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Snow Covered Moon

Page 18

by L M Adams

  “But why the mixes? It seems confusing and lends little benefit.”

  Peter looks confused. I pause again making a muddle of this.

  “We keep order but to do that we need to be connected with all species. It also lends us a certain freedom and power. Tabari is part elf part wolf but he owes no allegiance to either. If the Wolf Mother wanted something of Big Mike, he couldn’t question her directive nor will you be able to. Just like where Jack would have to fight for the Blood King if he ever called his banners. I don’t because I’m only part vampire. I also don’t have an adverse reaction to the sun, I can handle silver better, and I can feed my Chi very well without drinking blood.”

  “All of the benefits of being a vampire, none of the drawbacks,” Peter muses out loud.

  “Not all because there are other vampire skills I haven’t developed. Some powers I’ll never have. Powerful vampires can fly, I can’t and probably will never be able to. I can feed my Chi from sex because I’m part succubus. So I’ve never known what blood lust feels like.”

  “So everyone that’s a mix is a Daemon Kindred?” Peter asks.

  “No. They are daemons as in mixed bloods. But the Kindred is a group, an organization. The Kindred has purebloods within the organization. You can leave the Kindred, I can’t ever stop being daemon.”

  “Although if you do leave the Kindred then you’re declared a rogue, and they send Reapers, like Lucien is, to hunt you. Sometimes they will leave you be if you’re not very powerful and have served them well. If you are a female, they won’t leave you be unless you’ve made your contribution. But it’s not our way to be loners. We are most comfortable with our kin. We are like a well-oiled machine, all of its parts are important. The loss of that connection can be devastating to us.”

  “But you left, what was so bad to make you leave?” Peter asks sadly.

  “Oh, Peter, I can’t tell you that. I just can’t.” I look to him, begging him not to push. He nods his head.

  “But they didn’t declare you rogue even though you hadn’t made… your contribution?”

  I nod my head but say nothing. If he asks I’ll tell him but I really don’t want him to ask.

  “She left without having my child. Our females can only have one child each because we are immortal but owe no allegiance to any god. It is a way to balance our numbers, to insure we do not attempt to conquer the worlds.” Lucien says, walking into the clearing.

  He looks luscious in light blue jeans and a cream polo shirt that does no justice to his eyes. One of his locks in the back has been bleached to match the same sandy color of his eyes. I hadn’t noticed that change last night. I wonder what that’s all about. The man is all control, no room for fashion or personal appearance. I’d lived in his rooms back home for a short time. He didn’t own any more than he absolutely needed.

  Whether he looks good or not, I still feel irritated. I mean, really. Can I not have an hour or two without the man following me about?

  “We can be killed, but it’s not an easy thing to do.”

  I stand up and start making my way back to the Big Bad Wolf. I’m sure Big Mike can answer any more of Peter’s questions. This was supposed to be a conversation for Peter about werewolves. How my fucked-up life became a topic, I have no idea.

  “Jae,” Lucien calls out, heat and anger in his voice.

  “Damn it, Lucien, can’t you give me a little space?!”

  “No! Jack challenged me in front of everyone and then you got angry with me over it. I can’t touch him but you didn’t say anything about me not touching you. A kiss or a punishment: that is your choice and my price.”

  I stop and turn around slowly, “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

  “No, Wench. Your slave challenges me, you pay the price. Choose before I take both.” Goddess above what am I going to do with him.

  “I’m a little old for a spanking, Lucien.”

  “Both, since you didn’t choose. If you submit without a fight, I’ll cut the punishment in half. Resist and it will be much worse for you.”

  “Fuck off, Lucien!”

  I turn and take half a step before my hair is yanked back harshly; like a bee to honey he came. My breath rushes out of me, blood rushing through my veins. Danger and not being sure who is the more dangerous one.

  I turn with his hand still gripping my hair. Maybe he was expecting me to yield, maybe he just doesn’t remember. I know how to hurt people, too.

  I make a fist and aim straight for the corner of his mouth. I fed well last night and his lip actually splits. His hand loosens just enough for me to pull back from his grasp. I spin while unsheathing my knife and take a fight stance. Lucien’s eyes burn with fury. I smell shea butter and honey in the air. But he only smiles, not bothering to wipe his lip where the blood is already beginning to drip. I know I only got that shot in because Lucien lets me in his guard, and only because I am Jae and he is Lucien.

  He nods his head, pulls his shirt over his head, and takes a fighting stance, mirroring my own. I attack first, rushing him with speed as I slice out towards him. I’ve always been just a hair faster than Lucien, at least when I’m well fed; something he’s always hated. In brute strength he has me beat. Even if he couldn’t fill his Chi to the brim while just being in the sun, which he can, the fucker would still be strong.

  He was the top Reaper in my class, then Peterus, and finally me, at number three. He tries to block me, but I’m quick enough to get in a shallow slash across his bicep. If he had his sword, or a gun, or a branch, or any hard object, I’d be beat.

  He grunts and nods like this is a training exercise. I fucking hate him so much. He switches his footing and begins putting pressure on me making me block instead of attack; retreat instead of advance.

  All I need is one opening to change the tide again. The sparring with Peter must have really helped. I easily dodge his fists and legs as he tries to kick me.

  You can’t stop Lucien power but you can re-aim it. I find myself dodging and redirecting his fists and legs. He kicks out again and instead of brushing the attack away from my body, I grab his ankle and yank. He stumbles just a little, but it’s enough. I turn and backhand him across the mouth. His already bleeding lip gushes with fresher blood.

  I slice him deeply across the chest as a follow up. He yanks my arm, trying to trap me, but I turn and fall backwards out of his grasp. I gain my feet easily again. I attack right away again, not giving him time to re-center himself. He keeps up, but I see the effort trying to match my speed. I jump up in the air to kick him dead in his face. I kick out but my foot doesn’t make contact; he’s not there. When I land I see him and before I can react, he backhands me. My entire body turns as pain blossoms through my face and skull. I keep my feet, but just barely, the entire world seems off its axis. I spit the taste of blood from my mouth; it has been awhile since I’ve tasted my own blood.

  “Enough, Jaevia.” He orders as I tense to attack again.

  “Never, Beast.” I burn with fury, I need more.

  “You are only making this worse on yourself. Yield! I do not want to hurt you so badly in public.”

  “Fuck off, Lucien.” My voice drips with bloodlust. I want more.

  He stomps forward. I slash out with my blade. He just lets me cut him, I know the silver burns, I know the blade stings. But he doesn’t even make a sound as he grabs my right wrist. The hand with the blade in it, twisting my arm behind my back. He yanks my arm up harshly until my shoulder blade aches. I scream a little.

  “Drop it.” He yanks my shoulder up harder.

  My breasts are pushed out towards him, he reaches beneath my shirt and bra fingering the tight bud of my nipple easily. I hate that I moan when he pinches. I loathe myself for not fighting back, we want this.

  Shut up! I scream in my head to my succubus.

  “Yield,” he growls.


  “You will before we leave these woods; enough, Jae. Fine, you want the vampire but I wo
n’t have my position in your life challenged. I tried to be nice and do things Tabari’s way. But you don’t want nice from me, do you Jae? You like for it to hurt. You always have.”

  I do want it to hurt Lucien, oh yes. I like when you hurt me. I close my eyes.

  “Please,” I whisper so slightly on the wind.

  “Who can hurt you like I can?”

  “No one.”

  “Look at you, Wench; you’re wet aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Lucien.” I rub against his hard length like a bitch in heat drowning in his smell and the pain.

  “Ready to be fucked.” He kisses my neck, biting the skin, bruising it between his teeth.

  “Yes, Lucien.”

  He lifts his head from my neck. “Drop the knife and I might let you come, Wench.”

  I drop the knife looking up to him.

  “Good girl, but first pain. If you’re good and don’t pull away, I might even fuck you a little. Wouldn’t you like that?”

  “Please, Lucien,” I beg in need. Goddess above, I hate his guts; to desire and hate someone all at once.

  Love and hate has always been two sides of the same coin.

  “No succubus, no feeding.”

  “Yes, Lucien.”

  He turns me so my ass is against him and pushes me up against a large tree. He reaches down unbuttoning my pants with one hand; I grip the tree wanting to touch him so badly.

  “I should get a branch and beat your ass until it’s so bloody, you won’t be able to sit for the rest of the day.”

  “Please don’t. I’ll be good.”

  “You don’t know how. But I will teach you.”

  Then his hand is parting the slick wetness of my lips stroking me into a frenzy. Again and again I go to the edge. Yet denied. It’s always the same game with him. Not until I say the words, his words; not until he gives me permission to say the words, not until he asks for them. I tense to beg for him to let me say his words.

  “Don’t even ask Jae; don’t even fucking ask. Or I’ll do much worse.”

  “Yes, Lucien,” I cry as he teases me and denies me until my knees can no longer hold me and I begin to fall. He holds me up and tortures me more. My succubus moans and is wild in my blood, burning me with my own lust. There’s no escape, nowhere to push it, no wall to stuff it behind. It’s burning and angry inside of me. He calls so much forward with so little I’ll never understand how. He doesn’t let up until I’m drowning in my own power and the scent of citrus.

  “I’m going to come in your mouth, do you understand?”

  “Yes, Lucien.”

  “You gave something to the vampire that belongs to me. Only me!”

  “Please Lucien, stop.” It starts to burn just on this edge of pain, every cell in my body calling out to be soothed.

  “I won’t be treated like shit on your whim. I am not a man to be taunted or to tolerate such things. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, Lucien.”

  He lets go of my arm and takes away his hand, turning me to face him again. My eyes are foggy with desire. Everything shadowed in purple as my eyes burn from the lust and power he called forward in my body. His face is a mask of anger, no passion there. I know he wants me, doesn’t he?

  “Begging me to stop will only make it worse. Arms behind your back.”

  He takes his belt off and lashes my arms behind my back at the wrist tightly. He lifts me and sits us down so his back is against the tree.

  He takes his time lifting my shirt and bra, freeing my breast. I moan, oh goddess, please make him fuck me. Make him take away the choice. Make me submit, make me love you again.

  His mouth closes over the tip of my left breast. I feel his teeth and then I realize, this is not for pleasure. He bites down, I scream, he reaches up pinching the other nipple. I scream for him more, and so his attention goes back and forth with me bucking and thrashing and grinding myself on him.

  I’d like this if he’d fuck me at the same time, but the denial of pleasure with the pain makes the pain even worse.

  “Please, Luey, stop. I’m sorry.”

  He bites down harder drawing blood, I’m sure. You were warned.

  No begging, just accept it, and so I do. I let my mind go, that infinite control go, and let myself drop to that place. Warm and inviting and ride the waves of pain laced with shocks of pleasure. I ride it and accept it and the punishment and let him do as he will.

  I yield, don’t we always. Not without a fight.

  Tears run from my eyes as he rips down a brick from the wall I built against him. Do I not deserve this? Could I have not treated him better? Could I have not treated Peter better? I could have. I didn’t and this is my punishment for being a bitch. I moan and whimper but don’t beg for him to stop, trusting him to know when I’ve fulfilled my debt to him.

  He lets my breasts go.

  “Good girl, such a good girl,” he pulls me to him and he holds me as I cry.

  My breasts ache where they rub against him. I cry as he holds me close. I don’t know why I’m crying, only that I do. He rubs my back gently, waiting for me to settle. I appreciate the time but I hate that I accept his compassion so readily.

  “Now, on your knees,” he gently orders.

  I move off his lap, he stands up, loosening his hard cock from his pants; it’s huge. It wasn’t made for pleasure, only pain and if you are lucky and enjoy pain then maybe you can find pleasure in such a thing. I’m a woman who likes pain… very much.

  I can only fit so much into my mouth, not nearly close enough to being able to take him all in. I’d usually stroke him with my hand while I sucked him. But he hasn’t let my arms go and as he rams my mouth and throat, I realize this is just another punishment, another way to shame me. This isn’t about me, it’s about him.

  He takes his time enjoying my submission, me on my knees as he fucks my mouth. Fucking is the only time I ever submit to him.

  He strokes my mouth and lips slowly as he holds my head steady. I have no control over how deep he will go. He stuffs himself down my throat until I can’t breathe. My jaw aches and burns with pain. From being backhanded and now fucked in the mouth. But I am a succubus; I squeeze and release the tip of his dick with my throat quickly and strongly. I try to swallow him down, spittle runs from the corners of my mouth as he uses me.

  “Fuck, Jae.” He whispers pulling back enough to come on my tongue.

  He grunts and pulls further out, tapping the tip of himself on my lips. I look up to him, tears in my eyes, mouth and lips covered in his pleasure. He takes his thumb and rubs my bottom lip.

  I suck that as well, desire filling my eyes, begging him to treat me like a slut. Take all that I have to offer, every bit of it.

  He kneels down in front of me and reaches down my pants rubbing my clit strong and fast. He works my tender breasts over and over. Goddess, I want him to fuck me. I whimper from the feel of his fingers pressing and rubbing perfectly. Before long I’m on the edge again, the edge of the beautiful abyss.

  “Please, Luey.”

  “No.” He removes his hand and reaches around me unleashing my arms leaving me in need.

  “No, finish yourself off.” I dig my hand down between my thighs and bring myself quickly to one long shuddering release that leaves me completely empty.

  “Now get cleaned up.” Another lesson in humility and submission. I bend onto my hands and knees as desire and death course through me. I want to kill him and fuck him all at once. I try to even my breathing.

  “It’s over now.” He says gently, like all should be forgiven and forgotten now that he’s had his way.

  “I hate you.” I whisper close to tears.

  “You always have. But you will always be mine, nonetheless.”

  He reaches down, pulling me to my feet and taking me into his arms. I hate that I gravitate to his comfort. Hadn’t he been the one to hurt me?

  “Then I’ll hate you forever,” I mumble softly.

er is a long time, Jae.”

  I hate that his voice is low and soothing, cooling my raw feelings.

  “You didn’t have to do that, Lucien. I was going to talk to Jack about trying to get along with you later.”

  “I still had to do it. I got on my knees, begging you for your forgiveness last night and you sent me away, calling for your slave. When you promised me, Jaevia, no more men. You can have every woman in the world, but no other man is to have you. If it happens again, they die. It’s as simple as that. I will always be a jealous bastard.”

  “You are such a fucking asshole! I don’t belong...”

  “I will take you away and lock you up until the end of time if you finish that sentence.” His voice is low with promise and seriousness.

  Oh yes, I know you’d love the excuse, you fucking beast of a man. There’s so much heat pouring from him the leaves around us begin to dry and shrivel. I close my mouth, he grunts.

  “Why are you willing to let Jack be then?” I pull down my bra and shirt and hiss as my nipples ache against the cotton of my bra.

  “Because you care for him. It is not about sex with him. It is something more. Something I do not understand. I saw the power trail between you when I first came into your room last night. The connection was strong.”

  “I was very pleased to find out you had not taken him as your husband. I still would like to make my case for that position in your life. But if he helps you make peace with…” he pauses, I’m sure not wanting to bring up the past nor the reason I need to find peace. “… with the things that have happened. Then I can put up with him. I would lose you completely if I do not accept him, I know that. So I will do what needs to be done. I just won’t be disrespected by him. It is punishment enough that you’ve taken him to your bed. Do not push me any further, Jaevia Knightley. I will not bend to you again.”


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