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Fire and Ice

Page 3

by Liz Andrews

  He wasn’t sure if it was his assurance, but she finally nodded. Without another word, she headed into the bedroom with what seemed like the weight of the world on her shoulders. He wished he could make this easier for her, but in the long run she would have to make the final decision. He could only hope it was a decision that would benefit them both.

  This was not how Tanya imagined the evening would end. She lay in bed in just her panties, the covers pulled up tight around her neck. Which was ironic considering the fact she’d practically thrown herself at Victor not too long ago. A ploy she was pretty sure he’d seen right through.

  She’d been trying to prove to him she could be carefree about sex, when in truth, just the opposite was true. Most people she knew would be surprised to learn she’d only had three sexual partners: the boy she’d lost her virginity to, the man she’d been engaged to, and Victor.

  Victor was the one who seemed to be able to see straight into her soul. Not even her former fiancé had been so perceptive. Perhaps that was the reason they’d broken up. Tanya had needs even she didn’t recognize. Not until Victor had shown her, at least.


  The office Christmas party was in full swing, and Tanya couldn’t be more pleased. No one had seemed too thrilled when she’d first come up with the plan for a Secret Santa countdown or an office party on the last working day before Christmas. Now that the day had arrived, though, everyone was having a great time.

  Of course she’d had a secret agenda, bringing together Molly and Josh. Tanya had planned the Secret Santa exchange so the two could finally stop hiding their mutual interest in one another. Looking at them chatting in the corner, it seemed as if her plan had worked. Her happiness dimmed somewhat when she saw Victor heading in her direction.

  What did he want now?

  When Victor walked up to the table, he nodded in her direction. Reaching around her, he grabbed a cup and started filling it with punch. “It looks as if the party is a resounding success.”

  “Yes, no thanks to you.”

  “Me? I agreed to this little shindig. In fact, the partners contributed to all this food and liquor.”

  “Only after I begged. And I know for a fact you were the lone holdout among them, so don’t pretend as if you did me some great favor. You only caved because the other two agreed.”

  Victor gave her a cool smile. “Believe what you will.”

  “If you’re so willing to agree to fund company parties, perhaps you’d like to throw one for New Year’s Eve as well.”

  “I think that’s a bit much. We should be glad everyone seems to be enjoying themselves today and not worry about any future parties just yet.”

  His unruffled air only antagonized her all the more. Before she could say another word, she noticed Molly pushing away from Josh and running from the room. Tanya would bet her last dollar Josh did or said something to upset her friend. Without thought to Victor, Tanya headed out after Molly. Two steps from the door, though, she was brought to a halt by Victor calling her name in a hushed tone.

  Tanya stopped and turned on him. “What?”

  He nodded down the hall at Josh, who was following after Molly. “He’s on it. Let him take care of her.”

  “No way. He’s the one who caused the problem.” As much as she liked Josh, she should have known he would fuck up. He was a guy after all. She could only hope Molly would forgive her. As she started back down the hall, she could hear Victor following behind her. Turning, she said through clenched teeth, “Stop following me.”

  “Fine.” He pulled her into the nearest office, which happened to be his. As he shut the door behind him, he leaned back against it, effectively cutting off her escape.

  “You’re a bully.”

  “And you’re a menace. Let them work out their issues on their own. They don’t need your help anymore.”

  She wasn’t sure how he knew of her involvement, and at this point, it wasn’t the most important thought in her mind. Instead she was more concerned about his overbearing attitude. “How dare you dictate to me?”

  Victor’s gaze narrowed. Up to this point, Tanya would have characterized him as cool, calm, and collected. She was quickly reassessing those thoughts as he began to stalk toward her. “Oh, I dare all right.”

  He grabbed hold of her arms and pulled her close to him, kissing her hard. The shock had her responding before she realized what happened. She’d often complained about his heavy-handed attitude at work, but truth be told, she’ been attracted to him since the day she started working there.

  Logic told her she should be fighting him, but his mouth and hands on her seemed to have suddenly robbed her of all her senses. There was no gentleness in the kiss. Instead it was raw and rough, and she loved every minute.

  He didn’t leave her much time to think about his actions either, quickly pulling away from her a moment as he spun her around. With a hand on the small of her back, he soon had her leaning over the desk, her face pressed against the cherry wood.

  She suddenly realized what a vulnerable position she was in and tried to stand. “Tried” being the operative word. With a deep chuckle and slight pressure on her back, he pressed forward, bending his body over hers. In between her ass cheeks, she could feel his hard cock, even through their clothing.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “This isn’t… I don’t think we should…”

  “Having a little trouble finishing your sentences?”

  Firming her resolve, she began to struggle to stand, certain he would release her as soon as he realized she was over her lapse in judgment. Except he didn’t. Just the opposite in fact.

  “Hey, what the—”

  She could feel him moving around behind her, but it wasn’t until he pulled her arms behind her back that she figured out what he’d been doing. He had his leather belt in hand and began to wrap it around her wrists, securing them to each other. “Stay still.”

  Despite everything, she wasn’t frightened of Victor. Which didn’t make sense since he’d just tied her up. Instead of being scared, she could feel herself growing more excited. Her pussy was wet, and her nipples were hard.

  “Victor.” She had hoped to convince him this was a mistake, although she could hardly convince herself. Her calling of his name sounded almost loving. Not exactly the impression she was trying to portray.

  “Is this making you hot, baby?” She could feel him pulling her skirt up until it was bunched around her waist. Her only answer was a moan as she felt his hand caressing her bare hip exposed by the thong panties she wore. This wasn’t right. She ought to be struggling more, insisting he release her. Instead she was pressing her ass back against him, inviting him to do more.

  With his foot, he pushed her legs apart and moved his hand between them. His finger started to trace up and down the outside of her thong along her pussy lips. Without conscious thought, her hips began to rock in motion to his strokes. She was desperate for him to do something more. She wanted him to press harder, push aside the silk barrier, and thrust inside her. “Oh God, Victor, stop the teasing and just fuck me already.”

  The sharp crack to her ass had her gasping in surprise. “You never tell me what to do, understand? We’re doing this my way.”

  He spanked me.

  That thought pushed all others from her head for the moment. She hadn’t been spanked since she was a child. She should have been indignant, not turned on. But if she thought she’d been wet before, it was nothing compared to how she was now. Her panties were soaked. Three more quick slaps to her ass jerked her back to the situation at hand.

  “You know, I think you’re enjoying your punishment too much.” He yanked the crotch of her thong to the side and plunged two of his fingers into her aching pussy. It had been what she wanted and yet wasn’t enough. As if he knew she needed more, he slowly started to fuck her with his hand. “Oh yeah, you are one hot little bitch for this, aren’t you?”

  He’d told her it was going
to be his way, and slowly but surely she was beginning to discover what his way meant. If anyone had told her she’d get off on being called a little bitch, she would have cut off their balls and served them on a platter. But two more spanks had her moaning and pushing back against his thrusts.

  “Answer me,” he barked at her, his nimble fingers never relenting from their constant attention to her swollen core.


  “Yes, what?”

  She had no idea what he was expecting from her, but it was obvious he wanted more than just the affirmative.


  “Yes, you are a hot little bitch,” he prompted.

  She couldn’t, wouldn’t, say it. It was bad enough hearing him say it. But just then he crooked his fingers, finding that special place deep inside and causing her body to jerk in reaction.

  “Tell me.”

  Her face flushed as she did as he commanded. “I’m a hot little bitch. I want it, want you.”

  She expected him to laugh at her humiliation, but instead she felt him stroke her hair as he leaned down over her. His breath was hot on her ear as he whispered, “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” And truthfully it hadn’t been, especially with his unexpected tenderness.

  She never heard him unzip his pants or sheath himself, but suddenly she felt his latex-covered cock between her thighs. Whimpering in need, she gyrated her hips, silently begging him to fuck her. He no longer wanted her silent, however.

  Grabbing her hair in his hand, he pulled her head back, forcing her to turn and look back at him over her shoulder. “Beg for it. Beg me to fuck you.”

  “Please, oh God, please, Victor. I need it, fuck me.” He nodded then and relaxed the tight grip on her hair, although he didn’t let go completely.

  With his other hand, she could feel his fingers spreading her pussy lips wide and the tip of his cock rubbing up and down her opening. She held her breath as he thrust forward and speared her deep. He held himself still for a moment, allowing her to become accustomed to his size before beginning his movements once again.

  “So good, so good.” She could barely force the words from her parched lips. The intense fucking had her gasping for breath with every thrust.

  “Don’t you dare come until I say you can.”

  Was he fucking kidding?

  But obviously he wasn’t as he suddenly stopped all movement. “Do you understand me?”

  Dazed and barely coherent, she gasped, “Won’t come until you say.”

  “Good girl.” His praise had her soaring for some ungodly reason. He released his hold on her hair and found her clit, plucking at the sensitive bud. He was making her promise to him all the more difficult to keep, his talented fingers driving her over the edge.

  At the next forward thrust, she pushed back against him, rocking her hips into the rhythm he was creating. He gripped her hip as he fucked her, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. Strangely she welcomed the pain, fucking him back with abandon. He pounded into her with long strokes, pulling almost free before impaling her again and again.

  “Please, please, let me come. I need to come.”

  “Now, my bitch, come now.” He pressed forward one last time, grinding his hips and furiously rubbing her clit as she exploded around him. Groaning, he soon followed with his own orgasm.

  He collapsed on top of her, and they lay there for a few short moments as they regained their composure. There were so many things she wanted to say, but instead he’d released her wrists and they’d re-dressed in silence. She’d slipped from the office and had immediately left the party. And they’d never discussed it since, at least not directly.


  Since then she’d done a bit of research. She wanted to know why she’d responded to his spanking and commanding ways. Discovering the concept of Dominance and submission opened her eyes to a lot of new ideas. Some of which scared her silly. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to be someone who was willing to trust another person that much. Too many people in her life had betrayed her: first her father, then her fiancé. Giving Victor so much power didn’t seem as if it was such a good idea.

  On the other hand, his proposition intrigued her, calling to something within her even she wasn’t able to completely identify. As much as she denied it to herself, deep down the feelings he evoked within her had made her wonder why she was running from him.

  Maybe this week would allow her to explore all the things she had questions about. And she could purge her need for Victor from her system at the same time. She just needed to prepare herself for the fact he would most likely walk away at the end of their little experiment.

  She threw back the covers and sat up. If there was ever a time to take the bull by the horns, this was it. Screwing up the last vestiges of her courage, she swung her legs out of bed and stood. As she walked over to the closed door, she felt as if the sound of every step was amplified. She took a deep breath when she reached the door, opened it, and stepped over the threshold.

  Through the darkness, she could see Victor ensconced on the couch. As tall as he was, his legs didn’t quite fit, and he looked scrunched lying there. If he’d taken her up on her offer, they both could have enjoyed the bed. And maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t have been tossing and turning as she analyzed all the things he’d brought up. He’d given her a lot to think about, much of which she hadn’t wanted to face. The time for running, though, was at an end.

  Reaching the couch, she knelt down beside it. In repose, Victor still had a formidable look about him, although at least in this setting she could stare her fill. In some ways he seemed carved from granite, unmovable. It made her question if she was making the right decision. Nevertheless, she wasn’t going to back out now. This could be her only opportunity to explore this side of herself, and as scared as Tanya was, she was going to do it.

  Somehow she wasn’t surprised when he slowly opened his eyes to stare at her. He didn’t say anything, just held her gaze locked with his own.

  “I’ve thought a lot about your proposal.” Her words sounded husky and rough, even to her own ears. She cleared her throat. “I think you may be right…about me. So I’m ready.”

  “You may think you’re ready, but we’ll soon see.” His words should have filled her with fear, but instead she only felt anticipation.

  Chapter Three

  The next morning, Victor awoke with renewed purpose. When she’d headed off to bed last night, he hadn’t known for sure what Tanya’s final decision was going to be. He knew without a shadow of a doubt she was submissive, but he worried she would fight him because she was scared of accepting that role.

  In some ways he blamed himself. She’d responded so well to his domination the night of the Christmas party. When he saw her again after the holidays, though, she avoided him at all costs. Worried that he had pushed her too hard, too fast, he’d backed off and tried to woo her.

  It had been a boneheaded move. One he should have realized the futility of much sooner. She was a submissive who needed someone to be firm with her. Instead, he’d taken D/s out of the equation.

  When he’d heard the bedroom door open in the middle of the night, he somehow knew before she even reached him what her decision was. He waited until she came over to the couch before even opening his eyes. Then, when he did, it was almost too good to be true. His fiery little submissive was kneeling before him, her face full of doubt and uncertainty. But when their gazes locked on to one another, he could see the resolve in her eyes.

  Of course she hadn’t liked it very much when he sent her back to bed like a schoolgirl. He was pretty sure she expected to be put to the test then and there. Or at the very least that he would take advantage of her sexual offer from earlier in the evening. Instead he wanted her to be on pins and needles, waiting and wondering where things were going to go next.

  A firm knocking had him shaking himself out of his remembrances and heading toward the door. He’d ordered room service, an extralarge brunch si
nce they’d both slept so late. The noise must have woken Tanya as well, because she wandered from the bedroom as he was walking with the waiter back to the door. The other man’s eyes practically bulged from his head as he caught sight of her.

  Tanya really had no idea how lovely she was, especially dressed only in his white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The tails of the shirt brushed against her thighs as she headed toward the cart, oblivious to the attention she was receiving. Her tousled hair and half-lidded eyes were the personification of a woman just out of bed. One who both the men in the room would have gladly taken back there, if they were given the chance.

  “Pet, you will wait for me.” Although the words could be construed as somewhat benign, he watched carefully as Tanya halted her progress and stared as if in indecision. He knew she was aware it was a command, not a request. This was her first test, and surprisingly she passed with flying colors, not moving from the spot. Turning back to the waiter, Victor handed him his tip. “That’ll be all.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man backed from the room, watching Tanya for as long as possible before the door finally closed behind him.

  “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”

  “Did you call me ‘pet’?”

  “Yes, do you have a problem with that?” He watched as her instincts warred within her.

  “It makes me sound like an animal.”

  “No, it means you are mine, cherished and special.”

  Her face flushed, but she didn’t say anything more. He pulled out a chair for her and waited for her to sit before he then seated himself. He half expected her to begin filling a plate, but instead she waited for him. Last night he had a feeling she knew more about D/s than she was willing to admit, and her actions this morning only supported his beliefs. She had some knowledge of protocols.

  He took a plate and began to fill it, occasionally stopping to ask if she’d like a particular item. She responded appropriately, but he could tell she was confused and unsure what exactly was going on between the two of them. After filling both their plates, he sat back in his chair.


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