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Snow Covered Moon

Page 4

by L M Adams

  I’ve never had any slaves or servants of my own, being that I’d left before I could acquire any, but the concept isn’t alien. I’d grown up with them; my parents own many, either for punishment or as hired servants. I was always taught to treat our servants and slaves fairly and with dignity if it was possible. I don’t want a slave though. I look towards Jack, no matter how gorgeous they are.

  “Jack, I release…” Before I can finish he stands up looking to me with decades of pain in his eyes, open and clear for me to see.

  “Please don’t, I want to be yours. The Madam will not be happy if you release me; she will make the punishment worse, much, much worse. Don’t throw me away, I can please you. Just give me the chance. No mind tricks, nothing, just me. We both felt the connection. Please Jaevia, please. I haven’t felt like this in such a long time, a very long time.” He stands tall, fist at his sides shaking with my lust.

  I know my power still has his blood on fire, that’s why he’s saying these things. No one volunteers to be a sex slave to a succubus; half succubus or not, it seldom ends well. With continuous exposure to our power, our partners become addicted and when the supply stops they go through withdrawal. Our partners are no better than strung out drug addicts. He doesn’t deserve that life that future… no one does.

  I reach out a hand drawing the power back into myself. I close my eyes over the burning fury of it. I cannot see the magic but I feel it like thick oil detaching itself from his skin and latching back to me flowing back into my Sacral Chakra. The center of my power, the center of who I am.

  No release, just more need to push down and lock behind another wall. But it belongs to me, we are familiar companions, I call to it, come home. I can cause lust in others as well as feed off desire, but the fulfillment, the climax, that’s the best for someone like me. This is not anything I can feed off of, it is only my own power I’ve spent returning to me. It just cancels out the equation. Leaving me wanting things I cannot have.

  When I’ve taken the power all back into myself I open my eyes and look to Jack. “Do you still feel the same?”

  He takes a breath clearing his head; I know he’ll say no. So I’m shocked when instead I see the look of his desire to still be mine cross his face.

  “Yes Jaevia, I still want to be yours.”

  “Why?!” I yell, throwing up a hand frustrated.

  He tilts his head to the side a little. “Because you need me and I need you.”

  “Ok. We can get a room and have sex really quick. No need for you to become my slave, Jack.” Once will be safe enough.

  “Madame wishes it so.” He says.

  “So what!” I shout in frustration. I cannot take on the responsibility of a slave.

  “I wish it so,” he responds.

  “You’re crazy,” I say, blowing out a breath. He smiles.

  “You wish it so.”

  “I do not!”

  “That is a lie; I could feel your desire for me pulsing through my veins. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt. I want to be yours. I want to serve you… let me serve you.”

  He sounds desperate, but he knows what he wants. He wants me. Why would anyone want me? But I can’t deny I want him, some other thing has taken hold of my heart, he wants to be mine, he’s meant to be mine. I just know it.

  “For how long?”

  “That is for you to decide, Mistress. But I pray for a very long time.”

  I run my hand through the back of my hair.

  What the fuck is happening to my life? The Madam will punish him if I turn him down; he wants me, I want him. I’ve been playing with the idea with getting a boyfriend, or lover, or girlfriend, or booty call, I’m not sure what. But here’s Jack seemingly falling in my lap.

  More like the Madam throwing him in my lap. The bitch is determined to get in good with me. But why? What is her endgame? Does it matter? My succubus asks. Not today, I think.

  “Alright, okay.” I sigh.

  “We’ll work it out later, go gather some of your things.”

  I’ll have to find a way to give him his freedom, but this isn’t the time. I don’t want this, I never wanted this. Yes you want this. The little traitorous succubus sings in my veins.

  “Yes Jaevia.” He lets out a breath I didn’t know he was holding, nor did I think he needed being a vampire and all.

  “I should tell you then…” he pauses, closing his eyes and licking his lips sounding a little afraid, “I was told if I could take you as the dominant, I would have my freedom. If I could make you bow to my will, I would be free.” he says, ashamed I think that he’d even tried.

  “Well maybe you should’ve mentioned that sooner. I would’ve fucked you with a little more wooing and a little less vamping.” At that he looks to me in shock.

  “What? I’m horny, you’re cute. It’s not rocket science. But you’re not my mate or my master; you should have never approached me like you were.” I pause again as Jack cocks his head to the side in the most curious of poses, like he’s just found something extremely odd and just as alluring about me.

  “Listen you’ll come home with me tonight we’ll work it out. Please just call me Jae, most people know me by Janice.” I sigh.

  My roommate is going to be pissed when I bring him home to live with us. I hope he can cover a third of the rent. Yup, I’ve moved from thinking of him as a one night stand, to a booty call, to a permanent live-in boyfriend in record time.

  “Twenty minutes front of the building. I still need to speak with Madame, I have a bone to pick with her.” I turn back towards the door that leads into the main part of the club.

  “Yes Jae.” He replies with a quiet but strong voice behind me.

  Go to strip club, check. Get a beer, check. Acquire a vampire slave, check. Oh yeah this was just such a grand idea.

  Chapter Four

  Chocolate, Cinnamon, and Darker Things

  Peter is right where I left him, two vodka shots sitting on the bar. Another vampire-bartender has taken over, but he isn’t as sexy as my Jack. I’m already thinking of him as mine, damn succubus. I walk up and down both shots without a word; they burn deliciously familiar.

  “Damn woman!” Peter yells as he also signals for two more, I add my request for another beer.

  “Must’ve been a hell of a bathroom trip.” He says, not even bothering to hide his laughter. Oh god he thinks I’d gotten a quick fix.

  “I’m as pure as a virgin,” I grumble taking a swig of the ice cold beer.

  There’s not enough liquor to drown my sorrow in. Not sorrow, joy. I’m happy that Jack is mine. It’s my nature. I grew up with slaves. I knew I’d have my own someday. I’m a succubus, it’s our way. But I walked away from that life, didn’t I?

  I pick up the other shot barely waiting for Peter to do the same. We toast, slam the shots on the bar then throw them back.

  “I haven’t seen Johnson,” Peter says scanning the crowd again. “I haven’t seen his girlfriend either.”

  I have more to worry about than some guy acting like an ass in the middle of a vampire clutch because he can’t stomach that his girl works as a stripper or prostitute… I’m still not exactly sure what she does here. But I promised Peter, and a promise is a promise.

  “I know the owner. Let me talk to her and see what I can find out,” I mumble and take a long swallow of my beer.

  “You know the Madame?” Peter asks a little shocked.

  Yeah buddy I’ve got friends in high places, or low places. I guess it depends on your stance about vampires. Coffins and six feet of dirt are not necessary, just safety from the sun.

  “Yes, we’ve bumped into one another before,” I say vaguely.

  “I’ll be back in ten minutes tops.” I pause. “If I’m not, just go home, just leave right away and go home.”

  He laughs, believing I was going to buy a hooker for the night. I grab his arm quick, too quickly.

  “Go home, Robinson. Don’t stay and don’t come back here. It’s not sa
fe for your kind.” My voice has lowered into a hiss.

  I don’t want to think of the things they would do to him here. I hope he thinks ‘his kind’ is what I’m calling him because he’s CNAE. All of a sudden I feel it’s imperative that he leaves. I’m about to tell him to just go now when he stands up in front of me. His body language stiff and on alert.

  “Like shit I’m leaving you here. Ten minutes and then I’m coming and looking for you. And if you say another word, I’m just going to go with you now.” His voice is all CNAE officer now. I know he’ll follow me. He’ll follow me to his own death.

  “All right, ten minutes,” I say in a huff. Can’t save people that don’t want to be saved.

  I turn around and stomp to other side of the club, opposite of the bathrooms, towards the solid wooden door with ‘staff only’ on a golden plaque in blood-red letters.

  There’s a vamp right behind the door; he only nods and points me down the hall. I nod back. I can do the strong silent type too.

  Another long hallway, dimly lit, no paintings line these walls, however. I reach the stairs and begin the climb to the third floor. I’ve been here before, I know where the bitch’s lair is. Not underground like you’d think.

  There isn’t a hallway up here, just a landing and double wooden doors that are currently thrown open wide. I walk into a large room the entire width and length of the club. A mahogany desk is on one side, to the left. A small sitting area in the middle and on the right towards the front of the building, a four poster bed so large I know the sheets have to be specially made.

  The room is gently lit with wall sconces, candles behind gilded glass that flickers and shines; it smells deeply of cinnamon and dark chocolate here, of sex and darker things. The tinge of human blood, copper, is in the air. Someone has just fed.

  She is so damn cocky to have her lair up here, in the open. But what does she have to be afraid of? If anyone gets this far in, her entire clutch is already dead. No easy feat, even for a daemon.

  My life would be easy if the bed was empty. But my life isn’t easy, my life is shit.

  There she is propped up on a mound of silken pillows. Naked in all her glory. Maybe that wouldn’t be so unsettling if it wasn’t for the male head moving gently between her thighs and the young girl sitting beside her looking a little out of it.

  There’s blood seeping a little, from two puncture wounds on the inside of the young girl’s thigh. Someone has just fed. The girl looks so innocent with blonde curls falling gently to her waist. The apex between her silken thighs is shielded with the same soft, blonde curls. Big blue eyes you could drown in, lips so pouty and red, I lick my own wanting to taste her. An urge to protect her and fuck her all at once courses through me. My eyes snap to the Madame. She’s been watching for my reaction. And I have given it to her.

  “Maybe it would have served me better to have a woman serve you your beers tonight, Jaevia.”

  Her voice like sex and death all rolled into one. She says my name with the emphasis on ‘evia’, strumming my already pulled too tight strings. Pureblood vampire plus vampire-succubus mix would equal a damn good time. Only for the low cost of your soul, my succubus warns. Still, I take a step towards her.

  “I know why you are here. I have the young man in question. He was causing a bit of an uproar earlier. It seems he wants something that is no longer his to have.”

  She reaches up a hand rubbing the bottom lip of the girl with the big blue eyes. I wonder how they would taste. I take another step. I should have never drunk down my own lust, or never should have come here in the first place. Both decisions were bad ones.

  I dig my nails into my palm, shifting my look back to the Madame. She closes her eyes as her climax takes her roaring to a sea of pleasure. I reach out for the wall. I refuse to fall to my knees.

  Someone is moaning, a keening aching sound. It’s me. I’m going to lose it any second.

  “Bad form for you to come here unsatisfied and in need. Bad form especially if you truly have no wish to become mine. Why do you play this game, Jaevia? Wouldn’t giving in be so much easier?” she asks, sliding across the bed, done with her explosion of pleasure.

  She stands and reaches for a blood red silk robe that someone hands her. I hadn’t even noticed the others in the room.

  Sloppy Jae, very sloppy. I force a breath, realizing I’ve yet to say a fucking word since I laid eyes on her.

  But ‘please’ is the only thing that I want to say, and I refuse to say that. What am I begging for? Stop, keep going, take me? Why is life so complicated?

  “On your knees darling and I’ll let you have a taste, my Jaevia.”

  Black eyes set back into a beautifully sculpted Asian face. Voluptuous isn’t the word for her. She’s magnificent. Thin waist spread to shapely hips and creamy thighs. Skin so pure I’m sure she must bathe in virgin’s blood to keep it so taut and delicious. I want to fall to my knees to beg her to let me taste her, to bring her to climax, to be her pet, living and breathing only to please her.

  Big Blue Eyes over there is all innocence and untouched fantasy. Madame is- give me your fantasy and I’ll make it real, better, more. But being on my knees isn’t my fantasy, it is hers. I want the bitch to kneel for me.

  More mind games seems to be on the menu for the night. Jack was much easier to fight away, but Madame? Goddess, her power is so thick and pure I question my own desire to fight it. Wouldn’t it be so much easier to let it pull me under, to live and die in its embrace? I can think of much worse ways to go.

  Not like this, we will not be slave again. Never again I agree.

  So I stand a little straighter. I’m drowning in a backlash of my own powers. It feels like a sticky web of lust. My fingertips on the wall can feel every bump and miniscule hole in the drywall. Everything that rubs my body, the wall, my clothes, sends pulses of pleasure to my core. I can’t breathe for the feel of it, there’s only one thing I can think of to shake me out of this.

  Snatching my blade from my thigh sheath and cut my own arm quickly. Pain, wonderful, glorious pain fills me. I can breathe again. I am real again. I can choose. She’s not my Mistress. I am my own woman.

  Not just any woman, I am a Daemon. I gather my power together, what I have left of it, and throw it into her screaming.

  She only laughs drinking it in like an after-school snack. I stand dumfounded looking at her, well I don’t really have a plan B. Shit I didn’t have a plan A.

  The two of us stand, staring into each other’s eyes playing, ‘who’s going to blink first.’

  The man on the bed moves so quickly, grabbing Big Blue Eyes by the hair bending her over the side of the bed. He’s heavy and hard with passion. I watched horrified as Madame pushes my magic into him, goading him as he begins fucking Big Blue Eyes into oblivion.

  If her moans are telling the truth, Big Blue Eyes is enjoying it, very much. I wish I was Big Blue Eyes.

  My eyes close as I feel my body respond with a gushing of wetness. My body wants to, my body needs to. My heart would break if I did. I look again towards the Madame, what’s the point in this? What’s her end game? Just to fuck with me? Okay you win, can we move on? I have a back massager at home waiting for me.

  I hear the movement behind me and turn. Enter stage right, two goons with Johnson held between them. He yells liked a demented banshee, it finally clicks. That’s his girlfriend.

  I turn back to the Madame. She cackles. I groan.

  Chapter Five

  A thin line

  They try to drag Johnson from the room all the while with him yelling for her, telling her he could take care of her. She didn’t have to do this. But when another vamp slides up in front of Christy – I’d found out her name in all the screaming – and she begins to give him the blow job to end all blow jobs. Johnson falls to the floor, shuddering and broken inside. It’s painful to watch. Never fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you.

  I send a little of my own power into Christy just to ma
ke sure she isn’t being manipulated, hypnotized. But it’s just her.

  I also feel her distaste of Johnson, and her desire to be one of the beautiful people. I don’t have to work at reading her heart’s desire; it’s there in the open, on the surface.

  Reading someone’s heart desire is another succubus power. How can we give you your fantasy when we don’t know what it is? Most people won’t ever admit what they truly want. They are bisexual, enjoy kinky sex, to hurt things. But I can tell and I can give it to you and you would be mine, forever more.

  Poor Christy hasn’t quite figured out the vampires are using her, but she will soon enough. If you ask me, the bitch deserves whatever she gets.

  The vampires seem to fuck her harder, both ends, the more Johnson watches. He looks like he is going to be sick. I feel numb to it all. I’ve seen worse, I’ve done worse, I’ve had worse done to me.

  Johnson leaves without persuasion after hearing the moans of the men pumping inside of Christy. I think maybe I feel sympathy for Johnson?

  I feel detached from my emotions. I’ve shut the feeling part of me off. I’ll have a nervous breakdown later. But right now, I need to get myself, Johnson and Peter out of here, in one piece, if at all possible.

  I sit down at the Madame’s desk calmly. To say it’s a little weird to try and have a civilized conversation now, with the three of them still fucking across the room and another man beneath the desk doing, I already know what between the Madame’s thighs, would be the understatement of the motherfucking century.

  Still, I’m out of time. I send a text to Peter to tell him I need another few minutes. But I know he’ll come looking for me any minute now. I sure as shit am not trying to explain what’s going on in this room to him.

  “Madame Valentine. Is the boy to be released?” Ask instead of demand. Yeah that’s a good idea.

  “Of course, we are not in the business of keeping any against their will. Are we, Christy?”

  I close my eyes at the sound of suction being released, wet and dripping. Letting me know she’s stop suckling the vampire cock in front of her. I refuse to turn around, I refuse to turn around.


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