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Fire and Ice

Page 8

by Liz Andrews

  “You want to come, don’t you? I can see you want me to finger your clit and let you come.”

  “Yes yes yes.” Her fist pounded on the bedding, her frustration pouring out in sobs.

  “Then take me, take all of me. I want you gushing all over my cock.” He plunged into her, his hips speeding up. Pounding her pussy with abandon, he leaned over her back to reach around her and stroke over her clit. As if he’d lit her on fire, her body began to shake and shudder.

  “Please, may I come?” The words were oh so polite, but she was screaming and gasping as she begged for release.

  “Come for me, come now.” He continued to fuck her with his powerful strokes, not letting up as she orgasmed once and then almost immediately a second time. Her arms collapsed, and she braced herself against the headboard as he delved into her again and again, seeking his own release. He tensed and grunted as his climax swept over him, and shuddered with the force of his orgasm as he pumped into her one last time.

  Exhausted, Victor collapsed over Tanya’s prone body. He could still feel her pussy contracting around him as miniorgasms continued to sweep through her. Still locked within her, he rolled to his side, bringing her onto her side as well. They lay there spooned together, in a comfortable silence, but he knew it would eventually end. He just couldn’t help but want it to last as long as possible.

  As his hand stroked over her rapidly cooling skin, he knew he needed to take care of her. Due to their session, she was going to need some aftercare. He would never do anything to put his submissive in harm’s way. His softening cock eventually pushed him into action, and he pulled away from her. Rolling off the bed, he walked into the bathroom, stripped off the condom, and disposed of it. Then he started a bath, adding some soothing Epsom salts. She might not be feeling the pain too much right now, but he was sure by morning the aches would be evident.

  Returning to the bedroom, he walked over to the bed. When he stroked his hand over her back, she didn’t move. He debated waking her, but he knew she needed this bath, even as tired as she was. “Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to clean up.”

  Tanya came awake slowly. But when she was finally able to focus and saw him standing there, she sat up. “Just give me a minute, and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Excuse me?” She couldn’t be saying what he thought.

  “I’ll be gone as soon as I can.”

  Fury rolled through him. “No, you won’t. You’re mine. For the rest of the week. Now get your ass into the tub. I’ll be joining you, and then we’ll be coming back here to get some sleep.”


  “Are you telling me no?”

  She shook her head mutely, confusion in her eyes. He wasn’t sure why she assumed he’d be pushing her out the door, but he didn’t like the feeling it evoked one bit. He pulled her to her feet. “Bathroom. Now.”

  While she walked into the bathroom, he took a deep breath and wondered, not for the first time, what she was hiding from him. Unfortunately he was too tired tonight to delve deeper into the mystery. But he wouldn’t forget either. He was going to discover all her secrets.


  Molly immediately cornered her in her office the next morning. It was only nine o’clock, and it had already been a surreal day. Victor had woken her very early with breakfast already fixed and waiting for her in the kitchen. He’d asked how she was feeling and was very solicitous. But if she didn’t know better herself, she would have never guessed what they’d done last night.

  He’d driven her to her apartment so she could change her clothes, and then they’d gone into work. She’d worried someone might see them arrive together, but Victor seemed to have no qualms about it. Thankfully, no one saw them, and she slipped into her office and shut the door. The silence had lasted all of about five minutes before Molly barged in on her.

  “We need to talk.” Molly closed the door and leaned back against it.

  “Good morning to you too.”

  “I saw you come in with Victor.”

  Heat bloomed in Tanya’s cheeks. “Oh God, did anyone else notice?”

  “No, I don’t think so. I didn’t see anyone else around.”

  Tanya collapsed into her chair, her heart pounding. When she’d embarked on this adventure, she thought she’d be able to hide her relationship with Victor and at the end of the week go back to her former life. It had only been two days, and she already knew that was going to be impossible. “This is a nightmare.”

  “Okay, girl, I need to hear this story. Let’s get together tonight for dinner.”

  Tanya started to agree but then hesitated. After last night, she knew without a shadow of a doubt she shouldn’t make assumptions regarding Victor. He hadn’t said anything about getting together tonight, but it would be just her luck. “I don’t think I can.”

  Molly’s eyes widened. “You don’t think you can? Aren’t you sure?”

  “I don’t know what Victor’s plans are.”

  “So?” Molly laughed. “It’s not like you need his permission to go out to dinner.”

  Tanya pressed her lips together, her gaze dropping to her desk. “Um…well…”

  Mouth agape, Molly just blinked for a moment. “You’re joking, right?” At Tanya’s brief shake of her head, Molly gasped. “Oh. My. God.”

  “Come on, don’t look at me like that.” Tanya gave her a pleading glance.

  “I’m just surprised. Okay, more than surprised, but…this is so different than the you I know.”

  “Please, don’t remind me.” Tanya took a deep breath. “Why don’t I get back to you about dinner?”

  Molly nodded. “Okay, but you know this excuse is not going to get you out of telling me everything, you hear me?”

  I don’t need this abuse.

  Tanya crumbled up a piece of paper and hurtled the wadded ball at Molly’s head. The other woman gave a shriek and ducked. “Hey.”

  “Get to work. I’ll talk to you later.”

  Molly gave a mock salute. “Yes, boss.” She gave a little wave as she headed out the door.

  Before Tanya could change her mind, she picked up the phone and dialed Victor’s direct extension. She was hoping she’d be able to leave a message, but he answered on the second ring.


  “Hi, I need to ask you something.”

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Molly wants me to go to dinner tonight, and I wasn’t sure… You didn’t say anything about having plans.”

  “Hmm, what a good girl you are, asking me for permission. I think that deserves a reward.”

  Tanya couldn’t believe it, but she could feel herself becoming wet. God, what this man did to her.

  “Talk to me; you’ve gone all quiet.”

  “Thank you.” To her ears it sounded almost ridiculous, and she was waiting for him to laugh, but it was how she felt. She wanted to thank him for offering praise and a reward.

  The rumble she heard on the other end of the phone was no laugh. It was almost as if he were growling. “You are testing my willpower right now.” He didn’t sound mad. Instead, it sounded sexy as hell.

  “I am?”

  “Yes, you’re being such a good submissive, first asking permission and then thanking me. It’s so tempting for me to come down to your office and give you that reward right now. I think you’d enjoy a fine cropping, and afterward, I’d fuck you good and hard.”

  A low, guttural moan escaped her at the image he was painting. She wanted to plunge her hand between her legs and bring herself off right now. Just the idea of masturbating at work was crazy, but she was feeling wild at the moment. “I would enjoy it.”

  “Are you wet right now?”


  “I have a rule for you then. You can go out with Molly tonight, but no touching yourself. Call me when you leave the restaurant, and I’ll meet you at your place.”

  “I understand.” She didn’t like it, but she knew by the time she saw him tonight she’d be
insane with lust. And he knew it as well.

  She quickly ended her conversation and called Molly. This time she was lucky and was able to leave a message telling her friend she could go to dinner. Tanya felt torn about the get-together. She wanted someone to talk to, someone to share her thoughts with. But at the same time she worried about what Molly might say when she revealed the nature of her relationship with Victor. She’d already gotten the side eye from her friend this morning. And she hadn’t even dropped the big bombshells yet.

  Without surprise, a smiling Molly popped her head into Tanya’s office at five o’clock on the dot.


  “A little eager, aren’t you?” Tanya had already shut down her computer so she only had to pick up her coat and purse.

  Molly grabbed her hand and pulled her from the office. “You bet I am. Let’s go.”

  Tanya soon found herself at a restaurant, nursing a watered-down drink, and wondering how she was going to start this conversation. Molly didn’t seem to have that difficulty.

  “What the heck is going on with you two?”

  “I don’t know what to call it,” Tanya muttered into her drink.

  “Well, it’s obvious, at least to me, that it’s something more than sex. I know you were avoiding him after the whole Christmas thing, so what gives?”

  Taking a large gulp of her drink, Tanya waded into the conversation. “You remember I told you how dominant Victor was that night and how it scared me?” At Molly’s nod, she continued. “It scared me because of how it attracted me. And he recognized that. The night of your engagement party, we talked, and he proposed I be his sexual submissive for the week.”

  Molly’s eyes widened. “And you agreed?”

  “Yes.” Tanya released a heavy sigh. “I know it sounds crazy.”

  “Do you really think that after one week that’s going to be it, things will just go back to normal?”

  “I did. At least I told myself I did. I wanted to try to get him and the feelings he evokes out of my system. But instead, I’ve screwed myself. Because once again, I’ve tied myself to a man who will eventually leave me.”

  Molly furrowed her brow. “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t have too good of a track record with men sticking around. It started with my dad, and it’s gone downhill ever since.”

  “It hasn’t been that bad.”

  Tanya shook her head with obvious regret. “Trust me, it has. Even the guy who I thought was my Mr. Perfect turned out to be the same kind of bastard my father was.”

  “How so?”

  “We were living together, engaged, and I was planning the wedding thinking I hit the jackpot. Instead, I come home early one day and find him in bed with one of his coworkers.” She could feel herself clench and unclench her hands, the betrayal still able to cause her anger.

  “What excuse did he have?”

  “Oh that was the icing on the cake. It was all my fault. I was cold, frigid, whatever word you want to use. Basically I sucked at sex, so he was forced to stray. That was the exact word he used, forced.” Tanya laid her hands flat on the table and took a deep breath.

  “You know you’re not frigid.” Molly sounded so cute in her defense of Tanya.

  “Of course I know that.” Her indignation came through loud and clear. “The fucker couldn’t satisfy me because he was too interested in his own needs to bother to find out what I liked or wanted.”

  “Good thing he didn’t damage your ego or self-esteem,” Molly said with a laugh.

  Although she was laughing, Tanya certainly wasn’t. “No, he just stole my belief in a happy ending.” She shook her head. “No, even more than that. I’ve become so closed off, I’m afraid of what will happen if I let someone in. Because I don’t think I could handle that kind of loss again.”

  “You really must have loved him.”

  She snorted. “Hell no, it wasn’t the loss of him I was referring to. It’s my own judgment I no longer have faith in. And I hate that.”

  Molly laid her hand on top of Tanya’s. “Wow, sweetie, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you ever tell me any of this?”

  “No one wants to talk about their relationship failures.” Tanya shrugged her shoulders. “Anyway, I packed my stuff and was out of the apartment that weekend and moved here on a whim. Thankfully, I found this job, and the rest is history.”

  “I know all that must have been terrible for you, but it doesn’t mean Victor will leave.”

  “Victor isn’t exactly the settling-down type, after all.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “I don’t seem to know much of anything anymore. When I’m with him, I…I feel so different. It scares me. I know I keep saying that, but it’s like I’m frightened of my own feelings.”

  “Why don’t you tell him some of this?”

  “Honestly? Initially, I worried he might use it against me. But now, I just don’t know.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “Of being right.”

  Chapter Seven

  Victor sat in his car and drummed his fingers on the steering wheel, purposely avoiding the temptation to glance back over at the digital clock. The last time he looked, it was eight fifteen. Just as he’d told her to do, Tanya had given him a call when she’d left the restaurant. For some reason, he was feeling anxious for her arrival.

  When he’d made a date to meet her this evening, he’d planned to give her a cropping and then the good hard fuck he’d promised. The longer he waited, the more he realized that wasn’t all he wanted. He’d originally hoped at the end of the week he could convince her they were meant to be together, but he didn’t think he could wait that long. He wanted to have her every night in his house and in his bed. And at least for the rest of this week she was his to command. He’d decided to press his advantage and make her move in with him, at least temporarily. Maybe if she saw how good it could be, she wouldn’t want to leave.

  The headlights from a vehicle pulling into the parking lot illuminated the interior of his car. Tanya had finally arrived. Victor watched with pleasure as she exited her SUV and then scanned the parking lot looking for him. He got out of his car and slammed the door, then walked over to join her.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “Yes, very much.”

  They headed up the walk to the entrance of her townhouse. When she pulled out her key, he took it from her to open the door. “What did you talk about?”

  “Oh, this and that.”

  “I see.” Her reluctance to share her conversation irked him. Not that he wanted to hear a line-by-line discourse of the chat, but the fact she wouldn’t even discuss it annoyed him to no end. His decision to keep her with him seemed all the more inspired. She seemed bent on putting a wall between them, and he was going to tear it down, brick by brick if necessary.

  As they walked inside, Tanya slipped off her coat and tossed it over a chair. Leaning over, she slipped off her high heels and started to head down the hall. “Help yourself to a drink if you like. I’m going to change into something more comfortable.”

  “No, we don’t have the time.”

  Her shoes in hand, she came to a halt and turned around. “Um, we don’t?”

  “No, because we’re going to be packing.” He walked past her into the bedroom and looked around at the comfortable haven she’d made for herself. As he turned back around, she was standing in the doorway, mouth agape and staring at him as if he’d grown a second head. “Find a suitcase large enough to hold your clothes for the rest of the week. You’re coming home with me.”

  “I… Why?”

  “I thought we were past the stage where you questioned me.” Tanya opened her mouth to argue, and he cocked an eyebrow, daring her to push him. Her lips clamped shut, but he could read the confusion furrowing her brow. She wanted to know why they were packing, but the obvious answer was eluding her. Because he wanted it. “I’m waiting,” he reminded her. She turned on her heel, stompi
ng away. Although she didn’t realize it now, she was only adding fuel to the fire. While she was in the hallway searching for her suitcase, he opened her closet to look at her clothes. He began to pull out what he wanted her to pack.

  “Will this be big enough?”

  He nodded and picked up the medium-sized case, laying it out on the bed. “Pack your toiletries. I’ll take care of the clothes.”

  “I…uh…okay.” She left again briefly, then returned with a small case that she took into the bathroom.

  Victor had her packed within a few minutes. When she was home with him, he didn’t plan to allow her to wear much of anything. During work hours she would be wearing skirts. There was not one pair of dress pants in the case. He wasn’t completely unreasonable, as he did add a few outfits to go out in and even some casual loungewear. Still, she would be wearing what he wanted when he wanted.

  “I think I have everything.”

  “Good, let’s go.”

  They left the townhouse in silence, and there wasn’t any talking on the way to his home either. He figured she was probably nervous as hell, and he planned to keep her off balance, wondering what he was going to do. She’d never guess he still didn’t know himself. The only thing he was sure of was that he needed to get through to her somehow.

  When they arrived at the house, Victor carried the luggage into the kitchen, Tanya trailing somewhat miserably behind him. “Put your suitcase in my room and unpack any necessities. Then meet me in the playroom.”

  He didn’t wait to see if she complied with his commands, certain that she would. Instead he headed down the hall to his sanctuary to prepare for her arrival. Looking around the room, he had a sudden inspiration. He pulled a table from the large closet, and set it up.

  Originally a massage table, he’d made some improvements by adding restraints. It would be the perfect star in his plans for this evening. Now all he needed were the support players. Opening the cabinet, he began to lay out a few items. As he worked, a sudden feeling came over him, and he knew without turning that she was standing in the doorway.

  “Come in, shut the door behind you, and strip.” He listened as she obeyed, but with deliberate effort continued to work without further acknowledging her presence until he was ready to begin. When he eventually had everything he thought he needed, he turned back around. Tanya was standing next to the table, her arms wrapped around her middle.


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