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The King Brothers- The Complete Series

Page 80

by G. Bailey

  "Good morning to you too brother," I sarcastically state, stepping into the house and shutting the door behind me.

  "In here!" I hear Sebastian shout and I walk through the kitchen and into the dining room, where all my brothers are waiting for me. Sebastian looks tense, awkwardly so, and Elliot doesn’t seem in a much better mood. Nothing I’m going to say is going to improve the situation. I can’t tell them anything because I know Arthur is following my every move while I’m here. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were microphones fitted in this house. He is a paranoid fucker, which has made my job that much harder over the years. Harley draws my attention to him as he seems lost in thought, no doubt trying to figure things out. If he knew Arthur let me come back here as a gift for my killing rate in Russia the last few months, he wouldn’t be happy. Seeing my brothers is a gift from my boss, a permanent one. I’ve all but managed to convince Arthur that I’m only seeing my brothers again to ruin them for leaving me in prison. I don’t actually feel that way, but it’s one of the million lies I’ve told to survive.

  "Sit down, and start explaining," Harley says, leaning back on his chair and crossing his arms.

  "No," I reply. I’m not here to be bossed around or to explain anything, no matter how much I want to. I want my brothers’ fucking help with the scariest thing I’m ever going to do in my entire life, but I know I can’t ask for it.

  "What the fuck do you mean by no?" Elliot asks, looking like he wants to kill me. I don’t blame him one bit. I’m acting like a cocky asshole and pretending like their feelings aren’t important when they sure as fuck are.

  "I'm back, isn't that enough?" I reply.

  "Enough?" Sebastian growls, slamming his fists on the table as he stands up. "Was it enough that you've worried us all fucking sick for years? First, we thought you were dead, and it destroyed us. You’re our little brother, and we love you, and you just left like we are nothing to you. Could you have not just sent one message to us? Just one message to let us know you were okay?" His words almost make me want to feel guilty but the memories of everything I have done the last few years to keep them safe crosses over my mind. I know I don't care that I worried them. I've kept them safe...they just don't know it and they can't for a long time.

  "I couldn't. I can't tell you where I have been and why I am back. I’ll leave if you can't deal with that,” I say. “I know it doesn’t make any fucking sense, but it is how it’s got to be.”

  "You're not the same Luke I remember. You've grown up a hell of a lot," Elliot points out. “Whatever you’ve been doing has aged you.”

  "I have grown up. Time does that," I reply to Harley, who rubs his face and glances around the room at our other brothers.

  "Are you in trouble?" he asks. “Tell us, and we will fix it.”

  "No," I reply, but it’s a lie, and nothing Harley could do would be able to fix it. My whole world has been in trouble for as long as I can remember but I know this time, it’s worth it. They have their families, and a lovely future ahead of them, and when this is all over, I’ll be able to explain to them where I’ve been all this time. I hate lying to them even more than what’s necessary, but there’s no way Arthur isn't watching and listening to my every move at the moment. Being back here is his final test to see if I’m as loyal as he needs me to be. The Cage is the final part of my journey over the years, and it's all going to end in fire and pain. It just won't be the ending Arthur expects to happen.

  "You're lying, but I'm going to drop it. I want you to stay and be with your family," Harley says, not looking impressed about his conclusion as he gets up off his chair and comes to me. He gives me a manly hug, patting my back before stepping back.

  "I want the truth, but I won't push you away to get it. I will figure it out on my own," Elliot announces, crossing his arms and I take that as a hug in Elliot's own way.

  "Thanks, bro," I say, looking at Seb. "What about you?"

  "Jake misses you. I miss you, even if you are a big fucking idiot for whatever trouble you have no doubt gotten yourself in. As long as you don't disappear, we can work past it," he replies. “I want my brother back.”

  "I'm back. For good," I reply, meaning every word.

  "Where are you staying?" Harley asks, crossing his arms.

  "The Marylin hotel in town," I reply, with a little chuckle as I think of the place. “It’s a cute place, though the old lady that runs it is a little too touchy-feely for my liking. I have to sneak in before she sees me.”

  "Right, I’ll make up your bed, and you should go and get your stuff. No brother of mine is living in a hotel with a creepy old lady," Harley says, and I don’t think I have a choice in the matter by the look on his face. I guess this place is a million times better than the hotel, and Arthur will like me living here, getting close to my family like he has planned.

  "You sure?" I ask.

  "This is your home, so I'm sure," Harley replies. “You don’t ever have to ask to stay here. It doesn’t work like that for us.” I nod at him, knowing he is right.

  "One more question," I say before he can walk away.

  "What about?" he asks.

  "Emilia and Parker," I say, and they all smirk. It’s annoying when your brothers know a hell of a lot more about your girl and kid than you do.

  "Emilia told Tilly, who told everyone that you figured it out at the wedding. Parker is a good kid, and you’re a lucky bastard who never should have left them," Seb states, pressing me but I don’t rise to it. He’s mad at me still and considering he doesn’t know or understand; I don’t blame him. It’s not his forgiveness I want. "What is the question?"

  "I want to be his dad, but I'm clueless how to do that. You guys have kids, so how do you be a dad?" I ask.

  "Ah, you want to know the one fail-safe trick that is the most important thing to any kid?" Harley asks, and I nod. "Being there for them. Always. That's all kids want." Harley pats my shoulder before walking out the room, followed by Elliot, but Seb stays put.

  "This is awkward, isn't it?" I ask after a long moment of us just standing here.

  "Yeah, it is," he says, laughing and rubbing the back of his neck. "How about we get a drink in the basement and catch up? Unless you have somewhere to be that is?"

  "A drink and a catch up sound perfect to me," I say, knowing I want to learn about everything I've missed, and spend time with my brothers. I want to learn everything that photos do little to tell me. "And maybe you could do me a favour while we chat?"

  "What favour?" Seb asks, looking over his shoulder as I follow him. “You are a cheeky bastard asking for one just after you’ve turned up. I thought Elliot was the asshole of the family, but you sure are giving him a fight for his title.”

  "I know I have a lot to make up for and I’m being an ass. I just need someone's number. I'm pretty sure you can guess who." Seb doesn't agree, but he does laugh and pat my shoulder, still having a hostile look in his eyes. I suspect he doesn’t want to get close to me again while he isn’t sure if I’m going to walk away again. I'm glad to be back around my family, even if I have to keep lying to them for now. One day I’ll be able to tell them everything, and I have to hope they don't hate me for the choices I've made.

  123 Emilia

  "Hey, you alright?" Meg asks as I finish plastering my lips with the red lipstick and look up at her. She has a long black coat on, covering her lack of clothing underneath I assume, and her rosy cheeks make me think she just finished a private dance. I don't do private dances, just the public ones because Arthur makes me. It's his way of keeping his pet under control and making sure I don't step out of line. Meg lives and thrives off The Cage and this lifestyle, it is just who she is now. I know she doesn’t have much of a life outside this place, and this is her world.

  "Yep, just wondering what this meeting is about," I say, knowing I've been dreading coming into The Cage for work this weekend. Luke has been texting me all week, but I haven’t been able to answer any of his messages yet. I keep trying to tell P
arker, but the words just don't leave my lips at all. I'm such a coward. Eric hasn't spoken to me since Sunday night after the wedding, and I don't even blame him at this point. He’s pretending like nothing has changed and I wish I could do the same. I think dancing tonight might actually take my mind off everything and be a good distraction.

  "Same. I don't think we've ever had a meeting down here," she says, offering me a black coat similar to hers to hide the lacy corset and stockings I'm wearing. I pull the coat on and do the buttons before following Meg out of the changing room and behind the bar. Meg pours us a glass of wine, and we look at the stage where people are sitting at tables gathered around, waiting for Arthur to come out. Arthur walks out onto the stage a few moments later, dressed in a grey suit that matches his grey hair. He still has that stuck up, better than anyone else expression he always carries as he walks across the stage and stops in the middle. He looks to the side, and I follow his line of sight, nearly dropping my wine glass as Luke walks out onto the stage and stops at Arthur’s side. Luke is dressed pretty casually compared to Arthur, but it's clear they’re comfortable together from how close Luke stands to Arthur. I don't need to see the guilt in his eyes as he meets my gaze and I figure everything out. Arthur got Luke out of prison, and that's where Luke has been all this time- at his side. Doing what though?

  "It's good to be home," Arthur starts off and some of the idiots in the crowd cheer like he is some sort of god, whereas my heart feels like it's stuck in my chest. "I wanted to introduce Luke King to those that do not know him. Luke is going to be running The Cage at my side for the next month before he takes it over. I have some work overseas that needs my attention for the next few years. Luke has been at my side, trained well and knows exactly what is needed to run The Cage."

  "Shit," Meg whispers, glancing at me with wide eyes, but I can't look away from Luke.

  "Next Friday, I'm fighting in The Cage against the undefeated champion," Luke states, and the crowd cheers as my dipshit brother climbs onto one of the tables, beating his hands against his chest.

  "You won't beat me, little boy!" Dale shouts.

  "We will see, won't we?" Luke replies. Such a classy response compared to words that leave my brothers lips as a response. I shake my head at him, wishing that Luke could knock him out now rather than later. My older brother, Dase, pulls him off the table and walks him out of the room as Arthur laughs with Luke. Luke's laugh seems somewhat fake, even if it is confusing to hear. We stay and listen until Arthur says we can leave and I quickly down my wine before going back into the changing rooms with Meg following.

  "So that's where your baby daddy has been all this time? Right up Arthur's ass by the looks of it,” Meg growls out.

  "Seems like it," I say, feeling more confused than angry as I rest against the dressing table and tightly holding the edge with my hands as I stare at the floor, trying to collect my thoughts. Luke and his brothers hate Arthur; everyone knows that. Arthur used them like fighting dogs after their father tried to kill him years ago. They had to work a certain amount of fights before they would be free. It worked, at least for three of the brothers it seems. Luke is still trapped. The door opens again, and Luke walks in, only to be stopped by Meg.

  "What do you want?" Meg growls out like my own personal guard dog. Which in a way she kind of is, and I'm the same with her. It’s what friends do.

  "I want to speak to Emilia," he smoothly replies, not fazed by her at all.

  "Emmy? Want me to kick him in the balls or let him in?" Meg gently asks me.

  "Might as well let him in. It's clear he’s staying," I reply.

  "Hurt her and I will hurt you, got it?" Meg warns, knocking her shoulder into Luke’s as she walks around him and goes out of the room, leaving us in silence, only hearing the music from the other room.

  "So that's where you've been," I say. "At his side."

  "For a reason," Luke says, walking right up to me and not stopping until his legs press into mine and I have to arch my neck to look up at him. "Why have you been ignoring my texts?"

  "I was pretending this all wasn't happening for a tiny bit longer," I admit to him. I should walk out of here, and ignore him, not open up about how I feel like Luke always makes me do. I feel like I couldn’t hide anything from Luke if I tried.

  "Did you tell your husband?" Luke asks as he picks up a strand of my black hair, playing with it as he stares at me. He shouldn't be this close, yet I'm not pushing him away.


  "What did he say?" Luke asks, leaning further into me.

  "That you could see me and Parker. That we could tell him the truth," I say. "But he had one condition."

  "Oh?" Luke mutters, sounding like he couldn’t care less about Eric’s condition.

  "It doesn't matter, because it won’t happen anyway," I reply.

  "What wouldn't happen, Emilia?" he asks, suddenly interested.

  "Me and you,” I reply, a gasp leaving my lips as Luke’s hand slides up my thigh, pausing near my hip.

  "See, that is a problem," he slowly replies.

  "Why?" I ask, knowing I really shouldn’t be asking.

  "Because you are mine," he says, and I shake my head, trying to step away when he places his hands over mine on the table and pushes me into it. Luke leans down, his lips inches from mine, so I have to breathe in the minty smell of his breath, how it mixes in with his aftershave. Overall, he smells like sin.

  "I'm married and not yours," I reply, though my voice comes out in a breathy gasp.

  "You don't love him though. I've done my research, and I know what your marriage really is. Arthur does like to talk," Luke replies. “I’d leave you alone if you were happy. I swear I would, but you’re not happy.”

  "You and Arthur know nothing," I reply.

  "Even if we knew nothing, I know you want me to kiss you right now. You’re wishing I would because then it would stop you feeling guilty for kissing me first," he says.

  "I'm not thinking that," I protest.

  "Yeah, you are," Luke says, and then he kisses me. This kiss is brutal, powerful and full of years of longing that we have both bottled away. I gasp into his mouth as he deepens the kiss, his hands sliding to my waist and tightly squeezing my hips as he leans into me. Luke suddenly pulls away, holding me close as I come back down from the fantastic kiss. I forgot what it was like to kiss Luke King. It was seductive, dangerous and you never want it to stop. I never want to forget again.

  "One thing I know, sweetheart, is how to fight for what is mine," he pauses, moving his lips close to my ear, and lowering his voice.

  "You are mine, Emilia."

  Luke breaks away from me and walks out of the room, leaving me a breathless mess, holding onto the table for dear life. I don't know how long I spend staring at the wall in the room, trying to catch my breath back and erase the feel of Luke's lips against my own. My phone buzzes on the dressing table, snapping me out of the daze enough to pick it up and read the text.

  Luke- Tomorrow, at Harley's with Parker. Come anytime, but we will be telling him the truth. We have a lot to discuss. X

  Me- We’ll be there. X

  I slide into the seat and place my face in my hands, knowing I will have to tell Parker everything tomorrow. At least with Luke there, we can tell him together. I just hope Parker can accept the truth.

  124 Luke

  It didn’t matter if she wore a mask as she danced. It didn’t matter if every man in the room was focused on her body, wishing they knew what it was like to touch her soft skin. To feel her long, silky black hair between their fingers. To see her red lips part as she moaned their name.

  They would never find out what that was like. Just like I would always remember every little inch of Emilia.

  The mask couldn’t hide her from me. Emilia was mine the moment I kissed her all those years ago. I should have never let her go back then.

  Maybe things would be different now if I wasn’t such an idiot as a kid.

  I focused
on her eyes, hidden behind the mask as she stared back at me, never pausing as she sways her hips. I see the moment she dances for me, pretending I’m the only man in this room.

  Emilia is mine, and she knows it.

  “Luke, come here, my son,” Arthur demands from behind me, reminding me why I’m even in The Cage to begin with. I briefly tighten my hand on my glass before downing the rest and turning around. Arthur’s gaze drifts from me to Emilia, before smirking. “She puts on quite the show, doesn’t she?”

  “Yes, she’s something else,” I reply, keeping my expression blank like I’ve spent years doing. Working at his side has taught me how to perfect a blank expression no matter what is happening in front of you.

  “I own her, just like you. Don’t forget it,” he warns, sitting back and stretching his arms across the seats. “Now sit down, we have a lot to discuss.”

  I slide into the seat next to him, keeping my eyes on Emilia the whole time. I hate that she works here and that her husband not only allows it but comes to watch sometimes. That is no way to treat your wife. Sebastian told me their marriage is nothing more than paper and that they keep face because Eric is the mayor.

  "You remember Emilia, don't you?" Arthur asks, and I give him a nod. "Good. Her husband is very important to us. We could not carry on our work without his cooperation. I expect you to find another woman to fuck and not mess up that marriage."

  "Understood," I reply. I'm not stupid enough to explain to Arthur that nothing in the world would keep me away from Emilia after that kiss in the changing room. She tastes and feels like mine. There is nothing like Emilia in this entire world, and I will fight for her. I'm so close to finishing this job and everything I've worked for the last five years. I want a future after this is all over, and no one other than Emilia could ever understand it.

  "Good. Emilia also keeps a close eye on your brothers for me. She is my little, well-paid spy. I don't know how she does it, but they invite her to everything. I find out everything. I trust she will keep her mouth shut about you being here," he says, watching my Emilia dance as I realise he doesn’t know about Parker. I hate that Emilia has been spying on my family, but I hope she has been screening everything she’s told Arthur.


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