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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 21

by G. Bailey

  “Do you really love her?” Seb asks, looking at me as I snap out of my thoughts.

  “More than my life, dude,” I say hoarsely, while worrying about Izzy. She was covered in blood, had a massive hand print on her face, and her arm was bent wrong. She looked like a fallen angel. When she called me an angel, it was never me. It was her.

  “I'm sorry I punched you; it's just, I don't want her hurt,” Seb says, looking angry but resigned. “You took a bullet trying to get to her, and you came with us to save her despite being shot.” He stops and rubs the back of his head before saying in a low voice, “I know how it feels to love someone. I loved Maisy before she left. I would have done the same–hell, maybe still would–and you look at Izzy the same way. Look, what I'm trying to say is, I'm cool with this.” He struggles to say the words, and I know it takes a lot out of him to even bring up Maisy's name, let alone admit he loved her.

  “Thanks, man,” I say and nod at him. He stands, walking over and gives me a quick man hug before breaking away. I know we have a lot to work on before he will trust me again, but it’s a start.

  “Hell, you've always been like a brother to me, maybe soon you'll actually be my brother-in-law.” He laughs and sits back in the chair next to me.

  I laugh with him, and I actually like the idea of Izzy wearing my ring and everyone knowing she is mine, as caveman as that sounds.

  My thoughts stop as the door opens, and my mum walks in. She looks tired, and the usual happy smile is replaced with worry.

  “How is she?” I ask quickly and sit up more, despite the pain in my arm. I should have more of those pain killers, but I don't want to sleep until I know she is okay.

  “She has a concussion and a broken wrist.” She sighs deeply as she comes to sit on the end of the bed. “She was drugged with some kind of sedative, and that's why she is out of it. Overall, Izzy will be fine with some rest and six weeks in a cast. She is still sleeping the drugs off, and you should get some rest for her,” my mum adds, and I sag in relief against my pillows.

  “Thanks, Mum. Can I see her?” I ask, desperately needing to see with my own eyes that she is okay.

  “No, not until you rest. Izzy won't wake up anytime soon due to the drugs, son. I'm going to stay with her, as will her brothers, and tomorrow I will take you to her,” she says in a strong, no-argument tone, which I know well enough to know it’s the end of the discussion. After a brief silence, she says hesitantly, with a look at Seb, “Whatever happened tonight, I don’t want to know, but are you both safe now?” My mum looks at Seb again, and I know she is too smart for her own good. I glance at Seb, who nods, knowing he doesn’t mind what I tell her.

  I nod for an answer, and she sighs in relief before smiling. I want to be with Izzy, but I know there is little I can do for her in this condition. Yet, it still hurts I can't be there now.

  “Thanks for staying with him, Sebastian. I had no idea Izzy was your sister,” Mum says to Seb, who grins at me. My mum’s face clearly shows she’s lying and that she knew exactly who Izzy was.

  “Yeah, I'm guessing not telling you was part of their secret relationship.” Seb rolls his eyes at me, making me chuckle.

  “We had a plan to tell you, one month of just me and her. She didn’t want her ‘crazy, over-protective brothers involved,’ as Izzy put it.” I chuckle, and Seb and Mum laugh with me.

  “Right, I have the pills you need for the pain, take them now. I’m going to see Izzy, and I'll be back soon. You’re lucky I’m letting you out of my sight for another minute. I could have lost you tonight,” my mum says, with tears running from her eyes as she hands me the pills with a glass of water while she rants away. I can see the worry and stress on her face, making me feel bad that she has to worry. I swallow the pills before handing the water back to her.

  I put my hand over hers. “I'm okay. I'm here, and we are both safe," I say to her as I know this must bring back bad memories of Dad’s car crash.

  Hell, it does for me, but my worry over Izzy is far greater. I could have lost her today, and I know I wouldn’t have been able to make it through that alive.

  Just seeing her in that chair, covered in blood and bruises, will haunt me for a long time. I won’t forget that asshole holding a gun to her head, it was the worst moment of my life. My beautiful Izzy, and I couldn't stop them from taking her. My mind relaxes as I know I’ll never leave her side again as long as she wants me in her life. I love her so god damn much it hurts to ever think of a world without her in it.

  “I know. Izzy is like a daughter to me already, and I can't lose either of you. So don’t go breaking her heart, or I might have to kill you myself,” my mum jokes, bringing my gaze to her worried faced face as Seb snickers behind her. Clearly, he thinks the idea of my tiny mum trying to hurt me is hilarious, but he hasn’t seen her angry.

  “We are safe, and I’m never letting her go,” I say, closing my eyes and lying back, feeling dizzy. The pain fades away, and I think of Izzy’s beautiful face as I fade into a deep sleep.



  I wake up to an annoying beeping noise and groan, everything hurts as I become aware of my body, well, mainly my arm. The bloody thing is killing me. I can smell bleach and that lovely smell of the man I love, which must mean Blake is near. My body relaxes as I want to drift back off to sleep, knowing Blake is near me and I’m safe. Wait, where am I?

  I blink my eyes open to a bright room and turn my head away from the light to see a head of blond hair resting on my leg. My heart beats faster as I want to cry. I move my hand through Blake’s soft hair. I can’t believe he is here with me, and alive.

  Blake’s head snaps up, and he looks at me with those beautiful, blue eyes I was worried I'd never see again. Blake looks terrible with baggy eyes and his hair all over the place. I even notice he has a beard slowly growing in, but to me, he looks amazing and makes my breath catch.

  “Beauty, you . . . are you okay?” he mutters, rubbing his sleepy eyes with one hand like he can’t believe I’m actually here. My eyes water without my permission as I look him over, and he moves closer to me, wiping my tears away the best he can with one hand.

  “Don't cry, please, it’s killing me,” he says, and I don't realise how upset I am until his voice rolls over me, making me sob as I lean my head into his hand.

  “I . . . I thought I lost you when I heard that gun shot. God, Blake, I love you.” I cry more, not having any control anymore, and he pulls me into a hug, gently resting me on his chest.

  “I love you so damn much, beauty,” he says, and I can hear he is just holding in his own tears. We hold each other for a long time as the strong heartbeat next to my ear calms me down.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you quick enough.” He pulls away slightly to look down at me as I wipe my face free of tears.

  “You got to me in the end, and that’s all that matters. I’m yours, Blake, for however long you want me,” I say, sobbing a little and needing to be close to him.

  “Forever, beauty; I’ll never stop wanting you.” He groans and kisses me gently before pulling away.

  I pull back and look at my wrist, which is in a sling like Blake’s, but my wrist is in a bright-blue plaster.

  “Huh, so we are matching?” I ask with a smile, and Blake laughs.

  “Yes, I was shot in the arm, and you have ten stitches in your head. As well as a broken wrist that needs to stay in plaster for six weeks,” he says, his face shows that it’s clearly painful for him to even say those words.

  “Not too bad, but who chose the blue cast? My favourite is–”

  I’m stopped when Blake says, “Purple, but Elliot was asked what colour, and he thought they meant his favourite.” He smiles at me as we both start laughing.

  “Can you help me up?” I ask, wincing at the pain in my arm as I try to move myself to the side of the bed.

  “Let me call the nurse. You've slept two days, and I'm worried,” he says, stopping me and kissing my forehead. He
leaves to look for a nurse.

  I sit back and sigh as I badly need the toilet. I try to get up on my own, but not long after Blake leaves, Sebastian walks into the room with a big grin on his face.

  “Finally, you’re awake, sis,” he says and hugs me gently before he sits next to me. Sebastian takes my other hand, giving it a light squeeze as he talks. I notice his clothes are all wrinkled, and it looks like he hasn’t slept or shaved in days.

  “Don't ever scare me like that again. You okay? Do you need anything?”

  “I'm good, and Blake’s gone to get the nurse. What happened to the guys who took me? I don’t remember much after they were shot,” I say, shuddering a little as I remember the snake man on the floor covered with blood and the other guy knocked out.

  “I have no idea, sis. Arthur will sort it out, but I doubt they will live. I wish we could have killed him, but it wouldn’t make us any safer. We will fight the remaining fights we owe, and then we are done,” he says grimly, and whatever he sees on my face makes him frown at me.

  “I don’t like the idea of them being dead. I’m worried about the police,” I say, answering his unasked question of why I’m worried.

  “They deserve it for nearly killing you, so don’t you feel bad for them, and the police think all this happened in the car. It’s best you say you don’t remember anything, Izzy. I will explain the whole story we made up later, but Harley has paid off the staff enough that they won’t tell the police.” He stops, and I wait silently for him to continue.

  “The car is sorted too, but yeah, if anyone asks, you don’t remember the night,” he finishes, and I nod in agreement. They may have been hired, but they could have killed me and Blake in the car accident, and one of those bastards shot Blake. I can't feel bad for how it turned out for them, but I’m glad Harley has sorted out a story, and the police won’t be involved in this.

  “So I'm, I mean, we are safe?” I ask and look into his eyes as he squeezes my hand and nods.

  “Yes. We are all safe,” he says sternly, making me believe him. Blake walks back in with a small smile, and behind him follows a nurse in a blue uniform. She is very pretty, and she seems nice as she shyly smiles at me. She must be around our age, or a little older, with black hair pulled into a high ponytail. Black glasses frame her face, hiding her eyes. Overall, I’m surprised Sebastian hasn’t hit on her already. He must be worried about me, not to notice her.

  “Hello, Elizabeth, how are you feeling?” she asks with a slight, Irish accent while checking my monitors.

  “I’m okay, just my wrist hurts, but I need to use the bathroom,” I say quietly, and she smiles at me.

  “I’ll get the wheelchair and move you over,” she says as she writes in my notes.

  “No. I’ll carry her, it’s only a few steps,” Sebastian says, stopping her from speaking, and I nod at her when she raises a questioning glance in my direction.

  “All right. I’ll get you some food and pain medicine. You need your antibiotics too, which you’re having just in case of infection because of that cut on your head.”

  She smiles at me before she unclips my lines from the IV drip and starts to walk out.

  “Mr. Frost, you should be in bed. Your mum will tell me off if you don't sleep soon,” she says with a slightly worried look in Blake’s direction, and then she leaves. I’m guessing Summer can be a little scary when it concerns her son.

  “Come on, sis, let's get your skinny butt into the bathroom,” Sebastian chuckles.

  Blake opens the door as Sebastian puts an arm under my thighs and my back, and then lifts me up easily, as if I weigh nothing.

  He puts me down gently on the toilet and Blake says, “I’ll deal with her from here, and I’ll call you for a lift.” He grins at Sebastian.

  “Oi, I'm not a taxi, but I’ll go and call our brothers to let them know you’re awake. I’m sure they’ll all be here soon,” he says with a laugh, patting my shoulder. They are laughing together, and I hope that means Sebastian will eventually accept our relationship. “All right, I’ll leave my future brother-in-law to deal with you,” he says with a grin and walks out.

  I panic, internally cursing my brother and look at Blake’s smiling face as he pulls the door shut behind him.

  “I'm sorry, he didn't mean that. Sebastian is just being an ass, so please don't freak out. I don't expect that from you at our age–”

  Blake shuts me up with a deep kiss, and I sigh as he pulls away then kneels in front of me. “Believe me, Izzy, when I say I want all of that with you, the wedding, some kids, and a house to call our own. I almost lost you, and I'll never be stupid enough to let you go. You’re mine, and I will make you my wife one day. So no, I'm not freaking out. Now, let's clean you up.”

  I sit in shock as he helps me use the bathroom and showers me. Blake spends extra time putting a black bag around my cast and sitting me in the shower chair.

  “My mum brought a few black bags for you while you’re here.” He winks at me, making me laugh and love that his mum is so sweet.

  Blake uses the shower to gently wash my hair and avoid my cut. Even while I’m naked in front of him, he doesn’t notice as he looks after me. I fall even more in love with him as he finally helps me dry off and dresses me in some PJs from home.

  “A taxi service is needed,” he shouts through the door, and I giggle as I suddenly feel tired while I rest against Blake.

  “I'm not a taxi,” Sebastian mutters as he opens the door and gently picks me up, then puts me on the bed with a smile.

  Blake tucks me in and puts on a movie that we all sit and watch. A nurse brings me food and tablets a little later, and I take them with some thanks. I fall asleep holding my boyfriend’s hand and feeling safe, loved, and mainly lucky.

  I wake up some hours later with Blake gone, and in his place is Luke. I gently nudge him out of his sleep, and he looks up with a grin. Luke looks recently showered, but he must have been exhausted to fall asleep on the edge of my bed. I wonder if any of my brothers slept while I was sleeping.

  “Sis, you’re awake. I was worried,” he says, clearly relieved, and kisses my forehead.

  “I’m happy to see you, too. Where are Blake and Sebastian?” I ask, feeling worried having Blake out of my sight. I know it’s a silly fear, but I can’t help myself from asking.

  “Well, Blake was forced by his mum to go back to his bed, but he is being discharged tomorrow, and Sebastian was sent home by Harley to get some sleep. Harley just went to get some food and will be back to see you later.” He smiles at me, clearly picking up on my worry.

  “Well, thanks for being here for me to wake up to. I don’t think it would have been okay waking up alone, and thank you for saving me,” I say and hold his hand.

  “You never need to thank me, Izzy, but you would have been fine waking up on your own. You’re a King and far fucking stronger than you look. We should have protected you more, and I’m sorry about that.” Luke fills me with his good words, for a second acting far older than he should be.

  “I'll try to be, and don’t be sorry Luke,” I say with a sigh.

  “You won’t try, you just are. Just like you are Izzy King.” He winks at me, making me grin.

  Harley walks into the room with a paper bag and a big smile.

  “There’s my beautiful sister.” He smiles kindly. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Harley look so casual. Harley is usually always wearing suits, and now he has on black sweats with a white polo shirt. It’s quite the shock. I’ve always wondered what he works out in because he always works out at work and then comes back in a suit. Sebastian swore once that he does actually have clothes that aren’t suits, and I guess he was right.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” he says, spreading a mixture of food across the small side table and pouring me a glass of water.

  “Actually, I am.” I smile as I accept his glass of water.

  We all eat sandwiches and crisps in silence before Harley says, “Izzy, you should have to
ld us about your relationship with Blake. I know why you didn’t, but I believe he is good for you. We have all discussed it and we may be a little mad with you both, but we know he loves you, and I’m guessing you love him.”

  “Blake is everything to me,” I say, blushing.

  “Well, I can’t say we will be letting him stay over in your room anytime soon, but I’ll get used to the idea.” Harley laughs.

  “Thank you,” I say in tears, reaching a hand out to Harley, who accepts it with a small squeeze.

  “Izzy, there is one more thing. Do you want to see someone? Like, a therapist?” I don’t say anything as I think about it. “You went through something quite traumatic, and I’m worried it will have a long-term effect on you. But it’s your choice,” Harley says firmly.

  “I don’t think I need that, but if I do, I’ll ask. I promise,” I say, nodding at Harley.

  “Okay, we’ll put a film on then.” He grins, sitting in the spare chair next to me and kicking his feet up at the end of my bed. I smirk at him as I put on a romantic film, and I hear both their groans as I sit back, relaxing.



  It is now five days after my kidnapping, and I'm still stuck in the hospital feeling bored. But I'm up and walking around now, alone, without any dizziness.

  The stitches on my head hurt, and my arm stings sometimes, but I'm feeling better. A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, and I turn off the TV as I shout for whoever it is to come in.

  It’s Summer, and she walks over with a big smile before she kisses my cheek. "I wish I could hug you, but I don't want to hurt you, honey," she says and takes a seat in the chair by my bed.

  "Blake is having the same issue." I laugh, and she smiles with me.


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