Snow Covered Moon

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Snow Covered Moon Page 10

by L M Adams

  “Mistress, please. I’m sorry. I should have never put the underwear on. I know that now. It won’t happen again.”

  “If I undress offering you my body, then you undress, yes?”

  “Yes Mistress.”

  “You were keeping me from looking at your gorgeous body. Don’t let it happen again.” I turn the blade slicing the band, the briefs fall around his feet. I think he’s learned his lesson.

  “Yes Mistress.”

  “Now let’s talk about you rejecting me.” I drag the flat of the silvered blade across his back slowly burning him with it.

  “I didn’t Mistress. I want you so very badly, please let me show you.”

  “No, you rejected me. Say it.” I hold the blade tightly to the bottom of his spine, the same place, the place that hurts the worst. He screams and begs for me to stop.

  “Please stop!” I press harder.

  I don’t stop until he screams, “I rejected you!”

  “Now beg me to punish you for it.”

  “Please punish me for rejecting you.” His voice is low, and the plea grinds out behind gritted teeth.

  He didn’t per se reject me, but he still forced me to admit something I didn’t want to. So now I will force him to understand what he asks for. In the morning, he will hate me and will go easily when I send him away. I need him to hate me. I need him to hate me and go without a fight, because… well, because. We want to keep him.

  I step back. “I need to feed. I’m about to show you what it is to be with a succubus,” I promise with more pain and a lot of pleasure to come.

  “Yes Mistress.” He licks his lips.

  “I want to watch you please yourself.” I sit on the bed and cross my legs the blade still in my hand. I watch as he begins to stroke his length. The burns already healing, from magic silver no less; he really is powerful. His eyes stare at me swirling with blue metal, flashing with power as his body heals the damage I’ve caused.

  “I’m about to come, Mistress.”

  “You are telling me?! Stop!” He moans as he stills his hand.

  “In what world does a slave tell his Mistress he’s about to come?”

  “Please, it’s been so long, I’m asking.”

  “Why are you standing and not kneeling if you are begging me for something so selfish? You want to come when I have not?”

  “Mistress, you told me not to move.”

  “Then should you be requesting to find release?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  “Very good. Begin again, and if you come without my permission… well you really don’t want to do that.” My voice is harsh.

  He begins again, body shuddering. I open my thighs, reaching down between my legs, and begin stroking myself. I stare into his eyes and let him see the lust and hunger I feel. I’ve gone a year without a man to ease my ache. He closes his eyes.

  “Look at me, Jack.” I order him.

  “I won’t be able to hold it, Mistress.”

  “So, you’re refusing to follow an order?”

  His eyes flash open. I lick my lips and moan, I take the blade and slice my inner thigh, a shallow cut, high near my pussy. He watches my blood trickle from the cut and my hand stroking myself like a man drowning in desire, he comes in hot thick spurts of pleasure. His body shuddering. I open my Chi and drink in his desire for me. Like candy, it tastes sweet as I feed.

  He drops to his knees staring at me in fear of my reckoning. I drink that in as well, fear and desire. It’s a fucking fruit cocktail of power.

  My succubus moans; it’s been so long since we’ve really fed. I can drink pent up desire, but it doesn’t compare to the release of that desire, the fulfillment. But nothing tops a mix of pleasure and pain, to be both the cause of someone’s damnation and salvation. The beautiful dance we call it, the children of Lilith, the succubae, the incubi.

  I look to him with a promise of much pain in my eyes, “Please don’t,” he begs low. “Please don’t punish me, I tried Mistress I swear to the Dark Goddess I tried!”

  I stand up quickly and backhand him, power thrums through my veins. I can move as fast as a pureblood vampire now. Power, oh how I’ve missed it.

  “That is a lie and we both know it. You want me to hurt you. You came without permission because you want more pain!”

  My eyes glow purple as the flood gates of a year’s worth of denied desire opens fully. The smell of citrus fills the room almost drowning us in it. Lust and need. I smack him again. His head whips to the side.

  I force all of that need, all of that desire that I’ve carried in me into him. I watch as his eyes burn pure silver trying to fight it. His body shakes under the horrible burning fury of a succubus’ desires being poured into him. So much so much to give. So much you’ve denied us.

  Too far, you’re going too far, Jae, something inside of me warns. But I can’t walk away now, it’s far too late for that. I scream and push my power into him further. He falls to his side as his body shakes and jerks, his own scream joining my own. His muscles tighten and bunch as his body seizes. I have so much inside of me, so much pain and torture to give, so much to have vengeance for, so much to be angry over.

  Tears fall from my eyes, watching him. I’m ripped apart from the inside knowing finally, we are just like her. I’ve truly gone too far, worse than that, I’m loving the ride to hell.

  I feel a cool wind flow over my skin, lapping at the burning anger and lust I feel. It clears my mind making it so I can think again, feel again, see again past my own desires, my own needs. Oh, goddess above. I cut off the flow of power. I’ve gone too far.

  I look down at Jack’s bloody, sweat slicked body. He struggles back to his knees breathing deeply. I stand there not knowing what to do.

  The lust I’ve poured into him I can see so thick, coating his skin like blackish purple oil. Even being third eye blind I can see it. That’s just how much I’ve poured into him.

  I know his nerve endings are on fire begging for release, dancing with pain.

  He looks up at me finally, eyes filled with the promise of vengeance.

  Oh yes, finally, someone to hurt us back, my succubus whispers with glee.

  For once I agree.

  Chapter Ten

  Tempting a she-devil

  He spits blood onto the floor and stands up quickly, eyes all silver and glowing.

  “Yes, I fucking want you. And you force me to jerk off while you play with yourself and tease me with the sweetness of your blood?! Do you not understand what your kind does to my kind? This power…” He holds up his hand, his skin still bathed in the purple coating of me.

  “It brings out the worst in us. I did not warn you, perhaps that is my fault. I thought I could handle it, I did not know you were so powerful. But we are past that now, Jaevia. We are past me being kind or me being gentle; now I’m going to fuck you. For I have earned the right to mark you as my own.”

  He growls low in his throat and before I can blink he’s pushed me on the bed and surges into me with one fluid movement. I scream from the fullness of him and confusion. Then I have no other thought as he grinds into me.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he orders.

  I do it without thought, my pussy tightens around him, quivering. He strokes me once more and I come apart, screaming.

  His ass tightens and he pushes deeply into me as he comes again, shuddering.

  “I’m not done with you yet.” He promises and so he doesn’t stop or pause. He doesn’t break pace, not until I’ve come apart three more times.

  I can hear the gushing wetness as he sinks into me again and again. He swallows my moans of pleasure. His tongue pushes into my mouth almost choking me, his dick pushing into my core driving me mad. His pelvis rubs my bud of nerves tantalizing, teasing. Unending ripples of pleasure shake through my body as he takes me.

  The unrelenting strength of his arms around me forces me to accept his body and his desires. He breaks the kiss and stills his body. His eyes are
pure molten silver as he stares down at me.

  “I fed very well. I can fuck you all night. You punish me like that again, I will tie you up and fuck you for days on end. I drink your blood you, drink my lust. We can get lost in this beautiful misery, I care not. So mark my words, hurt me, yes. Please more. But drown me in lust and you will pay. It awakens the dark things inside of me, things I do not understand. Things I cannot control.”

  He moves slowly inside of me, I moan over his dark promise.

  “Oh, goddess it’s so good.” He comes again and stills inside of me, heaving. He lies his head on the bed beside me. I rub his back slowly, trying to work out what has happened.

  What happened? I went too far and his survival instincts took over. I was supposed to stick with pain, maybe a little power, a little lust. But when I saw him come without permission; I lost it, I just lost it. This is why I can’t play kinky games. For me it stops being a game somewhere and it becomes very real.

  “I’m sorry Jae, I don’t know what happened. Can you forgive me?” He takes a shuddering breath and pulls out of me, rolling to lay on the bed next to me.

  He’s still hard and ready. He’ll be hard and horny for hours with the amount of lust I poured into him.

  “Of course, it was my fault. I’m sorry, Jack.”

  “No, no it wasn’t; neither of us had any idea what would happen. I should have accepted your will. I can accept so much pain, I thought I’d felt your power earlier at the club, I thought I could handle it. But I needed to push you. So I came without permission; that was wrong of me. I wanted you to hurt me more, I wanted you to flood me. I just never thought…”

  I jump from the bed, power still thrumming through my veins, anger heating my blood as hotly as the passion had.

  “I told you how on edge I was and you purposely pushed me Jack? What were you thinking?!”

  His eyes flash blue; I feel a cool wind blow over my skin. His voice is low and steady.

  “That if I can’t handle you at your worse, I don’t deserve you at your best.”

  He always has a way of making me not feel angry anymore. Of calming me so easily, his words tug at my heart. No one has ever wanted me at my worse. Wanted to be with the evil just as much as the good. Is it possible for evil to love? More importantly, is it possible for evil to find someone to love it?

  “Jack, I’m fucked up… I’m not a good person, I’m not…” I sigh. “I’m not completely sane. You should not have tempted such a thing! I have half a mind to send you back to Madame this very moment.”

  The fucker smiles. “You know damn well you enjoyed it too much to at least not have your fill tonight. So long without a man? You have much more come inside of you. Shall I lick it from your body?”

  He begins stroking himself slowly. My breath hitches as another wave of desire pulses through me. Is the fucker trying to seduce me? His eyes roll up to me.

  “Please, let’s try again. I want to taste your power again; I may never have the chance to be with someone like you again. Let us be who and what we are, at least for tonight. Just not so much Jaevia. Just not so much it tears down my walls. I need my walls as much as you need yours. Can we not at least try to find balance?”

  I feel my will weaken; I should say no, everything good in me is screaming for me to send him away. Have we not done too much already tonight?

  Not nearly enough.

  “Whatever you want Jaevia, I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Do you really mean that Jack?” I tilt my head to the side a little.

  “With all of my heart…. I do.”

  I close my eyes and reach deep into myself.

  “Have you ever heard of seducing the seven before?” I ask, opening my eyes. I know they glow with power and lust and danger. He shakes his head no.

  “I’ll teach you about it tonight then. There are seven Chakras, all controlling a different aspect of your life and body. I have control over my own Chakra. Especially the second Chakra, the Sacral. I also hold the power to control another’s. It is what makes an Incubus or Succubus so rare and powerful. No other creature exists that can control another’s Chakra like one of us can.”

  I push him back on the bed and straddle him.

  “Thank you, Jae, thank you for not giving up on me. I promise to never make you regret it.”

  “You will not be thanking me by the end of this. You want me at my worst? Very well.” I lower myself on him, letting him slide into the wet tightness of my pussy again.

  “The Sacral is the one I control the easiest, it’s how I feed.”

  I bind his own closed with my power; he will feel pleasure and want release but be unable to find it. He hisses through his teeth as the burning sensation of another controlling a Chakra clicks into place. I know, I’ve been on the receiving end of this horrible and yet beautiful power.

  “You will never be able to find release now, not without my permission or me unbinding it. Do you understand?” He nods his head with his eyes closed.

  The first step is done. Now the harder part, seducing and changing the flow of power of every Chakra to be all pleasure, all sensation. I’ve known people to go crazy from finding no release. Humans become thralls. I’d never be able to do this to a human if I didn’t want them to die or become a permanent fixture in my life. But a supernatural has the ability to realign their Chakras with the extra power they take into their Chi. This should be safe enough.

  “Manipura is here,” I cover his stomach with my right hand.

  “She controls the power from your Chi to your major and minor Chakras. The Seven are the main conduits to every function of your body and of your mind. Do you know what happens if I change the current and power to those Chakras so it comes from my Sacral instead of your Manipura?”

  “No, Mistress.”

  “Every part of your being becomes a sexual organ; the nerves on your fingertips become just as sensitive and sends the same pulses of pleasure to your brain as the nerves in your cock do.” I squeeze the muscles deep inside of me around his cock tightly; he moans and clenches his fist.

  I reach out with my power so heavy you can see a single tendril of purple light like a jellyfish tentacle extend from my Sacral, my pelvis, and sink into Jack’s stomach. He screams. I didn’t tell him the first one always burns, deliciously so. I wanted it to be a surprise.

  I start talking when he stops screaming.

  “Manipura, the gatherer of energy. She accepts my energy easily. Power is power.”

  “Oh goddess!”

  “Shhh baby.” I soothe down to him as he tries to breathe evenly.

  “What are you doing?” he moans.

  “It’ll be ok, I promise on my soul it will be ok. Trust me, please. I’ll keep control this time, I promise. I just want to show you what I am, what I really am.”

  He nods his head once, his body begins to relax. I slide a hand between his back and the bed, reaching for the base of his spine. I rub the place of the Seventh Chakra with my fingertips calling the tendril of energy towards it.

  “The Seventh Chakra, Muladhara. Fight or flight, but also governs sexuality. It’s always easy to seduce this one.”

  He screams in pleasure as it answers my call and bursts through the base of his spine. I grab hold of the purple tendril, it pulses with life and energy, it pulses with me.

  “Oh Goddess above, I didn’t think it would feel like this,” he says eyes glowing.

  Lust and passion cover the entire bottom half of his body. He’d find release in eating a potato chip or the rub of the covers on his ass. Which is why the binding of the Sacral is such an important step; without it you can’t torture your victim for any serious amount of time.

  I slap my palm over his heart, the thick purple tendril of power slips through my fingers easily and wraps around from his back sinking into his heart.

  “Anahats, she usually governs love of self and others. Also of passion – all passion for money, or fame, love for everything you’ve eve
r desired.”

  I feel him actually resist this one. But his passion is already mine. It answers the call of my power. He screams bloody murder on that one. His head rises off the bed neck straining.

  “No! Goddess no!”

  He falls back onto the pillow, barely taking in a breath. I think I might choke on the scent of chocolate and cinnamon, it pours from him so thickly in excitement.

  “You said anything. Did you mean it or not?”

  He sniffs and nods. “Yes… yes Mistress,” his eyes shine with lust and hurt and apology. Most of all acceptance. He’s lost his will. I blink looking down at my beautiful Jack.

  Maybe I should stop. No! If he needs us to stop we will. I feel my succubus rolling her eyes at me.

  I’m draining my Chi doing this; forcing lust into someone isn’t exactly easy. Unless I complete the circuit, I won’t be able to feed. I’ll have to pull the energy back from him and it will eat away at me. It would be like gnawing on my own foot because I’m starving.

  He must sense my resistance. He grabs my arm harshly, his eyes so very intense.

  “Please make me hurt. Take it all. I shouldn’t have lost control, I’ll be better Mistress please. I’ll be better. You just have to hurt me, then I can be good.”

  Tears gather in my own eyes watching him beg. I shouldn’t have done this. He’s so fucking twisted. We love the broken twisted things.

  I begin to move my hips sliding up and down on his length slowly. His body wants to come. I feel the push against his Sacral. He can’t, not unless I unbind it. His cock is a nice size; thick and just long enough, no pain like with really big men, a slight curve to rub the G-spot. He was made perfectly for pleasure. I ride him slowly, achingly slowly, moving my hips in circles, up and down. Taking my time enjoying the feeling of him. Letting him learn my body, me learning his.

  I watch my beautiful Jack laying here under me, begging me to let him just once find release. The horrible truth is that we have four more Chakra to go and I plan on dragging it out. The torture of his soul urges me on.


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