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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 78

by G. Bailey

  "Emmy?" Allie gently says, picking up my tablet and holding my hand. "You alright?" she asks, knowing what this means to me. My son's father is here, and that risks everything. Every single one of the people in this room knows the truth about who Parker's father is, but Parker doesn't. My husband doesn't. Thank god Eric isn’t here today at least. That fishing trip was a good plan to send him on. The Kings aren’t the biggest fans of Eric, but Luke, he would start a war that he couldn’t finish.

  "I-I'm okay," I stutter, taking the tablet as everyone stares at me. "He doesn't know about Parker, and no one is going to say anything, right?" They all mumble agreements, except Elliot who looks away.

  "Why did he come back now?" Elliot asks. “He best have a good fucking excuse.”

  "He said he couldn't miss my wedding," Izzy adds in.

  "I think we should kidnap him at the after-party while everyone is busy. I can get the rope from my car, don't worry it's the strong kind that no one is escaping. Then we can tie him to a chair and find out where the hell he has been this entire time," Allie calmly suggests.

  "I think that's illegal, Allie," Maisy points out, and everyone can't help but chuckle as Allie shrugs her shoulders. "Also, why do you have rope in your car?"

  "For extra sexy activities, of course," Allie states, and Elliot just groans. Always the honest one, Allie.

  "Anyways, I think cornering him and asking might get us the answers we want," Maisy suggests. “He wouldn’t have come back if he didn’t expect to answer some questions on where he has been. Why he hasn’t said a word to us.”

  "No, let him come to us. I mean it. This is my wedding, and I want all my family here. I didn't think I'd ever get lucky enough to have Luke here, but here we are. I’m marrying Blake, and he needs his best men. So, go, and behave," Izzy demands, her hands on her hips as she glares at us all. Elliot and Sebastian quickly make their way out of the room, and I try to sneakily follow.

  "Stay, Emilia," Maisy gently demands, and I look over my shoulder, seeing them all staring at me before I reluctantly agree and shut the door.

  "I should go and get in my spot before-"

  "Emilia, come on. It's us. Your friends," Izzy says, coming over to me and resting her hands on my shoulders. Though I'm a little taller than her, even in her high heels and she has to look up at me. My own heels aren't high today, not after all the running around to get this wedding just right. There are so many people here, and this is one hell of a big wedding to plan on my own. I really need to get an assistant. I keep running over every little silly thing in my mind to try and avoid any thoughts of Luke. What does he look like now? Does he still have that cheeky smile? Is his hair still ridiculously soft? Can he still make me lose my mind like no one else can with just one kiss? Does it still feel like home when I'm near him?

  "I'm really okay. It's been five years, and I'm sure I'm nothing but a distant memory to him," I say after clearing my throat.

  "Yeah...but-" Maisy starts, but I interrupt her.

  "No buts; I'm going to get things ready. That’s my job today, and you are going to get married to the love of your life. You have waited years, passed college and bought your own home before getting married. This day is about you. I can freak the hell out tomorrow," I tell Izzy, and she comes over, pulling me into a tight hug and rubbing my back before stepping away.

  "Emmy is right. You get your ass married to that hunky fella of yours and then go on that honeymoon to Hawaii. We’ll handle everything, including Luke's return and text you updates," Allie demands. “If he tries to leave, we have plan B: the rope.” I can’t help but chuckle at the idea of Allie getting out rope and trying to kidnap Luke. He was a muscular guy five years ago, and if he still looks the same, it wouldn’t be easy.

  "Okay," Izzy finally agrees, a big smile lighting up her face. "I can't wait to marry him. It feels like I've waited forever."

  "You guys have taken a long time. Even Elliot and I got married first," Allie says, reminding us all of that big surprise.

  "In Vegas, while you were both drunk. I still can’t believe you two did that without me there," Maisy says, pouting her lips.

  "Still counts as the best wedding. I never wanted the big wedding, neither did Elliot, but it was perfect for us," Allie says, which makes a lot of sense. Elliot isn't the kind of guy that likes a lot of attention from the little I know of him. The girls start talking more as my watch buzzes, reminding me I have a job to do. I quickly make my escape through the doors and into the corridor. I pause, lifting my head high and taking a deep breath. Luke King is back.

  119 Luke

  I walk into the small castle that they booked for the wedding after finding a space to park the car. The journey here was tense, to say the least. Harley clearly doesn’t know what to say to me, and I feel the same way. I’m not the kid I was five years ago, and it’s different between us now. Harley sticks close to my side as we walk through the flower-covered entrance, down the hallway, and up the steps following directions to the main part of the wedding in flowery writing on cute signs. I look around and notice that it seems like every little detail is taken care of. Whoever the wedding planner is, she sure knows what she’s doing. Everything is classy and nicely decorated in a stunning way. We walk to the wooden doors, which are open, looking into the small ceremony room. There are white chairs on each side of a pathway leading to an altar covered in white petals. Fairy lights are hung around the room, and the big window behind the archway gives off amazing views of the mountains. I spot Tristian with a woman sitting next to him as we walk down the pathway, and his eyes widen in shock before I look over at the other shocked face in the room. Blake is at the end of the aisle, next to Sebastian who is warily watching me. I keep my eyes on my brother, and he shakes his head before looking away from me. That’s not a good reaction from Seb. I know we need to talk later. Elliot is sitting with a little girl on his lap, and from her dark hair, I'm guessing it’s Isabelle, Seb's daughter that I haven’t had a chance to know. I spot Parker sitting with Jake and Tilly on the other side of chairs, but none of them look our way as Harley sits down, and I sit in between him and Elliot. I glance at Elliot, who doesn’t look like he has changed much in the last five years. He still has the same grumpy expression and messy hair.

  "I know you weren't expecting me. I can sit somewhere else," I tell them. I don’t want to mess up the wedding plan. That’s not why I am here.

  "You’re family, so you stay here. Got it?" Elliot growls, glaring at me before smoothing out his expression as Isabelle talks.

  "Who are you?" she asks, looking so much like her mum as she tilts her head to the side to look at me.

  "Your uncle Luke," I answer.

  "Okay," she says, shrugging her little shoulders before looking away. I guess she doesn’t care all that much. I pull at my collar as I feel like everyone is watching me until the music starts to play, and I look over my shoulder to see who is coming in. Hope walks down the middle of the aisle, sprinkling petals as she goes before coming over and sitting on Harley's lap just as Maisy and Allie walk in. They slowly walk down the aisle before standing at the one side, and the music changes. Izzy walks in, and every single person in the room can do nothing but stare at her happiness as she walks to Blake. Blake pulls her into a long kiss until the priest clears his throat, and he lets her go. Her smile is brilliant. She’s happy, and I'm so glad I came today just to see that smile.

  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the joyful union of Blake Frost and Elizabeth King. Over the last year, I have had the pleasure of getting to know these two young people, and I am proud to join them together today," the priest starts off. "Now Blake, will you say your vows."

  "In the name of God, I, Blake Frost, take you, Elizabeth King, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow."

  Izzy repeats the same vows,
and I glance over to see Blake's mum in tears, another woman rubbing her back.

  "The rings please," the priest asks, and Maisy brings over a little pillow, with two gold rings held on top. "While you exchange rings, I believe you both have personal messages to one and another." Izzy picks up her ring first and holds it over the top of Blake's finger as she speaks.

  "Blake...I think I wrote and rewrote my vows to you a million times over until I realised that words could never describe my love for you. I truly believe two souls are created together, destined to meet and fall in love. There is nothing in this world that could ever destroy the bond we have. I love you, Blake. I always will." Izzy's voice cracks as she slides the ring on, and a few sighs fill the room. Blake picks up Izzy's ring and holds it on her finger in the same way before he starts to talk.

  "Elizabeth, until I met you, I never understood what it meant to love someone more than you love yourself. More than you could love anyone. Then you were there, leaning against a window in the middle of a party. You didn't look lost; you looked like home despite everything going on. The moment I saw your determined, beautiful eyes, I fell. It was instant, and since then I have fallen in love with you a little more each day. I cannot wait to spend every day of the rest of my life with you, falling for you more than I thought was possible. You are my soulmate, Izzy, and god do I love you," Blake finishes off his speech, and Izzy is in tears as he slides the ring on her finger. Izzy wraps her arms around his shoulders, kissing him deeply like there isn't anyone else in the room.

  "I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the priest says, laughing a little as Blake and Izzy are in their own world. We all stand up, clapping and cheering as the couple finally notice we are here and laugh. They walk down the aisle, and row by row the people follow until it is our time to go out. I walk behind Elliot, following the crowd down the stairs and to the left and into a big ballroom. I walk into the middle of the room as people look around the circular white tables, searching for their names. I wasn’t invited, so there is no way my name is on any table.

  “Luke?” Emilia says my name like she has just seen a ghost, and she might as well have. I turn, watching her brown eyes widen, and her red lips part. She hasn’t changed one bit in all the years that I’ve only been able to dream of her. Though seeing her again, it’s like someone has slammed a fist straight into my chest. Emilia’s long black hair is silky, draped over her shoulders and flowing down her back in almost an effortless, beautiful way. She has a stunning, tight red dress on that fits her perfectly. She seems frozen in her place, her hands crossed over her chest and the moment our eyes meet, and both of us seem lost. We just stare, almost endlessly until I hear someone scrap a chair across the floor and it snaps me out of it. Emilia is the most dangerous woman in the room right now. I need to stay as far away as possible. No matter what it feels like to be around her again.

  “Emilia, still as beautiful as ever,” I say with a slight smirk, deciding that being charming is the best option to hide my real feelings. She steps back, shaking her head in shock as she isn’t as good at hiding her feelings as me. They are written all over her eyes, and every part of me itches to pull her into my arms. To say sorry for everything. The little boy, Parker, who I saw at my old home earlier, runs up to her, grabbing her hand and she looks down at him.

  “Mummy, can I have some fizzy pop just like Hope has?” Parker asks, and then he sees me, flashing me an annoyed frown. Wait, mum? I stare more at the boy as things start to click into place. I don’t know how old he is, but there is something so familiar about him. He looks like me, that’s why. He has my dark hair, my green eyes and I’m sure I have a photo in my old home of me at Parker’s age, which is very similar to how he looks. I know in my soul who the boy in front of me is, without even needing to see the answer in Emilia’s expression.

  "How old are you Parker?" I ask him, leaning down slightly to his level.

  "Mum?" he asks again after staring at me for a moment and then choosing to ignore me completely.

  "Sure, you can, Hun. Just ask Auntie Tilly, and I’ll be over in a minute," Emilia says, though I can do nothing but stare in pure shock at the little boy as he runs to Tilly and Harley, who are watching us.

  "Before you freak out and tell me I should have told you, remember that you disappeared on me. Stay away from us, Luke. I mean it," Emilia coldly says, walking away from me. I can only watch because I don’t want to push her. Everything here just got a million times more complicated, and before I’ve thought about it, I turn around and walk out of the room. I jog to the front door and through the endless cars until I find mine. I unlock the car and get inside, shutting the door. I slam my hands on the steering wheel again and again until it fucking hurts, and I finally breathe out the pain in my chest. I missed all these years with Emilia, and I could barely accept that. But missing all these years with my son? I can’t accept that. I rest my head on the steering wheel, the cold leather not helping my mind get around the fucking idea that I have a son. Emilia had my baby, and I never knew.

  120 Emilia

  "Where do you think he went?" Tilly asks me as we watch Parker and Hope dancing with Isabelle on the dance floor. They didn't quite understand the idea of Izzy and Blake having the first dance alone, but they are so cute that no one had the heart to tell them any different. We were all in tears when Izzy asked Harley to have the first part of the dance with her, and he actually agreed. We all know Harley isn’t one to have the centre of attention, but he would do anything for his family. It’s one of the reasons I admire the Kings. Their sense of loyalty to their family. Which makes everything I’m doing so much more worse. Secrets will destroy everything when they find out. No matter who my son is, they won’t forgive me. Blake is spinning Izzy around to the music as the children giggle and dance together around them. I look over at Jake who’s on his dad's phone, playing games I presume, because he’s at that pre-teen age and all moody. I don’t think you could pay him to get up there and dance.

  "I told Luke to leave; to leave me and Parker and me alone. I know I shouldn't have but it all freaked me out," I admit to Tilly. Tilly has soon become the best friend I never had, and she is the only person who knows everything. She knows what I do at the Cage. She knows what Arthur pays me to do with the Kings. Though she doesn’t judge me, and I can trust her more than I thought it was possible to trust someone. Meg is my best friend too, but she’s also a little crazy and actually enjoys her work at the Cage. She can’t understand my desire to escape it all.

  "It's a bad situation, but at least he knows now. Whatever Luke has been doing for the last five years can't have been worth missing out on his son," Tilly says, placing her hand on my arm and squeezing once before letting go. “Your reaction was normal. You were in shock.”

  "Parker doesn't know who Luke is, and he loves Eric. He thinks Eric is his dad, and Luke can't just come in here and ruin that," I say my worst fear out loud. I can deal with my broken heart, but not Parker’s. He’s too young to really understand this all.

  "What will Eric say when you tell him Luke is back?" Tilly asks, knowing there is no good answer to all this. I look to the door like I can sense he is here, and Luke walks in, his head held high and his eyes narrowed on me. Luke’s tight suit showcases his muscular form and makes him look ridiculously attractive. Luke was hot five years ago, but this Luke? This Luke is everything. His brown hair is short, soft looking and styled perfectly. Every part of Luke that was attractive before is now more defined. He has aged well. And well is a damn understatement.

  "I don't know...and that scares me," I tell her. Eric is a good man, but I’ve done nothing but lie to him from the moment we took our vows. Our wedding isn’t exactly traditional in any sense. There was one night between us where we had sex, it was a week after our wedding, and since then, Eric has never touched me. He found out about the baby about a week later, and I’m pretty sure he’s pretended ever since. I did try to talk to him about Parker and Luke once
, but he soon walked out of the room. We have separate bedrooms, separate lives that only mix when Parker is around. I don’t mind our life together. We have a lovely home, money, and safety…but sometimes I want more than that. I want to be in love. I know that’s not what is best for Parker though. He loves his dad, and that’s that. Luke can’t destroy my boy’s life.

  "It's going to be okay," Tilly says, squeezing my hand as she senses my rising panic. Allie and Elliot go to the dance floor after Sebastian and Maisy. I watch Elliot spin Allie around, before pulling her close and she happily laughs as he kisses her cheek. Seb and Maisy are pressed close together, completely lost to the world. It’s just them and no one else. Tristan and his new- very pregnant- wife dance together nearby, all of them looking happy and perfect. All their marriages are like that, and it's hard to be around it sometimes.

  "Want to dance?" Harley asks Tilly, who looks at me to check I'm okay and I give her a little nod before she slides her hand into Harleys and walks off with him. I slide my phone out of my bag, seeing no messages. I want to text Meg and tell her what happened, but I remember I promised to call her after the wedding tonight anyways. It might be better to explain all this on the phone. I’m surprised there isn’t even one text from my brothers, which is unusual because they’re working at the Cage tonight and usually get bored. Though I might have a bad signal in this old castle. I look up when I sense someone standing next to me, and see Luke looking down at me. His expression is odd. Luke used to be easy to read, to sense his emotions and now he is like a closed book.


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