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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 57

by G. Bailey

The words run around in my head until I know how stupid I am. I could never let him go; I have never been able to since I met him.

  "I love him."

  "I know that, it’s about time you caught up, bestie." Izzy nudges my shoulder with hers.

  "I'm an idiot; I pushed him away because I was scared. I don't care about Lily or the past. It's him I want," I say to a grinning Izzy.

  "You’d best be telling him that, he called me a few times last night to check on you," Blake says from my doorway, making both me and Izzy jump.

  "Holy shit, can you knock?" I say with a frown.

  "Sorry, I didn't want to scare you,” he says, but the smirk on his face doesn’t look sorry at all.

  “Honestly, with your hair looking like that, Allie, I'm feeling a little scared." Blake laughs, and I hear Izzy chuckle. I can’t look that bad.

  "Out, both of you."

  I shoo the laughing pair out of my room before searching for my phone. I find it in my bed, but it's flat so I charge it while I have a shower. One look at myself in the mirror shows how terrible I look. My hair is sticking in every direction, my mascara has run, and I must have eaten cheese puffs last night because I find one in my hair. Blake was right, I do look scary.

  I change into some skinny jeans and a long-sleeved, purple, V-neck top after my shower. I finish drying my hair and leave it down before turning on my phone. I’m surprised to see five phone calls from Tristan and none from Elliot. There's a voice message, so I play that before I call Elliot and Tris back.

  "Hey, Allie, can you come to our old house when you get this?" is all Tris says before it goes dead.

  What the hell was wrong with his voice on the phone? He sounded out of breath, and why would he want me at that house again. Deciding it's likely because he lost something there, I call Elliot three times before giving up and sending a simple text.

  Me: I'm a big idiot and I'm yours always. Call me x

  Not knowing what else to do, I leave for the drive to my old home. I should start calling it my dad’s place, I guess. I pull up around twelve at the house and frown when I don't see Tris’ car anywhere.

  I slam my door shut, hoping he just needs a lift, and let myself in. I walk into the kitchen to see my dad sitting alone at the table, drinking a coffee.

  "Alexandria, you decided to grace me with your presence," he sneers, not pretending to be the loving dad I'm used to. He is wearing an expensive suit, which I've never seen him in, and his grey hair is styled back. The scary blue eyes he has stare back at me, making me truly scared for the first time around my dad.

  "Where's Tris?" I ask, looking around.

  "Busy, and he will be for a long time," Dad says, and the way he says ‘long’ makes my skin crawl with worry.

  "Sit, Daughter," he asks, but I'm not stupid enough to realise it's not a request. I slide into the seat opposite him, never taking my eyes off him the entire time.

  "I don't like my orders being ignored," he states, looking pleased with himself.

  "I don't understand. Where's my brother?" I ask again and hold my hands together tightly in a way of reminding myself to hold it together.

  "I don't like repeating myself, either. Tris is busy, and I would be more concerned about explaining this to me. What is this?" He pushes a photo of me and Elliot, from his birthday. It's a nice photo of Elliot holding me in his arms, and I'm looking up at him. Dad slides another across the table, and I'm kissing Elliot in this one.

  "I love him," I say in a way of explaining.

  "He's a mutt, a fighting dog and nothing more. I warned you. I will see you tomorrow to discuss this further," Dad says, getting up.

  "There's nothing to discuss. I'm staying with him, and where the fuck is my brother?" I slam my hand on the table, and he smiles at me.

  "We will see. I don't think you will like the price of disobeying me," he says, not answering my question about Tris.

  “Like Elliot’s dad didn’t? Elliot told me you killed your best friend. Are you that fucked up that you are going to destroy your daughter’s life?”

  “Don’t speak to me like that, Alexandria.” My dad hits me across the face, and I stumble back, away from, him as I hold my cheek.

  “You know what, Dad? I’ve been slapped better than that by the bitches at my old school,” I say to him with a glare.

  “You are so much like your mother, always back-chatting me. Do as you are told for once,” he says to me.

  My insides feel like glue as I watch him walk out of the room. The front door slamming finally makes me move, and I pull my phone out. I quickly call Tris. I know he has him, so I'm not sure why I’m trying. Tris is his son, so why would he hurt him?

  I try Elliot again, with no answer. I know there is only one other person who might be able to help me.

  "Harley, my dad has my brother, and I can't get a hold of Elliot. I'm driving over to his now, can you help me?" I sob the last words so much that I almost miss what Harley says.

  "You’re our family now, so yes, I’ll help you. I’ll meet you at Elliot's," he says, and I can hear him moving around in the background.

  "Okay, and thank you," I say, wiping my tears to collect myself as I put the phone down. I keep telling myself over and over on the way to Elliot's that Tris is his son so he won't kill him.

  I pull up, and Harley is outside waiting for me.

  "I tried to buzz up, but he didn't answer. I have a spare key, hold on," Harley says, going back to his car and coming back with another set of keys.

  "I have keys to everyone’s homes, just in case," he says, smiling at me, but I can't smile back while Tris isn't here. I'm a crap sister for not realising Tris needed me.

  "We will find him. Arthur is a lot of things, but I don't think he will kill his only son," Harley says with his mouth in a tight line. I doubt even he believes his comforting words for me.

  I nod and start walking up the stairs. Harley follows and goes to unlock Elliot's door, but it swings open. I panic, going to rush in, but Harley grabs my arm, pulling me behind him, and gestures for me to be quiet by putting a finger against his lips. I follow and gasp when I see Elliot's apartment is trashed. What's worse is there is blood on the floor in the kitchen, which I can see from where I am. It looks like a lot.

  “Allie, listen to me,” Harley says and grabs my shoulders so that I look away from the blood. My heart is pounding so hard in my ears that I just barely hear him. I can’t lose Elliot, not him.

  "I’m going to check the other rooms, but call Luke for me," Harley tells me.

  "What about Sebastian?" I say numbly.

  "No, Maisy needs him, and just . . . no," Harley says, and I nod in understanding.

  Harley walks off, and I pull my phone out. All my movements are slow, and I’m sure I’m in shock.

  "Luke, it's Allie," I say.

  "I do have your number saved. What's up?" he asks.

  "You need to come to Elliot's apartment right now, it's an emergency," I say, not knowing what to tell him on the phone.

  I hear a female giggling in the background, and Luke says, "Be quiet." After a small pause, he says, "I will be right there, Allie. You’re not alone, are you?"

  "No, Harley is here," I tell him, and I hear a rustle of clothing in the background.

  "Where's Elliot?" he asks.

  "That's the emergency. I think my dad took him and Tris to punish me for dating Elliot," I say the words I know are true.

  "It's not your fault–” he starts, but a female voice interrupts in the background.

  “Fuck, all right. I'm getting dressed, Allie, and I have to go," he says.

  "Bye," I say, putting down the phone as Harley walks in.

  "Why would your dad want to punish you? I thought he knew about you and Elliot?" Harley asks, clearly overhearing some of the conversation.

  "No, he told me if I dated Elliot he would kill him. I told Elliot, but he wouldn't listen, and if anything happens to him, I will never forgive myself," I manage to say, dropp
ing to my knees right in front of the pool of blood on the kitchen floor. The sight of it makes me feel sick, and I burst into tears, not being able to control it. Harley puts his hand on my back and crouches next to me.

  "We will find them, did your dad say anything else?" he asks me.

  "No, just that he will call me tomorrow," I tell him and try to calm myself down.

  "Arthur loves the attention and putting on a show. He won't kill Elliot without one of us being there, and if it's your punishment, he will want you there," Harley tells me honestly. I like that he doesn’t lie to me.

  "I need to tell him I love him, I never did," I say and end up crying more than before.

  "He knows anyway," Harley says, picking me up from behind and pulling me into a hug.

  "You’re a King now, and we fight for each other. We will get them both back, Allie," Harley whispers, like a promise.

  I hope to God we get them in time because I can't lose either of them.



  “Your name Ed?” I ask the stupid, fucking boy in front of me. It doesn’t matter that he is five years older than me, it’s clear he is a fucking idiot. It didn’t take me long to find him, after he has been telling everyone how much of a slut Allie is. She really isn’t. His door was even open for me when I got here, and he is all alone in front of the TV with a beer. I cannot see why Allie would have gone near him; he is skinny and blond. Why would Allie let him have her first time?

  “Yeah, what of it?” he asks with a laugh. I take my leather jacket off and throw it on one of the sofas in the college apartment.

  “You know Allie Lewis?”

  “Yeah, hot bitch I fucked a month ago? She was good, man, and so easy. If you want advice . . .” he carries on as all I see is red. I pick him up by the stupid, polo shirt he is wearing and slam him onto the ground.

  “What the fuck? If you’re her boyfriend, she didn’t tell me, man.” He puts his arms out as he stutters out his excuse.

  I pick him up again and punch him hard in the face, not hard enough to knock him out, but I do hear his nose break.

  “You shouldn’t treat girls like shit, I heard what you did,” I say as he tries to pull himself out of my grasp.

  “Sorry, she was just an easy lay.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, but you say another word about Allie or see her again, and I will break every bone in your body.”

  “Okay,” he mumbles, and I let him drop to the ground. I grab my jacket and walk out of the stupid fuck’s house.

  "What the fucking hell is–" I stop myself as my body reminds me of what happened. I can't see with the blindfold on, but the smells alone tell me I'm at The Cage. The rough bars at my back, and the hard floor, confirm that I know where I am.

  I know who sent five guys to take me out yesterday, or was it today? My arms are tied to the bars of the cage, and my legs are tied at the ankles. A few wriggles with the rope tell me I am not getting out of them. They are so tight I can hardly feel my fingers.

  My head is killing me from the hit one of those dickheads managed to get in after I knocked two of them out and stabbed the third in my kitchen with his own knife. I was expecting Allie, and not them, when the door opened; I had had a few drinks. I still know I should have fought better and never fucking let this happen. Mistakes get you killed in this fucking place. One of the only lessons my father taught me that matters.

  My body feels all right, but I know I've been given something. I feel dizzy and sick, which isn't a good sign when you've been hit on the head.

  "Elliot," a groggy voice comes from my right, and I turn my head in that direction, even if I know it's pointless as I can't see a fucking thing. The room has no lights on, I can tell it's not just the blindfold causing the darkness.

  "Tris?" I ask the man next to me; he sounds a little like him, but I can't tell.

  "Yeah, man," he mutters then coughs. His cough sounds wet, and I wonder if Tris is in the same position as I am.

  "Are you tied up, too? I can't see you working with your psychotic daddy on this one," I say in a gruff voice.

  “Yeah, I’m tied up and am no use to try and escape with right now,” he says.

  "How bad?" I ask.

  "Bad," is his reply, and then he coughs more. Allie must be going mental. I can’t let her brother die. She would lose herself.

  "I'm sorry about Lily," Tris says, and I grimace at him, knowing he can't even see me.

  "Why are you sorry?" I ask, dreading the answer I've always guessed. Lily spent a lot of time with Tris since we were kids, and she always told me he was like a brother to her.

  "I slept with her a few times while you were together. I always loved her. But I couldn't have her, so when she kissed me I couldn't stop. I felt like shit about what happened, but I couldn't stop myself."

  He stops talking to cough again before continuing.

  "She promised me she loved me after you two broke up. Allie told me what she did to you at that party, and then she was with me the next day. I can't love her anymore, but I am fucking sorry that I touched her when she wasn't mine," he says. I can hear the apology in his words.

  "Honestly, I don't blame her. I wasn't in love with her. Lily knew this, and I guess that’s why she went to you. I'm sorry she screwed you over too, man." I chuckle after the end part, and so does Tris.

  "Shit, don't make me laugh, it fucking hurts," he says, making me chuckle a little more.

  "Do me a favour? If I don't make it out of this, look after Allie. She loves you, always has, and I shouldn't have stepped in the way of you two. I was very fucking wrong to do that," he admits.

  "You’re going to be fine, Tris, but I think you did the right thing," I tell him.

  "Really?" he asks, sounding confused.

  "Yeah, if I’d dated her then, Arthur would have easily killed me for it. Hell, my dad would have helped him," I mutter.

  "Look after her, I think I'm going to pass out," Tris mumbles before I can only just hear his shallow breaths.

  "Tris?" I ask.

  "Yeah, Elliot?" he asks breathlessly.

  "We are going out for drinks when we get out of here. I know Luke misses your ass," I tell him.

  I hear Tris chuckle before he answers. "Sounds good, but Dad will kill me. I didn't do what he wanted, he has lost it this time," he says in a whisper I can just barely hear.

  "What did he want?" I growl the words.

  "For me to kill you. I was going to; I had the gun and went to your house. I saw Allie there with you, and she looked happy. I've never seen anyone in love before, but I could see how much she loves you. I knew the price I would pay for not doing it," he pants out, and I'm shocked.

  "You knew. You should have told us, we would have protected you," I tell him.

  "I don't want you involved, man. Allie needs someone after all this is over. She can't lose both me and you," he replies.

  "Fuuuck, this isn't good," I mutter.

  "No shit," Tris chokes out.

  I've got to get out of this. My hands are tied to a bar behind me with what I know is metal, so I have no chance at breaking it. I rub my head against the pole I'm leaning against and eventually shimmy my blindfold down enough that it drops to my neck. I see a faint light by the doors on the other side of the room, but everything is slowly going blank for me. I shake my head, trying and failing to stop the blackness from taking over. My last thought before my head drops is how I need to tell Allie I love her one more time.



  The days pass in a blur. I know it's been a week, or at least a week, since I've been taken. They moved us not long after I passed out, and I haven't seen anyone other than the goon Arthur sends to kick the shit out of me every day. I can't feel my face, so I know it must look bad. I feel that at least a few ribs are broken. They dislocated my shoulder one day, but I managed to click it back into place when they untied me once. They untie me once a day, so I can eat and use the toilet. Unfortunately, they
point a gun at me the whole time, so I know it’s pointless to try to escape. I’m pretty sure the food has drugs in it, I feel weak and sick all the time now. I’m lucky none of them have broken anything else.

  I need to get the fuck out of here. I hear the door being opened, and the light outside blinds me. Some guys say a few words and, suddenly, I’m being dragged outside. This is new. I'm thrown into a white van, but I can't see much because the light is still too bright after not seeing it for however long. I want to stand up and fight, but I can’t. It’s not the right time.

  The doors are slammed shut. It's not any use to escape while my hands are tied behind my back. I look around and see Tris bundled in the corner, passed out. Shit, he looks bad, and he’s covered in bruises. Someone must have helped him because his arm is wrapped up in a bandage, but it's still bleeding badly. I want to help him, but I can't. His hands are tied like mine, but his feet are undone.

  Looking around again, I spot, by the door, a bit of metal that's come loose. It might be enough to cut through the rope on my hands. I manage, with a lot of pain, to get over to it somehow. I spend however long, rubbing the ties against the broken metal part, not feeling it give much because the ropes must be too tight. The van lurches to a stop, and I move away quickly knowing I can't let them guess what I was doing. The light isn't so bad when the doors open again, and two beef heads drag me and Tris out of the van.

  I look around when we get out, seeing that we are on an old bridge over a river. There are trees everywhere, and the bridge itself looks years old and handmade with old wood. I panic, knowing exactly why we're here. A fast flowing river that’s filled with rocks, from the looks of it, isn't going to be easy not to drown in. I look over at Tristan, who isn't even awake, as his legs drag across the ground. Arthur is standing in the middle of the bridge. The weather isn't good as it's lightly raining, and I'm guessing it’s late afternoon as it's not quite dark yet.

  "Boys, wake him up," Arthur says with his eyes locked on mine. I can see the anger bubbling in them and the tense stance he has going on. The urge to fucking kill him is unreal. I still can't believe the fucker is related to my Allie.


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