The Balkanization of America
Page 10
“Sir, a virus has been installed in all of our networks, the virus was installed behind our firewalls, the worm’s locked us out of our own system, it’s either altering or destroying all of our data, we have no idea what data we can trust.”
“What about our private stealth email accounts?”
“Sir, the virus has taken over those too, every email in DHS is being used to send porn to every address all over the world. We’ve had calls from our counterparts all over the world cutting ties with us. No one is willing to share data with us.”
“Why can’t you clean the virus from our systems?”
“Sir, whoever developed this virus is very good, in fact, world class. This virus isn’t like the other viruses that got into our system we were able to clean those through our back doors. This one has blocked all of our access. Every one of our passwords, even our administrative rights, have been changed. No one can log in, after two attempts the user is locked out, the screen then shows porn. Sir, we’ve had over four thousand written complaints of workplace harassment because of the porn, it’s very graphic.”
“It’s not our fault; we didn’t publish the porn, and they can’t file complaints against the department.”
“Sir, some of the porn have our own people’s faces photoshopped onto the actor’s bodies, it looks like most of the DHS staff are the porn stars.”
“How did our faces end up in porn?”
“The virus got into our HR files. It’s using our own ID pictures. Sir, the virus, is also sending packages charged to our government credit cards.”
“Packages? Where are they being sent to? What’s in the packages?”
“Sir, we don’t know, we can see the shipping labels, we have no idea what’s in the packages.”
“Are our armories safe?”
“To be honest, I have no way to know, we can’t even use our office phones; everything runs through our networks; we have no communications inside or outside our buildings.”
“What can we do?”
“Sir, may I have permission to contact the NSA?”
“Oh my God, NO, we’ll be the laughing stock of the government if they find out. Just find a way to clean our networks, and don’t come back until it’s clean. Find out what’s in the packages the virus is sending and who they’re being sent to.”
Chapter 12
President of the Russian Federation, Puten has a full calendar of meetings scheduled for the day, the first to arrive is the commanding General of the Russian military. “Mr. Premier, we’re ready to cross the border. Many cities in Europe are experiencing civil disobedience, thanks to our agents stirring up issues between the various religious groups, the European’s are all focused internally. We should be able to roll across the border and crush our break away areas and Poland within 30 days of launching the operation's plan America can’t lift a finger to stop us, and they are embroiled in the worst uprisings since their civil war. President Obsma is powerless to do anything; their remaining military is either tied up trying to hold their country together or to get ready to invade their breakaway state Texas. Sir, I have an out of the box suggestion, why don’t we support Texas against America, we can supply them with weapons through either Cuba or Venezuela. This will weaken the Americans even more.”
“General Voldodin, I like your idea of supporting the Texans, keep it a secret, open a dialogue with them. How do you plan to launch an attack against Europe?”
“Mr. President, we plan to launch an EMP attack first. We’ll follow up the EMP with biological agents; the EMP will turn off their electricity; the bio-agents will make at least 75% of the population violently sick for ten days, and they won’t be able to lift a finger to stop us. We’ll announce we’re entering Europe to provide assistance from the terror attack their suffering from.”
“General, won’t they know the EMP attack came from us?”
Laughing, General Voldodin replies, “Mr. President, we’re going to launch the missiles from freighters in the Med. We’re going to use older missiles, most of which we sold to the black asses. We’re going to blame it on the black asses.' This will give us the pretense to move into the Middle East after we’re finished with Europe.”
“General, excellent. Please keep me informed.”
As General Voldodin leaves, the Minister of the Treasury enters the President’s office, “Minister, it’s time to dump our dollars, I’ve spoken with the Chinese, they will start dumping theirs too. Between the two of us, we will destroy the value of the dollar.”
“Have you placed the short orders on the various stock markets?”
“Of course Mr. President, once the dollar takes a permanent dump we’ll earn over four trillion from our short sell orders, all of the profits from our trades will be immediately converted into gold and silver. Within two weeks, we won’t be holding any dollars.”
“Excellent, Obsma will be the President, who oversees the complete collapse of America. The country won’t ever be able to rise again. Her economy will be totally destroyed, to further ensure America will never bother us again once their economy crashes we plan on launching an EMP attack on them. General Voldodin has four high altitude nuclear missiles targeted to explode hundreds of miles over America. The EMP will cover all of America destroying their electrical network; everything electronic will be burned out, given the collapse of the dollar, the civil unrest and the loss of their infrastructure, the end of America is right around the corner. The Chinese and we will be left to control the world. When the time is right, we’ll take care of our little yellow friends.”
“General, the DHS, and the FBI are going crazy looking for you. You can’t go anywhere near DC.”
“I know, I think it’s time for me to disappear, the Admiral is sending a Hornet to take me to DC, I’m going to hide right under their noses. The flight plan is filed as a Navy training flight. When we’re halfway to DC, the plane is going to disappear. We’ll turn off the transponder, cut communications and deploy the ECM pod jamming all of the electronic signals around us. We’ll simply disappear from the air traffic and military radar screens. Everyone will be baffled; most will think the plane crashed; however, there’ll be no debris, there’ll be no hole in the ground. It’ll be a total mystery; it will look like we just disappeared in mid air. We’ll make our way to a small airport in rural Virginia. From there we’ll take charge of the people’s army. Once I’m presumed dead, it’ll be easy to meet with the Speaker and Senate Whip, dead men can move around without anyone noticing. I want a standby message sent to all of our people. Congress is planning on voting on the articles of impeachment within a week when they do; the country is going to explode. We have to be ready deploy before they begin the vote.”
“General, we’ll be ready; we have another issue to keep an eye on, signals have picked up messages from the Russian military. Sir, they’re massed on the border with Eastern Europe, we think they’re going to attack while we’re focused internally. We have less than 3,000 troops left in Europe. The President’s drawdown of our forces and the disbanding of the Marines has left us in a position where we won’t be able to respond if they cross the border. Sir, we’re very concerned the Russians may use weapons of mass destruction against Europe.”
“I think it’s time for us to have a chat with the Air Force, so far they’ve been sitting on the sidelines; we may need their strategic assets. Let’s also get Admiral Zander on the horn; he has control of the missile boats. Maybe his attack subs can screw with the Russian’s schedule.”
“Yes, sir. We’ll get both on the secure line right away.”
“Captain, I think you're right; the Russians are going to do it this time.”
“Sir, without us, stopping them, the European military will be nothing more than a speed bump for Puten’s military.”
“This could get nasty very quickly, much quicker than I’d hoped. I prayed we might be able to bring order back to the country before we had to deal with a major
international crisis. I’m betting the Russians and Chinese are going to cause us economic problems to keep us unbalanced while they split up the world. We really don’t need World War 3 to break out while we’re trying to save America.”
On board, the USS Lincoln, “Admiral the CAG is here to see you.”
“Thank you. CAG, I have a mission for you, I want you to send a couple of F/A 18Gs to jam all of the signals while General Brownstone is flying to meet with Congress.”
“Sir, how much of the spectrum do you want to be jammed?”
“Everything, I don’t want any signals in the air, can you shut down the phones too?”
“Sir, we can shut down everything, and I do mean everything. Not a single cell phone will be able to make a call, everything will be down. Do you want us to follow the General’s plane, jamming everything in his flight path?”
“I’d like to have an area from DC to the south of Richmond shut down. Don’t let anyone see your plane.”
“Admiral, I suggest two planes, we’ll be flying at 45,000 feet, we won’t be visible from the ground, we won’t be using our transponders. Most in the know will realize they’ve been jammed, we’ll catch the blame. Who else would have been able to shut down all of the systems but us?”
“We’ll deny everything; I don’t want anyone to track the Hornet we’re sending to take the General to his meeting. The flight is filed as a training flight; someone might put two and two together, and some hot-shit reporter may say we’re transporting the General. He’s planning on disappearing; I want the Gs to ensure he stays disappeared.
“We’ll make sure no one follows them; sir what if the boys in blue show up with fighters?”
“Jam them, don’t talk to them, keep them off the General’s tail, if the Air Force boys make a move to bring his plane down, you are free to fire on their fighters.”
“CAG, you heard me, if the Air Force makes any hostile move against the General, stop them.”
“Sir, can I have a couple of Hornets configured for anti-air along for the ride?”
“Good idea, take four with you.”
“CAG make sure the General has a safe flight.”
“Yes, sir.”
CAG passes the Admiral’s chief of staff as he’s leaving the flag bridge.
“Commander, come in, we have to put a plan quickly together. It looks likely Russia is getting ready to conquer Europe. I think we need to have a few of our attack boats see if they can disrupt their plans.”
“Sir, how far can they go? Can they attack the Russian forces with Tomahawks? Can they sink Russian transport or troopships? What’s their ROE going to be?”
“Let’s look at the latest images. I’ll issue ROEs to the captains that will be very easy to understand. Let’s see which boats we have available that are in the area.”
“I’ll get you an update in 15 minutes.”
President Obsma announces he’s signed a new executive order, to lower the nation debt and enable the country to provide support for the needy, executive order, 13709 forbids the private ownership of gold and silver coins or bars. All precious metal coins and bars owned by Americans are to be turned over to the Department of the Treasury within two calendar weeks. The Federal Government will pay the amount of $12.00/ounce for silver and $500/ounce for gold. These prices reflect adjusted market prices and may not have any relation to pre-executive order 13709 market prices. Anyone who refuses to turn in their coins and bars will be fined $5,000 per coin or bar. Executive Order 13709 also orders the records of all coin and precious metal dealers and stores to be turned over to the IRS and the DHS.
“Brad, have you seen the latest executive order?”
“You know that man makes me ill, I try not to listen to him.”
“Brad, you better pay attention to this one, the President just outlawed private ownership of gold and silver.”
“He WHAT??”
“He ordered the records of all coin dealers turned over to the IRS; they’ll know everyone who bought coins or bars from agents and dealers. They’ll search our homes if we don’t turn in our silver and gold.”
How can they? There must be billions of coins in the market.”
“He’ll get enough of them; he’ll go after the large inventories in the stores and those whom records show purchased large quantities purchased.”
“Damn, first our guns, now our silver and gold, what next? Our teeth fillings?”
“If they’re gold or silver he might have your teeth pulled to get them.”
Chapter 13
The public reaction to the President’s order making it illegal to own precious metals quickly turns violent. People refuse to turn in their precious metals; coin stores are broken into by mobs who smash display cases so they can grab coins. The FBI and DHS start breaking into coin stores for their customer records. Some coin store owners shred and burn their customer lists, many place powerful magnets on their computer hard drives or drill holes in the drives making them unusable. DHS agents drag many store owners out of their stores taking them directly to jail for destroying evidence. People bury their coins in their yards. While the public is reeling from the order against owning precious metals, the FBI and DHS start demanding banks open their safe-deposit boxes for government inspection. Anytime the agents locate precious metals; they take them, leaving behind a script to be redeemed at a local DHS office. When a person tries to claim their payment from the script, they are arrested for hiding their assets.
This time the media tried to report the truth, many of the elites are hit by the precious metal buyback. Every time the media tries to report the truth, the DHS censors reject the report. Twice reporters are taken off the air in mid-sentence by the censors. One station provides a signer for the deaf, in reality the message sent is a warning to everyone who can understand the hand movements to hide their coins and jewelry.
The Federal Government’s firearm buyback caused an uproar; it was offset by the tax-free payments which helped many put food on their families’ tables. Many hid their firearms selling back old or broken, unusable weapons. When the EBT cards failed the lower income were most affected, with the precious metal thief the middle class and elites are the most impacted. The elites aren’t used to being touched by the government, they are used to being the pampered, they voted for President Obsma. They felt if they supported him he would return the favor and support them. They didn’t realize this man wasn’t a normal politician who could be easily manipulated by donations; he had a master plan to transform America into a socialist state, a state that torn down everything the normal elites lived for. Power and influence changed hands; the President increased government programs to reduce the upper and middle classes, to broaden the lower middle class so that there would be broad income equality.
Instead of trying to raise the lower classes, it was much easier to lower the upper, all the President had to do was increase their taxes, take away their special tax credits and seize their assets. In a single year the numbers of super-rich, the so-called 1% saw their numbers decrease by 40%. President Obsma wanted everyone to be dependent on the government, this way he would have total control over every aspect of everyone’s lives. Obsma is quickly becoming the first American dictator. He thought it would take both his two terms and his wife’s two terms to get close to his goal, he never realized he could win the poker game with a pair of deuces. He bluffed everyone else at the table to fold allowing him to win.
Not everyone folded, the few, the proud, the strong refused to walk away from the table, they knew to walk away, and fold meant America would die and never rise again. They decided to fight back. They refused to lay down and give up their personal freedoms. In secret, small groups of people planned and plotted fighting back. They knew they were out armed; they knew the Federal Government listened to every communication, having electronic eyes and ears everywhere. They met face to face
in secret. They vetted every member to limit the chance of government spies being admitted to their groups.
General Brownstone met with his commanders. Most of the patriot leaders are ex-military; some are current military commanders; some are militia leaders and a couple are everyday people who’ve had enough. The General stands; walking to the front of the room to address the group, “My friends the time has come. Congress is fighting among themselves, they want to pass articles of impeachment; however, they each want to be named the next President, until they can come to an agreement no vote will be taken, every day that passes the President gets bolder, he signs numerous executive orders daily, he rules by degree. My friends if we don’t take action now we’ll lose America, the people, are beaten; they are ready to surrender their last visages of freedom for a daily meal and a roll of toilet paper. If we don’t turn the tide now, we’ll never be able to save our country. The President’s Citizen Defense Forces are growing daily; he’s arming them with military weapons. They are untrained in the arts of war, they only know terror and bullying if we wait too long they will become trained in how to fight a real war. Every day our parts situation gets worse; the factories are shut down; our logistics is becoming a problem. Therefore, I say we strike now. It’s been two months since the “Hands-Around-DC” march. A month since any serious attacks against the DHS, the virus inserted into the DHS network disabled them for weeks; we were able to change names on their most-wanted lists, we were able to divert supplies to our warehouses. We were able to download their plans and insert faulty ones into their system. The virus shipped us many of their weapons and ammo. I suggest the following course of action;