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Secrets of the Last Nazi

Page 35

by Iain King

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  The Great War eclipse:

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  The Korean War eclipse:

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  Reykyavik summit was held 11th-12th October 1986 – the key superpower summit leading to end of the Cold War.

  The eclipse is here:

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  The chance of this happening being random really is less than one in two thousand billion.

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  PS – President Putin was selected as Premier of Russia one day after the intense August 1999 eclipse. The eclipse explains how the Kosovo crisis almost became World War Three, and anticipates war in Ukraine:

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  19 March 1943

  American Nazis have informed us of the secret US nuclear programme. We have learned the date of the first nuclear reaction in December 1942, and saw the date was marked by planets opposing each other in the sky – from nine degrees of Gemini to ten degrees of Sagittarius. A little research proved that this position in the sky was linked to nuclear events in the past, such as the discovery of uranium in 1789, of radioactivity in 1896, and the cluster of nuclear advances made in 1932, when the nucleus was first disintegrated. Then we calculated when outer planets would strike this axis again, and found these dates. Adding the meaning of the planet allowed us to make these predictions:

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  Event and Prediction

  5-10 August 1945

  Pluto at trine (120 degrees), Mars crosses axis: nuclear used for show of power.

  ZA: Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima (6th) and Nagasaki (9th) force Japanese surrender.


  Pluto at right angles - Nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

  ZA: Height of the Cold War – when Khruschev and Kennedy squared off in the Cuban missile crisis.

  January 1961:

  Pluto at right angles and lunar eclipse cycle - nuclear event causes death.

  ZA: World’s first nuclear accident at Idaho Falls in the USA. Three workers at the power station were killed.


  Neptune crosses axis - nuclear tension eased with ideals.

  ZA: When the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (‘SALT’) led to a deal between the USA and USSR.

  March 1979:

  Saturn at right angles to axis - major nuclear event.

  ZA: Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania.

  April 1986:

  Saturn crosses axis with Jupiter at right angles - major fatal nuclear event.

  ZA: Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union leads to many deaths.


  Pluto crosses axis - nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

  ZA: India and Pakistan become nuclear rivals for the first time.

  March 2011:

  Mars at right angles but Jupiter at third-of-a-circle (120 degrees) - fatal nuclear event with worst effects prevented.

  ZA: The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, triggered by a tsunami.


  Neptune at right angles to axis – hidden threat of nuclear loss; discoveries from disintegration or fusing of nuclei, similar to 1932; faith in old nuclear myths changes profoundly. ZA: ???

  December 2015 or July – Sept 2016:

  Saturn crosses axis – major nuclear event (as in September-October 1957 and April 1986).

  ZA: ???

  August 2016:

  Mars, Neptune and lunar eclipse cycle at right angles to axis and Saturn - danger of military nuclear loss.

  ZA: ???

  September-October 2027:

  Uranus crosses axis with Jupiter and Mars at right angles but Neptune and Pluto at third-of-a-circle (120 degrees) - shocking nuclear news, then great powers seek to contain significant and fatal nuclear event.

  ZA: ???


  Pluto at right angles to axis - nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

  ZA: ???

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  SS Capt. Werner Stolz, 19 March 1943

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  January 12th 1959

  We have been hired to consider the future of Vice-President Richard Mulhaus Nixon, born at 9.35pm Pacific Standard Time on 9th January, 1913, in Yorba Linda, California, USA. This is our analysis.

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  Nixon has a low chance of winning the Presidential election in November 1960 because on Inauguration Day in January 1961, Nixon has both Jupiter and Saturn at the lowest point in his chart, opposing the point of career success. The 1968 election is much more promising, because Jupiter is on the rising horizon, making for popular Presidency with foreign policy focus. Hence, we recommend he runs for President in 1968. But he should be aware that Saturn on setting horizon indicates confrontation with Congress.

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  ZA: Nixon did lose the 1960 election, then won in 1968. Stolz was right.

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  If he seeks re-election in 1972, the prominence of Jupiter allows for criticism to be ‘brushed off’ and any success to be exaggerated. Saturn directly overhead indicates a high-point of career goals in 1972.

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  ZA: in 1972, Nixon cut his big deal with China and was re-elected on a landslide.

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  On April 30th 1973, he has Uranus at 90 degrees to the Sun, indicating a shock challenge to his public image.

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  ZA: when the Watergate crisis got hot – the day three of his Watergate conspirators resigned unexpectedly. Another accurate prediction.

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  On October 20th 1973: crunch aspects between Uranus, the Sun, Neptune, Jupiter and Mars mean Nixon may issue shock instruction, over-reach his power and respond in anger to achieve deception. He is likely to fail. Temperance advised.

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  ZA: The ‘Saturday Night Massacre’, when Nixon sacked his attorney general and the special prosecutor into Watergate, but it backfired on him, though.

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  Finally, we note that the total difference of the planets active and challenging in Nixon’s chart – Neptune, Moon, Venus, mars and Uranus – to the chart itself - reaches zero on 8th August 1974 at 2105 Eastern Standard Time. His Presidency may lose credibility at this moment, never to recover.

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  ZA: The exact moment of Nixon’s resignation, live on TV. Extremely accurate.

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  Stolz/Bradley, January 12th 1959


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  12 January 1942

  The Declaration of Independence was made at 5.10pm on July 4th, 1776, and counts as the USA’s ‘birthday’ - when the American colonies launched a broadside against the British Empire, across the ocean. We realised that the planet Uranus returned to where it was on that first Independence Day in April 1861, exactly when Union troops fired cannons across Charleston Harbour in the first battle of the US Civil War. Uranus returns there again in early June 1944 for D-Day, and – when factoring in the position of the moon, which determines the tides - we can expect a similar American broadside across an expanse of water on 5th of 6th June 1944. We should also anticipate something similar in May 2026, or the first three months of 2027.

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  ZA: This is how Stolz predicted D-Day so accurately.

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  From the USA chart, we also note that war challenged American Power (because Pluto was 90 or 180 degrees to the position of Mars on 4th July 1776) in August 1814, when the British burned Washington DC and the White House. A similar challenge to US power happens on these dates: April 1968; May 2004; April 2059; September 2059; February 2060 a
nd December 2060.

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  ZA: In April 1968, America was tied down in Vietnam. The 2004 date was the US losing Iraq. 2059 and 2060 – who knows?

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  United Kingdom and British Empire

  20 June 1941

  The United Kingdom was established by the Act of Union, dated as midnight on 1st January 1801. This warns us of Neptune causing problems of arrogance and deception in October 1956, and Pluto undermining UK leadership through destructive power in October 1984.

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  ZA: Stolz predicted the Suez crisis of October 1956 and the Brighton bomb in October 1984 which almost killed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Very accurate for both.

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  Note that Former Reichsleiter and Deputy Führer Rudolf Hess has stolen our predictions for the UK, includes predictions for the outcome of the current war. We believe Hess flew with these papers to Scotland on his unauthorised mission for peace negotiations. On orders from SS Reichsführer Himmler, we will not reproduce the other predictions relating to the British Empire.

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  Discrediting Gauquelin

  30 May 1991

  ZA: All this on Gauquelin is confirmed by several public sources available online.

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  Summary: Michel Gauquelin (1928-1991) was the French statistician who made public the link between people’s career and their planets at birth. His death last month has been accepted as suicide, successfully concluding our operation to discredit him and his work.

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  Detail: In 1955, Gauquelin published his research which revealed the one-in-a-million correlation between the position of planets when people were born and their future career. His so-called ‘Mars Effect’ demonstrated that people born with Mars on the horizon or directly overhead were statistically more likely to prosper in martial fields, such as sports or the military. He found similar links for Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon, in each case supporting traditional astrological interpretations. Gauquelin also made public the one-in-a-million correlation between the planetary positions of children and their parents.

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  Gauquelin’s proof risked encouraging further research which might expose our work, so discredited him. This involved:

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  Disputing Gauquelin’s Methods: Using respected academic committees, we forced Gauquelin to use larger sets of data, data from different countries and new research. Gauquelin did, and each time he was still able to show the correlation. Unfortunately, one of our tests (proposed by Harvard Professor Zelen and named the ‘Zelen’ test,) strengthened Gauquelin’s findings.

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  Blocking Verification: We prevented the publication of independent tests from a respected scientific body confirmed Gauquelin’s results.

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  Appeal to Authority: In 1975, we gathered the signatures of 186 scientists, including 18 Nobel Prize winners, to sign a public letter. The letter highlighted the least accurate forms of astrology, and asserted there was no ‘verified scientific basis’ for a link between human affairs and the planets. This claim was easy to make, since the signatories themselves controlled the means by which the link could be verified.

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  Contaminating Data: We were able to pretend there was no correlation by using selective data. We publicised this bogus version of Gauquelin’s research widely. (Regrettably one of our respected scientists discovered we were doctoring the data and resigned to expose this.)

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  Direct Harassment: By distorting Gauquelin’s published replies to our criticisms, we were able to intimidate the statistician from further work. Gauquelin was also subject to abuse and [REDACTED].

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  We have ensured that Gauquelin is blamed for his own death: his body will not be discovered until nineteen days after his termination. Forensic traces will have degraded, and verdict of suicide will be recorded.

  Stolz, May 1991

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  February 3rd, 1948

  SS Reichsführer Himmler instructed us to apply our discoveries to geography. By positioning lights to shine on a globe, we calculated where and when planets crossed the horizon, as viewed from Earth. We discovered the following:

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  Reichsführer Adolf Hitler

  (Born 20th April 1889, 6.30pm, Branau Am Inn, Austria).

  When Hitler was born, Mercury was on the horizon in a line joining Munich, Nuremberg and Berlin - the places where our Führer made his greatest speeches, and where propaganda gave him power. Mercury is traditionally the ‘winged messenger’ of the Gods, associated with words and communication.

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  The line tracing the points where Saturn, the planet of authority, was directly overhead was used to partition Poland with Stalin in 1939. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii – the place where Saturn was directly underneath – it undermined his authority.

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  Mars, the war planet, was setting below the horizon along a line linking Stalingrad in Russia, with El Alamein in Libya - where the ‘God of War’ abandoned him.

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  Uranus cut through the Ardennes and ran up into Norway: where Hitler launched his Blitzkrieg, war’ which surprised the Western Allies twice - in 1940 and again, in 1944. They were also the places in France and Belgium where Hitler won his reputation in the First World War.

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  SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler

  (Born 7th October 1900 at 3:30 pm, Munich, Germany)

  For Himmler, we found that lines for Uranus (sudden shocks and new technology) and Jupiter (exaggeration) intersected over Auschwitz, the place he created of mass, sudden slaughter by new technology.

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  Mars was setting on the horizon over the place in northern Germany where Himmler surrendered to the Allies in 1945. There was an old prophecy that he’d betray Hitler, and he did. With this map we could warn the Führer exactly where.

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  British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill

  (Born 30th November 1874, 01.30 am, Oxfordshire, England).

  Mars, the war planet, was directly below Washington DC when Churchill was born: the British PM effectively surrendered to the USA – under his rule, the British Empire gave way to American leadership in the world. But Churchill had Mars rising in Italy, where he tried to get the Allies to launch their second front. Uranus was directly over Moscow – he sent shock troops to attack the Soviet Union in 1919, and almost bombed them in 1945. Jupiter, the planet of hype and good luck, was rising on the horizon over El Alamein, where he scored a much-publicised victory over the Nazis; and on South Africa, too, where he famously escaped from a prisoner of war camp as a young man.

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  Emperor Hirohito

  (Born 29th April 1901, 10.00 pm, Tokyo, Japan).

  Neptune was directly over Moscow when Hirohito was born, correctly anticipating that the Emperor would be deceived from the Russian capital. The Nazis encouraged the Japanese to attack the Russians, to force the Soviets to fight on two fronts. But the Emperor was tricked by Stalin. He did not attack, and Germany had to fight on two fronts instead. Hirohito was born with Uranus directly over Hawaii – where the Japanese troops did the surprise attack from the sky. Mars was setting over Midway – where a fateful sea battle turned the war against the Japanese.

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  Stolz/Bradley, February 3rd, 1948

  ZA: I checked all this information through the NASA site ( – it all’s true. But much easier to check it with one of the many free online services which do the same.

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  Operation Blinker

  (From the Reichs Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda – Office of Joseph Goebbels)

  20 July 1942

  ZA: Operati
on Blinker was the plan created by Dr Goebbels’ Ministry of Propaganda for keeping this information secret. Most of these ten points have already been put into effect. When will they reach point ten?

  Upon seeing the correct information, reasonable people conclude there is a link between celestial bodies and human affairs. We cannot let this happen, because it would challenge faith in science, religion, key parts of the economy and the government. To prevent this, we have developed a seven-step disinformation campaign:

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  Use authority figures to ridicule the search for a link

  Authority figures must state ‘Of course it’s nonsense’ whenever this topic is raised. The population must be encouraged to conform: people should be praised when they repeat ‘of course it’s nonsense’. Scientists must say ‘No intelligent person would apply the scientific method to this.’ Anyone who searches for a link must be regarded as stupid or disturbed, and denied research funding.


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