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Fire and Ice

Page 5

by Liz Andrews

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Four

  The anticipation of Tanya’s arrival was beginning to wear on Victor’s nerves. He’d gotten to the office early and had been sitting there waiting ever since, running the events of the last two days through his mind. He’d driven Tanya home yesterday and had given her a number of tasks to complete. He hadn’t spoken to her since. If she came into work today having completed the tasks, he would know she’d accepted his challenge.

  Oh, she’d come to him and said she was ready, but he knew after that first experience she might change her mind and run as fast as she could. Not that he’d allow her to run. But if she came to him of her own free will, it would be so much better. So here he sat and waited. Thankfully, with his office door open, he had a direct line of sight to Tanya’s office.

  This allowed anyone to just walk right into his office. Which is what Brandon did just a few moments later. “Hey, buddy, what happened to you Saturday night?” His partner leaned against the doorjamb, arms crossed over his chest. “I was forced to entertain both the ladies. You know one of them was supposed to be for you.”

  Victor frowned in consternation. “I never asked you to fix me up.”

  “Oh I know. I was doing it for my own self-preservation. You’ve been a veritable bear for months now. I figured you needed to get laid.”

  “Do me a favor and put your pimp hat away. I can take care of finding my own woman, thank you very much.”

  “Really, do tell. What’s her name?”

  There was no way in hell Victor was going to talk to Brandon about Tanya. Not yet at least. If things worked out as he hoped they might, well then it would be a moot point. Everyone would know Tanya was his. As if his thoughts conjured her forth, Tanya arrived at her office door. She never once looked in his direction, but Victor was filled with satisfaction.

  One of her tasks had been to dress in a red skirt suit with a black camisole. It was an outfit she’d only ever worn once in the past, but he’d become enamored of her in the sexy look. Even with whatever doubts she might have, she’d committed to him, at least for the next week.

  Instead of answering Brandon, he changed the subject. “Don’t you have something to do? Maybe work, perhaps?”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Brandon had a smirky little grin on his face that Victor was beginning to suspect would not lead to anything good.

  “You don’t think so?”

  “Nope. Something’s going on here.”

  “Nothing’s going on, especially not work, it seems.”

  Brandon shook his head and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. “So how long has this thing been going on between you and Tanya?”

  “What makes you think something’s going on?”

  Brandon sighed. “I know you sometimes think I’m an idiot, but I have eyes. When Tanya arrived, your whole face changed. She’s the one, isn’t she?”

  Victor ran a hand through his hair. “It’s complicated.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. Neither you nor Josh ever heard the phrase ‘don’t dip your pen in the company ink,’ did you?”

  “You know I don’t need your jokes right now.”

  “Look, I wish you luck, really I do. But if things don’t work out, we’re going to be out an office manager and in the middle of a possible lawsuit; you realize that, don’t you?”

  Victor didn’t want to even contemplate what the situation would be like if their relationship didn’t work out. In fact, he wanted Brandon out of his office right now and Tanya in here instead. Well, if he was honest with himself, he wanted to be at home with Tanya, with her tied up and at his mercy. Damn, he needed to curb his thoughts if he was going to get through this day.

  “Brandon, I’m not having this discussion with you.”

  The easygoing blond held up his hands in defeat. “Fine, I’m out of here. Just remember what I said.” He opened the door and walked out, finally leaving Victor in peace.

  As if she’d been waiting, Tanya appeared at his door just a few moments later. “Do you have a minute?”

  He waved her into the office and watched as she shut and locked the door behind her. He was struck mute for a moment at how gorgeous she was. The red skirt showed off her shapely legs, and the jacket was buttoned just below her bustline, nipping in her waist and showcasing her hourglass figure. But the best feature was the knowledge she wore it just for him. And she’d worn no jewelry except for earrings, just as he’d commanded.

  “Red suit, as requested,” she said as she walked toward him.

  “It wasn’t a request; it was an expectation.” She stumbled at his emphatic words, but she soon righted herself and stood still as if on display. “One you fulfilled quite well.”

  “I…I have the list for you.”

  He’d told her to make her list of hard limits as well as the things she was willing to try. Although he was very interested to see what she’d documented, there were a few other items he needed to take care of first. Standing, he walked around the desk and leaned back against the hard wood. With a crook of his finger, he motioned her forward.

  She held the paper out in front of her, as if a shield, but he wasn’t interested in anything between them. He took the list and set it on the desk behind him. “Since you dressed appropriately, I assume it’s true down to the skin.” He’d requested no panties as well. She nodded, but he wanted more. “Show me.”

  “Victor, I don’t—”

  “That just earned you a punishment. Now do as you’re told.”

  She reached down and grabbed the hem of her skirt, pulling it up until it was around her waist. The hose she wore were topped with lace and ended midthigh. But between her legs she was devoid of any material, just as he’d ordered.


  Not nearly. “Tell me what you’re feeling right now.”

  He had the feeling she wanted to pull down her skirt before she answered, but he wasn’t going to allow that. He wanted her off-kilter and not thinking.

  “I don’t know what I’m feeling.”


  She gasped at his accusation. “I am not. I really… I don’t know.”

  “Don’t think. Close your eyes.” She blinked for a moment and then did just that. “You’re standing in my office, your skirt pulled to your waist, your pussy bared to my gaze. And you’re doing it because it’s what I want. Now, what are you feeling?”

  “I’m worried I’m losing myself by acquiescing to what you want. But I’m happy too, knowing I’ve pleased you.”

  “Are you wet?”

  “Oh God, yes.”

  “Good. Now for your punishment.”

  “Wha—” She slowly opened her eyes and stared at him in confusion.

  “I want you to place your hands on the desk and bend over.” She swallowed hard and then moved into position without a word.

  He didn’t give her any warning, just pulled back his hand and connected with her bare ass. She gasped, and her hands gripped the edge of the desk hard. He landed two more blows in quick succession. But surprisingly, she didn’t move. His pride in her swelled along with his cock.

  She was placed perfectly to fuck. He’d already taken her over the desk like this once. It would be easy to unzip his pants and thrust into her. But he wasn’t going to do that, as much as it might pain them both. He wanted the anticipation to build, and he wasn’t willing to sacrifice that feeling they’d both have when he was able to sink his cock deep inside her once again.

  Instead he pulled her upright and tugged down her skirt until she was once again covered. “I want you thinking about this moment all day, thinking about me.”

  “I doubt I could think of anything else.”

  “Good. I’ll take a look at your list, and we can talk about it tonight.”


  “Yes, we’ll be having dinner together tonight.” He had plans for after dinner as well.

  She nodded and heade
d toward the door before pausing for a moment. “May I ask you a question?”

  “Of course. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. Ask away.” He wasn’t sure what she wanted to ask, but was more than surprised by her query.

  “What are you getting out of this?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I guess I’m wondering why you haven’t fucked me yet. I mean, I practically offered myself to you on a golden platter more than once the other night and you turned me down each time. And then today, you could have…well, you know, but nothing.”

  He chuckled. “I could give you the pat answer, of course, that this is the way I want it. And that’s true. There’s more to it, though. The other night I was teaching you the promise of anticipation. And you weren’t allowed to climax as a punishment for questioning me.”

  Tanya seemed to consider what he said for a moment. “It doesn’t seem like you’re getting much out of this relationship, other than the one blowjob.”

  “Hey, don’t discount the benefits of a good blowjob.” Victor shook his head. “Besides, sexuality is only one feature of Dominance and submission. And I’m trying to show you those other aspects as well.”

  “And constant, ongoing frustration is what I need to learn?”

  A bark of laughter escaped him. “Don’t worry. Sex will come into this eventually. But on my timetable.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “I see.”

  “Good, now get back to work, and I’ll see you tonight.”

  She unlocked the door and left his office. He watched her walk over to her own office, her hips rocking back and forth as she strode away. He wondered if she could feel her wetness on her thighs and smiled at the idea.

  Slowly but surely he was embedding himself into her daily thoughts and routine. Before long, it would become second nature to her. Right now she was off balance, unable to reconcile her desire to service with her confusion about whether she was doing the right thing. When she finally surrendered and accepted her submission, he would know he’d finally succeeded.

  Then he needed to convince her she was the perfect submissive for him and only him. In the three months since he’d had her the night of the Christmas party, he’d thought of nothing else but getting her into his life permanently. He only had this week to make it all work.


  Victor’s desire that she think of him the rest of the day was something she had no trouble doing. She never went without panties, and the sensation was odd to say the least. To top it off, she could feel the imprint of his palm on her ass, even though it was hours later. Utmost in her thoughts throughout the day was their discussion. His ideas about what encompassed Dominance and submission were the exact things that scared her. She’d wanted to keep everything on a sexual level, but it felt as if he were trying to delve into her soul.

  And she was very much afraid she was going to be willing to let him in. If only for the possibility of what might be. In just the short time she’d agreed to be submissive to Victor, he’d already opened her eyes to her inner nature. She craved his approval, and she wanted to serve him.

  This desire was something she couldn’t explain. At work, she bristled whenever someone tried to tell her what to do. It was one of the reasons she’d worked her way into the office manager position, so she could be the one in charge. Now here she was eager to bow to Victor’s will. This paradox was something she tried to figure out the entire day, all to no avail.

  So instead of heading home like she did every other day, she was sitting here in her office waiting for him. He’d said they would have dinner and discuss her list. But she couldn’t help but wonder where the discussion might lead. Her thoughts were interrupted by Molly popping her head around the door.

  “Hey girl, what are you still doing here?”

  “Just finishing up a few things.”

  Molly looked around at the cleared-off desk and turned-off computer and frowned. “What things?”

  “I’m…” Tanya sighed, finding it hard to say the words. “I’m waiting for Victor because we’re going to have dinner tonight.”

  Molly squealed with delight. “Oh my God. Tell me everything.”

  Tanya glanced at the clock. “I don’t know if I have enough time to tell you everything right now. Besides, I’m not sure I know everything, not yet at least. I’m still figuring it out myself.”

  Molly nodded. “Okay then. But I’m taking a rain check. You’re my best friend, so I’m here for you, understand?”

  Tanya stood up and walked around the desk, pulling her into a big hug. “I understand, and thank you.”

  Molly gave her a quick squeeze before finally stepping back. “Okay, I’m going to get out of here. Good luck figuring it all out.”

  “Thanks.” Tanya watched with some regret as Molly walked out. She wished she could have explained to her friend some of her worries, but ultimately she was still concerned how she would be judged. She was only now beginning to admit to herself that she might have submissive tendencies. It didn’t mean she was ready to shout the fact from the rooftops, or even in whispered conversation to her best friend.

  On the other hand, she really felt the need to have someone to talk to about all this. So despite her fears, she was going to take Molly up on her offer.

  “You look like a woman on a mission. Or at least someone who’s finally made up her mind.”

  Tanya jumped at the sound of Victor’s voice. Why was it he could always keep her off balance? “You make it sound as if I’m plotting something.”

  He snorted. “Nothing so sinister. And you didn’t deny it, I see.”

  “Just trying to figure out when I can get together with Molly.” It was the truth, but once again she wasn’t quite ready to share all with him.

  He nodded sagely, as if he knew she was hiding something from him, but he was willing to accept it, at least for now. She had a feeling he wasn’t going to allow her to get away with it much longer. Besides if push came to shove and he insisted, she knew it would be impossible to deny him what he wanted.

  “Ready for dinner?”

  Tanya nodded. “Where are we going?”

  “Someplace special.”

  How cryptic. If he wanted to keep secrets, then good for him. Still, she had a feeling wherever they were going was going to be important to her eventually.

  She walked around behind her desk and opened the drawer to grab her purse and swing it over her shoulder. Then, picking up her coat from the rack behind the door, she said, “Let’s go.”

  Thirty minutes later, they pulled into a residential area, and Tanya’s thoughts were confirmed. He was taking her to his home. Although she hadn’t been there before, she knew they were in the neighborhood. Her palms began to sweat at the thought of what this might mean.

  “What are you thinking?” His question came out of the blue and, as usual, set her heart thumping faster.

  “Why do you ask me that?” She shifted in her seat, suddenly nervous. Whenever he asked her questions, she worried about what information he was searching for. Because Victor never did anything just for the heck of it.

  “You’re so quiet and keep your thoughts to yourself. I want to know what’s rolling around in that brain of yours.” He shifted his gaze to her briefly before returning his attention to the road. “Now answer the question.”

  Tanya cleared her throat, answering truthfully. “I’m wondering what dinner at your home means.”

  “It means good food in a comfortable location.”

  As if her voice had taken over and her brain shut off, she continued prodding further. “And nothing else?”

  “Well, we can be alone to discuss things without interruption.” He pressed a remote in the visor and turned the wheel, pulling into a driveway and the now-open garage. The quick glimpse she had of the house revealed a two-story brick home. Not too large or too small, it reminded her of a typical suburban family home.

  Victor came around and helped her from the car. Walking inside, t
hey entered a large, very modern kitchen, which opened to the great room. After taking her coat from her and hanging it in the closet with his own, Victor started to remove items from the refrigerator.

  “What can I do to help?” She couldn’t sit while he did all the work. It went against everything in her. Unbuttoning her blazer, she slipped it off and hung it on the back of one of the chairs.

  Smiling, he handed her a large pan. “Go ahead and put that in the oven at three fifty for an hour.”

  She removed the lid to reveal lasagna. “This looks so good.” After setting the oven to preheat, she cocked her head to study him for a moment. “You know, I wouldn’t have guessed you were a cook.”

  “There’re probably a lot of things about me you wouldn’t have guessed.”

  “If anyone told me you were a Dominant, I think I would have been able to guess it was true.”

  “I could say the same thing about you being a submissive. Some characteristics are just obvious.”

  “You think I’m obvious?” The idea everyone could so easily read her secret made her stomach start to roll. This was not good.

  Victor shook his head. “Not in the way you’re thinking. To me, a Dominant, I picked up on certain things, but only because of our attraction to each other and the situation we were in. In your day-to-day life, there is nothing about you that says submissive. You are very much in control of your life.”

  The instant relief she felt at his words was overwhelming. “I know I shouldn’t care about what others think, but…there’s no way I could have this revealed and be able to maintain control of the office staff.”

  “I understand why you believe that’s true, but ultimately, everyone has secrets. I think you’d be surprised to learn what others are hiding.”

  “I’d rather everyone keep their personal lives to themselves.” The oven pinged, and she moved it from preheat to bake, then slipped the pan inside.

  When she straightened, Victor handed her a glass of wine. “While this is baking, why don’t we sit and talk?”

  Pleased with herself that her hands didn’t shake when she took the glass from him, she nodded and headed into the great room. She took a seat on one of the wide couches and Victor joined her, sitting back with his arm draped along the back cushions and looking as if he were the king of the castle. Which, she supposed, he was, in this setting.


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