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My View from the Corner

Page 40

by Angelo Dundee

  Ali vs. Sabedong in

  Foreman vs. Rodrigues in

  Leonard vs. Hearns in

  Pastrano vs. Johnson in

  Lassman, Ed

  Lavorante, Alejandro

  Lazzaro, Joe (Dundee, Joe)

  Lazzaro, Vince (Dundee, Vince)

  Lee, Caveman

  Legra, José

  Leonard, Juanita

  Leonard, Sugar Ray

  Ali's meeting with

  ambition for greatness

  Benitez vs.

  Bonds vs.

  Chiaverini vs.

  DeBarrows vs.

  drawing power of

  Dundee signs on as trainer

  Dundee's appreciation of

  Dundee's contract dispute

  Dundee's evaluation of

  Dundee's introduction to

  Dundee's resignation

  Duran vs. (see Leonard-Duran, competition)

  endorsements and

  Finch vs.

  Gant vs.

  Geraldo vs.

  Green vs.

  Hagler vs.

  hand problems

  Hearns vs.

  Howard (Kevin) vs.

  middleweight championship win

  Olympics and

  origin of nickname

  prefight nerves

  Price (Andy) vs.

  "punchless" allegation

  Ramon vs.

  Ranzany vs.

  retirement announcements

  Stafford vs.

  thumbless gloves worn by

  Vega vs.

  vision problems

  welterweight championship wins

  Leonard-Duran competition

  Duran's walkout

  the fights (first)

  the fights (second)

  psychological warfare in


  Leopold, King of Belgium

  Lewis, Al ("Blue")

  Lewis, Joe E.

  Lewis, Lennox

  Lewis, Panama

  Lewiston, ME

  Liebling, A. J.

  Lifetime Achievement Award (for, Dundee)

  Lim Kee Chan

  Lincoln, Amos ("Big Train")

  Lippe, Al

  Lipsyte, Bob

  Liston, Sonny

  Ali vs. (see Ali-Liston competition)

  evasiveness about age

  fighting style

  Folley vs.

  Foreman's admiration for

  as heavyweight champion

  lack of stamina

  Machen vs.

  Marshall vs.

  mascots of

  mob connections alleged

  Patterson (Floyd) vs.

  physical appearance of

  psychological intimidation by

  sparring partner of

  Wepner vs.

  Williams (Cleveland) vs.

  Little, Tommy

  Lockridge, Rocky

  Logan, George

  Lois, George

  London, Brian

  Loughran, Tommy

  Louis, Joe

  at Ali-Liston fight

  boulder commemorating

  Conn vs.

  Dundee's meeting with

  first loss of

  Marciano vs.

  most famous line

  name change

  Schmeling vs.

  Sharkey vs.

  Simms vs.

  sparring partners of

  superstition and

  Walcott vs.

  Louisville, KY

  Louisville Sponsoring Group

  Lubbers, Rudi

  Lyle, Ron

  Lynch, Benny

  Machen, Eddie

  Mackey, Jermaine

  Madame Bey's

  Madison Square Garden

  Ali vs. Bonavena in

  Ali vs. Folley in

  Ali vs. Frazier in

  Ali vs. Jones in

  Ali vs. Shavers in

  Ali's debut in

  Bossio vs. Marcune in

  boxers' pay cuts in

  Braddock vs. Baer in

  Canzoneri vs. McLarnin in

  decline in attendance

  Foster vs. Fusari in

  Frazier vs. Ellis in

  Griffith vs. Rodriguez in

  IBC and

  Main Bouts

  Malcolm X

  Malitz, Lester

  Malitz, Mike

  Mamby, Saoul

  Manager of the Year (Dundee as)

  Managers' Guild

  Manila, Philippines

  Mann, Michael

  Marciano, Rocky

  Ali vs. (computerized fight)

  at Ali-Liston fight

  Carbo and

  Charles (Ezzard) vs.

  Moore's challenge to

  Savold vs.

  sparring partner of

  Walcott vs.

  weight problem

  Marcos, Ferdinand

  Marcos, Imelda

  Marcotte, Fernand

  Marcune, Pat

  Marks, Sid

  Markson, Harry

  Marshall, Marty

  Marshall Stillman Athletic Club

  Marshall Stillman Movement

  Martin, Leotis


  Mason Hall AC Gym

  Massachusetts Athletic Commission


  Mathis, Buster

  Mauriello, Tami

  Maxim, Joey

  Mayweather, Floyd, Sr.

  McCarney, Bill

  McCoy, Kid

  McDonough, Francis

  McIlvanney, Hugh

  McLarnin, Jimmy

  McMurray, Bill

  Media. See also Television

  Ali and

  Foreman and

  Leonard and

  the mob and

  Mercante, Arthur

  Mercer, Ray

  Merchant, Larry

  Meyran, Octavio

  MGM Grand arena

  Miami Beach

  Miami Beach Auditorium

  Miami Herald

  Miami News

  Michels, Ronald

  Mildenberger, Karl

  Miller, Roger

  Mims, Holley

  Mina, Mauro

  Mirena, Angelo. See Dundee, Angelo

  Mirena, Angelo (father)

  Mirena, Chris (brother). See Dundee, Chris

  Mirena, Frankie (brother)

  Mirena, Jimmy (brother)

  Mirena, Joe (brother). See Dundee, Joe

  Mirena, Josephine (sister)

  Mirena, Mary (sister)

  Mirena, Philomena (mother)


  Miteff, Alex

  Mob/gangsters. See also Carbo, Frankie

  Mobuto Sese Seko

  Moir, Gunner

  Molina, John John

  "Monday Night Football" (television program)

  Monteith, Scotty

  Montreal, Canada

  Moore, Archie

  Ali (Clay) vs.

  as Ali's (Clay's) trainer

  as Foreman's trainer

  Marciano challenged by

  rhyme of

  Smith (Broadway Billy) vs.

  Moore, Davey

  Moorer, Michael

  Moretti, Dave

  Morgan, Dan

  Morrison, Tommy

  Morse, Wayne

  Morton, Janks

  Mosley, Ronald

  Moyer, Denny

  Moyer brothers

  Mugabi, John ("The Beast")

  Muhammad, Elijah

  Muhammad, Herbert

  Ali-Foreman competition and

  Ali-Frazier competition and

  hired as Ali's manager

  Muhammad, Rahaman (Clay, Rudy)

  Murder, Inc.

  Muskie, Edmund

  Mustafa Muhammad, Eddie

  Myslenski, Skip

  NABF. See North American Boxing Federation

  Nagler, Barney

  Naked Prey, The

  Napoles, José

  Nation of Islam. See Ali, Muhammad, Islam and

  National Boxing Association (NBA)

  National Collegiate Athletic Association, (NCAA)

  National Italian-American Sports Hall of, Fame


  Neiman, LeRoy

  Neri, Bill

  Neumann, Randy

  Neutral Corner, The

  Nevada State Athletic Commission

  New Orleans

  New York

  Ali vs. Jones in

  Ali vs. Norton in

  Ali's (Clay's) first fight in

  Ali's fights banned in

  decline of boxing in

  New York Baseball Giants

  New York Daily News

  New York Herald-Tribune

  New York Mirror

  New York State Athletic Commission

  New York Times

  Newspaper strike

  Nicholson, George

  Nilon, Jack

  Norris, James D.

  North American Boxing Federation, (NABF)

  Norton, Ken

  Ali vs.

  Foreman vs.

  WBC championship awarded to

  Olson, Bobo

  Olympics (1960)

  Olympics (1976)

  Oma, Lee

  Omaha, NE

  O'Malley, Pat

  Open Scoring

  Ortiz, Carlos

  O'Sullivan, Jack

  Otero, Frankie

  Ott, Mel

  Overlin, Ken

  Pabst Blue Ribbon beer

  Pacheco, Ferdie

  Ali-Foreman fight and

  Ali-Frazier fight and

  Ali-Liston fight and

  Padilla, Carlos

  Paez, Jorgé

  Palermo, Frank ("Blinky")

  Palomino, Carlos

  Paret, Benny ("Kid")

  Parker, Dan

  Pastrano, Willie

  Ali (Clay) and

  Bowdry vs.

  Downes vs.

  drug abuse and

  entry into boxing

  Holman vs.

  Johnson (Alonzo) vs.

  Johnson (Harold) vs.

  as light-heavyweight champion

  London vs.

  nicknames of

  retirement of

  Richardson vs.

  sex life of

  superstition and

  Torres vs.

  weight problem

  Patterson, Floyd

  Ali vs.

  Ali's challenge to

  Folley's challenge to

  Johansson vs.

  Liston vs.

  Maxim vs.

  Patterson, Jackie

  Patterson, Pat

  Peaks, Sid

  Pearl, Davey

  Peltz, Russell

  Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame

  Pep, Willie

  Peralta, Gregorio

  Perenchio, Jerry

  Perez, Tony

  Persol, Johnny

  Petrolle, Billy

  Philadelphia, PA

  Philadelphia Bulletin

  Philadelphia Eagles

  Philippine Coliseum


  Plimpton, George

  Police strike

  Pollin, Abe

  Pollock, Bernard

  Pope, Ed

  Porsche, Veronica

  Povich, Shirley

  Powell, Charlie




  Presley, Elvis

  Price, Andy

  Price, Lloyd

  Prize Fighter and the Lady, The (film)


  Pryor, Aaron

  Puerto Rico

  Putnam, Pat

  Qawi, Dwight Muhammad

  Quarry, Jerry

  Ali vs.

  Lyle vs.

  Quinn, Anthony

  Race issues

  Rademacher, Pete

  Ramon, Rocky

  Ramos, Ultiminio ("Sugar")

  Randolph, Leo

  Ranzany, Pete

  Rapidez, Kid

  Reddish, Willie

  Remson, Jimmy

  Requiem for a Heavyweight (film)

  Richardson, Dick

  Rickenbacher, Eddie

  Ridgeway, Allie

  Ridgewood Grove

  Rinaldi, Giulio

  Ring, The(magazine)

  Ring Record Book

  "Ringside" (television program)

  Ringside Bar

  Rivera, Mario

  Rivers, L. Mendel


  Robbins, Alex

  Robinson, Jim

  Robinson, Sugar Ray

  Ali and

  at Ali-Liston fight

  Archer vs.

  Basilio vs.

  De Bruin vs.

  Fullmer vs.

  LaMotta vs.

  Leonard's admiration for

  mascot of

  mob offers to

  name change

  origin of nickname

  Zivic vs.

  Rocky (film)

  Rodan, Juan

  Rodrigues, Adilson ("Maguila")

  Rodriguez, Luis

  Griffith vs.

  Sports Illustrated and

  Rodriguez, Rafael

  Roman, Joe ("King")

  "Rope-a-dope" technique

  Rosa, Fernando

  Rosenberg, Charley Phil

  Ross, Barney

  Ross, Diana

  Rudd, Irving

  Rudolph, Wilma

  Runyon, Damon

  Ryan, Tim

  Ryan, Tommy

  Sabedong, Duke

  Sadler, Dick

  St. Louis, MO

  St. Mary's Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)

  St. Nick's arena

  Saldivar, Vicente

  Salinger, Pierre

  Sanctioning fees


  Sarria, Luis

  Savold, Lee

  Scalzo, Petey

  Schaap, Dick

  Schmeling, Max

  Scholz, Gustav

  Schulberg, Budd

  Schulke, Flip

  Schuyler, Eddie

  Scypion, Wilfred

  Seamon, Manny

  Seattle, WA

  Sekorski, Rocky


  Shabazz, Lana

  Shank, Ruben

  Sharkey, Jack

  Sharnik, Mort

  Shavers, Earnie

  Shelby, MT

  Shields, Randy

  Shipes, Charley

  Shor, Toots. See also Toots Shor's

  Show Low, AZ

  Siegel, Bugsy

  Siler, Herb

  Silvani, Al

  Silver, Ron

  Silverman, Sam

  Simmons, Keene

  Simms, Eddie

  Sinatra, Frank

  Singletary, Ernie

  Smelling salts

  Smith, Broadway Billy

  Smith, George

  Smith, James ("Bonecrusher")

  Smith, Mysterious Billy

  Smith, Red

  Smith, Walker. See Robinson, Sugar Ray

  Smith, Will

  Solomon, Sam

  Solomons, Jack

  Southern High


  Sparring partners

  Spence, Jim

  Spencer, Thad

  Spinks, Leon

  Spinks, Michael

  Sport (magazine)

  Sports Illustrated,

  Sportswriters. See Media

  Stafford, Roger

  Stallone, Sylvester

  Steele, Richard

  Stefano, Duke

  Stengel, Casey

  Steward, Emanuel

  Stillman, Lou

  Stillman's Gym

  appearance of

  characters of

  Stoner, Fred

  Streisand, Barbra

  Sugar, Bert

  Sugar Ray Leonard Inc.

  Sulaiman, José

  Sullivan, Emmett ("Sully")

  Sullivan, John L.

  challenges issued by

  sparring partners introduced by

  weight problem

  Summerall, Pat

  Sunnyside Garden


  Superfight, The(closed-circuit event)


  "Surround the jab" move

  Suskind, David

  Syracuse, NY

  Tate, Bill

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Taylor, Maxwell

  Taylor, Quincy


  Terrell, Ernie

  Thomas, Allen

  Thomas, Pinklon

  Tiger, Dick

  Timmie Award

  Tokyo, Japan

  Toney, James

  Toots Shor's

  Toronto, Canada

  Torres, José

  Touchdown Club

  Trainer, Mike

  Dundee contract dispute and

  Leonard's financing handled by


  authority of

  complexity of the job

  dedication of

  job description

  judging prospects

  synergy with fighters

  Training, importance of

  Trinidad, Felix

  Truman, Harry

  Trump, Donald

  Tunney, Gene

  Twain, Mark

  20th Century Sporting Club

  20th of May Stadium

  Twenty-third Street Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)


  Tyson, Mike

  Uline Arena

  UNICO National Hall of Fame

  Vaillant, Doug

  Val Barker Award

  Vaughn, Willie

  Vega, Luis ("The Bull")

  Video Techniques

  Vietnam War, Ali and

  conviction for induction refusal

  draft conviction overturned

  draft deferment

  draft induction date

  draft induction refused by

  "Viet Cong" remark

  Vigh, Ernie

  Virginia Beach

  Viruet, Adolfo

  Waga, Lewine

  Wagner, Don

  Walcott, Jersey Joe

  Louis vs.

  Marciano vs.

  name change

  as a referee

  sparring partner of

  Waldheim, Don

  Washington, DC

  Washington Post

  Water intake

  Waters, Bob

  Waxman, Maury

  WBA. See World Boxing Association

  WBC. See World Boxing Council

  WBO. See World Boxing Organization

  Weaver, Mike






  Ali and

  Foreman and

  Marciano and

  Pastrano and

  Weill, Al ("The Weskit")

  Weill, Marty

  Wells, Gene

  Wepner, Chuck ("The Bayonne Bleeder")

  Westphal, Albert

  White, Dave

  White, Jerry

  White, Jimmy

  White Plains Center

  "Wide World of Sports" (television program)

  Wilde, Cornel

  Wilde, Jimmy

  Willard, Jess

  William Morris Talent Agency

  Williams, Baby

  Williams, Cleveland ("Big Cat")

  Williams, Ike

  Williams, John B.

  Williams, Johnny

  Williams, Roy

  Williamson, J. B.

  Wills, Harry

  Wilson, Peter

  Winston, Unknown

  Witherspoon, Tim

  Wolgast, Ad


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