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Theirs to Protect (Theirs - A Double Dom Series Book 2)

Page 6

by Renee Rose

  Fuckity fuck fuck. He should not have offered an alpha’s promise to Ben for this. Now protection had just turned into a rescue. And he didn’t even have a gun on him.

  Ben had said his sister-in-law was here now. Had they killed her already? Or had she managed to escape in time? He scented the air. He didn’t smell blood. Only the fresh scent of humans—mostly male, maybe one female. No wolves. He looked up the building. A window stood open on the second floor.

  Was he nuts for thinking about climbing up there? Probably. But he couldn’t see what other choice he had. It was that or camp out here to wait for the guys to leave and they didn’t look likely to leave any time soon. He gripped the rain spout, hoping it was strong enough to hold his weight. It creaked, the metal scraping the side of the brick building when he swung onto it, but it didn’t pull away from the building. He scaled it to the roof, then crept to the area above the open window and lowered his body down over the side, his toes landing on the sill.

  The screen came out easily and he tossed it down to the grass below. He crept into what appeared to be a bedroom, which had been completely trashed. The human female scent was stronger here—an alluring smell, despite the fact that it didn’t come from a she-wolf.

  His instincts blared. Someone was in the room. He trained his sensitive ears and heard breathing. A rapid heartbeat. It came from the closet. Melissa? No—the scent was decidedly human.

  He walked over and eased the door open, trying not to make any noise to alert the guys downstairs. Female clothing packed the closet—dresses and suits hung from hangers, filling the entire space. He didn’t see the woman, but the staccato beat of her heart and the metallic scent of fear drew his attention to the back corner.

  With a swift movement, he yanked the clothing to the side and reached out to snatch her, clamping one hand over her mouth to keep her silent. He hadn’t planned for her knee connecting with his groin.

  He doubled over, only barely preventing a groan from leaving his mouth.

  The young woman tried to shove past him, but he grabbed her from behind, wrapping one arm around her waist, covering her mouth with the other hand. The contact sent a jolt of something unfamiliar through him. Like a warning, only more pleasant. The hairs stood up on the back of his neck. “Melissa?”

  Maybe it wasn’t her. The human struggled with more force than he’d expect out of a woman, her body lithe and strong beneath the soft exterior. Wrestling her aroused his inner beast, his cock thickening as if this were some wild mating dance, instead of a life or death situation.

  “Ben Stone sent me,” he growled low in her ear, in case she was the female he was supposed to save. Her scent filled his nostrils, exciting his body, despite the situation. Despite the fact that wolves aren’t attracted to humans.

  She went still.

  Okaaay. Ben Stone’s sister-in-law was human. Which meant Stone’s wife must be, too. He hadn’t heard that, although Stone’s pack would probably not be in a hurry to spread that information.

  She twisted to look back at him, eyes wide with fear. Her beauty struck him like another jab to the balls. Her eyes were wide and blue, thick glossy hair hung in long reddish-brown waves. He’d never seen such a beautiful human in his life. He eased the hand from her mouth to reveal lush lips, trembling with fear.

  “I’m the rescue wagon,” he said sardonically. It sounded more bitter than he felt, only because his attraction to her had taken him by surprise and he didn’t like surprises.

  Her lips parted but she didn’t speak.

  He didn’t have a weapon and those guys down there had guns. Which meant fighting their way out was a no-go, especially since she was a weak human. “We’ll have to go out the window. I’ll jump down and catch you when you follow.”

  Her big blue eyes bugged out. “We can’t. This is a second story,” she whispered.

  He turned her around to face him. “Do you know what I am?”

  Please say she at least knew that her brother-in-law was a shifter.

  She gave him an up and down sweep, gaze traveling over the paint-splattered clothes, the tattoos on his arms, his unshaven face. He realized his appearance was in sharp contrast to hers—she wore a tight pencil skirt and silk blouse, like some kind of young professional. Her lip curled with condescension.

  It was a look he was well familiar with, the scorn for an uneducated manual laborer who looked more like a criminal than Colorado Springs’ top real estate investor. For some reason, it bothered him this time, when usually he didn’t give two fucks what people thought of him or his tough-guy appearance.

  She swallowed, then licked her lips. “Wolf?”

  He nodded, taking her hand and tugging her toward the window. “That’s right, princess. Your wolf in shining armor. You jump, I’ll catch.”

  Doubt scrambled her features. She glanced over her shoulder at the door, perhaps wondering if there was another way out. Her skin appeared ashen, but she nodded.

  He jumped out the window, landing in a crouch on the grass below. When he turned to look for her, though, she stood frozen, looking down.

  Shit. Come on. He wanted to yell up, but of course couldn’t risk making a sound. A sense of urgency washed over him, his instincts roaring danger, his need to protect a pack mate—even a new foster mate like her—kicking into high gear.

  He gestured urgently.

  Still, she remained, looking again to the door, then down at him.

  Hell, if one of the assholes from downstairs walked in there, he’d have no way to protect her now—he wouldn’t be able to climb back up quickly enough. And he’d made a sacred oath to keep her safe.

  Her head whipped back from looking over the door, eyes looking wild. Someone must be approaching. She squatted on the window’s edge.

  He made a frantic motion for her to jump. She twisted toward the door again and gave a scream, then launched herself into the air.

  A male shout cracked the air as she plummeted toward him, but he didn’t dare take his eyes from her falling body to see who had arrived. She dropped into his arms and he staggered at the impact, but then took off running, as fast as he could.

  More shouting.

  He made it to his bike and dropped her on the back of it, wishing he had a helmet for her fragile human skull. She looked horrified, her pencil skirt forced all the way up so she could straddle the seat, revealing creamy white thighs and pink lace panties.

  Too bad, princess.

  He hit the ignition button and the motorcycle spluttered. Dammit.

  Two men ran out of the front door, waving guns.

  The bike roared to life. He hit the gas and the back wheel skidded out behind them as they charged away.


  Have you read Renee’s Bestselling Zandian Masters Series?

  His Human Slave


  Zander, the alien warrior prince intent on recovering his planet, needs a mate. While he would never choose a human of his own accord, his physician's gene-matching program selected Lamira's DNA as the best possible match with his own. Now he must teach the beautiful slave to yield to his will, accept his discipline and learn to serve him as her one true master.

  Lamira has hidden her claircognizance from the Ocretions, as aberrant traits in human slaves are punished by death. When she's bought by a Zandian prince for breeding and kept by his side at all times, she finds it increasingly harder to hide. His humiliating punishments and dominance awake a powerful lust in her, which he tracks with a monitoring device on her arousal rate. But when she begins to care for the huge, demanding alien, she must choose between preserving her own life and revealing her secret to save his.



  Zander exited the battleship, unbuckling his helmet. Training for war had been a part time job for him since he was just fifteen solar cycles old. The rest of his time was a nightmare of campaigning for support to wage war on the Fi
nn, and keeping up with business to fund the war.

  A crowd of servants and advisors stood on the landing deck, waiting to brief him on various aspects of business or the household.

  “I have her,” Daneth said, dropping in to walk beside him as he strode into the pod.

  Veck. The breeder. His new slave.

  “Where? Here?”

  “In my lab.”

  “Fine. Bring her to my chamber.” Ugh. The thought of breeding with another species literally turned his stomach, but he’d do what he had to do. He entered his chamber and washed up.

  When he emerged from the washroom, Daneth had brought the slave. She stood fully nude, except for the wrist, ankle and neck cuffs that would be used to keep her chained up. Her wrists were bound together in front of her, and she used them to cover her sex. Daneth led her by a chain attached to the ring on her collar.

  Her jaw was thrust forward, mouth set in an angry slash.

  Excrement. No, Daneth couldn’t have chosen a meek, submissive human, trained to serve males as a human slave should. This one would be a pain in his ass.

  He looked her over. fragile. Small. Weak.

  How could this human’s genes be the perfect mix with his own?

  But the sight of her bare nipples, jutted out in stiff points, her flat belly and long, shapely legs did stir his cock and stiffen his horns. Daneth had been right, without the dirt and grime, she was beautiful. Exquisite even.

  But what need did he have for beautiful children? He wasn’t bad-looking himself. He needed cunning warriors.

  He folded his arms across his chest. “She looks stubborn.”

  Daneth looked at the data readout on his arm band. “Actually, elevated pulse would indicate she’s afraid.”

  She darted a glance at the Daneth, as if frightened to hear he was monitoring her vital statistics.

  “Then why doesn’t she look afraid?”

  “Perhaps she wishes to hide it, my lord. Humans often attempt to mask their emotions.”

  Humans. He had no time for their deceptive ways. “They lie, yes. But it doesn’t make sense. If she showed me fear, I would take pity on her. Insolence I will beat out of her.”

  The stubborn mask fell away for a moment. Ah. There was the fear. So she had tried to hide it. Why? It made no sense. And she continued, even after he’d said how he would deal with her attitude.

  He reached for her and she shrank back, attempted to dodge his touch. Daneth yanked her chain forward too harshly and she stumbled against Zander, her fragile form soft against his body, her skin baby smooth under his hands.

  He gripped her upper arms to immobilize her and studied her face. Her eyes were moss-green with yellow starbursts in the middle. He’d never seen eyes like them before. All of his people’s eyes were the same color—brown, rimmed in violet, a complement to their purple-hued skin.

  “Are you afraid, slave?”

  Her little tongue darted out to moisten her lips, which appeared too dry. “Yes, my lord.”

  Finally, the truth. “Good. Learn to please me and we will get along well enough.”

  “Why am I here?” she croaked.

  He glanced at Daneth. “You told her nothing?”

  Daneth shrugged. “I thought it best to minimize my interaction with her, as she will be yours to mold and shape.”

  Stars, he didn’t have any interest in molding or shaping any being, much less a human slave. But he supposed Daneth’s caution made sense. He would be her master, he would have to be the one to train her to his liking.

  He heaved an exasperated sigh. “You’re here for breeding.”

  Her eyes flew wide and she seemed to stop breathing. Real alarm flitted across her face. Her throat worked to swallow. “I’m not a breeder.”

  Her lack of deference when she spoke annoyed him. He was used to being treated with the utmost respect by all those around him. “The choice is not yours,” he snapped.

  Daneth picked up his irritation. “She may require some correction, my lord, but I’m certain she will learn quickly. She was not house-trained by the Ocretions, so her manners require refinement.” Of course, he wanted this to work, since it was his idea.

  Zander released her and crossed his arms once more. “What makes you so certain?”

  “Her brain activity is very high for a human. She’s intelligent. We already know she has excellent genes.”

  “I’m not a breeder,” she repeated. “I wasn’t trained for sex. I’m a virgin.”

  A virgin. Veck. That was the last thing he needed. He already had concerns about his cock fitting into a being so small.

  He waved an impatient hand. “Cease the prattle. Do not speak unless you are invited to do so.”

  She shifted in agitation. “There’s been some kind of mistake.”

  He definitely didn’t have time for this. He jerked his horns toward the cage Daneth had installed in his room for her. “Put her in the cage. I’ll breed her later.”

  At the mention of cage, she spun and tried to make a dash for the door. He didn’t know where she thought she’d go, considering he had guards at every door in the pod, and the only exit was in an airship.

  He caught her around the waist and yanked her back against his body. “Enough,” he growled in her ear. Looking to Daneth, he asked, “How do they recommend punishing her?”

  His Human Slave


  Zander, the alien warrior prince intent on recovering his planet, needs a mate. While he would never choose a human of his own accord, his physician's gene-matching program selected Lamira's DNA as the best possible match with his own. Now he must teach the beautiful slave to yield to his will, accept his discipline and learn to serve him as her one true master.

  Lamira has hidden her claircognizance from the Ocretions, as aberrant traits in human slaves are punished by death. When she's bought by a Zandian prince for breeding and kept by his side at all times, she finds it increasingly harder to hide. His humiliating punishments and dominance awake a powerful lust in her, which he tracks with a monitoring device on her arousal rate. But when she begins to care for the huge, demanding alien, she must choose between preserving her own life and revealing her secret to save his.


  Other Titles by Renee Rose


  The Hand of Vengeance, His Human Slave, His Human Prisoner, Training His Human

  Dark Mafia Romance

  The Don’s Daughter, Mob Mistress, The Bossman


  Scoring with Santa, Owned by the Marine, Theirs to Punish, Punishing Portia, The Professor's Girl, Safe in his Arms, Saved, The Elusive "O" (FREE)


  The Alpha’s Promise, His Captive Mortal, The Alpha’s Punishment, The Alpha’s Hunger, Deathless Love, Deathless Discipline, The Winter Storm: An Ever After Chronicle


  The Darlington Incident, Humbled, The Reddington Scandal, The Westerfield Affair, Pleasing the Colonel


  His Little Lapis, The Devil of Whiskey Row, The Outlaw's Bride


  Mercenary, Medieval Discipline, Lords and Ladies, The Knight's Prisoner, Betrothed, Held for Ransom, The Knight's Seduction, The Conquered Brides (5 book box set)


  Renaissance Discipline


  Stepbrother’s Rules, Her Hollywood Daddy, His Little Lapis

  BDSM under the name Darling Adams

  Medical Play

  Yes, Doctor


  Punishing Portia, His Human Slave, Training His Human

  About the Author

  USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE is a naughty wordsmith who writes kinky romance novels. Named Eroticon USA's Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and Spanking Romance Reviews' Best Historical, Best Erotic, Best Ageplay and favorite author. Sh
e's hit #1 on Amazon in the Erotic Paranormal, Western and Sci-fi categories. She also pens BDSM stories under the name Darling Adams.

  Renee loves to connect with readers! Please visit her on:

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