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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 30

by G. Bailey

  "It's a four bedroom, and two of the bedrooms have ensuites," I say, stepping closer and tilting her chin so that she looks at me. Maisy leans into me, and I can smell her sweet perfume while her lips are close to mine.

  "Do you like it?" I ask, brushing a kiss to her cheek next to her lips. Her skin is always so soft, and it feels like an old friend as I brush my fingers down her cheek.

  She lets out a sigh before saying, "Yes, but it’s way too expensive, I bet." She looks up at me with a worried face.

  I never told her how much I would inherit because I never wanted to. It reminded me of my dad, but now I'm using it to help my family, putting it to good use.

  "I have a lot of money, believe me, and what is mine is yours because I've always been yours," I tell her as her eyes soften.

  Maisy shocks me by kissing me. She presses her lips to mine gently, as if she’s afraid I would say no. I would never reject her. It's the first time she has kissed me first, and it makes me want her so damn much. Her hands weave into my hair, and I grab her hips to tilt her more into me, as much as I can with the bump pressing into my stomach. My phone rings twice before she stops the kiss.

  "You should answer that." She smiles, and I can't help but grin.

  I pull it out, realizing my mistake too late. It's Elena, and her contact photo is one of us in bed, which she took and set as her contact photo on my phone. You can see she has no top on, and I don't in the photo, either.

  I look up into Maisy’s eyes, but to my horror, she is staring at the photo, paler than I’ve ever seen her. Fuck, no. I can’t believe I forgot about the damn photo.

  "I have to go," Maisy says before running away from me as quickly as she can, and I swear under my breath before following her.

  I manage to stop her in the lounge; I'm lucky she is pregnant and can't run that fast.

  "I'm so fucking sorry, I forgot she put that on there. I told her yesterday to leave me alone, but she clearly didn't understand," I blurt out, feeling as desperate as I’m sure I look.

  "It's just a reminder why we won't work. You can be in the baby’s life, but not mine. If it was anyone but her, I think I could have forgiven you, but why her?” Maisy shouts as she paces in front of me. “She destroyed us, and you let her!" she screams at me as she stops right in front of me. The pain all over her face is hard to look at.

  "I lost you, May. You left; the love of my life left without even seeing me. You were my best friend, and I went crazy. I wasn't thinking,” I shout back, losing my own temper, but she doesn’t flinch.

  “I just wanted to forget my fucking life and not live it. I know I messed this all up, but please give me a chance," I say gently this time, but she still looks so angry, and I’m actually surprised she hasn’t hit me. Most girls likely would have.

  "No, why would I? I want a man who will put me first and doesn't have pictures of him with a girl–who I hate–in bed, on his phone!" she shouts.

  Maisy just leaves this time. I let her, knowing she needs to calm down. I'm getting a new phone and a new number tomorrow. I should have deleted her number and that fucking picture. I'm an idiot.

  "Can you take me home, please?" Maisy asks Lucy as I walk into the room.

  "I'm buying the house,” I tell Lucy, whose eyes widen as she nods and looks back at Maisy.

  “Let me take you home, May," I say, and she shuts her eyes like she is trying to wish herself out of here.

  "Fine, I'll wait outside," Maisy says before walking out. It hurts to see her walk away from me like that. She is right, she deserves a better man than me. But I couldn't walk away if I tried. I need her. I don’t care how fucking selfish it makes me, no one will ever love Maisy as much as I do.

  "I want the house by the end of the week, and tell the owners I will give them twenty thousand more for the keys this week," I say, and she nods before opening her phone.

  "I'll call you after I have spoken to the owners, Mr. King." She nods, looking a little awkward. I know she must have heard the fight.

  “Bye, and I’m sorry you had to witness all that,” I say.

  “I’ve heard worse in my job.” She shudders, and I wave goodbye and leave her to it.

  I shake my head before walking out to see Maisy standing by my car. I unlock it, and she gets in. I try to speak to her on the way home, but she ignores me. I was so close to getting her back, and Elena fucked it up again. It seems like a regular thing right now, but I guess it's my fault for not deleting her number.

  When we pull up, Izzy is getting out of her car. She runs to Maisy when she gets out and hugs her as a greeting.

  "What's wrong? Is the baby okay?" she asks, frowning at the tears streaking down Maisy’s face, and Maisy pulls away.

  "The baby is fine. I just have to go," she tells Izzy, who then glares at me as she figures out I’ve done something.

  “What did you do, you idiot?” Izzy asks, standing with her arms crossed. I don’t reply as I run to stand in front of Maisy’s car door.

  "I'm a fucking idiot, May. Please let me fix this," I plead as she looks at me with an empty stare.

  "You can't fix what is completely fucked-up, Sebastian." My heart breaks at her words, more than from seeing her empty stare aimed at me.

  "Let her go, Sebastian. The stress isn't good for the baby. Your son can hear you now, and it's not fair," Izzy says, gently pulling me out of the way. She is right, and that makes me feel worse.

  "I'll call you later, May," I say and try to kiss her forehead, but she moves away.

  "Bye," is all she says as tears run down her face while she gets into the car. I don't want her to drive home in that state, but she will never let me take her home. She doesn't need her parents on her back too.

  "What happened? Should I get alcohol while you explain why you’re an idiot and I help you fix it?" Izzy jokes, trying to lighten my mood as she wraps her arm around my waist.

  I smile sadly at her and explain what happened. When I'm finished, we are sitting in the kitchen. I have a beer, and she has a coke.

  "You messed up, and you have to see it from her point of view, Seb. She is in a vulnerable situation, and you hurt her with the girl who broke you guys up." She looks away for a second before continuing as I continue to panic because I may have lost Maisy once again.

  "Right, you need to get rid of her number. Show Maisy it's her you want, and not because of the baby. I don't know if you can move past this, but I know that girl loves you. And she put up with you being an idiot for years already." Izzy takes my hand, giving it a squeeze.

  "You’re right. I'm getting a new phone and number. I'm changing everything because May deserves that. Thanks, sis."

  I give her a brief hug, and she complains that I'm squashing her. I make plans to change my life for the better. It's time I become the father, and boyfriend, Maisy needs in her life.



  I sit, plaiting my hair in one of those mermaid plaits I’ve seen on YouTube as my phone buzzes. I just finish my hair and add a little makeup before going to read it.

  Sebastian: please talk to me. I need to see you x

  Sebastian texts me again. God knows how many times this week he has tried to get me to talk to him. I haven't replied because I don't know how; part of me wants to forgive him and jump into his arms, and the other part is scared. I hate to admit I’m so scared, but I am. I was surprised when Seb came to the scan, and I think back remembering how that went.

  Seb walks into the waiting room looking like a Greek god while I'm waiting at the hospital, and he sits next to me. He doesn't say anything, and I have no idea what to say. All the females in the room stare at him as if he is going to do a strip tease any second. I turn off my kindle, I was in the middle of reading a cool book about these two best friends who find themselves in a new world with a guy, and one of them was actually born there.

  "It's good to see you," he finally says, and I nod at him, as I quickly look at his grey hoodie and tight jeans. I wonder, if I
dropped my kindle onto the floor, would he bend over to get it? Would I get a great view of how tight those jeans fit him?

  "I’m getting the silent treatment, huh? Well, I'll talk then." He takes my hand, and I don't bother pulling away, as I know it's useless.

  "Well, I understand why you won't reply, but I'm not giving up. The house will be ready for you to move into in about a week. Izzy and Allie are mad because you’re not talking to them, and they’re driving me fucking insane going on and on," he says, and I can't help but smile a little at the shocked face of the women in front of me as Sebastian goes on.

  “Allie keeps coming over with new things she says you need at the house, and Izzy is worse because she brings Blake, who keeps watching that show with those vampires,” he mutters the end part.

  I want to ask why Blake is watching a show about vampires, but Seb goes on.

  “I had to play referee between Allie and Elliot when they were both over the other day. You know his phone has the song “Milkshake” set as a ringtone, and he can’t change it. Allie refuses to help and even when he got a new phone, it somehow transferred over. The song is hilarious on Elliot’s phone.”

  I snort a little in laughter, and he smiles down at me.

  "You smell nice today, not that you don’t every day. Urgh, I’m an idiot. Anyway, I'm excited to see our son. I’ve been thinking that Bastian is a nice name," he carries on, a slight blush on his cheeks.

  I glare at him, and he chuckles.

  “Sebastian the second? I know! I think it's awesome, too." He smirks, and I can't help but giggle.

  He leans over and whispers into my ear, "I like Sebby, but you call me that when you want me, so that wouldn't work." He presses a gentle kiss under my ear.

  The midwife comes out and calls my name. I shake my head, getting rid of all thoughts of a seriously sexy Seb and walk into the room. She asks me for my forms and has me lie down. Seb drags a chair next to the bed and holds my hand as I pull my top up. I listen as his breath catches a little as he runs his hand over my stomach, and I cringe looking at my stretch marks. I have the urge to pull my top down, but I know I can’t. The midwife and sonographer are chatting while we wait, and I move Sebastian's hand away.

  "Don't, Seb. My stomach looks horrible," I whisper before looking at the blank screen.

  I feel a kiss placed to my stomach and look up into Seb's green eyes.

  "I always thought you were the most perfect girl I had ever seen. I spent hours looking over every part of your body, and I never found an imperfection. These beautiful marks make you more perfect, Maisy. They show how strong you are, that you carried our son inside you. I’m damn lucky to be able to see them on you. My idea of perfection was always you," he says, and my eyes well with tears.

  "Now, let's see this baby. Can you tell me your date of birth and your address before we start?" the sonographer says, and I repeat them for him.

  "A little cold now," he says, pouring the cold gel onto my tummy.

  He moves the device around my tummy before pointing at a beautiful pair of legs and then my son’s stomach. He shows us everything and takes a few pictures of the baby’s face as he sucks his thumb. I don't move my eyes from the screen until he stops, and I look over at Sebastian who has tears running down his face. I lift my hand to wipe them away, and he kisses my palm.

  "Thank you," he says in a rough voice.

  "You’re going to be a good father," the sonographer says, patting Sebastian's shoulder as he walks past.

  Seb doesn't say anything to me as the midwife says my scan came back great and for me to see my community midwife next week for the usual checks. She warns me that my blood pressure is a little high and advises me to take it easy for the next few weeks. She also added to eat more red meat because that’s been known to help. When it’s time to leave, Seb buys a few more copies of the scan photos, telling me that Izzy and Harley want their own photos.

  I'm standing at my car when Sebastian pulls me into a hug, but he can't get close because of the bump. He laughs a little.

  "You’re getting bigger, little man," he says to the bump, stroking his hands across it. The baby starts kicking, and Seb kneels in front of me, kissing my bump gently before speaking.

  "I can't wait to meet you, my little boy. You’re going to be so spoiled by your mummy and daddy. I love you so much, and we haven’t even met," he says and grins up at me as he feels our son kick a little more.

  Seb stands and leans in to press a little kiss to my cheek, very close to my lips. If I just moved my face a little, I would feel his soft lips on mine, and I know I would be lost.

  "I'm not going to give up on us, May, but I’ll wait for you. You’re it for me," he says, and I let him gently kiss my forehead.

  "Drive safe, okay?" he says with a sad smile, moving away.

  As I drive away, I look back to see him watching me with a worried expression.

  I shake my mind of Seb's sweet words and kisses to look around my empty room. There is no happiness here, and I’ve been so down for a week. My parents didn’t notice my upset mood when they finally decided to talk to me. I soon learnt they only wanted to demand I go on a date with Kyle tomorrow night, but I can't. I just need to tell them I’ve had enough of their games with my life.

  I groan, standing up and stretching my sore back muscles. I have a feeling this little boy is going to be big because he is hurting my back a lot these last couple of weeks. I start my maternity leave in a week, and I can't wait. These hours are killing me, and now Seb wants to help. I might not need to work so much. I’ve been thinking a lot, and I’ve realised that I can't let Elena stand in my way. If he wanted her, he would be with her. But he isn't, and I want him.

  I love him. I always have, and I always will. I plan to tell my parents over dinner, in a few minutes, that I’m going to be with Seb and move in with him. Then, I’m going to leave and find my man. It won't be easy, but the good things in life never are, and Sebastian King is a damn good thing in my life. My baby kicks in agreement with me, and I grin.

  I walk down the stairs, not enjoying the quiet house. My parents are sitting at the table as our kitchen chef brings in some plates. This guy is new, and I haven't met him yet, but he smiles gently at me. They have a new one nearly every two weeks because my mother loses her temper with the staff, and then they leave. I smile at the chef, and my mother glares at me. She hates it when I’m nice to the staff.

  My father starts the conversation as he gets some pasta, and I put salad on my plate before passing the bowl to my mother.

  "How is the baby?" he asks as he pours himself a large whiskey. My father always asks about the baby after I have a scan. I know it’s his way of caring, but it isn’t enough to change my mind about leaving.

  "Good. The scan went well. I have some news," I say, knowing it’s best to get this over with.

  "What now?" my mother asks as she drinks her wine quickly.

  "I'm moving in with Sebastian King. We are having the baby together," I say nervously.

  My mother throws her glass at the wall, where it shatters. My father just gets up and walks out with his bottle of whiskey. It hurts that he doesn’t look back at me once. The slam of the door seems to jet start my mother’s arguments.

  "No, you’re not. I will not let you disgrace our family further by being with that boy," she shouts at me, grabbing my arm as I stand up. I didn’t even notice her get close as I watched my father leave.

  "That man is the father of my child–your grandson–and I’ve always loved him," I shout back at her, trying to move away from her, but her nails dig into my arm. She slaps me hard across the face with her other hand, and I feel dizzy as I sway a little. I watch as she moves closer to me, her face is bright-red with anger now.

  "He is a waste of space. You don't think I know about that cage place he fights at. You go with him, and I’ll disown you. That boy will be just like his disgusting father. You won't get a penny off us," she threatens. She says something else
, but everything goes fuzzy before I feel myself falling, and then everything goes black.



  "Maisy, can you wake up for me?" a distant voice says to me, and I try to open my eyes, but I feel so tired.

  "I'm tired," I moan to myself, but I think I say it out loud. I try to open my eyes, but they feel weary, like the rest of me.

  I hear voices in the background as I drift off to sleep again.

  "May, we need you to wake up." I hear the soothing voice of Seb and feel someone stroking my cheek. I open my eyes to see Seb’s face close to mine, filled with worry.

  "Hey, what happened?" I ask as I look around and see that I'm in the hospital.

  The room is a bright-yellow with a matching, yellow curtain pulled around. I panic, rubbing my hands over my bump, and feel relieved when I feel him kick me. The smell of disinfectant floats through the room, and I have the urge to pull Seb down closer, so I can hug him.

  "He kicked me, our son is all right." I sigh, and Seb smiles as he helps me sit up.

  "You passed out, they said your blood pressure was too high, and the doctors have ordered you to have bed rest for a week, in hospital. The baby’s heartbeat is good, but they want you to rest from now on. God, May, when your dad called to say where you were, I freaked out.” He pulls my hands to his and rests his head on them as he talks.

  “I can't lose you or this baby. I love you," he says, looking up at me.

  I take his face into my hands and pull myself up to kiss him. At the moment our lips meet, we both sigh and melt into the kiss. I run my fingers down his neck to his shoulders as he takes control of the kiss. I break away with a smile.

  “I love you,” I tell him, and his eyes widen. I press a finger against his lips as I talk. "I told my parents I love you, and that I'm moving in with you. That's why I was stressed because they weren't happy with the idea, but I don't care. I want you, Sebby, if you still want me," I tell him, and I chuckle as he lights up with a massive smile.


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