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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 12

by G. Bailey

  Elliot replies coldly, "You’re back."

  "Yes, Europe took less time than I thought. Lovely fight tonight, Elliot."

  Elliot just nods at me before his gaze goes back to Arthur, and I agree, we need to wrap up this conversation. I’m sure his bodyguards are close, with guns no doubt. I don’t like being unarmed around this son of a bitch.

  He looks at me and smiles in that evil, creepy kind of way. Arthur is an evil son of a bitch.

  "Blake, when are you going to fight for me? I’ve seen you train. You’re as good as them, and you get to keep the money," he drawls in that fucking creepy voice he seems to have mastered.

  "Not my thing," I say in a bored tone, offering no apology.

  His eyes flare for a second in anger, but he quickly hides it. "Ah, well, I'm sure I can change your mind eventually."

  "What do you want?" Elliot cuts in sharply.

  I know the brothers have nothing but hate for this man, who makes them fight. Arthur controls them, and it’s the price they pay for being born.

  "It’s just a chat, Elliot. Well, I am going. Say ‘hello’ to your brothers." He smiles widely, making him look more fucking creepy, and walks back to The Cage.

  I unlock the car as Elliot watches Arthur’s bodyguards follow him, and then we both slide in.

  After a few minutes of driving, Elliot says, "I don't like it. Arthur looked almost smug, and his timing, coming back when Izzy just got here–it's dangerous if he ever finds out about her."

  I agree; he holds what their father did over their heads and makes them fight, but if he knew about Izzy. Well, he would make her pay, too, just for the blood in her system.

  "Yeah, he looked smug, but he always does. Arthur can't know about her already, and his kids won't say anything."

  “I know they won't," he says with a hint of a threat, but he knows there is little chance they would hurt Izzy.

  "You like Izzy, then? She seems cool for a sister." I try and say calmly as I want to say ‘she is a fucking amazing person, and you’re damn lucky to be in her life,’ but I can't.

  "I like her. She is honest and cool. But she is friends with Allie, and she makes mistakes." I try not to laugh, but I fail, snorting in laughter, and Elliot glares at me.

  Allie and Elliot have hated each other since first school, but I see the way he looks at her. I’ve also seen the countless boys he threatened if they even looked at her. There’s a fine line between love and hate with those two.

  "Right," is all I can say between laughs.

  "Shut up, man. She is a cold-hearted bitch," he growls.

  "Yeah, but a beautiful one. One you have been obsessed with since first school," I comment, trying not to laugh anymore.

  "You fucking know why I can't go there, ever." He stops speaking and looks out the window, grinding his jaw. Yeah, I know, but I think it's a pointless reason, and I hope he realises it sooner, rather than later.



  When I wake, I roll over. Seeing my red alarm numbers telling me it’s eight in the morning, I press the button to stop the alarm buzzing. I stretch, getting out of bed. Everything is perfect until the memories of last night come flooding back to me, making me gasp. I sit back as I hear the cleaners hoovering outside my room. Knowing they won’t be long until they will want to clean my room, I shower and lightly dry my hair, leaving it down. I dress in skinny jeans, an off-the-shoulder, black top, and my knee-high, black boots. My thought the entire time I get ready is how they didn’t tell me. My anger is full-tempo by the time I walk out of my room. I smile at the little woman who is dusting a picture as I pass her on the stairs.

  As I walk into the kitchen, the boys are all sitting around the island, eating bacon and eggs. Luke must have cooked, it never smells this nice if the others try. I look at Elliot first and see the bruises littered all over his face from one or two punches last night, along with his cut lip. A flashback of last night with him covered in blood and looking so dark and lost flashes into my mind, making me shake slightly. I calm myself down by remembering Tris’ words in the car. I have to give them a chance, they won’t hurt me. They could have easily by now.

  “Hey, guys,” I say, acting normal as I walk past checking my phone. I smile as I see some cute messages from Blake and Allie. I know I need a minute before I say anything, so I decide to get some of the delicious-smelling food.

  “Good morning. You look nice today, sis,” Sebastian says cheerily as he sips his coffee, and the others mumble ‘hello.’

  I eat for a bit, not really tasting anything, which is a shame as bacon is my favourite. I listen to their conversation about school before saying, “I enjoyed your fight last night, Elliot; nice win.” His fork drops, and there is silence as they all look at me in shock. I try not to grin as Seb chokes on his food, and Elliot whacks his back.

  Harley finally says, after clearing his throat a few times, “What the fuck?” I almost smile because he sounds so different from the in-control brother I’ve gotten used to knowing.

  Sebastian chimes in next, “It's not as bad as whatever you’ve been told.” He looks guilty as I glance at him. I hold my hand up to stop him as they clearly didn't listen.

  “I didn't say anyone told me. I said I watched your fight, but I didn't stay long after you finished it off, Elliot,” I say calmly, but my body is tense, and breakfast is forgotten. I pour myself an orange juice while they stare angrily at me.

  I hear them whispering to each other before Elliot says, “How the fuck did you get in? Who were you with? You can't just walk in.” He fires these questions one after one, getting angrier by the second. If looks could kill, I would be worried for my wellbeing.

  “I went with a friend,” I say loudly, letting him know I won’t be intimidated before turning away and grabbing my keys and my phone.

  “I’m going to be late for school, you guys chat about what you’re going to tell me when we are all home later,” I say, walking past Sebastian who tries to grab my arm to stop me, but before I can leave, Harley blocks the way.

  “There is no way you are leaving, Elizabeth. We clearly need to talk, and you need to tell me who your friend is.” He draws on the word ‘friend’ and looks at me like he expects me to answer his question because he used my full name.

  “No, I'm not missing school because you idiots–yes, I mean all of you–decided not to trust me. What did you think I would say? Harley, you saw where I was from. How could I judge you?” I shout at him, and he looks shocked for a second before looking strange.

  “It’s not that we don't trust you . . . it’s complicated, Izzy,” Sebastian says gently, and I look over to see the worry in his eyes, but his worry just makes me more pissed at them all.

  “Well, tell me then? I'm your family, you can trust me. You’re all I have, so why would I risk that?” I say with tears in my eyes because I know his answer before Elliot even says it.

  “No, we can’t and won’t. We don't want you involved with this life. So, answer the fucking question. Who took you?”

  “Why the fuck would I tell you? You don’t trust me with your secrets, so I’m not going to tell you mine!” I shout, knowing after I say it how childish I sound.

  “Yes, you will while you live here,” Harley says, backing up Elliot and walking over to me.

  “Fuck you, Harley,” I say, full of hurt now and less anger. Being small has its advantages as I slide past Harley before he can get me, and I slam the door on my way out. I hear Harley shout for me to stop. Considering he doesn’t follow me, I’m guessing one of the others stopped him. It’s for the best anyway.

  I sit in the car for a moment, calming my breathing. I decide going to school is pointless today, as I won’t be able to think, and I call Blake as he might have answers my brothers won’t give me. Honestly, all I want to do is to run into his arms, he makes me feel safer than I have in years. He answers on the second ring.

  "Hey, Izzy, are you all right?" he answers.

, erm . . . do you want to skip school with me today? I need to speak to you, and I just can't go to school.” I sniffle.

  “You’re a bad influence on me, beauty, but yes.” He laughs, making me smile. “You sound upset, what’s wrong?” His tone changes so quickly that I don’t respond for a second.

  “Can’t speak about it, can I come to your place?” I ask, hoping he is all right with that. I seriously don’t want to cry in public today.

  “I’ll send you my address. Mum’s at work, so we will be alone,” he says, and I smile in relief.

  "Okay, I'll see you soon." I put the phone down. Not long after, I have his address, and I make my way to his house wondering why none of my brothers follow me. I’m guessing they think I need time to calm down, or worse, they need time to make up an excuse.

  The first thing I notice is that his house is as big as mine, maybe even bigger. It looks as big as a god damn castle! It's beautiful, with that old kind of feel, with stone walls in grey and old-fashioned glass windows, there’s even ivy growing all over the walls, speckled with pretty, purple flowers. There is a stone driveway that matches the colour of the house, and the gates are open as I pull up. Tall trees surround the house like mine, and as I drive near the front of the house, there is a newer looking extension to the old house, with a garage to the side. I imagine it’s where they have added more modern parts of the house. The garage door opens when I get near it, and Blake is standing there looking as handsome as always in three-quarter length jeans and a tight, white top, which shows off his amazing chest with his arms crossed.

  My breath catches in my throat at the stern look on his beautiful face, and, for some reason, I'm so scared I’ll lose him when I tell him about Tris that I almost start the car again to drive off, but I'm not that kind of person. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that I can do this, and get out of the car.

  As I walk up to Blake, his whole expression softens, and he opens his arms when I get close. I practically run into them as he hugs me tight. His hand winds into my hair, holding my head against his chest, as tears run down my face and Blake leans down to whisper into my ear.

  “Whatever it is, it's okay, or I’ll make it okay.” I hear the silent promise of protection and safety in his words, and that brings me to more tears. Blake gently moves me so he can wipe my tears away and holds my face with both hands before giving me a sweet kiss.

  When I’ve calmed down, he kisses my forehead then takes my hand, and I follow him through the garage to a door. Blake presses a button on the wall, causing the garage door to shut, and we walk into a kitchen. It’s filled with white cabinets that look brand new and out-of-place in such an old house, with appliances littered around, too. I don’t get more time to look as Blake tugs my hand.

  I walk with him to a massive entrance room with a huge, wooden double staircase in the middle, and as Blake leads me up the staircase, I notice the little roses carved into the bannister, which are very pretty. At the top of the stairs is a long corridor with little chandeliers littered down the middle of the ceiling, lighting the hallway. There’s a huge picture of two people holding a baby in a painting right at the top. I let go of Blake’s hand to have a closer look.

  Blake wraps a hand around my waist, chuckling slightly and whispering, “I’m sure my mother will spoil you with baby photos soon, but, for now, I’m keeping that mind of yours innocent.”

  I laugh loudly, making myself feel a little better as he leads me into his bedroom. It’s quite manly, is my first thought. There is a king-size bed with a black-leather headboard and a gigantic TV on the wall opposite the bed, with a black sofa in the corner. The room’s painted a light-blue, and the bed sheets match. There are two doors in the room, which I guess are a bathroom and wardrobe. Paper and pencils litter the area around his sofa and bedside cabinets. There are a few sketch books on the bookcase in the corner, and I want to investigate his art, but not now.

  Blake locks the door behind him, as I take my shoes off, before coming back to me, taking my hand and leading me to the bed. We both lie down next to each other on our sides, so our faces are inches apart. I can taste his peppermint breath mixing with mine as his blue eyes search mine.

  “So, what happened?” he finally asks me, and in this moment, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I have heard it go off three times now, but I know it’s my brothers. I really need to calm down first, so I don’t answer. I pull my phone out of my pocket, and I lean back to drop it onto Blake’s bedside table before returning to a curious-looking Blake. I need to tell him first about everything before I can cope with them, is my only thought now.

  “It's a long story. Can you let me say it all before saying or doing anything?” I hesitantly ask, wanting to find a big box to hide in. I hope he says ‘yes,’ as it's easier to say it all quickly, and then he can kick me out as he gets mad at me.

  “Okay,” he says cautiously, looking so worried it hurts for a moment because I know I'm going to hurt him now. I clear my throat and drop my eyes to his blue bed sheets before starting.

  “Right, well, last night I followed my brothers to an illegal fight and got myself into trouble, but Tristan found me. He pretended I was with him, so he had to kiss me in front of a creepy guy who wouldn't stop asking questions about me.” Blake doesn’t say anything as his jaw clicks, so I carry on my mumbling.

  “I'm so sorry, I was scared and in shock. Well, I still am, but I feel like crap because I knew it would hurt you.” I stop talking, knowing there isn’t much else I can say, and slowly raise my eyes to his.

  Blake is staring at me with a mix of anger, jealousy, and a hint of worry, but he says nothing as we stare at each other for what feels like a long time but may have been only five minutes.

  He finally slides his hand behind my neck, pulling me to meet his lips in a rough and demanding kiss. I know this is his way of showing me I’m his, and I moan as he pushes his tongue into my mouth and I’m reminded of the amazing taste of him. Blake gently pushes me into the mattress with his strong body and holds my hands above my head as he pulls out of the kiss to look at me.

  Blake sighs before resting his forehead against mine and whispers, “It's all right. I might want to kill Tristan, but he was right to do that,” he starts calmly, but the tone changes quickly as he clearly is thinking of everything else I said. “What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt, or worse.” He is not shouting, but he’s loud. I can feel his anger, but he doesn't scare me. The worry and love in his eyes makes me believe he is truly scared of me getting hurt.

  “I’m sorry, I don't like lies, and I saw you there. You know what they do and didn't say anything. I asked you. Do you fight, too?” Blake doesn’t answer, just stares into my eyes.

  “What else don't I know?” I say in a breathless whisper as my anger vanishes into hurt.

  He seems to realise something before letting me go and getting up off the bed to pace the room.

  “Yes, I do know; no, I don't fight. I just go because they are my mates, and, well, they don't have a choice,” he mutters while running his hands through his hair.

  “What the hell do you mean ‘they don't have a choice’?” I ask, moving off the bed to the other side and heading for the door. Blake groans, following me, and turns me by my shoulders so I can look at him. I can see the argument in his head about the need to tell me and keeping my brothers’ secret.

  “I can't, Izzy, they’re my best mates. They are like brothers to me, and I’ve already hurt them by lying about us. I promised them, and I can't break that. Please don't ask me to. I want to tell you, but I can't.” He holds my hands and rubs his thumb over my palm in a plea for me not to ask.

  I don't say anything for a while and just look at him. If it’s possible, I respect and love him more.

  Holy crap, I love him; that's crazy. Instead of saying anything, I push my body up his, placing my hands on his chest, and say, “You’re amazing, you know that? Kiss me. I want you today; just me and you.”
/>   He looks at me for a while before leaning down and kissing me in a deeper way than he ever has before. He pulls me up by my ass, which he seems to like doing, and my legs go around his waist as he pushes me into the wall, causing a long, embarrassing moan from me. I can feel how hard he is pressed against me, and it’s driving me crazy with the feel of his strong body pushed against mine. Blake’s scent surrounds me, making me feel safe and so very turned on all at the same time.

  He leans back, breaking the kiss to pull my top off in a way that reminds me he knows what he is doing, and he unclips my bra before kissing me again deeply. Blake moves his impressive mouth to kiss my neck and finally moves down to my breasts. I arch into him and moan as he swirls his tongue around my nipple, then moves to the other one. I rub myself against the hard length of him to relieve some of the pressure down below, and he stops to kiss me again before moving us to the bed. I move up the bed, lying bare-chested in front of him, the room bright from the sun, as Blake takes me in with a small, happy smirk.

  Blake pulls the button on his jeans open before he stops to look down at me for a second with a silent question, and I nod at him. I want this. I may have turned up upset today, but being with Blake is the right thing for me. He kicks off his shoes, then pulls his top off to show his delicious chest, and his jeans go next.

  I’m a little shocked as his impressive erection pops out, standing tall. I had forgotten how stunning he is. My mouth waters at the sight, but my mind worries a little about how the hell that is going to fit inside me when I nearly choked with him in my mouth before. I finally lift my gaze to Blake’s to find him staring at me with a big smirk this time, showing off those dimples I love. I know this is what I want, so I slowly pull my jeans and thong down as he watches, and then I push them off the bed.

  Blake pulls me up off the bed into a scorching kiss as our bodies push against each other, and I wrap my hand around his cock. Blake doesn’t let me stroke his hard cock for long before breaking the kiss and pushing me back to the bed. He stares at me with such longing as his blue eyes turn darker, like he is trying to remember every second with me. Blake opens his bedside cabinet and takes out a condom. He rips the packet and slides it on.


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