the marble floor.

  Hunter sat in a high-backed chair, reading a magazine. He was built like Rip, solid and muscled, but his shoulders were broader and he was a couple inches taller. He had a handsome face, and she’d learned that he had a sense of humor. During the torturous hours of waiting, he’d done much to lighten the mood.

  While Rip checked in with his boss, Lela took another stroll down the hallways. It was better to be in motion. She was grateful that Ashlee was going to survive the ordeal, and for the services of her new bodyguard. It put her mind at ease to know that her friend was in good hands.

  Lela wouldn’t be able to go to the safe house with Ashlee. And she understood why. Any connection between them would put both in worse danger. It was best to keep them apart, until the threat had passed—if it did pass.

  The way things were going, Lela wondered what was going to happen. Other than Rip, there was no one she could count on, and that made the situation difficult. She didn’t see a way out, but she wasn’t about to give up. Ashlee had taken a big risk for her. It wouldn’t be for nothing.

  When Lela went back to the waiting room, Rip was getting some coffee. She waved him over. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you something that Ashlee found out.”

  Rip took a sip. “What was that?”

  “Well, she overheard a conversation.”

  Rip raised his brows.

  “She installed software on Ortiz’s phone, and I know she doesn’t have his password. So she must have gotten her hands on the phone while
it was still on.”

  Rip smiled. “I’m glad she’s on our side.”

  “She learned something that didn’t come up in the evidence I obtained,” Lela said. “I had a lot to support the fact that Ortiz was hooked up with gangs, and that he accepted illegal campaign contributions. But there was no record of the source. I assumed it had to be from someone in charge of such funds, but I didn’t have anything specific.”

  “But Ashlee does?”

  “She overheard Ortiz talking to a man he calls jefe. That means he has a connection high up in the cartel.” Lela frowned. “The only thing is that during the call, the man’s name wasn’t mentioned. So I still don’t know who he is.”

  “True, but it’s incriminating that he’s connected with the cartel to that extent. Knowing that, we can track it down further, find out who Ortiz has been dealing with.”

  It was a clue, more than she’d had before.

  The nurse came out and announced that Ashlee could receive visitors. “One at a time, and don’t stay long. She’s still recovering her strength.”

  Rip motioned toward the hall, so Lela went first. She entered the private room, which was brightly decorated with furniture that looked like it belonged in a swanky hotel, with modern paintings on the walls.

  With all that had happened, Lela had been up most of the night. But seeing her friend’s face invigorated her.

  There were white bandages around Ashlee’s abdomen, and she was too pale. But her hair had been brushed, and she looked lovely even without a stitch of makeup. Lela went over to the bed and gave her friend a hug, careful not to squeeze too hard. “I’m so happy that you’re going to recover. The doctor says you’ll be fine.”

  “It was a mistake to reach for the gun,” Ashlee said. “But I didn’t realize quickly enough that they were cops. It all went down in the blink of an eye.”

  “You did the right thing. If I’d been taken into custody, who knows what would have happened.” Lela touched her friend’s arm. “You probably saved my life.”

  “Now the cartel is after me too. Ortiz is backed by some pretty serious dudes.”

  “I know,” Lela said. “And I’m so sorry about all of this. I’ll take care of everything.” She kissed her friend’s forehead. “You just stay safe for me. Hunter will be here to protect you, and he’ll take you to a safe house as soon as the doctor says you’re recovered enough.”

  “Ugh, I’ll be bored to death.” Ashlee smiled. “You better turn this situation around fast, girlfriend, so I can get back to my life.”

  “I will…promise.” Lela gave her another hug, wishing she didn’t have to leave. She didn’t know when she’d see her friend again.

  When Lela came out, Rip made a quick visit. He wanted to tell Ashlee that he was proud of her. And to assure her that Hunter would keep any threat away.

  Then Rip turned things over to Hunter.

  Lela was grateful. “Thank you for the backup.” She gave Hunter a friendly hug, and he grinned.

  “It’s my job to protect the innocent.”

  When Lela stepped outside with Rip, he turned to look at her. “I’m sure the cartel is livid right now,” he said. “Two women have disappeared. First you, and now Ashlee has slipped through their fingers. I wish I could see the expression on the guy’s face, the one who discovers that she’s vanished.”

  Rip shook his head. “And I pity the man who has to deliver the news to the cartel boss.”

  Chapter 12

  Rip trusted that Hunter would take care of matters and see that Ashlee was safe. He had Lela to focus on, and her situation was going to take all of his attention.

  Lela stood beside him at the hospital entrance. “Suddenly, I’m exhausted.” She squinted into the sun. “We’ve been up all night.”

  “You’ll get plenty of sleep once I get you back to the hotel,” Rip said. “I’ll feel a lot better once we’re secured in the room.”

  Lela sighed. “I feel like nowhere is safe.”

  Rip took her hand. “You’re safe with me.” He started walking away from the facility. “I’m going to skip calling a cab. It’s best not to be too predictable.”

  “We’re walking back to the hotel?”

  “No, of course not. We can catch transportation at the West Bellfort station, then change to the Metro Rail for the rest of the trip.” It was easier to blend in with the commuters. A cab could be traced, but a ride on the rail was anonymous.

  It had been a rough night, and Lela looked tired. The metro stopped close to the hotel. Once inside the building, Rip didn’t waste time getting her up to the room. In the elevator, Lela looked down, remembering to avoid the cameras.

  Rip put his arm around her, and she leaned against his chest. He wanted to hold her tighter…a lot tighter. But he resisted. If something happened between them, it would be after she’d had some rest. Although there was no chance of anything happening anyway.

  When the elevator opened, Rip kept his arm around Lela to guide her to the room. The door clicked shut and Rip flipped the deadbolt. He was tired too, and supposed that even bodyguards had to sleep.

  Lela used the bathroom first to get cleaned up. Her clothes were unsalvageable. That much blood didn’t wash out. So she returned to the room wearing a long shirt. Rip wondered what she had on underneath, but he looked away.

  “I have to crash,” Lela said. “I can’t hold my eyes open.”

  “Sleep as long as you need to. I’ll be on watch.”

  Lela yawned. “Aren’t you going to sleep?”

  “I can take some catnaps. Don’t worry about it.” Rip watched her crawl into the big bed and settle under the covers. He longed to snuggle in beside her, but it wasn’t going to happen.

  Rip washed up, and when he came out, Lela was asleep. He sat on the sofa and listened to her steady breathing for a few minutes. It was a comfort that she was able to find peace for a few hours. She didn’t deserve what she’d been through.

  He rummaged for a Coke, then poured it into a glass and mixed it with a tiny bottle of bourbon. While sipping, he contemplated Lela’s circumstances and racked his brain about where to go from here.

  An hour later, Rip was still awake. He quietly pulled back the curtain and watched Lela sleep. She looked delectable in the middle of the bed, with her hair falling over the pillow.

  His thoughts went to the sight of her in the long nightshirt. A vision of removing it, so he could see her bare skin underneath, haunted him. He craved running his hands over her curves, and ached to cup her luscious breasts in his hands.

  Turned on, and with no satisfactory relief available, Rip folded out the sofa and went to bed. He would have given anything to hold Lela naked against him, just to have her close. But a pang of guilt riddled him. He didn’t deserve her.

  He’d loved before, so long ago. But he’d failed to protect his love. Isabel had died. Now Lela’s life was in grave peril, and he had no right to indulge his personal needs. His sole aim was to protect her, but there was no guarantee that all would turn out well.

  He fingered the cross around his neck and thought of Isabel. He scanned memories of her, of being together, and how he’d felt. But he couldn’t quite recall how she looked, couldn’t picture her face. It had been so long. But she would always hold a special place in his heart; that wouldn’t fade.

  Then Rip’s thoughts went to Lela, and he listened to her turn over in the bed, hoping her dreams were peaceful. His heart ached, as he hated seeing her on the run, tired and afraid. He’d have to do something about that…soon.

  As he drifted off, Lela’s lovely face was his last vision, and his body responded to his need for her. Yet he did nothing to relieve the agony. The discomfort was a reminder, and forced him to keep duty as his priority.

  He’d had no justifiable reason for his past failure to save a woman he’d cared for—a fact he had to live with. But he swore that he wouldn’t need any excuse in the future. He would save Lela. He wasn’t sure how it would play out, but i
t wasn’t in his nature to quit.


  That afternoon, Rip was up first. He had showered and dressed before Lela stirred. “What time is it?”

  “Just past two,” Rip said. “We slept the day away.” It had been dawn before Lela closed her eyes. The rest must have been good for her, because she looked refreshed.

  Lela wadded the pillow and stuffed it under her cheek. “Mmm, it’s so comfortable in here. I don’t want to get up.” She smiled. “It’s weird, though, to sleep in the daytime.”

  Despite her threat to stay in bed, Lela stretched then slipped out of the covers. She stood and rubbed her eyes. “I need a shower.”

  Rip stared at her a bit too long, unable to take his eyes off her shapely legs and bare feet. She padded across the carpet. “I’ll go get presentable. Is there food?”

  “I’ll take care of it.” While Lela was in the bathroom, Rip called room service and ordered the works. He wasn’t sure what she preferred, so he chose a little of everything.

  While waiting, he checked messages and perused a few things online. Lela was in the bathroom for a long time. At one point, he heard the hairdryer humming. Room service delivered the food before she was out, so he poured coffee.

  Rip was on his second cup when Lela emerged. “This is my last semi-clean set of clothes.”

  “After you eat, I’ll take care of that.” Rip poured her some coffee, and she sat in a chair close to the food cart.

  “Wow, you got a lot. It looks delicious.” Lela took in a slow breath. “And it smells great. I’m so hungry.”

  After helping herself to eggs, bacon, toast, and yogurt, Lela settled back in her chair and started eating. Her delight over the food caused Rip to become aroused. He imagined the purring sounds she’d make in bed. The soft moans of satisfaction over the breakfast really had him going.

  Rip looked at his food and took another bite of ham. He needed to eat too, and that was what he should pay attention to. But Lela was so close that he could smell her shampoo, and dreamed the warmth of her body was against his skin.

  Being cooped up in the same hotel room was a challenge. Rip was losing his cool. He was a red-blooded male, bodyguard or not. Even he had his limits. He needed to get into action; a distraction would be welcomed.


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